Friday, July 24, 2009

Fashion Friday: Ladybug, Ladybug

Today I am modeling another bug hat. This one is a ladybug! I do not think many cats can model this hat because it is a little bit small, even on me. And I got a real small head. It might be a good hat for a kitten.
Here is my glamour shot.
And this is my favorite photo, because it is in natural light. See how my whiskers are all wacky? You can biggify to see my curly whiskers even better! Sorry the chin strap ruins the illusion that I am a REAL ladybug.


72 Notes for Daisy:

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you are an adorable lady bug!

Your whiskers are a bit like Whitey's - all unruly and magnificent!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Your so cute as a lady bug!

Those are all nice photos... I especially like that last photo... the one that shows how curly the furs on your tail are!

Forever Foster said...

We love your whiskers, Daisy. They are like no other kitties!:)

Sasha said...

It looks like a snail hat. I hope it is not slimy.

Teddy Westlife said...

You could have your mum doctor the photo to remove the chinstrap, then everyone would think you are a real ladybug.

Huffle Mawson

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful hat Daisy! And we loves your curly whiskers, they're so wacky!

Milo and Alfie said...

Hi Daisy, the glamour shots are great! Would you consider doing a swim suit centre fold? Just asking, that's all.

Milo xx

Hi Daisy and Harley!

Alfie xx

Unknown said...

Daisy you look lovely in your little lady bug hat. I am guessing Harley passed on trying it on?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You make a lovely ladybug Daisy. We love your cute curly whiskers.

Parker said...

Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home.
Your house is on fire;
Your children all roam.
Except little Nan
Who sits in her pan
Weaving her laces as fast as she can.

Remember that one?

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Love those whacky whiskers!

The Whiskeratti said...

Daisy, we luff your hat. Ladybugs are really nice.

The Monkeys said...

Daisy, you always amaze us with your cuteness!

Love the whiskers!

Evy said...

You look like a ladybug!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, you are so adorable! You can wear anything and look so fantastic!

We love your whiskers!!!

Poppy Q said...

Aww sweetie, you are a cute little bug a lug. We would love to find yo in our garden.

Have a nice weekend Miss D and family.

The Island Cats said...

Do lady bugs have wacky whiskers, Daisy???

RJ Flamingo said...

Cute as a bug! Your furs seem even curlier and softer than usual, today, Daisy - must be the humidity we've been having, lately!

A.Marie said...

PurrrrrYowwwwwEeeeee!! You look beeutiful in your hat, Daisy. I am sitting right in front of the computer screen and just gazing at your picture.

Love, your biggest Fan,
Cody The Gray Cat

Oh pooh...My mom is making me get down. She says I am getting hair all over the screen! :)

Anonymous said...

Daisy, we ♥ you as a ladybug. Our momma has a favorite bug and it is da ladybug! You made momma smile lots and lots this morning.

The Florida Furkids said...

Your lady bug hat is adorable! At first we thought you were a real ladybug! We love your whiskers!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Jackie said...

Daisy, Daisy...i have missed you very much!! You are still just as fabulous as ever!!

I love your new hat! you look simply mahhhhvelous dahhhling as a ladybug!

Love those whiskers too! happy weekend Daisy!:-)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wow daisy, i thought you were a real ladybug for a while there! you had me fooled. you look adorable!

smiles, auntie bee

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo look furry khute!

So, did woo sleep on your whiskers wrong?


Anonymous said...

You are the cutest lady bug we have every seen Daisy!

Dma said...

this might be an historical post. i don't believe the sentence "It might be a good hat for a kitten" has ever been used before by anybody.

Cory said...

Cute as a bug! Your whiskers are so much fun, we just love them! All of ours are boring and straight!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We think you are as cute as a bug. ~S,S,C & F

VetTech said...

If you ever decide to sell a Daisy and Harley are going to make a mint. I for one would preorder it right now!

Liss said...

You are a cute ladybug!

Puglette said...

you are a very sweet lady bug. i really like the natural light photo, your curly furs show really well, you look kind of rumpled.

The Creek Cats said...

You sure make a kyoot ladybug, Daisy!!

Sandy Kessler said...

ladybugs are quite lucky

The Oceanside Animals said...

Real ladybugs don't have chin straps? Then how do they keep from blowing away in the wind?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are so cute in that hat Daisy!

Reese =^..^= said...

Daisy, your ladybug hat looks a million times better on you than mine looks on me. I let Stunt Double wear mine. I like to get Stunt Double down by the neck and chew on that little elastic tie. Stunt Double wears the ladybug hat all the time.

Lori Heyd said...

Oh my gosh, Daisy can you come and try hats on with us (Briggs and Sydney) lets set up a play date!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Very cute hat, Daisy! We are particularly fond of ladybugs.

brokenteepee said...

Daisy, all of your shots are glamour shots!

You are an perfectly lovely ladybug!

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

you make a real cute ladybug.
i am sooooooooo excited about my lizard costume. thanks so much. i hope it smells like you! :)

Anonymous said...

My you are curly all over, aren't you, you pretty thing!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are the curliest lady bug I know.

gemmak said...

Oh Daisy....if you hadn't said anything I never would have known you wern't a real ladybug!

The Furry Kids said...

You are a very cute ladybug, Daisy!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You look very cute in your ladybug hat Daisy!

Your Daily Cute said...

I love the last picture with your curly whiskers! You know, some human pay A LOT of money to get beautiful curls like that... :)

BeadedTail said...

You are one adorable and curly ladybug! Your whiskers are so unique and wonderful!

Donna said...

Wow! Do ladybugz fly? Then u could fly around! :)

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
yer a grate lookin ladybug!

Black Cat said...

I love your ladybug look and your curly whiskers!

I also love Harley "floating", specially the pic where he's looking at his own underside!

And your Mommie's meme is great. What a cute kid she was! :) xxx

Scrooge said...

That would be a good hat for He and She's business - but they doesn't have anyone to wear it cuz I is WAY bigger than you are so it wouldn't fits me even if I would wears it.

And I wouldn't.

You look very charming in it though.

missbreezysbox said...

You can't fool me, you are Daisy the cat, no ladybug. I have to be honest, you look ridiculous. LOL.

Ann said...

Daisy, you make a very adorable lady buy

Freya's Staff said...

Don't move Daisy, but I think theres a bug on your head... keep still, and I'll swat it for you!

In England, we call them Ladybirds!

Nina Torbie said...

Oh you make a lovely Lady Bug, Daisy! I think I wouldn't like wearing a hat... I'd back away from it until it let go. I'm good at backing. Did you see that Zoolatry is all hats today? They even have Victor modeling a funny hat!
PS Any tips on curling my whiskers? I can't do anything with them!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Daisy you make such a cute ladybug! I love your whiskers too - I never noticed they were curly like that before! I actually like the first picture the best because you are smiling the biggest in it.

Asta said...

I always liked ladybugs, but none have been as cute as you!
Youw cuwly whiskews awe so vewy special.
I love you
smoochie kisses

Snowy and Crystal said...

awwwh Daisy, you are so good at modeling :) just look at those poses that you gave for the camera. Way to go girl ;)

oh and we love those whiskers of yours

Maltese Paws

Shaggy and Scout said...

Thats a vary nice hat Daisy. Ladybugs are our moms favorite bug! She has lots of stuff with ladybugs on it, but not a hat!

Spencer said...

Hay wow Daisy came to see me! Hi Daisy! I think yur hat wood fit me cuz I do haff a little head. But I do not know I wood like it. I'm so happy to be heer. I furgot to write on my blog that I purred for two days strate when I got heer!

Anonymous said...

lol... OH MY GOSH! How fabulous!

Nofuratu said...

Daisy, you are very talented when it comes to hat modelling! It is like you became the ladybug when you put the hat on. That is quite the skill! Also I think you look like the Mona Lisa when you smile that way. Its a subtle smile.

Chrissie said...

I LOVE your wacky whiskers, Miss Daisy! I think your Ladybug Hat will soon attract other Ladybugs-did you know there is such a bug as a "gentleman bug"?

Lorenza said...

Happy Fashion Friday!
You look great!
Kisses and hugs

Jans Funny Farm said...

You do have curly whiskers, Daisy. How cute.

HY said...

nice bug cap!! you have many clothes. i have dharma doll sweat shirt for niw year!! i'll show you someday!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Yoo are as kyoot as a bug, Daisy!!!!

C. JoyBell C. said...

Ssssooooooo cute!!!! I loooove Daisy!!! :))) And she really IS curly! Look at that! Let her curls grow out!!!! I love them!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're no lady bug, Daisy, but you make a fine lady cat!

Anonymous said...

Our Mom went "yikes" when she saw that ladybug on your head, Daisy! She's been bitten twice by those meanies! Be careful!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy, you are adorable in your ladybug hat! Our Mom likes ladybugs, and we have lots of ladybug decorations at our house, and lots of ladybug Christmas ornaments.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

P.S. Daddy calls Mommy "Ladybug". (Ewww.) And when she drives fast, he calls her "Ladybug Leadfoot".

Maureen said...

Awwwww... how cute Daisy!

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