The Photo Hunters theme this week is: Utensils. I do not know how to eat with a knife and fork, or even a spoon. But I do know how to bake cookies with my fancy cooking utensils. I have a spatula, a cookie cutter and a cookie sheet!

Harley likes to paint with his paint pen. This could be called a writing utensil. Right?

The utensil I prefer to use is a pen.

Photo Hunters: Utensils
54 Notes for Daisy:
Hi Daisy and Harley, we think we may be first to comment today ~ so it's true that the early bird catches the worm! Or the early cats catch the first comment!
We like the pics.
Your baking set is fabulous, Daisy! And Harley, you're a true artist :)
Such talented cats, art, literature, food and with such wonderful fashion sense! Happy weekend
what a cute entry. the cats are truly talented in every way. happy PH!
You bake cookies!? I want to try one! Please! :)
Miss D, you could write a book!!
We would buy it! Maybe Miss Daisys guide to a good cat life.
Dearest Miss Daisy,
You are the smartest kitty I have ever meeted in my whole dang life!
Very truly yours,
Thelma Louise
Do you bake nip cookies? We would like to try them.
Daisy, what kind of cookies can you bake?
The utensil we will be using today is a paint roller and paint brush! And you know how Grayson loves to help paint!
Are you going to go into the baking business, Daisy?
you use your utensils well I see.Sandy
Both of you are so very accomplished!
Oh oh! We want some cookies, too, please.
Mmmmm cookies! You and Harley are both so talented!
Your skills seem endless Harley and Daisy! Very impressive talents! And you certainly have a range of utensils to use!
Happy Saturday
Have fun with your utensils.
I love cookies!
purrrrs to both of you cutiepuffs
Ooooh what do you bake Daisy?
Huffle Mawson
You do such good work Daisy!!! Now, go out and sell some of your artwork...and be right up there in the prestigious category of animal the elephants on NAT GEO
My photos are posted. See if you can find the 'eight' implements I used. If you can find time sometime today to stop by....
Happy Saturday.
You are very talented Daisy! I never use utensils. I find it best when eating just to stick my whole face in the dish.
We didn't know you could bake too, along with your many other talents!
~ Anna Sue
Yum...are you baking nip cookies?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Nice job with the utensil theme. I bet your cookies taste great, Daisy.
Daisy, we bet your cookies taste great!!
I doesn't have any baking sets. Or any pens neither.
But we finded some of my lost toys when they were making messes and noise in the food room.
Very nicely done! Artwork and penmanship! (Penwomanship????)
Love, uSSSSS
I don't use utensils either. My hooman friends do, tho. D.R. likes to eet chikin sometimes, an when she does, she puts a little bit on a fork and goes twiiiing with the fork. The food magically flies throo the air. Then I eats it! :)
those look like pretty good cookies daisy!
smiles, auntie bee
I would love some Daisy cookies. You could bake them for the publicist's birthday today!
Wow, yoo can bake cookies? MMMMMMM...
Utensils are for human beans. We cats don't need tools except for the ones nature gave us. Well, maybe opposable thumbs would be nice sometimes...
Harley looks very handy with his paint pen! And we love your baking set. We're like you though, we love pens!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
How wonderful! I love to bake too :)
You have a lot of utensils to choose from Daisy. You are very smart.
Hi Daisy!! I see that Harley is an expressionist, while you are more of a minimalist in your artistic endeavors. The unadorned canvas allows the viewer to engage with their own artistic process, is that what you are aiming for? You are quite a sophisti-cat, my dear.
Who needs utensils when you have whiskers and claws?
A very clever use of the theme!
Daisy is so multi-talented, she can bake and write (and model, too)! Harley just looks like he's having a snack (LOL)!
You two are pretty good using utensils!
Kisses and hugs
Good paw-work!
I'm khwite good at eating off a spoon and/or fork but Mom holds them fur me!
The mom will not let us use a pen or paint she says it is messy. Yoo bof sure are great at drawing!
Cookies and art, a fine use of utensils you super two! Alfie and Simba both make biscuits and bread but the only utensils they use are their little pointy claws, usually on my bare legs, ouch! :) xxx
LOL two are too cute for words. you crack us up and make us smile ... big time
^_^ thanks for that
Maltese paws
I didn't know you could BAKE! They're catnip cookies, right? And you are both so talented with your drawing. I never would have thought of pens as utensils but they are!
Very talented you are too. Love the take on utensils...
Hugs GJ xx
Well aren't you "handy"
Daisy, maybe you could make some cupcakes and invite us over for a wee soiree! And Harley could play Spirograph with everybody!
Mmm, your cookies look very yummy, Daisy. We never knew that you were a baker!
Harley, what master piece are you going to draw today?
Nermal, Nico, Virgil, Westley, Mags, and Angel
Very good examples of utensils
You bake cookies, Daisy! We are very impressed indeed. Bet your cookies are very tasty too.
And Harley is also talented. We are not very good artists, we like to bat the pens around too much.
Those are some great examples. You two are very creative:)
You both are so talented. You should be very proud of your accomplishments!
I bet you make great cookies, Daisy! I baked Pimp and Moo homemade TUNA treats once. They were stinky, but they loved them!
I think you need to auction your artwork!!!!
Those are great pictures of you ahd Harley! Do you make nip cookies with your baking utensils?
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