My very good friend
Jeter Harris is visiting me today! Jeter, I hope you do not mind if I smell your butt for a few seconds. Why don't you answer me? I guess that means you do not mind. Hey, I have an idea! Do you want to try on a real cute outfit? No answer is the same as YES! This will be loads of fun.

I think you would look real good in my red cowboy hat. Let me see... yes, it's a good style and color for you. But I think it still needs another accessory. What do you think, Jeter? Jeter?

Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Jeter, you look awesome. Let's have some more fun!

I am going to introduce you to Harley now. Even though Harley acts bad sometimes, I told him to be on his best behavior today. You boys shake hands now!
Okay, Jeter, do you want to play with some toys? Here is a fun pink toy! I'll let you play first, okay? What are you waiting for?

Well, that was a very exciting and exhausting day. Jeter, I think you might enjoy relaxing in my Hepper Pod for a little while. Thanks for having fun with me today!

Um, is there any reason why you aren't speaking to me? Just tired I guess. G'night, Jeter.

Fun with Flat Jeter
80 Notes for Daisy:
Wow Jeter is an international travelling superstar kitty! I wonder why he wouldn't speak to you though...
Huffle Mawson
Shoot, I was hopin' yoo'd be abul to tell us if Jeter talks with a Noo Yawk aksent. I gess yoo'll have to wate till tomorrow. BTW, I think the pink satin robe wood look good on Jete. And maybe the perls, too. AND A PINK BOSOX CAP!!!!!
I'm laffin an laffin!
You are a very good hostess, Daisy! You entertained your guest very well. I loved the outfit you chose for him. He looks like a little guy compared to Harley!
Jeter is a very good friend~!
How nice he could visit you and Harley!!
That is wonderful!
How sweet that Jeter came to play with you today Miss Daisy! You certainly are the little hostess :)
I am sure he is not talking because he is building up his kissies for you.
Daisy...maybe Jeter is hungry for a New York Hotdog or he might like to play with a Florida leezerd...just thinkin
How fun to have a guest Daisy! Even though he was a little quiet and reserved. You're so gracious, I'm sure he had a wonderful time.
Jeter is not quite as spunky as you two hahaha
How exciting that Jeter came to visit you. He must have been so overwhelmed by your beauty that he couldn't speak or move. Maybe the cat got his tongue haha!
Flat Jeter seems to enjoy modeling, Daisy! I wonder how he'd look in your Coconut Bra? hahahaha!
Skeezix, that Boston Red Sox cap might be a little bit wicked, in a mischievous sort of way! We can loan him one of our Grampy's. He has a bunch!
Oh, I want flat Jeter to come and visit me!!!
Heehehehehe! Jeter's so quiet! He's good to haf around when yoo want to just play an not listen to all dat yappin. Did him's butt smell good?
You were a great host for Jeter. We are sure he will have many good memories of his trip :)
Jeter looks great - even when he's flat!
I'm glad you had a friend over for a playdate, Daisy. Looks like y'all had lots of fun.
Jeter was having so much fun that he forgot to talk! We will have to come and visit you sometime!
Daisy, you are a wonderful hostess!
That Pod looks like a great place to nap!
Have a great day!
Love, uSSSSS
Haha! We bet Jeter didn't know he was going to get to play dress up when he came to visit...just sayin'...
Jeter doesn't seem too active - I hope he doesn't get FAT, sitting on his butt and having others wait on him! Hahahahaha!
JJ got a new toy when we were on vacation - she's become a real art lover! Wanna see? She might share...
flat jeter is a very cool dude
Flat Jeter looks a little tired from all of his adventures with you and Harley. We think it would be fun to have him visit!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Flat Jeter doesn't look too happy! I'm sure he's happy to visit you, Daisy! After all, it gets him out of the house!
Jeter was very silly not to talk. He looked handsome in the cowboy hat and bandanna you put on him. ~S,S, C & F
These are SO cute, as always, Daisy! We think Jeter is a good sport for dressing up too!
Wow Daisy, Jeter was kind of aloof to's like Jeter wasn't even there!
Wow, I want a visit from Flat Jeter! Even tho he seems a little quiet, he looks like a lot of fun. I bet Pru would enjoy knocking him . . . er, playing with him.
We hope you and Harley had a good time with Flat Jeter...rude of him not to speak to you, though!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
i am jealous of Jeter. sorry he was not very talkative.
What a great visit, and you are a fabulous hostess, Daisy!
glad your friend could visit but jeter seems a little stiff.
i think flat jeter looks great in red daisy! it's his color!
smiles, auntie bee
Hi Daisy, it looks like conversations wiv Jeter fall flat! Tee hee!
Very clever...and what a well behaved guest
That Jeter has lots of class - he seems very polite and doesn't talk too much, but looks very handsome in the cowboy hat and bandanna. It was very nice of you to let him have a rest in your hepper pod after such a hectic day,
Gypsy & Tasha
It's nice to have frends viset. Maybe the two of u can share some pye. :)
ha ha ha snort ha ha ha snort ha ha ha that is awesome. Mommy uses the same theory with daddy. No answer means yes.
She is trying to teach daddy how to listen better....
You are Harley did a great job hosting flat Jeter
I think Jeter would be a cat that He could like to have lives with us.
She likes cats lots but He doesn't wants any to lives with us.
Too bad. I would likes to have a friend to stay with me when they goes out and leaves me home alone. Then I wouldn't be alone.
Oh wow I wish I could visit you too Daisy!
Maybe flat Jeter can get a passport and then travel all around the CB visiting EVERYONE! Gives walkabout a whole new meaning!
I just come to say hi!
but I have to say that Jeter is a lovely model, though he speaks nothing... há há!
tell your mommie and Harley that I sent a kiss! have a great day!
How nice of Jeter to stop in for a visit. He must have been suffering from jet lag...that's probably why he was so quiet.
jeter looks kind of distracted. maybe he saw a lizard outside or maybe godzilla was back... you are a fabulous hostess and it was very fun to see the games you played.
Daisy, You are a very good hostess. You look like you and Harley had fun with Jeter!
A feline version of a flat Stanley! Where is Flat Jeter going next?
uuummm DAISY THIS IS LILLY LU I MIND IF YOU SNIFF JH BUTT. he maybe visting you but his heart stays wiff me and he look cuter in your red sox outfit
Lilly lu
You look like you were having a lot of fun with Jeter! I am glad he came to visit.
Daisy it looks like you had a lot of fun with Jeter. Those were some very funny pictures of him in the hat and bandana!
Flat Jeter sure is a good visitor and has nice visiting manners. He sits quietly and doesn't talk! At least he let you dress him up Daisy!
Maybe the cat got his tongue? Maybe he'll be more talkative in the morning.
Jeter may not have been very talkative, but he looks like a fun playmate. We love the outfit you picked for him. We hope he gets to come visit some more.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
LOL, very cute! I loved the hat and bandana :)
I gave you (another) award!
He really was a quiet visitator!
We never figured Flat Jeter would be so quiet. At least you got to meet him and have some fun!
JH looks pretty handsome in that hat, Daisy. hee hee
How nice of you to share your dress-up clothes with Jeter, Daisy! He seems to be rather stunned, though -- or maybe he's just shy! Good thing he's going to have a nap in your pod. You and Harley certainly have been great hosts!
Hmmm, so this Flat Jeeter guy goes a visitin'. I fear if he came here Abby would eat him and that would not be good at all. Not good at all.
You on the other hand were very nice to your flat friend. You shared very well.
I'm sure Jeter was just shy...I mean, he's probably got a whole bunch of smooth lines to use with the ladies, but you being Skeezix' girl and all he had to be respectful, and when a guy can't use his lines...well, he gets a little quiet.
If he's still there, I think you need to dress him up a little more. Let's see Jeter in a dress. That would be awesome :)
Looks like you had lots of fun with flat Jeter! Wonder why he wasn't talking?
Hahaha! Flat Jeter should go on the road! Our Mom saw someone with a Flat Stanley, at the Louvre, in Paris. Maybe Flat Jeter should make a trip around the world!
We think the cat's got Jeter's tongue.
You are one fine hostess Daisy. I have no idea why Jeter wasn't speaking. He is pretty cute though.
I don't think Jeter even blinked!
I think Jeter is missing a purrrrrrsonality dimension!
It's nice of Jeetew to come visit, but he doesn't seem vewy animated. Maybe he has a bug ow something. Have you taken his tempewatoowe?
I'm suwe that west in youw faboolous hepew pod will wevive him
smoochie kisses
Jeter seems nice, but he is so quiet!
That's funny. Jeter is usually very conversational. Maybe he's just shy in the presence of Daisy the Curly Cat! In the fur!
um daisy ...
i had sum fun wid u today ...
i espeshullee liked wen u sniffed mi ...
oh ... never mind!
yer a grate hostess ... an wen i'm in yer prezense ... da cat getz mi tongue!
luv--yer grate frend--jh (hizself)
hehe, flat Jeter is furry quiet! But he was furry nice to try on the kool kowboy klothies.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That would never work with a dog...
Hmm... Maybe next time you play he'll be more talkative. He might be shy!
Hi, Daisy!
Sure you had fun with Jeter! He looks great with the hat and the bandana!
Kisses and hugs
Flat friends are kinda quiet... I guess.
It's fun when friends come to visit.
Aw, lucky Jeter gets to visit Daisy and Harley!!!! You are an excellent host Daisy; I'll bet Jeter had a great time!
What fun! I wish I could fly right over there!
Flat Jeter! Is he like Flat Stanley? It looks like you really showed him a good time while he was with you. What a great hostess you are!
Hahaha! I think Jeter enjoyed his visit, specially when you smel... Oops, never mind... Perhaps Flat Jeter and Flat Tony could go on some adventures together on Dennis's Magic Flying Coaster... Now there's a thought! :) xxx
Jeter at your house Daisy!! How cool! Maybe he has jet lag and just needs a good nights rest!! He looked really handsome in that cool outfit!
Your FL furiends,
Hmm, Jeter is looking a little unresponsive ... did somebody Tase him or something?
That was nice that Jeter came to visit you!! You were so sweet to him even though he ignored you and wouldn't talk to you!
hi daisy i like flat jeter-Love ava
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