Monday Funday: Connect the Dots!
Hello boys and girls! We are going to have some fun today!Here is a connect-the-dots puzzle I made for you. If you click on the image and print it out, it will be full size.

And, after you finish the puzzle, you might enjoy this short movie. We first showed it over a year ago, so if you already saw it you do not have to watch it again.

82 Notes for Daisy:
Hello Daisy! You look very cute in your jeans outfit!
I kind of guessed that was Mr. Shrill :)
Oh I knew it was Mr Shrill! I like your t-shirt and overalls Daisy.
Huffle Mawson
Daisy! You luk so cute in dat outfit!
That's a cute outfit, Daisy. We will never tire of seeing Mr. Shrill nom his own eye. Hahaha!
Yep we knew who it was! WE love your dungarees and t-shirt Daisy ~ you are SO stylish! Smooches.
Hi shrill and co Haven't seen you fro awhile
We love your outfit! We also loved watching that video again!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Daisy is looking very cute in her jean dress.Can i put this picture of daisy on the background of my desktop.
You look like a farmer in that outfit Daisy, are you going outside to work in the yard?
~S,S,C & F
That is a very good casual look for you, Daisy. And that Mr. Shrill.. he's just an odd one, isn't he?
Daisy, you are looking so pretty in your Daisy Duke outfit!
We got it right! Mr. Shrill!!!
Love the video!!!!!!
Daisy, Whitey thinks Mr. Shrill is very silly eating his own eye, even if it is a Temptayshun!
Whitey likes your Overalls, Daisy!
Miss D, you make every day fun.
Great tshirt and overalls. Does your mom have trouble getting you dressed, or are you easy Miss D?
That is a cute outfit Daisy. We guessed it was Mr. Shrill. He is very silly to eat his own eye.
Cutest outfit ever! We love overalls...all those pockets! And of couse Mr. Shrill is just as silly. Luv, Muffin and Bean.
Daisy in jeans,
I love it :)
The movie was GREAT,
you make my Mommy smile :)
Love your cute little outfit today, Daisy!! We can't wait to connect the dots!
I want that dress in my size! It's always hard to connect the dots on Monday mornings, but this one was fun :-)
We actually guessed right this week!
Awesome claymation video!
hey....nice video........and you seem to be coming directly from a barnyard...........nice dress....
connect o dots are fun.
You look so cute today in our jeans jumper and t-shirt.
This was a really fun connect the dots, and this afternoon I will color mine in too!
The movie is really funny. I loved seeing it again
purrs to you and Harleypoos
that was fun!
We guessed it was Mr. Shrill. We had not seen the movie before so we were wondering if Mr. Shrill was going to hand over an eyeball for Daisy to eat!
Oh no, Mr. Shrill!
I love your outfit today Miss Daisy.
I love your outfit Daisy. (I guessed it was Mr. Shrill without connecting the dots)
What a fun post today! I do believe that your denim outfit is my very favorite!
You look lovely today, Daisy! And we thought the video was great (our mom laughed really hard at the credits!)
Everything else aside, we just adore your outfit, Daisy!
Hi Daisy,
At first I thought it was Ronald McDonald but Mr. Shrill with temptations eyes is a better guess.
I love your overall skirt!
I love your beautiful jeans Daisy! We knew it was Mr. Shrill the whole time. The movie was very funny but why did he bite his own eye?
I knew it was Mr. Shrill!!!!
deer daisy,
yer so grate! i enjoyed connectin da dotz ... an now i'm gointa color after i take a nap!
Mmmmmm, eyeballs .....
YEAH! We guessed it right!!!
Yikes! We knew without connecting the dots! Try not to scare us on Mondays anymore, ok?
DAisy - you are so smart. You can model, you can make connect the dots and you are a movie director.
Daisy, you look so cute in your overall outfit today. I loved your game and video. I feel like I've been to day camp today.
Thanks, Daisy, for such a fun game today! Great way to start out the week and we guess right too!
We love you in your jeans outfit!
hee hee hee~~
I love this one very very much!!!
Mr Shrill is really cute!
I remember that video! I need me some over-hauls like yours, Miss Daisy. 'Cuz that's what we cats in Texas need to keep the cow plops offen us.
We like the tee shirt and overalls! mom lives connect the dots so she printed it even though she had already figured out it was MR. Shrill.
Daisy all I could focus on in this post was how ADORABLE you look in those overalls! OMG that is the cutest pic of you Ive ever seen -- and you have A LOT of cute pics! You are just to cute for words :)
That was fun, Daisy, thanks. We guessed it was Mr. Shrill pretty early on.
Roxy & Lucky
we totally LOVE the outfit on you Daisy ^_^
thanks for the fun connect-the-dots puzzle..
Maltese Paws
Daisy... I LOVE your outfit today! Super, super cute!
I didn't scroll down far enough to guess it was Mr. Shrill. I thought it was a clown -- I guess Mr. Shrill is kind of a clown actually!
Good one, Daisy!
You are quite cute in you outfit, thanks for the puzzle! It was fun.
You look splendiferous in any owtfit Daisy and no less so in jeans and T shirt !
That outfit is just so woo!
Ahahahaha! That moovee wuz hilarius!! Mr Shrill eated his own eyeball. Gee now I am kinda hungree!
Yer pal Dozer
Hi Daisy, I love your overalls! And your curly curly little whiskers.
xo, Romeo
Hey, Daisy! Would you and Harley like to join the Musketeer Meme?
Hi sweet Daisy! I guessed it was Mr. Shrill too. That video is still funny! I can't listen to that song without thinking of it now.
Your outfit is very cute today and yesterday's comic was funny. Thank you for the smiles as always! :)
Great outfit Daisy! Meowm says maybe we will color our Mr. Shrill connect the dots tonite!
Mr Shrill fur sure!
You look cute in your outfit today.
You look like Farmer Daisy in that outfit! Very cute.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Haha! We knew it was mean ol' Mr. Shrill! Funny video!
We like to play connect the dots!!
We guessed it was Mr Shrill too.we remember his Temptation eyes,heeheePurrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Do we have to color inside the lines win we color Mr Shrill? Cuz I'm not too good at color inside the lines.
PEE ESS: I like yer kyoot owtfit. Is it cazhual Munday at yer howse?
Daisy, that outfit is adorable. We knew it was Mr. Shrill. We can't print it out because we aren't hooked up to a printer, but it was very cute anyway. We forgot he used to have temptation eyes.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
That outfit is the cutest!!!
What a cute outfit Daisy! And we had such fun with your puzzle...although we knew it was Mr. Shrill rather quickly. We'll get to colour it in tomorrow!
I guessed it was Mr.Shrill, you look very cute in your outfit.
You are very cute in your country outfit Daisy! We guessed Mr. Shrill too!
That was really fun, Daisy! In the video, it looks like Mr. Shrill's eyes are made out of Temptations!
Oh - I think that's the cutest outfit ever!
Wow. Why his eyeses fall off? Ooch. I hope he gets noo glasses.
I think the answer was pretty obvious. Thanks though. I used to love these growing up. Wasn't good at the coloring. Had a little trouble staying in the lines.
Love the outfit Daisy
You look ready for play in your outfit. Loved the Mr. Shrill connect the dots.
I knew it was Mr Shrill
Hi, Daisy!
You look beautiful!
I knew it was Mr. Shrill!
Kisses and hugs
We love that video! It must have been very challenging to make. We are very impressed! Mr. Shrill's performance in the film was Oscar-worthy too. I love your outfit, Daisy!
I was wanting very much to eat those eyeballs as well! I like your off road outfit, it looks comfy
Daisy - I just love your denim outfit!
Daisy that is a wonderful outfit and a wonderful connect the dots!
The outfit is soooo cute! She looks like a mom in jeans :P
That is the cutest outfit!!! so cute, it's almost unbelievable. wow. :)
Mr.Shrill shouldn't have eaten his eye, but it's funny for some reason...hehehe!
Ahahaha! Temptations!!! I was wondering what those were.
Daisy, LOVE the outfit!
That is the most primitive connect the dots I have ever seen, lol. I will have to print it out tomorrow and take a look. I want a pair of overalls for my Bernie. That is just too cure!
Daisy, that was an amazing movie! We watched it before, but it was worth watching again!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)
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