It's ME. Harley. I had to go to see the DOCTOR on Friday. Can you SEE why? Because there is a BIG ARROW pointing to my ouchie.

Here you can see it BETTER. I have feline ACNE! And it started to get real BAD and RED and my chin got all SWELLED UP! It is all part of my eosinophilic granuloma complex. So, I got a SHOT of antibiotics called "
Convenia." And I have to INCREASE my prednisone to EVERY day instead of every other day.

I am not a very LUCKY cat to have such an ongoing SICKNESS. While I am HEALING, maybe I can take photos that do not SHOW my swollen-up CHIN. How do I LOOK?

Why Harley Went to the Doctor
120 Notes for Daisy:
Harley, I think you look handsome even with a swollen up chin. However, you do look very cute in your hiding-the-chin photo.
Huffle Mawson
I'm so sorry that you have that icky disease. I hope that the shots work and that you can show your chin really soon. Huffle is right though, you're really cute
oh Harley, we is sorry that you is sicky again. You haf to take med-a-k-shuns to get rid of arrows? that stinks.
can you come PLAYPLAYPLAY wif ME?
You do look very handsome young Harley. We are sorry to hear that you have an ouchie and hope that it gets better and settles down. Will it ever go away or will you have it forever?
Awww, poor baby! I hope the prednisone makes you feel better and not crazy like it made me feel when I had to take it. ;-)
Looks like there's been a fight with a boxer dog!
Hope the treatment works.
Poor baby, you are still very handsome!
Harley we wouldn't have even noticed if it hadn't been for the arrow. You looks fine. We are sorry you have feline acne. The boy beans had it bad and Mommy still gets it sometimes. ~S,S,C & F
I am so sorry Harley :(
Take your medicines !!!
You are looking not ill :)
Take care ...
Oh sweet little Harley I am so sorry to hear about your fliar up...that is a very expensive shot but it will help for a few weeks and than you will be better.
Soft huggies from Miss Peach
Harley we are sorry that your chin is giving you bother. We are both purring hard for you, and hope that you will feel better soon.
Well yoo look jus as handsome an squeezable as always!
Aww Harley, you still look handsome even with your owie. Mum says she should have her photos taken like that to hide all her chins.
Aw Harley, you look very cute!
Harley, we are so sorry that you have an ouchie! We hope that you feel better soon!!! That last shot of you is adorable....well, heck...all of them are adorable!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Harley, you will always be a very handsome mancat! Sometimes a little imperfection makes a kitteh even more perfect! But we are very sorry you have this ongoing condition.
That's the pose all right That 's a realy cool look !! Sandy
You look cute
That sounds like an uncomfortable sickness to have Harley! You're still as cute as ever, so no need to hide your chin!
Oh Harley, we're sorry your having problems again...we hope it clears up soon...but you still are handsome to us!!
awwwh Harley we are sorry to read that...but you sure still look very handsome
ohhh nooooes poor harley. Did the vet say anything about bowls? no plastic, make sure you have either ceramic or stainless steel. something about the plastic causing acne.
That's our 2 cents!
A little trick for acne...have mom put a very teeny bit of liquid dish soap on her wet finger and massage it into the bump. It will dry out the pimples and reduce the swelling. This is a good trick to keep them from swelling up next time to avoid the antibiotics.
Also if Mom has you eating out of a plastic dish, switch to metal or porcelain....oils that irritate acne accumulate very easily on plastic.
Hansel beat me to it!!!!
Oh poor Harley! You may not be so lucky having that disease but you're VERY lucky to have a wonderful forever home where your Mommy takes you to the doctor and gets you medicine for it. And you're still VERY handsome!!
Thanks for all of your thoughtful advice! We have used nothing but glass or stainless steel bowls since Harley first got sick (we even gave away our plastic drinking fountain). Harley gets his chin cleaned twice a day with Hibiclens, but he still has flares because of his underlying EGC. At least he hasn't had any more lip ulcers in a couple of months!
Harley, you look precious no matter what. I hope your ouchie goes away real soon - especially that arrow! {{{Hugs!}}}
Poor Harley! We feel for you dude. We are sending healing purrs to your chin, ok? We don't know that any of us have been injected with that anty-by-ott-ik. Good luck dude with da swollen chin!
Luf, Us
You poor boy Harley - we feel very badly for you with your troubles. Get well soon!
Gidget, Angel and Lola
Poor Harley! I still think you are quite the handsome mancat! I do love the last picture!
Awww, poor Harley. We're sorry to hear about your v-e-t visit and the stuff you have to go through. We like the picture where you hide your chin, though!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Maybe you can use your swollen chin as part of your spy disguise! I think you are handsome no matter what your chin looks like.
Marian in Houston
no need to worry.........acne aren't that bad.......
Sweet Harley, we're sorry your chin acne flared up again. We think you're a very lucky cat because you have such a wonderful Mom and sisfur to take care of you. You're starting to think like a professional model too - showing your best side.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You look just fine Harley, with your big beautiful eyes. I hope your ouchie gets better real soon
Honey, you look adorable no matter what picture we see of you but the bottom one is very sweet. We will be purrin' for your owies to get better.
Oh, Harley, I could barely see your acne. You are much too self-conscious about it, or maybe it's your mama that's really worried.
Dante had bad acne when he was a teenager, too, and had to be on anti-biotics, but they went away eventually and haven't ever come back.
Harley, you have such amazing eyes! That's what efurrybody notices when they look at you.
Hope things get better for you. You look cute. Your cuteness cannot be impacted by your acne!
that's too bad. hope your new treatment is effective. when i had acne my mom made me stop eating chocolate. that sucked.
Harley, my sister Jonesie knows exactly what you are going through. She has had her chin puff up from the same condition. She said you are very handsome and she is happy to get ideas on how to pose for pictures when she has a flare up!
Bless heart, Harley! We are so sorry you are having problems with your EGC! You are very lucky to have a momma who takes such good care of you!
We are purring for you to get all better!!
I think you look very handsome all the time, Harley! But I'm sorry you have to go thru the discomfort of your condition and treatment. Your mommie takes very good care of you!
poor harley. i am sorry you have a swollen lip and that makes it hard to model.
aww poor Harley. Very handsome in any of the pictures.
Harley, I have a cat here whose name is Splitters, and she has rodent ulcers and has to have pills every day too. The ulcers are getting better but they probably will always come back, so we know just how you feel. And your booboo doesn't look bad at all.
Sorry you had to get a SHOT, Harley, but I'm glad you're getting better! I like the last picture -- but you look purrfect in all of them!
Poor Harley, I hope that your acne goes away soon. It cant be much fun at all.
Poor Harley Quinn! Whitey is sad that you haz this ongoing issue. Whitey still things you are one very handsome dude though!
Whitey had to go to the vet yesterday and get some Convenia, too! (That is tomorrow's Where's That Whitey post.)
Oh, and Harley, it might not be as noticeable without the arrow. Just saying.
Aww, I'm sorry you aren't well Harley. I would, however, use this to milk as much attention as you can :)
Oh, poor, sweet Harley! I think you look handsome in any picture. I'm very sorry you have that painful arrow on your chin. I hope it heals soon and you don't ever need medication again.
Oh Harley, I'm so sorry your sickness is flaring up again. Having to take Prednisone every day must be the pits. How lucky that you have such a good mommy to take care of you though. Get better soon!
Poor Harley -- hope you feel better soon! Well-placed props will help, and there's always airbrushing as well. Don't feel bad, they even airbrush Milla Jovovich these days!
Oh poor Harley. Does it hurt? I hope it goes away forever so you don't have to take nasty meds.
Thank you for the information. Many
many years ago my all white cat used to get these bumps occasionally and I never knew what the bumps were. (It was in the chin or mouth area.) Always nice learning new things about my feline friends.
Hope you feel better Harley! :)
harley it me lilly lu. I have a veey simlar problm that i had to take pred for too. My mama went to tufts and got liquid pred becuse you can tinker with the dose more less or more with out going up a ton. Also at pet co but you can find it over the web there is stuff called "helo healing balm" rub it on your ouches and it will be good for them. My vet said she never seen owies heal so fast
Lilly Lu
I'm so sorry to hear
you have a trouble.
Harley, Please try to
take the medicine
mom give you a drink.
I am sorry you had to go to the doctor, Harley, and I hope you are feeling better very soon.
You look handsome no matter what!
You look bootiful, umm, I mean vewy weally awe a gowgeous kitty. I'm so sowwy that youw flawe up is making you take so many medcins, but you awe a lucky cat cause you awe so vewy loved
smoochie kisses
Oh, Harley. I am so sorry. There is no need to hide behind anything. You are still a very handsome boy to me.
Sorry about your ouchie, Harley, but that last photo is just adorable, so please take more like that!
You still look good, Harley. Don't sweat it.
Harley, we are sorry your chin got all swollen and owie. We are glad to hear that you are doing better on your medication. We hope that all your owies will go away soon.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Aww Harley, your chin looks ouchy but you are well cared for by your mewmie and the vet. Those are good meds and you're doing all the other things that the experts recommend. Our mewmie uses a powder called Caldesene for our acne, it's drying and helps those blackheads loosen up. It's made for babies bums and is safe. But having ECG complicates life, doesn't it.
Nope, we hardly hardly hardly the big giant zit woo had!
Awww, sweetheart! Come here, I give u many hugs. {{{Harley}}}
Dood...I feel for you. I get feline acne but I don't have that other thing. You're still a handsome mancat, even with a zit or two.
We're sure sorry you had to go to the vet and increase your med, Harley. But you sure solved the photo problem in that last pic. Can't even see your swollen chin.
Hmmmm - I wonder if this is a Tuxie thing? I gots that zit problem on occasion too, and Mommakitty's last Tuxie did too. Kimo doesn't git zits - but he gots a big poochie-belly!
P.S. we were also told by da V-E-T not to use plastic bowls cuz it holds onto bacteria scum longer, which then touches our mouths. Glass or ceramic is best.
Harley, spots or no spots - You're a handsome dude and we love yoo!
Harley you look good. I hope you get to feeling better soon
Oh that is too bad that you have the feline acne again - I know it is no fun! Floyd had it and it took forever to heal - I hope yours heals up really fast! But with or without it you are still a very pretty kitty!
Oh poor you to have a sore face.. I do hope it heals up soon.. I love the last cheeky picture..
Hugs GJ xx
You're cute no matter what, Harley!
Poor Harley! I hope your EGC clears up soon. I got a little boo boo going on my chin, too. EGC is no fun.
We are sorryo you have to deal with this Harley! We wish there was no icky illnesses that we got! We will be purring for you to get all well!!!
I'm sorry you have to take the yucky medicine. You still look awfully cute!
Poor, Harley! It's no fun having boo boos. You still look very handsome, though!
Owie--that looks painful!
Did you read my story about Grace pee-peeing in my vacation suitcase?? She is bad. And very lucky I was 500 miles away when I found her surprise for me. Grrrr.....
You'll always look adorable to us, Harley. With or without the acne:)
"Oh" Harley I'm sorry you have an ouchie.Yet your always cute....Hugs
I hope you feel better, dearest Harley!
Dude, you still look like a strong, handsome mancat. No worries about your chin, okay?
Poor Harley! You are very brave to have to take medicines every day. We don't like needles and medicines.
We hope your ouchie goes away soon!
Harley is still a good looking cat. I just had to take my PussDaddy to the vet for feline acne, too. It started out with 2 little black dots that looked like blackheads and pretty soon his whole chin was raw and all messed up. So we took him to the vet and she squeezed it and a bunch of blood and puss and pimple junk came out of it. She told us to wipe it with a Stridex pad or a cotton ball and rubbing alchohol.
Someone who reads your blog referred me to your post, just in case. Thanks for posting it and I hope your handsome Harley gets better soon.
Oh boy, that does not look good :( I imagine it's very uncomfortable for you, too, having your chin so swollen up. I hope the antibiotic and increase in prednisone get you better very soon!! Many hugs to you, Harley.
wow thats a big ouchy! But don't worry your mom is the best at takin' care of ouchies so she'll be there every day till it gets better. Meanwhile you can dress up as a surgeon, belly dancer with veil, mummy, or a masked bandit!
No need to hide your face Harley, you still look very handsome. Two of my kitties have had some acne problems but were lucky to only need a special cleanser and cream. You are so lucky you mom takes good care of you so you acne doesn't get open and sore.
Your still a handsome kitty even with that boo-boo. I hope it gets better soon. Maybe than we can have a play date. Love, Moon The Kitchen Cat
Harley, I love that last picture. You almost look like you're going to pounce on something. Your mommy is taking good care of you and I know you will not have acne boo-boos forever. She will see to that!
Sorry you're having another episode, Harley. You still look mighty handsome.
Harley, we are so sorry your chin is all swolled up again! We will send you healing purrs.
Harley I hope you get better and quit being sick. Being sick is NO fun at all!
Hi, Harley!
I hope those meds help you to get better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I just wanted to say that your kitties are adorable, too.
Oh Harley I am deeply sorry about your big booboo. You are loved so much and we hope you get all better very fast. You are very handsome tuxiekitty
Oh Poor Baby Harley! Kisses and hugs for you.
Aunt Theresa
We never realized so many kitties have acne! We had it when we had plastic bowls . We got rid of them and we were fine for a while. Then we started to use Electrosol in our dishwasher and , just like that, the acne came back. So we switched back to Cascade and were better again.
You are still adorable with your bumpy chin,
Ouch, Harley! That does NOT look very comfortabuhls. I think you're a fine fellow, now matter WHAT your EG is doin'. Who cares what you look like? I just like YOU!
poor Harley. i'm sorry your chin bothers you. i think you look great even with it. kinda tough. mommy's spy books aften have the hero with a scar of some kind. maybe this could be your temporary scar. like our niece' temporary tatoo stickers!
that last picture is very cute.
Oah Harley~!
I will be love to see you will be a doctor and heal my butt!
You look great!
I think you look cute no matter what - but that last picture is so funny.
I went to visit the lady and Lady and the kitties today and I did not head butts any of them.
Harley, we are SO sorry that you have an owie. Even though shots are no fun, we know it well help. We hope you get better soon! From reading the comments, it sounds like the "girls" still find you handsome, so that is good.
Loki & Trevor
I'm so sorry about your hurty chin. I hope it gets better very soon.
Poor Harley! Purrs to feel better.
Harley, you're a very handsome man-cat! I hope your ouchies get better soon, but don't hide your face, you're handsome, ouchies or not!!!
Awww poor widdle baby. Does prednisone make you mean like it does to me?
Get better fast sweetiekitty!
Wow, we only get that when a mousie bites us afore bein eatin! Whatever the cause, we hope it heals fast...
I am sorry you have that owie! We hope the shots make it better!
That last photo is so cute!
Poor Harley... our cat Chelsea just had to go the vet for this last Friday. She's 18 and has never had this problem since we've owned her (we adopted her 5 years ago), but suddenly she had a breakout. She had a nasty sore on her lower lip, just like you, and she didn't want to eat for a day because it hurt too much. When Chelsea doesn't want to eat, it's a really bad thing! The vet gave her an injection of Convenia, and some scrub that I have to use to wash her chin after she eats, and she seems to be feeling better.
I hope you'll feel better soon. You're a really lucky boy to have a Mom who takes such good care of you (although I totally understand how you hypnotize her with your gorgeous eyes)!
Oh my goodness, Harley. I'm so sorry you have to suffer like that. I hope the shot did the trick and your little chin is all better now!
many purrs,
Sammy & Duni
Kiss, kiss, kisses on your ouchie, dearest Harley. It is so unfair that you have this! I want to make it go away! Your last picture is very sweet though.
Purrs and healing licks, Siena
Harley, dude, don't worry about it. You look handsome either way.
Hope you will get over this soon, Harley honey.
Harley, you are just as handsome with the acne! When it rains it pours, eh? Get well soon little buddy!
Hey there Harley...seriously...if you just tilt your head down slightly and to the side, no one will ever notice. Your friend, Cody
Say Hi to that gorgeous Daisy for me... :)
Aw, poor Harley! You are handsome even with the swellng. But I do hope you are all better real soon.
Harley, poor baby! We are sorry that you had to go to the V-E-T! But you are always handsome!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)
aww Harley, I hope the acne would go away look handsome regardless :)
How is Harley's chin? PussDaddy's is looking better, but he has a bald spot where the zits were. I hope Harley is doing better, too.
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