I am a little bit worried, because today's Monday Mystery might be too hard for you to solve. You will have to try your very hardest, okay? But you still will probably not get the correct answer. If you look closely, there is a clue somewhere.

Are you ready for the mystery? Okay, here goes:
What is black and white and has a green shell?

Do you know the answer? Press the Answer Button to see if you are correct!

Monday Mystery: What Is It?
85 Notes for Daisy:
I thought it might have been some kind of a book. Wrong Wrong. Harley looks smart in the shell.
That's interesting. I never seen a harley turtle before...
~ Bae
Good one - you stumped us!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
WE GUESSED RIGHT! We knew it was Harley ~ although we thort maybe he had a small sea-shell type thing next to him, rather than a BIG turtle type shell!
Very original and funny monday mystery!!
Hahaha that was great. I didn't figure it out, cause Harley turtles are very rare.
HAHAHAHA!!!! We certainly didn't get that one right!!! A HARLEY TURTLE??? He looks so cute!!!
Ha, ha, ha! I guessed it was Harley but thought he would have a sea shell like Milo and Alfie did! Never expected a big turtle shell! That was so funny!
is that a hepper shell???I thought turtle but Harley as one hahahhaha
I was not right...
Okay I totally didn't guess that one. But it was hard!
Huffle Mawson
hummm we thought it had something to do wiff harely.
but i never seen a harly trutle before
Hahaha! We thought it might have had something to do with Harley, seeing him peeking over your shoulder, but hadn't guessed that!:)
heee heee - harley makes a cool turtle
We didn't get it right this time but Harley looks adorable with a shell!
A Harley Turtle!! I sure wasn't expecting that. Too cute. Green looks very good on him!
I did not get this one right, Miss Daisy. Even though you gave a very specific clue-Mom says she needs more coffee to think that hard!
I knew it was Harley, turtle harley, not so sure about that.
LOL!!! We could have never guessed a Turtle Harley! How cute!
OH, we are half right! We KNEW it was Harley-related.
Harley makes a wonderful turtle.
That's a good one! Harley Turtle! Hee! Hee! Jeter Harris better watch out because Daisy is on today.
HA! Good one, Daisy. I would never have guessed that. Harley Turtle looks very good in that shell, I must say.
oh, MY! this was very hard! I sware that I tried, but I didn't know the answer!LOL!
but I loved the Monday Mistery today! Harley is so stylish in a green shell... há há! Daisy, you're lovely!
send a kiss for mommie and Harley for me and another for you, dear! all the best!
That was not a fair mystery question Daisy. No one could guess that because Harley doesn't come in a shell. But you both are looking very good this morning
well i didn't get that one! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
We thought it was Harley playing with a green shell. You fooled us!
I was initially expecting some kind of M&M. But I guess Harley being a Mutant Ninja Turtle was kind of a remote guess. :)
A Harley turtle!! *thumps self on forehead* Why didn't I think of that?!
Good one, Daisy.
Haha - great Monday Mystery! Harley looks a little too comfortable with that "armor". I hope he's not planning something sneaky!
I was wrong-o! Harley is an adorable turtle, the cutest ever!
HA!! that is what my first thought was but i over thought and couldn't figure it out. very clever, miss daisy!
ps - thank your mommie for sharing more of your lovely home.
That is super cute! Love you Daisy!
Dang. We thought it was a rotten pistachio nut. A Harley Turtle is lots more fun!
That was too hard for me.
LOL!!! Thanks for the Monday morning LOL.
i got it! i guess that means i am very smart. although i thought the picture was going to be harley in a ninja turtles costume. that would have been cooler.
We knew it had to have something to do with Harley. He is so cute in his green turtle shell!
Heh...that's so funny Daisy! I didn't guess, it was too hard for me!
lol we gots the turtle part right but never thot harley was in it.
We did not guess correctly but we laughed at the answer!
Dat's pawesome! I hope he no goes inna waturz!
I was thinking and thinking and thinking a lot on this one.
What a great and funny surprise
happy day Daisykins and Harley
Ahahaha! What a cute turtle you make, Harley!
Doh! I thought it was a mouldy seashell!
Daisy, you always have such fun mysteries. Harley, you make a very cute turtle.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
You are a sneaky one today, Daisy. I didn't know that species of turtle before today.
I wonder if they make Harley Toads too?
Oooooh, we didn't get that one at all, although we thought Harley might have something to do with it. Good mystery, Daisy!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Oh I said Harley in a turtle costume - I think I was close enough to say I got it! That was a very tough one - I kept looking and looking at the pictures for the clue!
We completely misssed that one.....
we was so far up a stump that it's pityful. we nefur imagined harley as a turtle!!
We were close...we thawt maybe Harley had a nice knit summer shell, ya know, like one of dem sleeveless sweaters...hehehe. Very cute.
Harley and half a Hepper Pod!! That's very good! (I got the Harley part, but couldn't figure out what he might be using for a shell ...)
Hahaha! I did not get it because I couldn't think of ANYTHING...but that was funny!
I really must practise more: got it wrong again! Harley looks like he's having a lot of fun playing a turtle!
Bwahahahahaha!! That is the funniest mystery I have ever seen!
haha That was very clever of you two!
Haha, that was a good one, and hard too.
You may have a red, purple or any color shells, Harley the Turtle!
Daisy and Harley,
Please go visit and clap your paws cheering up for Snowy&Crystal 3 years blogging, http://maltesepaws.blogspot.com/
thanks pal.
Wow! That was good. I didn't kno! :) U looks kewt.
NOT FARE! That wuz a trik qweschun! Yoo ruint my streek!
Fooled again! Rats!
I would never have guessed that...good one, Harley!
Hurray!! We guessed it! When you said "green shell" we automatically thought of your Hepper Pod....we're really envious of you having that pod...hmmmm, we're gonna ask Santa for one this year.
Oh, I didn't guess it...but Harley looks so funny! Hee! Hee!
Harley yoo wear green shells well!
Hahaha, you totally stumped all of us, but we laffed and laffed when we pressed the Big Button! lotsaluv, BC, Alfie and Simba :) xxx
Haha! We guessed it was something to do with Harley, but we would never have guessed he was a turtle.
Well, mom thought it was a turtle, but she didn't add Harley into the equation. Silly mom.
Kisses and hugs
I just wanted to say goodbye(I'm deleting my blog) you two are great friends and your blog always made me smile.I'll never forget you...Hugs
Our mom laughed out loud when she saw this! (That rarely happens, too!) We would have never guessed! What a great photo of Harley!
Hahahahaha!!!! That was good!!!
We thought it was Harley with spinach 'shell' pasta :) heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
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That's no fair, Daisy! Cuz you can't see the shell in the picture. I was looking at Harley and thinking he was black and white, and that his eyes were green, but just couldn't get the shell connection!
Very cute turtle costume, though! Harley's shell really does match his eyes!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i totally didnt git that i wuz going to gess a bowl ful of green m and ms with wippd kreem on top mmmmm wippd kreem ok bye
I never expected that one! I think the real mystery is how Harley got the top of the hepper pod.
Oh that was fun!!
This might be THE BEST of Daisy's Monday Mystery answer ever!
Hahahaha! I did not get the anser at all!! Harley watch out or Daisy will be mad that you took apart her space bed!
Yer pal Dozer
We couldn't have ever guessed that one! A Harley Turtle! Ha! Ha!
LOL wow, that is a variety of turtle cat I have never seen before!
LOL. We did not get that one right Daisy but Mama sure lol'ed at that picture of Harley!! Tee hee hee!
theodore and sasha
HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!
That rocks soooo much ;-)
Thanks for a big belly laugh!
Haha I didn't guess that, but it's certainly something very cute and funny! :D
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