Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Oh, hai! It's me again. HARLEY! I have something to TELL you. I am a little bit EMBARRASSED about it though. I hope you will still LIKE me after you find out...
It has to do with my THIGHS! Do you NOTICE anything in the picture below? Besides the fact that my Mommie PIXELATED my Spot #13...

You know I have eosinophilic granuloma complex, right? (Those are some BIG words!) Well, this causes me to sometimes have something called a LINEAR GRANULOMA on the backs of my thighs.
It is like a long SCAB on the back of my leg. It does NOT hurt, but sometimes it gets real ITCHY and I lick and lick.
Here is my OTHER thigh. It used to have a big, long scab, but it is all HEALED now. Except, I still need to grow some FURS back there.
Even though I gots SCABS on my legs, I am still real happy. HEY! Are you looking at my THIGHS?!?
A note from Harley's mom:
We have tried lots of different things to keep Harley's EGC under control. Harley is doing pretty well now, and has not needed a Depo-Medrol injection since February. We have gone through a lot of trial and error, but here are the things that have worked for us:
  • A high quality diet. Harley and Daisy both eat Nature's Variety raw food in the morning and the evenings. They also share a small amount (1/4 cup) of California Natural dry food in the evening. Treats are freeze-dried single ingredient meats.
  • Harley seems to react to fish products, so we avoid any food or treats with fish or fish meal.
  • We apply pure aloe vera gel to the lesions Harley gets on his lips and chin and thighs twice a day. Harley has not had any lip ulcers in over a month now.
  • He also has feline acne, and I clean his chin twice a day (after meals) with a very dilute solution of Hibiclens and water.
  • Harley gets 1/2 of a 5 mg prednisone tablet every other day. This is the lowest dose that keeps him from getting swellings and blisters on his lips and mouth. He started at 1/2 tablet twice a day, then went down to 1/2 tablet once per day, and then to the every other day dose. We are hoping to go down to every third day soon.
  • Transfer Factor mixed in his food once daily seems to be helping him. I am a little skeptical about this product, but it has seemed to work for Harley.
  • On days when Harley seems really itchy and is constantly licking the backs of his thighs, he gets 1/2 of a 4 mg chlorpheniramine maleate tablet (this is an allergy medicine).
  • We use a perfume- and dye-free litter (we like both Feline Pine clumping and World's Best Cat Litter).
Every case of EGC is very different, and this is only what has worked for us. Of course, we recommend seeing your vet for advice if your kitty has any symptoms of EGC.


96 Notes for Daisy:

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Glad to hear Harley is doing better and you have found stuff that helps. Very good of you to go through all that fuss for him. He is so lucky to have been adopted by you.

Zoe and Indy said...

Oh Harley, you should not be embarrassed! Thanks for teaching us about your EGC. We're glad you're doing so well, your mom is taking such great and thoughtful care of you.

Snowy and Crystal said...

Hello Harley,

Nice to meet you :) we sure missed a lot. So now Daisy have a playmate at home, huh? you are so adorable thats fot sure :) We are so happy to read that you are doing better. Thanks for your pawsome mommy

Maltese Paws


Milo and Alfie said...

Poor Harley, it's such a shame yoo have all these medical problems ~ but the good noos is they just make us love yoo all the more! We think yoo are VERY brave.

Milo and Alfie xx

Sandy Kessler said...

my friend found something homeopathic online can't rememeber what. Princie has it on his tail.sandy

Parker said...

Nothing to be embarrased about Harley! You are very lucky that your family takes such good care of you!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Harley we thinks you are very handsome and are glad you have found what works best for you in controlling the EGC. ~S,S,C & F

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Poor Harley. But we are glad that the combination of those things seem to be working for him!

Are you using the Transfer Factors for cats (contains yeast) or the human version? Mom wants to gets some for Tofu to aid his horrible food allergies...


Daisy said...

Jemma, we are using the Feline Complete Transfer Factor. But I read that some kittehs use the human version since it's a pill instead of a powder. But Harley loves the taste of the powder mixed in his foods.

PDX pride said...

We had no idea that condition existed! Thanks for the lesson, and we hope you continue to do so well.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Harley, don't be embarrassed! We are all different and unique! We just hope that your EGC gets better!

Your thighs are just adorable!!!

Okay....now we are looking at the rest of you.....ADORABLE!!!

Freya's Staff said...

Poor Harley! Maybe he just needs MORE cuddles??? I'm happy to volunteer...


The Creek Cats said...

Bless Harley's heart! We are so glad to hear his EGC is pretty well managed and he is doing well!

Hansel said...

we love the shots of you playing harley. And no, we will not look at your thighs. However, we think they are very manly and splendid. Do not fear, we love you no matter what.

The Island Cats said...

Harley, we're glad you have a mom that is so diligent in trying to find you some relief! We are happy to hear that you have found some things that work for you!

Meghann said...

Poor Harley...I am so glad he is a happy cat - it helps to have a mommy that loves him so much :D

Teddy Westlife said...

I looked at your thighs Harley and I don't think they looked bad at all! You have to do whatever it takes to be well.

Huffle Mawson

RJ Flamingo said...

Don't you worry, Harley - we love you no matter what! This was very educational. Thanks for sharing!

Lin said...

One of my kitties used to have that on her legs and we thought she was just over-grooming from stress. Hmmm... I guess you are a much smarter cat mom than I. Harley is lucky to have you!

The Monkeys said...

We laughed about 'spot #13'!

It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Harley! Of course we still love you!

The Florida Furkids said...

We would never stop liking you handsome Harley. We can understand being embarrassed about your Mom showing your Spot 13 to the world though!! You're so lucky to have a Mom who takes such good care of you.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Harley you are are handsome and funny. Sorry that you have this EGC thing but your Mama seems to be taking VERY good care of you. You are a lucky handsome man-cat.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Lucky are the kitties that can just eat whatever they want. Mom has us also on special foods. Pierro tends to be itchy, but we think it is just anxiety or somthing he seems to get itchy mostly when mom is not around lol

Harley, you are so loved. I am glad that you eat special foods and pills to help you.


Donna said...

Harley, I gives u lots of hugs!! {{{Harley}}}

Thanks u to Harley & Daisy's Mom and Dad for caring for the little guy.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing to be embarrased about, my dear mancat... some folks just have different things to deal with in life.

Sounds like you have a good family helping you out.

I used to take that antihistamine too... Does it make you sleepy? It did for me...

Anonymous said...

Harley, I thinks any reason is a good reason to show your tocks! And even though I is a man I recognise good tocks!
You are so lucky to have a momma that really looks after you and is trying her best to help you, that is a whole lot of work that she does :))

Niko and Cloud said...

Why does Harley only get chlorpheramine malleate only on the really bad days? We take it twice a day every day with no obvious side effects--did your vet say there is a downside to being on it for a long time? If so, Mommy will have to talk with the V-E-T again, because anything lower than what we are on and we sneeze and wheeze.

The Kitty Krew said...

Poor little Harley, you have a lot to go through, don't you? You're lucky you have such a great mom to take care of you. Tell Daisy not to be so mean to you. ;)

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

arbed and edgar said...

Oh Harley, we love you even more now! We knew you had problems with your mouth, but thank you for teaching us about the other ways it affects you, and what your Mommie does about it.

We're not laughing about your Spot #13, no sirree!

CCL Wendy said...

That is the first time I have ever heard of that problem! We are sorry to hear that Harley suffers from it, but happy that he is doing better.

My first reaction when looking at Harley's picture was "what thighs?". Harley is a very slim and trim kitty.

Carleenp said...

Thanks for the update and info. I had a cat years ago (pre-internet days) with similar issues and I wonder if it was the same thing. He too ended up taking prednisone on and off for years and I experimented with different foods. It is so much easier now to obtain and share information!

Carleen (Puppy on a Roomba Mom)

Anonymous said...

We is sending youz all good thoughtz get feel better, an' get better, an' be all da kitty-catty dat youz can be☺

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

bless his cute little heart...

smiles, auntie bee

Cory said...

Sweet Harley, all of this just makes us love him more, especially our Jonesie who has the same condition. We have not tried the pure aloe vera gel for her lesions when she gets them. She's on a whole 5mg pill of prednisone every other day. Jonesie sends headbutts and purrrs to you!

renovia said...

Your blog posts about your kitties conditions are so thorough and positive. Anyone stumbling upon them looking for info will find a goldmine of fun info. Thanks for your efforts!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Thanks for sharing the information about Harley's disease, EGC. I had never heard of it and I am always admiring how handsome you are. In fact, when mom went to get me some more dry food, this week, she was looking for the bag with Harley's picture on it and that's how she found it.

Split Rock Ranch said...

Harley, so sorry that you get the itchies all the time! Sounds like your mommy is doing everything she can to help with that though. You have a really great mommy! I wonder if emu oil would help heal your scabs - we love using emu oil on things because it works really well.

Rebecca said...

To Mommie: I was wondering what the cats ate, because I knew you'd give them the best. :) I've not been happy with the Meow Mix/Friskies/9 Lives stuff at WalMart for Livvy. :-p I'll have to check out the food you mentioned!!

Harley looks GREAT. I never would have noticed any skin problems (except that he does seem a little high strung!). He is a beautiful cat.

The Furry Kids said...

Harley, we think your thighs are cute. :)

Whitey said...

Harley, Whitey thinks that you and Whitey are very lucky to have found a Forever Home to take such good care of us, even with all our boo-boos.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Harley, don't be 'barassed! you seem to be doing quite well now and that's good!!!!


VetTech said...

Poor Harley gets hot spots? Very bothersome, but very common. If it wasn't on his thighs you could use a cortisone spray...but then he would have to wear an e-collar. EGC lesions gets less frequent as cats get older...so it should be less of an issue before you know it

Mishkat said...

Harley, we like you very very much! We're sorry you have the itch - that is not fun at all. But we think it is so nice of you and your mom to share things that might help other kitties, even if you are a little embarassed about it. We also think your mom is great for doing so much to help you.

P.S. Our mom agrees that chlorpheniramine maleate is good for cat allergies (her vet recommended it!). It's also good for long car rides because it makes us sleepy.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Harley, I wouldn't have even noticed your scab if you hadn't pointed it out - your thighs look fine in the photos that aren't close up. It is too bad you have all those itchy spots but so good that you are able to control it pretty well.

We had 3 kitties with the chin acne in the past year (although none have the EGC) and one of my kitties takes prednisone every day (the 5 mg) and lucaran every 3 days so we sympathize with the medicine. I am impressed you have such a good figure, since I know prednisone can make a kitty gain weight (which for us is a good thing). You must get a lot of exercise! I have been thinking about trying some of that raw food with Floyd (the one on the prednisone) so thank your mom for posting the link.

Puglette said...

harley, you are so fortunate to have a loving family that takes such good care of you. and in our house we call those back thighs chicken legs or drumsticks...yours are nice and meaty!

Anonymous said...

Harley we fink yoo is still great! We is so furry happy dat yer mom has figured out how to help yoo wif yer itchys. Dat must be really bad to has an itch yoo just cant seem to get rid of.

Forever Foster said...

You have a wonderful Mommie, Harley. Be sure to give her a jolly good cuddle from us. We are glad that you have found some things that are working for you, buddy.

Amber-Mae said...

Hey Harley, you should check out mah puppies' tummies! Thy are full of scabs caused by either heat or some fungal infection. The doctor said it's normal for all puppies to have that but I don't remember having those kind of scaly scabs except the normal red hot spots. There's nothing for you to be embarrassed about. Atleast those areas are not bald. We hope it will go off someday. Your Mummy should try applying tea tree oil as a substitute for the aloe vera gel. Tea tree oil is safe, it helps cure scars fast, the smell is strong & awful so that will prevent you from licking it.

Solid Gold Momma

Maureen Hayes said...


I have lots of medical problems too, but like you i have good people who love me and try to help me feel better. No one should love you less when they find out about your EGC, and if they did, they wouldn't be the kind of friend you would have wanted anyway!

I am glad you are feeling better and I hope you continue to. I LOVE seeing you and Daisy each day, it brings a smile to my face no matter how badly I am feeling! Thanks for helping me.

Shaggy and Scout said...

In spite of it all Harley, you seem to be a very active and happy cat!

Anonymous said...

Harley you should not be embarrassed. You are a very handsome mancat and very lucky to have a great Mom to take care of you!

catsynth said...

Glad to hear that Harley is doing better and not in much discomfort. We didn't know much about this particular condition before reading your post.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think he needs to be khovered in Siberian Floof...

PeeEssWoo: I eat Khalifornia Naturals too!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Poor Harley! We did not know the extent of this! It must itch terribly! WE are glad you have found the right regime for him!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Poor Harley. That does not sound pleasant. I am glad that your Momma is helping you through this.

brokenteepee said...

I am happy that Harley is so well cared for. He has a very special mommie and daddie.

When I was sick with my abscess on my neck I had to have shots. I didn't like shots. This was before I had a blog.

Harley is lucky he found such a good home.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Harley has certainly found a devoted mom who does everything she can to keep him healthy. He's a lucky guy.

Fat Eric said...

Harley, you are a furry lucky kitty to have found a furrever home with humans who take such good care of you!

Debbie said...

Harley you are the handsomest cat, and so lucky to have a mom that takes good care of you.

BumbleVee said...

awww.... I'm so glad you have such a caring Mom Harley..... you are doing great. So much better than if nobody tried all the different remedies and experiments.... sounds like you almost have have it under control..

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We couldn't tell there was anything wrong with your legs Harley! And of course we still like you!

Gracie said...

Harley, tell mommie that she should find an aloe alternative, like someone else mentioned. Aloe can build up and be bad for us kitties http://www.catster.com/answers/question/is_aloe_truly_bad_for_cats-21478

My mommy and I love you and want you and Daisy to blog for a long, long time!

Everycat said...

Harley you are a darling chops of a mancat and we'd luv ya whatever long wordy things you had.

That's a really interesting regime you have going there, I'm so glad it's controlling the EGC. It's a really tricky thing to manage and it's great that you haven't had to have depomedrol in a while. We love aloe gel too!

The fish thing rings a bell, we have been reading about how tuna and the other oily fishes aren't so great for cats as these fish have so many pollutants from the sea backed up in their fat and muscles (poor feeshes).

Whicky Wuudler

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Harley. I hopez u getz ur hairz backz soonz. OK?

I hadz sumpin likez dat long timez ago. I lickz all ob the hairz offz my tummy. OK?

I hadz to takez lotz ob nassy med-i-zinez fir longz timez. OK?

Butz nowz I amz OK & my tummy hairz haz all groweded backz. OK?

Ikaika said...

So happy to hear that you are keeping sweet Harley's EGC under control. And thank you for sharing your treatments for him. I must keep aloe in mind for Tanith and Midnight, who also have EGC.

Tanith gets EGC on her feet, and since we stopped using clay litter on the advice of our vet, she hasn't had a flare-up. She did get one treatment of Depo-Medrol, and I also soaked her feet in a plantain and nettle leaf tea mixture until the sores were cleared up. Midnight has rodent ulcers on her upper lip. I didn't want to start the steroid therapy if at all possible, so for Midnight I've been giving her a mixture of astragulus root, chlorella and Transfer Factor in baby food daily, and the granuloma on her lip is mostly gone. I will pick up some aloe gel as well. Do you buy the gel or use it directly from the plant?

Thanks for the post and the info,

'Kaika's mom

Jenny said...

Wow. How interesting!

It sounds like you have a good grasp on what is good for Harley.


Daisy said...

Ikaika, we got the gel from a health food store. It has to be kept in the refrigerator since there is no alcohol or preservatives in it.

Misha said...

Goodness, Harley! You are high maintenance! You are lucky to have a Mummy that takes such great care of you (and protects your modesty).

JD at I Do Things said...

Harley, every single part of you is beautiful. I'm sorry you're bothered by the EGC, tho, but I'm very happy you have such a smart and loving Mom to take care of you.

Asta said...

Of couwse I'm looking at youw thighs..they awe bootiful! I think you awe so lucky to have pawents who cawe fow you so cawefully and can figoowe out just what is best fow you..no wondew you awe happy
smoochie kisses

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Harley, we are glad you are doing better. That itching must be awful! We luvs you no matter what!

Nomi said...

I still love you Harley ! I think you are one handsome kitty and you are lucky to have such a loving and caring mommy.

L. Alida said...

Oh Harley, you are so adorable! I think you look great. Mommie is doing a wonderful job for you!
Prednisone is so yucky! But, you are on a very low dose, so you probably won't get puffy and moody like I did. :)
I keep you and sweet Daisy in my thoughts.
Lots of Hugs,

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have very manly thighs Harley. Don't be embarrassed that you don't have lots of furrs on them. I have furrs missing from my tummy where I baffed them away.

Quilts and Cats said...

I never knew of this affliction, and with my cats I now know what to look for and what it is. Thanks for the great info and the time you took to post and take pics.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your mom takes such very good care of you, Harley. Thank you for sharing your story.

Anonymous said...

Do you get the bambi version of raw? I will only eat the bambi version and it totally grosses out DMK every night.

Motor Home Cats said...

Harley, the girls think your thighs are very cute. We are glad to hear that your EGC is doing so much better. It was a very informative post about what you have and what helps.

We are glad you aren't so itchy anymore.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Daisy Deadhead said...

You are such a good mommie to wonderful Harley! :)

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

You have no reason to be embarrassed Harley, you are quite handsome. It's great that your Mom posted some tips for other kitties that may run by your site looking for EGC information.

Lorenza said...

Sure your mom takes good care of you! Glad to know you are doing well. I did not know about EGC.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Maureen said...

Aw, poor Harley! What a great mommy you have to take such good care of you.

You're both sweethearts!

Quill and Greyson said...

Sorry sweet Harley. Mom gets hives all the time and knows how much being itchy stinks.

Anonymous said...

Harley, your Mommie has to be the bestest Mommie ever! She obviously is in tune with your special needs.

BeadedTail said...

We're glad to hear that Harley is getting better! He's very lucky to be part of such a loving furever home!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Your mommy take good care of you, Harley~!
I am so glad to see you are so active everyday!
Keep great wrestling with your Daisy sister, remember, a little bit tender ok?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Hey, I have small lumps unner my chin. Do you think it is anny of that stuff harley gots?


Skeezix the Cat said...

Harley's not gonna give Daisy any dizeezes, is he?

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

We are glad that Harley is doing so well. We think he is just so cute and have the sweetest facial expressions.

Reese =^..^= said...

I am so sorry. I did not realize that Harley is suffering from this condition. You would never know it though, because I haven't ever heard him complain. It sounds like you've all figured out what works best for him. Stay well, Harley.

Maria said...

Of course I still like you! I can't even see the problem. You are sooo lucky to have such a good mommy and daddy. They take such good care of you. I want to find out more about all this healthy food you eat!

The Purrfect 6 said...

Oh, Harley, you knows we still luvs you! We're sowwy that you have to go through all of this, but we're glad that your Mommy and Daddy hoomins are taking such excellent care of you.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Harly I had scabs aLL OVER MY back it was harball they were all over mama bought some halo heal bam and it took care of the scabs like you would not belive also fish oil help add moster into you furr to help heal faster and if you like fish i hear it yummy. Check out pet co for the healing blam it works well

Lilly Lu

happypitbull said...

Go Harley! I'm glad he's doing better. My sister's cat seems to have something like this, so I encouraged her to get it checked out. This info is very helpful to know.

Forty Paws said...

We are very glad that your Mom is taking such great care of Harley! This makes us so happy for Harley!

Don't worry about your thighs Harley! We luf them just the way they are, ok?

Luf, Us

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

i gives you big hugs harley! you iz such a brave kitty! i glad you not so sickies anymore.

some nice man sent me a b'day present of World's Bestest Kitty Litter and i loved it! it no make me itchy or get stuck in my floofs!

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