Today, Harley and I thought it would be fun to show you more of our outtakes. These are exactly as they came from the camera, except they have been resized. So there is no cropping or editing or adjusting of any kind. They are just naturally bad!
The first photo is from International Box Day. I do not think it is a very flattering shot of my big, squishy belly.

And here is Harley! He does not look too manly here, does he? Hey, Harley! What are you yelling about?

This is from my Memorial Day photo shoot. I got bored and walked off the job. This was a little bit Wrong of me. My Mommie only got to take about 7 photos of me that day. Also, can you see how the little flags are held up by modeling clay?

Even Harley walks off the job sometimes. Here he is running off with his SpyCat binoculars. Oh, and the photo is blurry and Harley is missing part of his head! Hahahahaha!

I swears I did not eat any of the tortellinis. Even though they looked like little ears.

Here is Harley, horsing around again. He is pretending he got a shock from his electric drill.

I guess I jumped higher than expected here! Too bad.

This was supposed to be a picture of Harley framed in the tunnel, until Harley decided to pounce!

More Outtakes!
81 Notes for Daisy:
OMC I am so IN LOVE with that ferst pikcher. I didn't realize yoo had such big udders!!!!!!
They are awesome outakes of the two of you. Skeezy is a bit cheeky I think. You look lovely sweetie, and even supermodels have bad angles.
Those are very funny outakes! Rest assured, Daisy - my belly is even bigger and more squishy :)
Big udders... hehehe.
We love outtakes! And boy howdy, doesn't Mom have a mess of 'em!
Great Outtakes!!
I love the one 2nd one!!
Guess they can't all be gems but I love to see them
What a wonderful picture of Harley having a yell!:)
We have lots and lots and lots and lots of photos of Suey that look a lot like the last photo of Harley.
Daisy, you could NEVER take a bad picture!!! Some may be better than others, but none are bad!!! And Harley is so adorable.
Lol...these are so funny, I love where you jump just a little bit too high! ;o)
I love the out takes!
Huffle Mawson
we LOVE the outtakes. They are fantastic! Psshhh mom tries that trick with hansel all the time too in the tube, but he always attacks her.
Haha! We've got a whole computer full of bad photos too, Daisy!
I love the outtakes! I hope this is a regular feature. I think you have the most beautiful squishy belleh I have ever seen. How I would love to gently poke it.
We love these! And don't tell our mom we said this, but your outtakes are better than the photos she puts on our blog - they are so funny! We want to see more!
Outakes are so fun! I thought I was the only one who couldn't get a one shot pic. I just follow Muffin & Bean and try to catch the moment! Loved these pics.
Very nice outakes, we enjoyed very much, more please!
ViVi & AB
hahahahahhahaha! Dat's great! Yep, it takes a lot of tries to get a good photo.
These are great! We luf your photos, whether "purrfektid" or not!
Luf, Us
i was reading this fast and when it got to the part about harley's being shocked by his electric drill i read it as his electric bill! that would shock me too!!
smiles, auntie bee
and ps: to skeexix: that is udderly ridiculous! har har
We just love your funny outtakes, Daisy and Harley!
Great photos, Daisy! We particularly like the one of you walking off the set!
Quick, someone get the cold water for Skeezy!!
We love those outakes! Don't worry about your belly, it's purrfect! Mom says you should look at Tamir if you want to see a BIG squishy belly!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
some of your outtakes are better than some of my better pictures of the boyz.
It's good to know your mommie also has some not-so-good shots too. That one you you jumping high out of the picture was funny and I especially liked the one of Harley running off--i have a few like that myself!
Even your outtakes are great! Sometimes the outtakes are funnier than the so-called "good" pictures.
You and Harley are quite the characters in outtakes and intakes!
I see Harley can be a bit of a Diva! LOL!
I loved the flying picture of you Daisy...It think it was an innie vs. and outie!
Hahaha - the outtakes are great! Amazing how many pictures The Mommy has to take to get one worthy of being posted.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Great outakes Daisy, though I'm not so sure you didn't eat the tortellinis from the look on your face! ;)
haha, i love all of these. i do not think any picture of the two of you should be outtakes. oh and Daisy, i am a HUGE fan of your big squishy tummy. it looks great for Snorgling. my mommy says maybe one day she will get to meet you and gibe you rasberries on your tummy. i told her to stop dreaming, you are too famous for that.
I loved those pictures. I think mom needs to post some outtakes from her camera of me. That's fun.
Aw, I love all the outtakes! These are all great, and natural!!:))
It's good to see the bad shots--and here I thought my kitties were just bad models!!
And don't worry about the squishy tummy--I've got one of those too. :(
Those are great outtakes. Mom has lots of these ans many that have no kitty at all!
i really like the outtakes today! i love the "natural" kitty photos. did you find out what harley was yelling about?
haha Even your outtakes are adorable, Daisy!
hahaha these are very very funny
I like the one of Harley screeming after getting drilled haha
Daisy, your tummy is purrfection!
Those are great outtakes, Daisy. Very funny.
Daisy, you look gorjuss even when it's an out-take! And Harley is always cute! The pictures did make us larf tho!
This is why it is good your mommie has a digital camera. You don't know how many pictures of goat butts the publicist has.
Hmmmm, no that would not make a good post AT ALL.
I like those photos! My human is glad I am not the only cat who refuses to pose sometimes (all the time for me). I am impressed with high you jumped Daisy!
Those are great out takes. I nearly didn't see your squishy tummy, I was too busy looking at the nip.I have to admit that your tummy is a bit bigger and squishier than I thought, but I bet it would be nice to snuggle up to.
Daisy & Harley, you couldn't take a bad picture if you tried. You are both very attractive cats. We thinks the photographer is to blame for any bad pictures. We are very happy that we can delete our photographers bad pictures of us, since she is senile she never realizes what happened to them she thinks she just imagined taking the picture.~S,S,C & F
Those are funny! Meowm almost always immediately deletes the pictures she doesn't like.
I like your bloopers!
good job explaining those daisy.
Love the outtakes, how fun. I especially like the Daisy jumping photo, she is such an amazing jumper!
The outtakes are really good! How funny! Love the captions as well.
Ooooh we love these out takes Daisy and Harley! Its fun to see you guys au naturel and not posed! You are still so very beautiful and silly!
Theodore and Sasha
Great fun photos. We enjoyed them. Jan needs to read this. We're not the only ones who ruin shots.
Thanks for the advice. We'll check into it.
Daisy, dear, it doesn't matter what you are doing, you and Harley are always lovely!
all the best for you both, dear, and for mommie too!
Daisy, I LOVE LOVE LOVE when you post the outtakes! They are so funny and also they make me feel better about how many bad pictures I get trying for one good one! And oh, your facial expression in that first photo is just priceless - like we caught you doing something naughty and surprised you. And I love the one with Harley and his drill too!
They might not have been purr-fect pictures but they were purr-fect fun to see
Even your outtakes are khute!
I love the Harley shokhked by the drill!
Warts'n'all, we all still love you both sooo much!
Those are great outtakes! Mommy laughed at Harley pretending to be shocked by his drill!
You guys is funny cats.
well we still LOVE the pictures ^_^ you two are SOOOO cute .... LOL we can be just like you guys when walking away causing us to be out of frame in the pic =p *hehe*
Maltese Paws
p.s. Crystal : "Hey Harley...I have that exact same flower harness as yours ^_^ cool..I love it because it is just so comfy walking with it"
We liked those! We are glad to know others sometimes take weird shots!
~ The Bunch
These are especially funny since your Mommie works so hard. Two funny kids!
Hey Skeezix! Stop talking about Daisy's tummy like that ... or I ... I'll fix you. But you are fixed aren't you. Well please don't mention her unmentionables anymore buddy.
Fabulous outtakes! Since Simba and Alfie have been here I've taken many, many photos and even the best are worse than your worst, lol! :) xxx
Hello daisy, thank you for visiting my blog. I just love visitors. I have got a Daisy card, it was in my paw it forward package and I love it..
Hugs GJ xx
I thinks your picshures is rilly good and you should be prowd of your beautiful bellys. Harley is adorabuls too. meow!
I have the same belly too! From being spayed but we are still beautiful kitties. I love your blog!
omg, those shots are GREAT!!!!
LOL! Daisy, I love the shots of you walking off the job, and of you and Harley yelling...
You just gotta let it out sometimes, don't you? ;)
You are definitely keeping your Mommie busy trying to get the right pics! But the outtakes are good, too! ;)
U look like u had fun. :)
Those are very funny outtakes, Daisy! I especially like the one of Harley in his flower harness.
Just the smile I needed you two are the best....Hugs Ariel
Those outakes are great! Love Harley and the drill.
I like a lot your outtakes!
Kisses and hugs
Ahahahaha!!! Those are great... good thing we have digital photos now eh? No longer do we have to wait for those bad pics to come back from the developers - AFTER paying for them!
That is so great ta learn that our first pics dont hafta be the lasts! We haf ta talk to The Big Thing about that.
oAH I love that un-manly Harley!!
That is so so cute cute cute~~~~
Your ottakes pictures are nice too. I like the picture of Harley yelling. hee
~ Bae
okay....those ARE pretty funny! and then of course, Skeezix had to say it... ....udders...hahahhahah....
Ha, I always love the bloopers reel!
Oh my, you look drunk in the 1st picture Daisy with all that cat nip!
Solid Gold Momma
Ha ha ha! Outtakes are so much fun! Thanks for sharing with us!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)
Outtakes are great! We might have to do a post of ours. We've got some very funny ones over the years, especially concerning foster kittens. MOL!
Harley, you taking off with your binocs is priceless!
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