Hay! Do you RECOGNIZE me in this disguise?? It's ME! Harley!

I am disguised as a wild STALLION! If you say GIDDYUP I will run real FAST. Maybe I can enter the KENTUCKY DERBY when I turn three!

Daisy wore this suit ONCE before, but I think it looks better on me. On account of STALLIONS are almost always BOYS. Do you want to PET my orange MANE?

I can also put the HEAD back and wear this suit as a HOODIE! Do you see the little LOOP on the back? That's the STIRRUP! GIDDYUP!

ps: This is one of my Secret Agent SPYCAT disguises. I also have an
ELEPHANT disguise, and a
COWPOKE disguise!

Fashion Friday: I Got a Harley Horse!
83 Notes for Daisy:
You make a very handsome cowpoke! Red is definitely a good color for you. I think you should leave the horse to Daisy.
GIDDYUP Harley! GIDDYUP! You make a handsome stallion!
wow Harley, you make a pawsome model (and stallion) =)
all paws are up for you
Harley, stop hogging Daisy's blog. I was hoping to see her on Fashion Show Friday!
You make us SMILE ^___^
Fantastic shots!!
Oh my God, I love that cute orange tufty mane!
Nice disguise, Harley.
Ohhhh Harley, you are a very brave and handsome stallion!
Wow Harley, that's a cool disguise! You ARE a handsome stallion. We LOVE fashion fridays!
You look like a very handsome stallion, Harley!
Harley house looks fabulous!!!
I love it!!!
I think your figure and bones are bigger than Daisy, Harley~!
You are a big boy!!
Yeeeee har! That's a great disguise! The bad guys wont even imagine it's you under that fluffy mane.
Oh Harley, that is too cute!
Harley, we were totally fooled ! We thought for sure we were looking at a wild stallion. Great disguise!
Do stallions wear pink? Just meowing!
hee hee hee heeee....my French poodle has pretty dresses, too... :) But my pooch thinks she's a cat! Cleans her paws and arms and face with her tongue all the time, just like a cat does!!!! :) Maybe she could hang out with Daisy!!!! :)
well I hardly knew it was you Harley . You are a super spy sandy
You're always horsing around, Harley! hahaha!
Harley, that is a great disguise! You look very handsome as a stallion!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)
Can I be your jockey at the Kentucky Derby?
Huffle Mawson
Too cute, Harley!
That's is just too, too funny, Harley! You make the cutest horsie I've ever seen!!! (However, I must say that pink isn't the mancatliest thing to wear -- good disguise, though.)
Your eyes are always so big and wide like you're constantly surprised -- it's a very charming look.
giddyup horsey... umm pink Horsey??? You really need to speak to your mom, Harley.
Harley, we would have never known it was you if you hadn't told us. That is a pawsome disguise. ~S,S,C & F
You look very sporty as a stallion. Your list of disguises just keeps growing.
Excellent, excellent disguise! But will you eat carrots?
Wow! U is so dashing, Harley! :)
Harley's a horse, of course of course... a man cat disguised as a pretty pink pony!
Harley, I like it when you horse around!
I almost didn't recognize you Harley. Good disguise. I want to see the elephant disguise.
So what's the mystery at the racetrack where you need to be in pony disguise?
Harley, we didn't recognize you! You do make a very handsome stallion! We ALMOST wanted to ride you, then we realized IT WAS YOU!! :)
Mommy does want to pet your mane!!!
Hmmm. I came here hoping to see either Harley or Daisy in some kind of fun Friday fashion, but all I saw was a very cute horsey. Oh, well. I'll check back tomorrow.
MOL I love those pictures and yes mum would love to pet you..
Hugs GJ xx
Harley Horse! Awesome disguise sir! And yes, as a matter of fact, I DO want to pet your orange mane.
You are so funny Harley, but our our favorite is still the cowpoke outfit!
Harley, the Charley Horse...You just made my day!
That is a very good disguise but I wonder why a stallion is pink. I liked your cowpoke outfit best!
We didn't recognize you - that's a pawsome disguise!! We think you make a great stallion!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Great disguise, Harley! We really thought we had gone to the wrong blog today and was visiting a horse!
This suit would be perfect for subverting a corrupt gambling ring at a racetrack!! You are doing some really advanced modeling lately, Harls... the post about your skin care the other day was very interesting. Good work!
I lurves this outfit! I want the Molly to wear a horsey outfit, and then I can pretend to ride her when I sit on her!
We love the pink stallion look! It was hard to recognize you, but the little white nose was our clue.
wow harley, that is a great disguise! i would never have known it was you if you didn't tell me. perfect for your 007 stuff!
smiles, auntie bee
That is a very good spycat disguise!
Very nice, Harley! It's a great disguise for a spycat! No one will suspect a thing!
We like your ginger mane Harley, it looks like our furrs. That is a very good spy disguise, we would never have guessed it was you if you didn't tell us.
my little pony!! squeee!
Harley, you look very cute but honestly not to excited in the first picture. You seem happier with the hood further back - which is a very good look for you anyway. It is a great spycat disguise!
Harley, if u ever decide to have a transspecies operation , you'd obviously make a very fine stallion.
We did not recognize you Harley horse! that is a very good disguise! Giddyup! Mom loves elephants ans hoped to see you in that disguise!
I never would have recognized you, dude.
You are getting to be a master of disguises!
Harley you are very good at disguises!
Thank you for making my mom laugh again!! You look handsome in pink.
To be honest Harley at first I thought you were a little piggie...
But you would make a great stallion too.
Ride on Harley, ride on!
Such great disguises, Harley!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We love you, Harley, because you'e such a nice guy!
Ah yes!
Skhwee is khorrekht on the My Little Pony!
Harley, your horse outfit has just made me smile from ear to ear! It suits you.
That is such a good disguise! We hardly recognized you!!!!!
You're a great looking horse Harley but I do not think anyone should try and ride you.
WOW! We think Q will be very impressed! We wouldn't have known it was yoo!
Oh Harley, how cute! Your sister is very kind to share her fashions with you. :) That is a great disguise! I liked all of the outtake pictures too.
Have a nice, warm sunny Florida weekend. (can I bring my kitties and stay there?:( )
Hugs and Purrs,
Absolutely adorabibbbble
Gosh Harley, we hardly recognized you in that disguise. You'll be able to perform your Secret Agent duties undetected among other the horsies.
Harley, you really do have some great disguises. We can't wait to see what your next mission is going to be.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
That is a good disguise. I honestly did not recognize you.
Harley is that you? I couldn't tell!
YOu make a very good stallion!
Hey love that cowpoke outfit!
Yup!! You look pretty good Harley.
It's fun to 'horse ' around!! heehee
We loved your out-takes too :)
We are not very co-operative with Mom. It's fun to make her work for our pictures ;)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
That cat is going to scratch you while you sleep for putting that on him!! LOL!
Pink stallions on parade! We really don't know why we wrote that, but it just popped into our heads so we went with it.
Hi Harley....I came to get a glimpse of Daisy, but I got to see you instead. That's okay; My Mom got a good laugh while she was reading the blog. She said you make a very handsome "Harley Horse!"
Personally, just between us guys, I think you should go with the elephant. disguise. That definitely sounds more "Secret Agent-y!"
Love, Cody (and my Mom, A.Marie)
You are one handsome stallion, Harley! Giddy Up!
Fooled me Harley, I was sure I was looking at a pink horse
I have the biggest smile ever from those photos, how incredibly adorable (and amusing - I wouldn't have been able to take a still photo as my hands would have been shaking too much from laughing!).
Have a cat-tastic weekend :)
Oh, Harley, we didn't recognize you. Very good disguise. And so versatile.
Yuo yam a furry hansum pink stalyun Harley and we'm finks yer elyfunt disgize wood be gud fer plaeing Funderring Herd of Elyfunts up and down da stares and up and down da stares and up and down da stares and up and down da stares and up and down da stares and den wen da Mommie hav had enuff of dat yuo cood put on yer cow poke owtfit and help her poke a cow to releev her irritashun, tho dat wood be krule so I duzzen't rekomend it, 'k? So wy did I say orl dat? Dunno. We'z had a funny percoolyer day tooday and I finks da Noo Mummy Tiepist Fingy hav gorn evfun barmyer dan ushul, but hay, I has a pritty ladee admyrer wot hav bissited me twise orlreddy and I wonts ta blog abowt her iffen dat NMTF can git offen her fat ars and help me, so woch mine spaes but doan't be hoalding yer breffs! Luffs, Simba :) xxx
PeeEss I luffs yer skwishy tummy Miss Daisy!
A pink stallion!
Kisses and hugs
You is a handsome stallion Harley and I would luvs to pets your orange mane! MOL hehe
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmm i do hav to say as hav others that i am not shoor stallyuns reely come in pink unless maybe they ar my littel pony stallyuns is that wot yoo ar suppozd to be??? ok bye
Woow...Nice Blog..Fantastic shots!!
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