Lately, I have been a nervous Nelly. That's another way of saying I'm not very relaxed. And after yesterday's dive bomb demonstration from Harley, I think you can see why I am emotionally out of balance. I am sad to say that I have been overgrooming from anxiety and making bald patches.

And here is my new and fancy medicines! It is called
Rescue Remedy for Pets. It's made from flower essences, and it is very safe.

Here you can see the ingredients. If you decide to try it for yourself, I recommend you shop around, because I have seen some good discounts on-line.

Mommie, I am ready for my Remedy! Okay? Okay? Please?

I feel much better now! Actually, my Mommie says that I act the same, but do not react as much to Harley. And Harley does not seem to be jumping on me as much, maybe because my energy is much calmer.

Here is a video so you can see when Harley walked by me, I raised my paw at first, but then I just relaxed. Because I have been rescued!

The Remedy That Rescued Me
95 Notes for Daisy:
We think we would be Nervous Nellys too with Flying Harleys suddenly landing on us from nowhere. We hope your rescue remedy works.
Yayy! We were first! We think that is the first time ever on your blog Daisy.
We're glad you're starting to feel calmer. Some situations and siblings sure can be stressful at times.
Dearest Daisy,
We are sorry you have been nervous...but we are oh so happy that you have been rescued! Wonderfuls! It is very important to make sure you chillax!
Take care, sweet Daisy, and don't worry 'bout nothin'!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Hi Daisy - we are so happy you found such a nice remedy. Methinks we might try it, too. We have added a new young cat to our family and little brother Wart has had several recent dive bombings on himself. I think it is the peaceful nature that causes the rowdy's attack. You stopped Harley with just that sweet lift of your paw. Excellent!
Poor Daisy, we are so glad you have been rescued!
Harley is only playing though - he will get more sensible as he gets older. That's wot Mom keeps saying about Alfie anyhow!
Milo xx
Hi Daisy, smooches! And Milo, I AM sensible!
Alfie xx
Oh, Dear Daisy! We are sad to hear you are a nervous Nelly, but after seeing Harley Diving on top of you, we can certainly understand that you would be nervous! Since Rescue Remedy is floral, does it make you smell extra purrty?
Mom read through a lot of the DirectlyFromNature web site and found a product she might need. It is Beech - When you need more tolerance toward other people. Some peoples really walk on Mom's last nerve sometimes.
That Harley is a big guy and look at all those lovely flowers you are tasting in your special rescue elixir
I am glad you are feeling a little bit less stressed Daisy. Maybe Harley should have some Rescue Remedy so he Calms Down as well!
Huffle Mawson
I am also glad you are calmer down now~!
That is very good :)
I think I might get some of that stuff for Cosmo. She'll always strung out!
Did you know there is a Rescue Remedy for people too? I swear by it for life's little stresses.
I could use some of that, myself, after what I've been through this week!
Oh no Daisy! You must not pull out all your beautiful furs!! We are so glad the Remedy is helping you.
Mom tried that a while back but we might try it again. We're glad it's working for you.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That is so sad Harley makes you so nervous. He seems to be much bigger than you. That is good your medicine helps. Feliway is also good for calming down cats. That's what I used when Manny first came to live with us and he was so upset and scared.
oh honey pie, i am so sorry you have been upset. until i saw the video i didn't really realize just how small you are and how big harley is. this is a bit scary. hugs to you...
smiles, auntie bee
We used Rescue Remedy when Angel came to live with us too. She and Gidget really don't like each other much, and it helped both of them to learn to tolerate each other. We're glad it helps you and hope you'll get over your anxiety soon. A lovely kitty like you Daisy needs all her hair.
Angel, Gidget and Lola
awwwww, Dasiy. I didn't realize it made you so jumpy and nervous. Poor thing. Glad the remedy is working.
I promise that it will get better...please don't worry!
That stuff worked wonders for Rambler when he was transitioning from an outdoor stray to an indoor kitty. We didn't know they had the "pets" version! We will go check it out!
does harley take it too? rescue remedy is a really good thing.
We agree with Eric & Flynn....with Flying Harleys coming out of no where....we would be a little nervous too! But, Harley is just being Harley! You should see when Spats & Sassy have WRESTLE MANIA!!
Thank you for sharing the information! Mommy wants to know if it works on HUMANS???
Daisy, as usual, you look beautiful!!!
Love, uSSSSS
I think I would be a nervous Nelly, too, if I had Harley flying out of nowhere to land on me! And Rescue Remedy does work very well for people and critters! We use it here all the time at Split Rock Ranch. It is safe and works like a charm.
We are glad the remedy is making you feel better. We looked at the list of ingredients and Mommy has some of those flowers growing in our yard. ~S,S,C & F
yay for rescue remedy. i am getting some for my little furbabies! i want some for me too
-Audrey, Wilfred's mom
That's super Daisy, that you have been rescued. Being nervous and stressed is NO GOOD! We think you need a nice relaxing spa vacation.
Oh poor Daisy. I didn't realize you were so stressed around Harley, but I guess I would be nervous if I had kitties dive bombing me too. HOpe your medicine works.
That's good stuff - we used it when I came to live with my sibs!
Poor Daisy, psychogenic aloepecia is no joke. One of my furkids has this problem too, Rescue Remedy is a great product...and if that doesn't work your vet can prescribe small doses of amytriptaline
Good stuff! It also chases away the thunderstorm-induced scaries according to some doggie owners I know.
I keep buying it for myself and then giving it away to people who have to fly and are scared to. Time for a new bottle!
glad u found a remedy for that darn pesky brother of yours.
Thanks for the suggestion, Daisy! It's funny, we just did a post today about Samson's problem and asked if anyone had any experience with those kind of treatments!
We use Rescue Remedy too sometimes, Daisy! Mom puts in in our water. How does your mom give you your Rescue Remedy?? We're glad it's helping you.
I'm sorry you have been feeling nervous Daisy. Sometimes a young boy cat can be a little rambunctious. Maybe Harley will calm down as he gets older meanwhile you just try and take it easy and not let him get you all jumpy.
yes how does your mommy give you the remedy?
Hi Daisy,
I am so happy that Rescue Remedy is helping you feel a little calmer. I just received my order of Rescue Remedy yesterday for My dogs Jeni and Bandit, to try and help them not feel so nervous and stressed, I hope it helps them as much as it appears to be helping you.
thank you, daisy! you were furry brave of you to share your fear (and its solution) so others can learn from it. i think i will give that a try for poor xing xing--she has always been SO hissy around the boys, and feliway never helped at all. they really don't torment her as much as she thinks they do. sometimes she wigs out when she just sees them across the room!
thank you, dear daisy--and here's hoping all your stress just evaporates. we think you'd be a bit chilly without your pretty, wavy furs!
love & soft pets, meower mom
I'm glad Rescue Remedy is making you feel better, Daisy--we all love your curly furs & want them to stay where they are. :) I tried RR for Leo for a while, but I'm afraid it didn't make a dent in his wackiness. Minnie has a Feliway diffuser for her weird times.
We used this on Dennis for a while, but sadly, it was not enough to save the sofa. Or the chaise lounge. Or the window seat. Or ....
it is a good thing to relax. i am glad you have found a natural way to help you feel calmer. but sometimes giving harley a good bop on the nose will help you relax too.
Oh, this is great to know, Daisy! Maybe this would help Tinsel, too. She is very nervous because Lily constantly attacks her trying to play. Thank you for sharing!
we use that too and harly had some great pouncing skills hay haly have you ever done the tail chace followed by race care 1000 at 3 am in the morning ending wiff the big pounce
Maxie ( noothing wrong with a good pounce on you sister and No lilly i not chaged my name in to NO MAXIE that just my nick name)
Daisy, I'm so sorry you are nervous. Maybe you need a vacation to a spa, for some massages, facials and milk baths.
Daisy, we are sorry you are pulling out your furs in nervous frustration! Kirby can be rowdy but he has never upset calm shy Angel so much that she pulled out her furs. We are glad the new medicines are helping.
I didn't realize he was SO much bigger than you! Chase is bigger than me in size, but in spirit I might be bigger. At least I think so.
We are glad you can relax, Daisy.
Our sisfur, Sara was licking a lot, too, but doctor said it was hyper-t and she takes medicine. Maybe we should try RR!
~ The Bunch
Hope the remedy works says Kamila. Nothing worse than stress.
Oh Daisy I hope you get to feeling better very soon. I am going to say a purr for you.
God bless,
We're glad you were rescued, Daisy. It's no fun to be a nervous Nellie -- uh, Daisy.
I can't believe Harley dive bombed you. What an unpleasant thing to do to your older, beloved sister. Be nice to your sister, Harley, or I will come down and teach you some manners.
Glad your rescue medicine is working.
When Laila came to live with Mom she came with a bottle of that stuff and it works real good. Maybe Mom should get the bottle out again 'cause Laila is such a bruiser and is always beating up on us mancats!
Minchie and Angel
We're glad you found something to make you feel calmer Daisy. Little brofurs can make things pretty stressful by dive bombing you and all.
Daisy, We have some of that at our house too. Mom also gives Sprocket another medicine for stress, its homeopathic too (but she is having a brain fart and can't remember the name right now).
I am sorry you have been nervous Daisy. But someone dive bombing you I can understand why! I mean I have Abby butting me all the time so I DO understand.
I am glad you mommie found you medicines to help. Now you can be a mellow cat.
Mommy has been using Rescue Remedy for some time now, it is a very good calmer during thunderstorms!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Oh Daisy I am sorry you are a nervous Nelly. I hope it is not all Harley's fault. But I am glad you are calmer.
I hope that stuffs helps good.
Maybe you should tell Harley to quits jumping on you too though.
Aww Daisy, I am glad the Bach's makes you feel better. It is such a great company for helping people and pets with their remedies, I hope it keeps you relaxed...maybe you need kittie yoga ;-)
I'm so glad you've been rescued!
Daisy, we are glad the rescue remedy is working for you. We are going to have to try that for our resident cat with tortietude.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Khan woo do shots of Reskhue Remedy and 'Nip?
Wow! I do think That Thing needs the Wescue Wemedy!
dear, Daisy, you're lovely!
tell Harley that I sent him a kiss!
all the best for you all!
Hmmm, we're pretty calm around here but that stuff might come in handy before the Fourth of July fireworks! You can also use it if you are traveling on a plane or in a car and you're scared or nervous.
Man, Harley is one big man-cat! I'd be drinking 6-packs of Rescue Remedy if I was worried about him jumping on me!
Your pal,
We are oh so glad to hear that you are feeling better. I think we need to get some of that for DKM!
We didn't know about the Rescue Remedy for Pets. We've seen it for humans before. I (Clarissa) have my belly totally bare from over grooming. Also, with 15 of us cats under one roof that just might help ease some of the tension felt around here at times! Good luck with the Rescue Remedy, Daisy and Harley!!!
Being a Nervous Nelly sounds like no fun at all Daisy. I'm glad that your remedy is rescuing you and making you feel better.
Daisy, I know just how you feel. Sometimes I do real well with orion and others I just lose it! I think Meowm had better get me some Rescue Remedy, and maybe she can bring the PTU back out for me, because I have hidden in it in the past.
We're sorry you've been stressed and over-grooming, Miss Daisy. But we're glad to hear you've found something that helps you out! Wonder if that would work to calm the hyper-Pixie down...or maybe to calm the stressed-because-of-hyper-Pixie Sassy down. Might be worth trying!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Wow! I am glad u feels better, Daisy. Kiss kiss. :)
Oh Daisy, I am sorry to hear you have been anxious lately - and licking all your beautiful fur off! That is terrible! I am glad to hear that this medicine is helping you out. In your first picture, your eyes look very very beautiful - you should do more closeups like that!
Hi Daisy,
I used that stuff sometimes. I am a human. Does that mean it will turn me into a beautiful cat like you? You know, the same way Breck is guaranteed to turn me into a 17 year old Kim Basinger?
We just recommended this for the Monkeys, but we didn't even know they had a pet version! Mom has been using the human version of this since she was a lot younger (we won't give specific decades!) and she thinks it's great.
Oh Daisy, I didn't realize your overgrooming was so bad! Poor little girl. I'm glad the rescue remedy is working. Now, Harley you must play nice! Maybe I should try it for Cricket and Toeshee. They are both very high strung.
Have a great day!
Hugs and Purrs,
Oh Daisy, it's not good that you are being stressed out by Harley. I think he only wants to play coz he's young and exuberant, but I'm glad the Rescue Remedy is helping you. Please don't pull out all your lovely curly furs! Alfie and Simba don't get on, in spite of what their former Daddies said, but they tolerate each other iffen they don't meet face to face. If they do, I just get down on the floor and stroke them both and then they go their separate ways. They are getting more calm with each other and I'm sure that will be the case with you and Harley in time. :) xxx
P.S. We have been a cat magnet household today!
Oh Daisy!
I'm really sorry I giggled when Harley divebombed you yesterday. I'm very sorry it's stressing you out...
Hope the medicine works well!
Calming Hugs and purrs,
Mombean uses that now too-she got it at the local health food store and they carry the pet verion as well. :)
Yeah... I hear you.
I need a gallon of that stuff
I am so happy you have found some peace in the midst of mayhem
I sure am glad you discovered Rescue Remedy Daisy! We've been using it for years for squawking kids tantrums which last infinitely longer than dive-bombs! Tell your mommy to try the human version too if she is getting nervous about stuff, like I use it when I compete skating to calm the jitters.
I'm gonna try some of that, Daisy:) I've been very sad about how my furrs are looking:( ~Tristan
We are happy that you have been rescued!!! Harley is a bit rambunctious and big for a little kitty like you!! No wonder you were nervous! We will purr that things stay that way too :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Yoo know, I'm kinda nerviss abowt Tripper the Psyko Stray Cat divebombing me. Maybe I shood by sum of yer medisins!
Hi Daisy,
Glad to read that Rescue remidy is helping you not be so nervous. Though what does a 'bean xpect when Harley dive bombs you???
When we go to shows or when we getz cranky, Mombean uses feliway plug ins. They esp work on the boys in their room.
Glad to know that remedy is working for you!
Kisses and hugs
We're so glad you have been rescued, Daisy! It's pretty bad when you have to be rescued from your own brofur, though!
I just adore your beautiful eyes!
Just look at that sweet little paw, ready for action...but saved for another day!
We tried that in Nigel's water dish and he refused to drink it!! He was recued by Prozac (which we are happy to say he is off of as of today). Keep your sweet little paws crossed for him!
being anxious is not a good feeling
and I have never heard about the Rescue Remedy , but i a glad you've been rescued...
Glad you are chillaxin Daisy.
I agree that Harvey might need some RR too. I have used the human version for years in times of stress and its great stuff.
Daisy it is hard to live with notty roommates! I have sum space in the boks that I am gonna use to ship Star to Alaska if you wanna try and get Harley in there too. :)
Yer pal Dozer
Oh no, we hope you will be permanently rescued soon and won't need to continue taking Rescue Remedy. Feel better soon!
The Rescue Remedy does seem to take the edge off, doesn't it, Miss Daisy? I do not blame you for being nervous. Tallulah flies around like she thinks she's superKitty, but I know she is NOT! She is a super brat!
Good for you Daisy...boys can be such trouble. Dive Bombing for heavens sake!
We will look for that for Eloise; she seems to pull her fur out every time the house gets cleaned or the floor is swept. That is a lot but maybe she is just happy having fuzzies around the place.
Aw, poor Daisy... so glad you found something that helps relax you!!! Harley will settle down once he gets older, I hope!
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