Since tomorrow is the Fourth of July, I am modeling my very extra fancy Independence Day crown. This hat is almost like wearing a fireworks display on my head! I am a patriotic cat.

Harley wanted to model the hat, too. Even though he does not understand about Independence Day yet.

I hope everybuddy has a safe and sane and very fun Independence Day tomorrow!

Fashion Friday: Our Patriotic Headgear
81 Notes for Daisy:
You both look delightful! I hope you stay safe and don't get too frightened when the fireworks start...
Great photos! I like those hats! I want a shooting star hat!
Wow! Where'd you get such an awesome hat? Tabby wants one, too!
Both of you are so ready for July 4th!
That is a very celebratory crown..Happy Independence Day to you all . Are you afraid of loud sounds??
Happy Independance Day to you both!:)
P.S. Did you know that during our move, the two of us AND our mum were using Rescue Remedy. It's a good product:)
Daisy you look wonderfull ready for the 4th July parade,
Happy Independance Day
ViVi & AB
At least those fireworks aren't noisy!
I hope you have your Rescue Remedy ready for when the fireworks start.
Huffle Mawson
You both look very good in your patriotic hat. You have got fireworks without the noise.
Cool you both have crowns now! :)
LOL, Harley is so yesterday, you've got to teach him everything Daisy, being a big sis can be exhausting! Have a safe holiday.
Nice hats~! I could do without all the fireworks in our neighborhood.
very spectacular. happy 4th to you too.
Happy Independence day and we hope the fireworks aren't too noisy.
That is one fancy hat! Daisy seems to be defiantly looking at the camera. Maybe she's thinking, "Don't tread on me!"
That's a very special looking hat. We hope the 4th is a quiet and safe one for you and Harley.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I want a hat like that, too! For me. You look perfectly patriotic for the Fourth -- almost like a little Statute of Liberty!:-)
Colorful hats for colorful cats.
Enjoy the red, white and blue day!
No sparkers or fireworks allowed
tho... we don't like kabooming.
WOW...what a great hat! Hope it doesn't make boom noises!
That hat looks wonderful on both of you!!!
Hey Daisy, there is a curly horse at Best Friends named Curly Sue. Go check her out!
What a lovely crown! Don't tell Harley, but we think it looks better on you, Daisy. ;-)
You both look charming and very patriotic. ~S,S,C & F
Wow, Daisy! That is quite the fancy hat there! You wear it well...Harley, not so much!
You look so gorgeous in your headgear, you fashionistas!
What a fancy hat! You wear it so well, Daisy.
Wow a party right on your head. Who needs fireworks!
The best fireworks of all...beautiful and quiet!
I hope your 4th isn't loud and boomy!
very lovely hat! you know i love hats and crowns and tiaras too!
smiles, auntie bee
Hi Daisy and Harley,
We really like your patriotic hats! Thank you so much for your kind words about our little S'more. We just know that S'more and Pixie are having a wonderful time at the Rainbow Bridge. We miss them both very much.
Rocky, Angie, and our Mom, Karen
That was cute! It looked like sparkles. :)
You both look very regal in your Patriotic crown!
I must say, the hat looks much nicer on you than on Harley...
Oh Miss Daisy, Harley still has a lot to learn from you about modeling. You look great.
I hope those noise crackers don't bother the two of you too much this weekend.
Those are pawesome hats!! Hope you enjoy your holiday!
We like those hats much much better than real fireworks! Happy 4th!
Daisy, that hat looks a little bit uncomfortable. I think I will pass on the cat in the hat and just hide under the bed.
Have a wonderful independence day Daisy! I think your hats are gweat!
Those poor cats. :) That is too funny! Happy 4th (under the couch)!
Gorjuss! Harley looks like he works for
You both look very festive! I hope you have a fun weekend!
daisy you are a very patriotic and beautiful cat! We just read about the rescue remedy- and are thinking about it for tesla maybe! sometimes she just irritates very quickly!
Happy Independence Day to you, Harley and your Mom and Dad!
You look beautiful and patriotic, Daisy!
the old sarge will salute you and harley for your wonderful headgear.
Happy Fourth to all of woo as well!
You two look great in your patriotic headgear! We hope you have a safe and quiet 4th of July!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Happy 4th, Miss Daisy! Happy 4th, Harley! Do stay safe and enjoy the weekend!
You have a very safe and happy Independence Daisy! YEAH.
wonderful hats!!!!
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog ok i wil eksplayn independense day to yoo independense day is the day wen we sellebrayt how jeff goldblum and will smith sayvd us all frum marawding aliens in jiant flying sawsers i hope this has kleerd things up for yoo ok bye
You both look fabulous wearing your Independence Day hat!
Stay safe and have fun!
Happy 4th Daisy & Harley!
We hope the Rescue Remedy is continuing to work for you Daisy! We just read yesterdays post about it.
Absolutely stunning! Especially on you, Daisy. Sorry, Harley. I will be modeling my headgear tomorrow. Have a very Happy 4th, my friends.
You both look delightful! Your Mommie is a genius! Safe and happy holidays to you, too!
Theresa, Joe and Bobby
You guys look very patriotic.
Oh Miss Dasiy, those are wonderful hats you and Harley are wearing and I hope you both have a wonderful 4th of July!!
Mom almost forgot to post my first Fashion Friday, but I woofed and grrrred at her long and hard and we finally got it up!! I hope you enjoy it!!
Your woofie FL furiend,
Happy 4th!!
BOOM BOOM! Like the hat.
Daisy, you two look wonderful! Thank Ceiling Cat that it isn't real fireworks on your head, though.
I likes your hat but I doesn't want to wear any.
I hopes you has a nice quiet Fourth of July without too many fireworks to make you nervouser.
Yay for fashion friday and 4th of july.
Daisy and Harley
You bof look vewy stylish and patwiotic in those hats..I hope the boom booms don't scawe you
smoochie kisses
Wishing you and Harley a very Happy 4th of July weekend!
Daisy,that is a pawsome crown!!!!!!! You and Harley look good wearing it too :)
WE hope you enjoy a nice Independence Day!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Wow, what a wonderful crown, and you both wear it so well! We hope you have a safe Independence Day. Our mom already said she would stay home and hold our paws during the fireworks, so we are not afraid...much!
Loki & Trevor
You and Harley look very patriotic in your hat. Are you a-scared of teh fireworks? We are, if someone is setting them off too close to teh howse.
On TV, nawt sew scairy, tho. Our Mommy and Daddy hoomins let us watch sumfing called the Boston Pops. Then we try to catch teh fireworks on the TV!
Have a happy holiday!
You're the Catue of Liberty! We know, we know, we're horrible at telling jokes!
That is very patriotic-lookin stuff! We are impressed.
i love the fireworks crown! it's beeyootiful!!
i hope you have a safe and snuggly holiday!
Happy 4th, Daisy!
That is a very patriotic hat. We too hope you are safe and don't let the booms bother you too much.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
You two look great!
Happy Independence Day!
Kisses and hugs
Very nice!! ;) You two look marvelous!
What a fabulous hat, Daisy! You are very patriotic. Pimp and Moo dressed up for the 4th too (and it's Pimp's birthday!) --
Have a happy 4th and be safe!
Forget the millinery, give Daisy one of those 4th of July spareribs!
Your comment cracked me up. :D Thank you! Happy 4th of July!
So you are... you are.... OMG, you ARE...
Happy Independence Day, Daisy, Harley, and Mommie. :)
We hope you had a happy and safe 4th!
We had a wonderful Independence Day. Momma's grand'beans were over today with their purr-ents. We had a nice time an' den alla' da 'beans went ta the purr-ade☺ Momma stayed home wif us fur the fireworks cuz she was worried 'bout us bein' skeered of da noise. We is got us a good momma.
Our momma would yike ta know where you shop fur alla' da cool clothes an' hats youz guys wear. We told her is might not fit her, but she wanted us ta ask youz anyways.
Happy belated Independance Day Daisy and Harley!!! You both look fab in the hat!
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