The Photo Hunters theme this week is:
artificial. That's just a fancy word for fake. Here is my artificial chicken. He is made of rubber. Even though I am pretty sure some REAL chickens might be rubbery, too.

Here is an example of a chicken that lays fake eggs. This was a big disappointment. I gave the eggs to my Mommie. On account of they were made of gum.

Also, this pink lizard is a fake lizard. Sometimes, the only way to find out if something is real or fake is to bite it real hard. Usually, if no bloods come out, it is a fake.

I know this will be very hard to believe, but my blond hair is (whispers)
not 100% authentic.

Oh, and do not forget, I am pretty sure Harley's eyeball is made of plastic. Many times, fake things are disappointing. But I still think Harley's plastic eyes are cool.

Photo Hunters: Artificial
78 Notes for Daisy:
Hello Daisy, thanks for the lovely introduction to all things fake in your house. I was a bit disappointed to read that your blond locks aren't real - they still look great on you, though!
oh i love looking at your pictures especially the one where you put a wig on your cat.
mine is up too.
happy weekend
Daisy, you know how toy stores sell dolls that look like a person, but they're fake...oops, artificial? You might have heard of Barbie dolls. Well, I would love a doll version of you wearing your pretty blonde hairs. I would pay big monies for that. You are already in stores with your greeting card. Not a stretch to think there might be a Daisy doll someday, right?
Kathy, I would love to be a dolly!
Great set of photos! But my favourite must be the one with all that wonderful hair! Daisy! You look like a glamorous film star!
Wow, Daisy! We would never have guessed about that hair.. it looks so glamorous on you!
There's nothing fake about you, Daisy! ;)
that top photo just cracks me up Daisy!
My artificial photo this week is a bit hairy! If you'd like to stop by and visit Click Here! I'd love to have you join me. Happy Saturday!!
Your hair isn't real?! Mum want's to know who your colourist is!
That rubber chicken reminds us of one the things Mom says to our Uncle Allen when he wears shorts... "Are those your legs or are you riding a chicken?"
i think the fake egg layin chicken is classic. i love gum.
We were shocked to hear that you are not a natural blond! We were sure that was your real hair!!!
We like Harley's eyes too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I can't believe your beautiful blonde hairs are not real. You look like a natural blonde. As for Harley's plastic eyeballs, I think you're right. Unfortunately, there's no way to scientifically prove this.
You really got us laffin this morning, Daisy. But we are thinkin' you might be wrong about Harley's eyes...just be careful and don't poke 'em.
We would have to have a Daisy Doll if they made one. It would be almost as good as having the real thing. ~S,S,C & F
Oh noes, that eye is kind of creepy. And that hair is kind of funny. Lol. Enjoyed your entry.
No surely not! Harley's eyeballs are for real! 'Cos he sees throo them!
But the other fakes are cool ~ we particularly like your wiggie! Tee hee! Yoo look very glamorous and we think a Daisy-Doll would be wonderful. Mom says she#d buy one for her grand-bean who loves kitties.
Aw Daisy, your "artificial" hair made mom snort her coffee!!
A glamor Daisy Doll with long blond hair! and Plastic eyes like Harley's. That is a great picture of his eye!
You might be right about Harley's eyeballs, Daisy... I've often thought his eyes are too pretty to be true! :-)
Love the big pink artificial lizard, though the color might have been a tip-off...
My PhotoHunt post is over at my main blog, Flamingo Musings. Hope you'll stop by:
Oh Daisy, you are always most informative. Thank you for all your words of wisdom on "fake"
No disrespect but you in the synthetic wig has caused me to laugh myself into my Saturday. hahahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhah
I like it when you said you had to put the bitey on things to determine if they are fake or not. How many bities have you put on your mom? or Harley? Hee! Hee!
The wig is fantastic. You look beautiful Daisy.
The hair is hysterical!!
We were so shocked to read about your blonde hair that it may take us a little while to recover...
I love the pink lizard and your wonderful blond "hair" but I don;t think Harley's eyes are artificial...
Are you SURE your blonde hair is not 100%? We are sooooo disappointed.
That's a neat shot of Harley's eyeball.
We noticed Harley is in a cute cat contest. But Jan doesn't have a Facebook account so we can't vote. Harley sure does look cute in that outfit.
Our Merci is in the cutest dog contest and we could sure use your daily vote if you aren't voting for another dog.
those are all very good examples of fake. i have had one of those pooping chickens too and they are a disappointment.
thank you for a very informative post, daisy!
It's good to know fake from real.
For cat eyes, this is a pretty neat pic, too (
I am laughing about the last one quote, Daisy!
Yes, let's right, yours eyeball are more beautiful! The crystal one!
I LOVE your hair, and Harleys big bright eyes.
We knew you'd have great photos for this meme! We love the chicken and the fake eggs - really cute.
Daisy, is thare anything else abowt yoo that is fake? I don't understand how yer hair can be fake cuz it must be 100% genuine something. right?
it is hard to believe that your lovely blonde hair is fake! But I totally believe that Harley's eye is...
dere iz nuthin fake abowt wut i'm gointa say nex, daisy.
yer da gratest an i luv u.
an dat'z da trooth.
Who knew fake things could be so cute? I'm glad no bloods came out of that fake lizard, we wouldn't want to ruin one of your pretty outfits!
what a great artificial post daisy! and we LOVE harley's eyeballs!
To my disappointment, all the mousies in our house are fake. But they are still fun to play with. I just wish they'd run around on their own.
Who knew your blonde hair was not real? It looks so natural. I don't care, I still love the way it looks on you. I suspected about Harley's eyes all along.
Well Daisy, your blond hair may be "artificial" but you are REALLY cute!
LOL. Very creative of you!:)
It is good to know how to tell if a lizard is real or not! But I think I wouldn't want to try it.
I love that pouty look you give in your a British pop star!
Thinking about what Kathy said about a Daisy Doll. I know a guy over at the MIT robotics dept...robotic Daisys for everyone! Send grant monies now for research and development!
Daisy, I love the picture of you with your blonde hairs. SO ADORABLE.
I love your cat wig no matter if it's fake or real, Daisy. You look great and that's all that matters. :D
Daisy, you have a lot of cool artificial, whoops we mean fake things ... hee hee! And we think your blond hair looks pretty darn natural to us! But we don't think Harley's eyeball looks plastic, just really pawsome!
Happy Saturday!
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Pee Ess ... Tristan and Crikey are supposed to be leaving our home state today to move to your home state. Our Momma talked to their Mom and she is the nicest person!
I love the fake hair. It made me laugh really hard.
Daisy, your blond wig is pretty cute on you even if it is fake. I do think your natural curls are much nicer though! I'm thinking that rubber lizard was not delicious!
Are you sure about Harley's eyeball? It looks lovely and real to me.
Happy Weekend!
Daisy, you never fail to disappoint!
Your rubber chicken's legs are hilarious! I love you in your blonde wig, too -- it's nice to change it up sometimes.
I have to tell you, though, I think that Harley's eye is the real thing. Maybe he's just wearing contact lenses!
Daisy, you warn people when you are going to wear wigs like that. The publicist dropped her peach and spit peach juice all over her keyboard.
You gave her a good laugh for the day. She is now sending your link to her girlfriend who needs a laugh today.
Oh Daisy, we know yoo is 100% really real...Harley too...and 200
% really really cute.
Daisy we think that your fake blond locks are the prettiest fake ones we have ever seen! And I love Harley's plastic eyes!
Daisy, you are such a saucy Miss in your blonde locks with that sanguine look... absolutely priceless!!!
Daisy, we love it when you wear your blonde artificial hair.
Oh Daisy those pictures are hilarious! That one of you biting the lizard made Momma laugh so hard and the LOOK on your face when you're wearing that wig!!! It's priceless!
OMC! I didn't finks your bootiful blonde hair was fake but you is so right about da bitey fing some times you has to puts da bitey on to finds out.
I can't believe youw golden haiw is not weal..I whould have guessed cause it doesn't have youw bootiful cuwls
Hawley's eye is magical
smoochie kisses
All this time.... OH NO... you mean to tell me that the blonde hair is.... ARTIFICIAL?!?!?!
Mine's up, too! I hope you get some time to visit.
Mrs. Mecomber
New York Traveler Photo Hunt
Daisy, please don't bite Harley's eyeball to see if it is fake or not!
your blond hair is skerring me! I likes your regular furrs better.
Does Miss Piggy know you "borrowed" one of her wigs?
Hi, Daisy!
I love how you look with your wig!
I don't think Harley's eyes are fake!
Kisses and hugs
This cracked me up, Daisy! You are quite the costume queen!
We duzzen't fink a reel chick-hen wood sit on yur hed so we beleeves he am artifishull. We doan't fink da Harley has plastick ise so dey am not artifishull. We finks yuor hare am byootifull so we doan't caer iffen it's reel or fake, yuo luek byootifull ennyhoo! We luffs yuo Daisy! Simba and Alfie, oxo oxo oxo :)xxx
P.S. We'm not shur how we missed Auntie Deb's "Got a Screw Loose Day" but we did... Duhr! A & S :)xxx
Too khute!
And yes: I often wonder about Harley's eyeballs!
Yes, I have to agree with Daisy- Harley's plastic eyeballs ARE cool.
Hahaha! I love your wig, er...I mean blond hair, Daisy :)
At first glance, those rubber chicken legs can look quite real! You look very purrty with blond hair, Daisy!
Cool post of fake things! Especially Harley's eyeballs!
We's nows gots this fakes thing down.
Thanx for the lesson on fake things! And, we think Barney's eyes are wicked kewl!!!
Wow! Indeed very nice post for the theme wiht excellent images! Especially I like the "plastic" eyeball photo :)
(gasp) Do you mean you're not a natural blonde, Daisy?!
Daisy.....your blonde hair isn't really attached to your head???? We just don't believe it!!! Harley's eyes are super cool!
That blonde wig cracks me up every time...
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