Friday, September 25, 2009

Fashion Friday: Let Them Eat Cake!

I been wondering, if I wear this CROWN...
Can I be QUEEN for a DAY?
Thank you to KC and the Cat Blogosphere for for remembering Pixie's birthday at the Bridge today. Pixie, Daisy and I hope you get lots of banners today. We miss you.


90 Notes for Daisy:

Freya's Staff said...

Queen of hunky mancats maybe?

I think not.

Go back to biker jackets Harley!

Christine said...

Harley, did you steal that PINK crown from Daisy?

Anyhoo, I think you look better in Harley-Davidson gear!

Leigh-Ann said...

Harley, I think men look nice in pink, and it shows you're secure in your masculinity! I'd bet Daisy wouldn't be happy that you're wearing her crown, though... make sure you put it away when you're finished ruling.

Donna said...

Um, Harley-- U is a mancat, so u can be King. Maybe u can gets a shiny gold crown. Dat's what hooman kings wear. :)

Forever Foster said...

We don't see why not, Harley. You look very regal there, buddy:)

Misha said...

I could swear you're wearing eyeliner as well, Harley! MOL!

Bae Bae said...

Err... You're a handsome queen Harley

~ Bae

Cat with a Garden said...

Our purrs go to Pixie today.
Harley, you are ginormously handsome in those photos!

Manny said...

How about being King for a Day since your are Mancat. I suggest you forget anything pink too--leave the pink for Daisy girl.

Milo said...

Purrs for dear little Pixie from Me and Alfie and Mom.

And Mancats CAN wear PINK!

Milo xxx

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Harley is really cute :)

We remember Pixie for sure~!
I hope Pixie always have great days at the bridge, and I am so sure:)

Rumblepurr said...

Dude...that is a little TOO been spending too much time with the girls,come be manley with us!!!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

You make a pretty queen, Harley.

We remember Pixie today.

Teddy Westlife said...

Harley, are you sure you want to be a queen? Queens are usually girls you know.

Huffle Mawson

Parker said...

Harley, you do look great in a crown.
We remember sweet Pixie, everytime I play with my nanner I think of her!

Anonymous said...

It's good to remember our absent friends and family, and we appreciate the Cat Blogosphere... they help us remember that there are many others who care.

Remembering Pixie with fondness...

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

O, Harley, you looks so cute in that crown.
We miss Pixie a lot... that's a cool pickshure of hers.
Love & Purrs,

Forty Paws said...

Many purrs and hugs to you and your family on Pixie's Purrfday.

Harley looks cute with the crown.

Luf, Us

The Monkeys said...

We're sending you guys some purrs as you think about sweet Pixie at the bridge!

You definitely look 'queenly' in that crown, Harley!

The Whiskeratti said...

Umm... Harley.. we aren't sure you understand what "queen" means...

The Creek Cats said...

We were not fortunate to know sweet Pixie, but we can see how much she was and still is loved by her family and furiends. We are sure she and Cal are eating some nanner cake at the bridge today in celebration!

Meghann said...

Umm, are you going to sing YMCA as well?? It is a very nice crown, and I think you model it very well!
Have a great weekend,
Meghann and Arwen

JD at I Do Things said...

Happy birthday, sweet Pixie. I know you are munching happily on bananers today (and every day).

Harley, in that crown, you can be anything you like -- you are just that adorable.

Cindy said...

How handsome

Lin said...

Thinking of Pixie today. I think she might be hanging with Ruth at the Bridge. It's a nice thought, isn't it?

Honey P. Sunshine said...

i miss dat nannerhead

The Florida Furkids said...

Harley...maybe you would like to be KING for a day? Or Prince?

Happy Birthday to Pixie. We're sure there's a big party at the bridge today.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

SeaThreePeeO said...

You can be our Queen anyday Harley!

Happy Rainbow Bridge Birthday Pixie xx

i beati said...

You are hilarious Harley Pixie a very special girl

Dma said...

hey harley you look just like freddie mercury.

that's a great photo of pixie imitating a bananer.

Isolated Existence. said...

So so cute! Awww, love the picture with the chiquita sticker :-)

PS. I have an award for you on my Blog...

Cory said...

Harley, you can be anything you want to be!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

harley you are a lovely queen!

and you know i cannot eat a banana without thinking about pixie even now...

smiles, auntie bee

Romeo said...

Hmmmm. I agree with Leigh-Ann. This may not make Daisy happy. Maybe you can be princess?

Samantha & Mom said...

Hehehehehehe!! Harley you are so cute!! Kings wear crowns, too, you know!! We all miss Pixie, too!!
Your TX furiends,

Sweet Purrfections said...

Remembering Pixie today!

Hansel said...

Queen harley? QUEEN?

Buggys said...

I have a life rule about men who wear pink...never trust'em! I'm being tested here.

Anonymous said...

Harley I think you look rather nice in your crown, don't listen to those naysayers. Pink complements your furs very nicely but you have to be King, not Queen.

Anonymous said...

Harley, your face is pricess! Everytime I eat a banannar I think of Pixie...and pray That I will be able to be as good a mom as yours to my kids as they get older.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Harley, you gotta talk your mom into getting you some exclusive Boy Cat
Love and hugs of remembrance to you today Pixie!

Hitesh Rawat said...

all hail to the queen..........rise.......\,,,/

Puglette said...

happy fashion friday to you all!!
big hugs,

Mishkat said...

Franklin's been trying to convince everyone that real mancats can get away with wearing pink, so we think you look fabulous, Harley!

And we're sending many purrs to Pixie.

jenianddean said...

Sweet Pixie ... we miss her.

And I think Harley looks very nice in his crown, especially since he's giving out cake.

Sherri said...

Oh...aren't you just gorgeous Harley! I'm sure Daisy is a little jealous that you look so good.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think Pixie would like you being queen for her birthday. That is very sweet! Now, I am going switch my ham sandwich for a banana in honor of Pixie...

Do not worry--I am not sacrificing much as I will have ham later.

Liss said...

Lookin' good in that hat there!

brokenteepee said...

That is nice of everyone to remember Pixie. I never met Pixie - it was before I met you Daisy and Harley!

She looks very pretty.

Harley you ROCK that crown!

The WriggleButts said...

Aww.. sweet Pixie. I'm not sure about that queen thing, Harley..


Reese =^..^= said...

Harley, you look VERY handsome!!! It's nice of you to entertain your Mommy today. I know she's missing Pixie.

Anonymous said...

We thinks you can surely be KING for a Day! We like you in your Harley gear better!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

You guys are just too cute for words! Sure, Harley, you can be whatever you want to be - this is America, the land of dreams.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is cute Harley, but we thing King for the day would be better title!

Theresa Joe & Bobby said...

Happy Birthday TO You Little Pixie. You are the bestest big sister ever. We miss you but are happy to know you are running around all over heaven and that you are watching over us.
Love you!

Mike Serena Tabatha Elsa Ginger Tyson said...

We love Pixie too and did not know today's her birthday but Daddy was thinking early today how our kitty Georgina used to like nibbling on bananas, then he comes to read this now and sees it was Pixie's birthday! We cried for her last Sept. too; such a beautiful kitty. We were reading your Sept.2008 postings and see that Harley was called Montey, then later he was Neptune! We are glad he has a home!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We're not sure about that crown, Harley. Well, the crown is OK, but the pink floof is a bit um, "princessy"...

Margaret Elmendorf said...

Oh Harley, you look a little silly looking like a Queen. You would be much better as a King. You are so handsome.

Daisy Deadhead said...

Harley is beautiful! :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Harley, you are too cute for words!

We are remembering Pixie, too. She was such a good big sisfur to Daisy.

~ The Bunch

Zoe and Indy said...

Of course you can be a queen if you want to. You look lovely, Queen Harley.

And it was nice to see that picture of Pixie again. She sure loved bananas, it was so cute and funny.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh today is a special day. Happiest birthday to Pixiekins. I think she might be having bananers with Caesar, only he is eating cottage cheese.
Maybe they are sharing and snuggling.

Harley, you look pretty good in that crown.
purrrs to both of you for a happy week-end

Ikaika said...

Harley Queen! Very regal.

Happy Birthday at the Bridge, Sweet Pixie ...

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Harley we thinks you would be a King. Ask Daisy what the difference is, we are sure she will explain it properly. ~S,S,C & F

Amy & the house of cats said...

Harley you look cute in the crown, but I think you should be king for the day!

And that is a cute picture of Pixie - it is nice to remember her like that.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Harley, you really can get away with just about anything! What funny guy you are!

Everytime Mom sees a nanner, she still thinks of Pixie.

Deborah Bradley said...

Harley looks really cute, I guess he can be a queen for a day or two. You have a lovely pet.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are remembering Pixie today.
Harley, are you really sure you want to be a queen?

Ann said...

aww you look cute in that crown. Does Daisy know your wearing it?

Your Daily Cute said...

Harley... Man-cats are KINGS, not queens. Ask Daisy. She'll tell you -- she's always so good at 'splaining these kinds of things.

And I wasn't lucky enough to know Pixie, but what a beautiful kitty. Happy birthday at the Bridge day, Pixie. I hope you met Gizmo up there... she's one of the best.

Castle said...

aw..rememebering the beautiful banana crazy pixie...lots of love xxx

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It's Bike Night in York -

Khome on Prince Harley and stop by!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

While the crown does look goodon you Harley...maybe go for a nice blue one next time.

Sweet Pixie....we still remember the day you crossed....Meowms eyes leaked and leaked. We bet your Mom's still do. We hope you are having a great day over the bridge!

The Island Cats said...

Oh Harley! We think you are really can be King...not Queen!

Cat Clothes said...

Of course you can win it! Does it make you rule over Daisy now?


CCL Wendy said...

I looks like Daisy is in no mood to explain this to you, today, Harley! Only ladycats can be Queens. Mancats can be Kings, but kings don't normally wear pink. I hope that straightens everything out for you.

What's Daisy's "beef" by the way?

Scrooge said...

um. I thinks queens is sposed to be GIRLS.

boys like you 'n me is supposed to be KINGS.

You needs a better king hat.

Print Brochures | said...

I love that cats look. She look like a Queen really. Smoky eyes!

Skeezix the Cat said...

We shur do miss yoo, Pixie. Harley is much more of a blog hog than yoo ever were. We think of yoo winever we eet nanners.

Skeezix the Cat said...

PEE ESS: I reely like Harley's crown. But he'll hafta dook it owt with me if he wunts to be Qween for a Day.

The Oceanside Animals said...

I'm sure there's an endless supply of banananananers at the Rainbow Bridge. Along wth an endless trunk full of stuffies.

Mr. Hendrix said...

i think you're Prince. he wore funky velvet and ruffles. he is an awesome guitarist too!

purrrrrrrrrrs for Pixie. we think of her sometimes when mommy buys banannas and we smile when we think of how much she loves them

Chrissie said...

Happy Birthday to that Pixie Bananer at the Bridge! Seeing her picture was bittersweet-I'm sure more so for you.

Harley, I think you've been hangin' out in Daisy's dress up closet!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You get to be QUEEN for only 1 day you know!

Lorenza said...

OK! You can be Queen for a Day!
Kisses and hugs

Ariel said...

Harley you look adorable in your crown.Happy Birthday sweet Pixie.

Quill and Greyson said...

You look very regal Harley! I know Pixie is playing and pouncing.

Jackie said...

Harley it takes a real mancat to wear a pink crown!!

You look just purrrfect dahling!!:-))

Anonymous said...

Awww, Harley, you're so PRETTY!


Trish said...

Happy belated Birthday!

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