I hope everybuddy had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! This is how I felt after eating a little bit too much:

Since today is the official start to the holiday shopping season, I thought it would be very fun to do a little giveaway from my new store,
Daisy's Curly Cat Designs. I will give away any one of my
single buttons or magnets to a lucky winner! To win all you have to do is say in the comments that you want a chance to win. Your comment must be entered by 5:00 am Eastern Time on Saturday. The contest is open to any person, cat, dog, goat, hamster or other friend.
I will select the winner with a random drawing. Good luck everybuddy!
Here are just a few of the designs:

ps: You can click on the buttons to see all of the different designs. Or go to
Daisy's Curly Cat Designs shop to see everything!

A Black Friday Giveaway!
123 Notes for Daisy:
Hi Daisy! Is it open to everyone all over the world? I am from the Philippines and I'd like a chance to win your nice giveaway.
hey that's good u have allowed all the animals to participate in.....
but are Guinea pigs allowed?????
I would like to win one....but I live to far in India.....that way far from US....the time difference is more than 12 hours.... :)
Shop a lot this vacation....\,,,/
How fun! We'd like a chance to win ;D
Miss D, I would love to win a beautiful button with your face on it.
I love your photo today, too cute.
Those buttons look pawsome! Were a bit sad we have nothing to attach them too, so all the fun would go to mommy. ; )
That's a mighty cute and funny photo Daisy! We would love to be entered in the give-away.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
I would love to enter Daisy, if cats from Australia are allowed to enter.
We would love to enter, if France isn't too far away! Those buttons are so cute!
That's funny, Daisy. I looked just like you did. Except I laid like that on the couch, not the floor. But still.
I would love a button! I think you look so silly sticking your tongue out on one of them.
I was poking around your store yesterday and I think I'm going to buy your crabilated mug. It will be just the right thing for work. Many people feel crabilated there. Did you know that?
Wow that's a great contest! We hope we win (maybe we could give it to our Mom for Christmas!!).
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh Daisy you look like I feel. We would love to enter your contest and we are thrilled that it is open to all kinds of animals. Cause the donkeys are very important around here. We are so excited that we might win something from your store.
Filling your belleh was a great idea, Daisy!:)
If Australia is not too far away, we would love to enter:)
Daisy and Harley, we would love a chance to win ~ we live in the UK though ~ so does that discount us?
We'd love to win something from your store!
Haha Daisy. I don't think it was too much food that made you roll on the floor, I think you are a nip head like me. We would love the chance to win one of your magnets or buttons.
I want a chance to win!
Yay!! :)
Thank you.
Hello Daisy. Thank you very much for your giveaway. I would love to win! You are so generous! (p.s. Will Harley pull the name? Better watch out for him!)
Daisy, please enter us in your fun contest, too!
Oh yes! We would luf a chance to win a button!
Luf, Us
I would LOVE a button!
If you can enter people from Canada, I'd love a chance to win! I love the "Pfffft" button - it is perfect!
I'm having a sale starting today in my Etsy store, just in case you wanted to know :)
Check out my Little Studio blog for details :)
Hi Daisy.....this is our idea of black Friday and would love a chance to win.....Mommeh is so generous ~ auntees
Pookie said:
Daisy, please enter me in your fun contest!
We would like a chance to win.
We like the I love cats button - Harley is just too adorable.
Good Morning Daisy, I would like to enter the chance to win one of your purrfectly charming pins. Purrs
That picture is hilarious, Daisy! You look like you are enjoying every second of that roll in the nip.
Edgar would LOVE to win a magnet from you - we have a thing for magnets and I plan on buying several from you.
Happy Friday!
Oooh! If it counts for the UK, I would love a chance of winning. It could go alongside my other famous blogger badges :)
We'd like to enter too, Daisy!
Thanks. :)
Mom says she feels the way you look
Daisy ~ we're back to tell yoo that you are appearing on Sarge Charlie's blog today!
Milo and Alfie xx
We would like a chance to win! Those are cool buttons!
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley!
Hi Daisy, my second comment, but wanted you to know that you and Harley have won a best blog award. But you have to visit my blog to receive it.
Have a great day and no eating today.
Hi Daisy and Harley! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! We would love a chance to win one of your buttons!
Thank you
Boots, Ozzie & Brenda
Hello to all the cool cats who read this blog. This is fun and maybe I'll win a magnet!
I would LOVE to win a cute button or magnet! Please consider this my official entry into the contest.
Daisy, your Mommeh is so talented. Anyone can slap a cute photo on a magnet, but your Daisy Store is really nicely done and has the best products of any store ANYwhere (except maybe Dunkin' Donuts).
Hope you all had a very happy Thanksgiving.
We'd love to win one of your buttons!
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Daisy and Harley!
Oooh! Me and Pimp and Moo would love a chance to win. We love your designs and always knew you'd have your own line someday! ;)
I'd love a chance to win! And, I'm a human, just fyi.
My curly cat Sasha would love to see one of her "relatives" on a button in our house. Off I go to check your shop!
We would really love a button Daisy. We will share. We ask that you enter us.
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady
I would love a chance to win anything from your wonderful product line!
Hi Daisy! I would love to win the 'No Clowns' magnet. Harley looks very cute in the clown head-furs!
My mommy has 6 of us and 16 foster cats. We hope some get adopted soon because some of us do not like strangers in the house!
Daisy, that's pretty much how I feel this morning and I didn't eat all that much, my husband on the other hand was a total piggy.
I would be happy to win a button or magnet - I am particularly fond of the one "Pfft" LOL
OOOOH! We would love a chance to win!
Daisy, it looks like you outdid yourself!
Count me in! Just love your photo.
Hi Daisy, I and my kitties Gadget, Tom, Momma Kitty, and Sissy would like a chance to win too! Happy Thankgiving!
That's a great picture, Daisy! I'd love a chance to win :)
My kitty Baby and I would like to win! Baby is recovering from pneumonia she had over Thanksgiving. She thinks your buttons look cheerful.
Yes please! Pretty please! Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to win a button with you on it!!!!
I would love to have one of your buttons Daisy!
Dear Daisy and Harley,
I would love to have a chance to win one of your charming buttons. You are so clever!
Best wishes
O mai goodness! Whitey would love the Bitey=Good Button!
Daisy, we'd love to win one of your pawsome buttons!!
Daisy, we love the post-Thanksgiving stupor photo and we would sure like to win one of your magnets!
Happy Black Friday!
We'd like a chance to win....Pffft!
Hi Daisy, I would love a chance to win! I'm still trying to get over the news that black Friday has nothing whatsoever to do with black cats...sigh. I think I'm gonna have to change that next year!
I wants to wins! That would be a neat birthday thing and I am one years old today!
lol Daisy, I think we all felt a little bit like that yesterday! I would love a chance to win! :-) Thank you!
I LOVE your new store, Daisy! I've got to hide my credit card from Hobbes! Of course, add us in on a chance to win. :)
We in Iowa especially loved your Thanksgiving costume! We are tired and full, but would LOVE to win a real Daisy button!
your picture looks exactly how i felt last night...
the boyz and i would like a chance to win your spiffy giveaway.
Aww Daisy. WE WANT A CHANCE TO WIN one of those awesome buttons! Happy Friday
Benny & LIly
we want a chance to win! oh oh oh pick us!
Ohh! Daisys you gots my moms all excited shes loves your cat school design! So as my gifts to her, we would like a chance to win! That would be amazing!
Pick me! Pick me!
Ooooh!! We're big Daisy and Harley fans!! We'd love a chance to win!!
I would like to enter!
oh how cute! if i win i want the pffft one! adorable!
smiles, auntie bee
We really like that first post-Thanksgiving photo with Daisy lying supine :)
Luna would like enter the giveway.
DAISY, have you been in the catnip bag again????????
Hahahahha....I'd love to wear the one with you giving the raspberry ... pffft..... what fun that would be to have!!
Daisy, I love giveaway! I would like a chance to win too! Will you be eating turkey again today?
I would love to have a chance to win! Thanks Daisy!
I'd like a chance to win!
I'd like a chance to win! What a great Black Friday deal!
We wanna chanze to win too, we love DAISY and HARLEY!! We hope to order a calendar soon!
I have one of your calendars, Miss Daisy, and I LOVE IT! I think it would be lots of fun to have a chance at one of your cool frig magnets.
OO! Can I try to win?! I love your blog!
I am so glad that goats can win! I was afraid for a minute...
I would love to be entered. You are such a cool cat!
How fun! I would like to be entered in the drawing. Thanks Daisy and Harley :-)
We feel like you do today too!
We wanna win a button!! They are so cool!!
I would like to win a magnet, Daisy! :)
I would love to win one of your gorgeous buttons, Miss Daisy.
Humbly yours,
BJ (Brutus Junior)
Oh what a funny picture of you!
We would love to have a magnet for the frig, that way we could look at you all the time!
Hope you and Harley had a great day (it looks like you did).
~ The Bunch
Those are cool pins Daisy! We'd like a chance to win! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving!
Oh Daisy, it looks like you have been into the catnip!
Ha, my clown-phobic friend would love the "No Clowns" one!
I would sure love to win one of your buttons! We have been fans of yours for two or three years! You make our day - a good way to start the day by reading about our adventures!
Sandy, Toni, Rusty, Eleanore and Neko
i bet Skeezix is gonna die when he sees your belleh in that picture!
i would love to win one of your buttons, i would wear it in my belleh floof!
Your buttons are so cute I posted about your giveaway where I share insights on contests & giveaways: http://sewcalgalcontestinfo.blogspot.com/
I also shared on twitter & Facebook!
Those buttons are so cute, Daisy. We would sure like to win one of them.
Buddy: But if we win, which one of us gets to wear it?
Cotton: None of us, Buddy. It has a sharp pin in it. Jan has to wear it.
Buddy: Ouch! I better get some medical supplies ready, just in case.
Daisy, there is nothing in the world I would love more than a chance to win your giveaway. Having a button or magnet depicting you and Harley to make me smile each day would be awesome :)
hi miss daisy, we would like to enter ur contest. we think that one of ur buttons would make a great gift for moms.
yuki, kintaro & tt
pee ess tell harley we voted fur him. moms says she always has a speshul place for those kitties whose elevators dont go to the top. she says that about us sometimes too. we think it means we is extra speshul.
Daisy, I would love to win a magnet or button! I particularly like the "Faces of Catnip" one.
Hahahaha I hope that Pffft picture is on t-shirt in your Cafepress store. I'm gonna go look right now...
I would love a chance to win! You have great designs!!!
Woo Hoo! I would love to win.
I would love a chance - Thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Hiya Daisy!
I'm new to the blogoshpere, hecks, I'm new everywhere, coz I just came to mine forever home. I'm 11 weeks old and the ladybean sez I have a lot to learn.
I'd like to enter your contest! You are a very pretty lady kitty.
Yer pal Milton
I would LOVE to be entered to win!
Oh the things I khould do with a khat magnet/button!
Daisy, I love reading about your life. I check every day.
Hi Daisy and Harley!
Wee think yoo ar veri funi evry day!
Wee mite fite over tha pin but maybe wee can shair!
Zoey and Panda (I mite be related to Harley cuz we're both black and white!)
Yoor furry jenerus, Daisy, giving away one of dem rare and egskwisit buttons of yoors. We'd love one of dem and mom sed we can get some of yoor swag as soon as daddy leaves her all da money...what does dat mean?
They are lovely.. I am off to the shop to go see.. I would love to be in the givaway please. Hugs GJ xx
Oh those are SO cute, we'd love a chance to win :)
We want a chance to win, Daisy!
I'd like a chance Miss Daisy!
I wunt a chance to win a buttun of yoo in the foto at the top ware yer showin yer tummy!
I would love a chance to win one of your buttons, Daisy. They're all super cute :-D
Hi, Daisy!
Sure you had a very good Thanksgiving meal!
I would like to win one of your pawesome buttons!
Kisses and hugs
I want to win! My daughter would go gaga for those.
Awwww... lookit you! What neat buttons!!
You guys are going to do a great business! ;)
I'd like a chance, Daisy!
So cute! I'd love a chance to win!
so lovely new store, Daisy! I want a chance to win :)
We would like a chance to win please.
We hope you've recovered from eating too much!
With so many animals entering your contest, we can't wait to see who the lucky one is.
Purrs to you both,
Tyler and sibs
Oh, I'd like a chance to win, Pick me, pick me. Preety please.
All the buttons are so cool, I don't know which one to choose...
Feline kisses from Gotchi
What great buttons! I want to win one!
Oh, Daisy, I ate too much turkey too. My Food Lady made me Thanksgiving Turkey Treats (the recipe is on my blog) and I am so stuffed! I would love to win one of your buttons - it will take my mind off of my ever-so-full tummy!
Hi Daisy and Harley! We woulod love to win a button!!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We enjoyed our turkey very much.
Hi Daisy! I would love to win a magnet! I didn't eat the turkey, Mum gave me some but I wasn't crazy for it.
I love them all and would like to enter on behalf of evie, Darlin, Pinky, Lovey and Priinceman and oh yes Miledy MArmalade!!SAndy
WOO HOO!! We really must enter to win a Daisy pin to go with our Skeezix pin! They are all cute pins!
I think I missed out on your contest. I like the last button the best!
WE missed out on those cute buttons. We will have to go to your store and check them out!
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