Photo Hunters: Technology
The Photo Hunters theme this week is: technology. I like technology because it can do some good things. Sometimes, technological equipments are hard to use. Like this telephone. No one is ever on the line when I answer! Hello? Hello? Anybuddy there?

46 Notes for Daisy:
Wow Daisy, I had no idea you were such a tech head!
You have lots of useful technological things there. We are impressed with all your high tech heating gsdgets.
You are a very tech savvy ladycat. Do you know how to set the timer on the VCR? Because we could use your help!:)
You are very well equipted, Daisy! I am sure that these things are put to many good uses, not just to warm your toes!
Happy Weedend!
Daisy, I am glad you have found such special uses for all the puters in your house.
Daisy ~ WOW! Yoo are definitely a tekky.
I see you are able to use all these as they were intended DAISy 11 hahah sandy
I am with you on the uses of technology for warming the body. My Mom's computer is a great full-body warmer for me.
Now all you gotta do Daisy is learn to just push some of those numbers on the phone and maybe you will get someone in Ireland or somewhere far away. Mommeh might get a little upset though. Those machines do provide some great warmth. Squeeky sleeps on the radio.
You and Sumari think alike! Especially when it comes to heaters!
Excellent technology post my dear friend!
Great post Daisy, I wasn't aware of some of the features available with the items you listed.
You're a very smart ladycat to know how to use all of that high tech equipment!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You're very lucky to have such wonderful electronics! We sure could use one of those full body heaters!
You have some very nice technologies there, Daisy!
Gus and Pru also enjoy lounging on top of the slightly uncomfortable-looking body warmer, which we call a cable box.
Oh Daisy, I never realized how technically advance you are! I'll have to call you when I have a problem with my TV or telephone.
We love your full body heater and the footwarmer. We are thinking we should get those for Mommy as she is always complaining about being cold. Do you know if they have them in larger sizes as she is enormous compared to you? ~S,S,C & F
You are quite the techie, Daisy! Us...not so much!
We likes da counter yur warming yur butt up on.
Daisy you are too funny, you are always giving me a new understanding of the world.
Those is good ways to get warm. Being warm is important!
I love the technology too.
Isn't it great to have so many wonderful butt warmers in your house?!!
Happy Saturday Daisy and Harley too
We like your technologies, especially the warming ones!
Hope you had a great turkey day!
you are sure a technology savvy kitty daisy!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Who knew you were a geek, Daisy!? ;) You have all the latest cool technologies!
Miss Daisy you are very technical.
Wow Daisy! Where do you gets alll these gadgets?!
Very impressive, Daisy. Your Mommeh is so good to buy you these technological things!
~ Gracie
Full body heaters are the best! You are very high tech Daisy.
back in the days when i had an answering machine i used to call home every now and then and leave mr. max a message since he could hear the messages as they were being left. he never did learn how to pick up the phone though.
It's so hot here in SAingapore that we don't need feet warmers. Air-conditioners are in great demand here. :)
How thoughtful of your human beans to provide heaters like those! Wonderful. I think I should get a full-body heater too, for Pepper and Weederman. I wonder if we can get the NFL channel with it too??
Clever use of the beans toys, Daisy.
There are no ends to your talents!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i heer that my layt sister pooh bear also had a body warmer like yorez and that it had slots on top for conveenently storing hairballs wen she wud yak them up onto it!!! ok bye
I think you have a lot of good technical things. I like the window booster seat!
Congrats to the button winner!!!
You have really found the great technological wonders of the world there Daisy!
Why is it that humans always use these gadgets for dumb reasons? I NEVER see them sitting or lying on them, which is the absolute best use for them! But no matter, it means more technology for us cats!
Haha technology is great for cats.. to sit on! Happy weekend
I like the Daisy version of high tech!
We're gonna ring you Daisy!!!
We had no idea those items were such useful multitaskers!
Daisy, we are very impressed that you are a very tech savvy kitty. We have a full body heater that we love to lie on too.
You are a very Techie kittie
Great post! You are a tech guru! :-)
I think your full body heater is very clever! :o)
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