Harley Picks a Winner!
Thank you to everybuddy who entered my giveaway. Harley wanted to choose the winner, so here we go....
The winner is Joanne at Poetic Shutterbug! Congratulations, Joanne! Please browse through my Curly Cat Design store and pick out any magnet or button. Send me an e-mail at daisythecurlycatATgmailDOTcom with your choice and your mailing address and I will get your order started right away!

44 Notes for Daisy:
Well, he nearly ate the winner.
That is the BEST contest winner picking I have ever seen - YAY Harley!
Congrats, Joanne! Harley, you are one talented and obedient kitty- at least today.
Awwww! Congrajumashuns to the winner. Harley can has a game show? :)
Harley ~ we thought for a minute there that yoo were gonna eated up the winner! Congrats to them!
We think yoo did a BRILLIANT job selecting.
Congrats, Johanne!
Harley was khwite the enthusiastikh pawticipant!
Good job Harley and congratulations to Joanna. Lucky you get a Daisy or Harley magnet or pin.
Congrats to Poetic Shutterbug! It looks like Harley wanted to nom the paper before you got to see it. Good thing you grabbed it.
Harley's always a blast!
Congrats to the winner!
Congratulations to the winner!
Congratulations to Joanne!
Good job, Harley. Congrats to Poetic Shutterbug.
That was the best! Very good job, Harley. I wonder if I could train my new buddy here to help out some? Right now, he's seems sort of ADD, but so adorable when it's kooky, I don't mind.
What a great prize. FAZ
Concats to the winner.
Harley, That was the coolest way to pick a winner I've ever seen. I am so happy that I can now have Harley and Daisy with me each day. Thank you soooooooo much for picking me and for also not eating it :D I've sent you an email with my choice. Thanks again.
"Give me back my scrap of paper!!!"
You are such a good winner picker.. Congratulatons to the winner.. Well done.. Hugs GJ xx
good job Harley! and congrats to Joanne.....
hooray for joanne! harley looked like he was going to be very generous and pick winners all day!
Very well done, Harley! And many concats to the lucky winner!
That was an exciting pick, Harley!
Congratulations to Joanne!!
~ Gracie
It looks like Harley wanted to eat the winner...and then some.
Congratulations to Poetic Shutterbug!
Harley! You picked a winner like a pro. I can see how you wanted to make sure there were more winners, but like mom says, there could be only one.
Concats to the winner! Harley should get a job with the state lottery. He's much more fun to watch than the little ping pong balls.
I love it when kitties pick the winners! Good job, Harley!
And congrats to Poetic Shutterbug!
Hahaha. Harley was furry enthusiastic about picking a winner! Concats to Joanne, yoor buttons are pawsome Daisy!
Congratulations, Joanne!
Good job, Harley! I hope your Mommeh let you play with the "losers" after you picked the winner.
We think Harley would enjoy opening fortune cookies too...we liked the rustling of the papers a lot and think we would have been pretty excited, like Harley was,about picking a winner!
We think Harley could get a job as a professional contest winner picker-outer. And a very cute one at that!
Go Harley!! I has to picks winners in my Santa hat dis weekend for our Santa Paws Drive, I hopes I is as cute as you!
hehehehehe!!!! Hmm, next time we enter a contest we're gonna put some nip on our entry!!
Good job, Harley!
Congratulations to the winner!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations you Shutterbug
Benny & Lily
Congratulations to Joanne! Harley did an excellent job picking the winner.
Hmmm, we couldn't get the video to work. Congrats to the winner!
Harley, you make every thing fun! Congratulations to the winner.
Ahhh, Harley is such a good listener. Good job Harley!
Good werk Harley! You did the pick VERY enthrallingly!
Harley, you did great! My mom has to put the nip in the bowls to make me pick winners.
Nice work, Harley! Your Mummy has such a cute voice! :)
Wow! Harley has all kinds of talents!
-Bogdan's mum
Harley izza intelligent fur shure and heeza follows da instruckshuns too!
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