Monday Mystery: Which is the REAL Me?
Today I thought of a new game we can play! Look at the four images below. One of them is the REAL me, and the other three are imposters. When you have figured out the real Daisy, can you figure out what is different about the other images? You can click on this picture to biggify.

ps: I just found out that Harley is being featured on Animal Planet's homepage this week!

68 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy ~ we love you every which way! Yoo are always purrfect!
Wow I never would have guessed all those tricks Daisy!
Daisy! That is brilliant! I'll need to learn Photoshop much, much better before I'll be half as good as you!
Get it? Half? Never mind.
this one was tough......u look real in all of them....also pretty.....
:)....nice that you bring these kind of contest...this one was really good
Daisy, all of your sides are good!
Hurrah for Harley!
You're Mom is very smart! We think they all look good!!
ConCatulations to Harley!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Well Daisy, glad you went ahead and told us the answer, because we would never have figured it out. You are so cute whether in a mirror or switched around. And that is super Harley. We are going to go look right now.
Daisy-I never noticed before-how come the whiskers on one side are so much shorter than the other? Did you get too close to some heats?
That WAS hard to choose Daisy. We had to look at the answers. You and your mommy are very talented with the computer and editing stuff.
We thinks the real YOU looks the best and we did guess correctly for once. But wow are we impressed by your Mom's ability to put your sides together. What a pawsome photographer you have. ~S,S,C & F
kisses for you, Harley and mommie!
have a great day you all!
That was really cool. We loved seeing the effect on your eyebrows in picture C! How fun:)
I guessed A! But all four Daisys are cute.
Your technical assistant is very good with Photoshop.
You are prettiest the way you really are Daisy.
Wow, that is totally pawsome Daisy!!
Concatulations to Harley!!!
You tricked us, Daisy!!
Your Mommeh is very clever with her camera and computer!
your mommie is very smart miss daisy
we gotted it right!!!!
I need to get photoshop for myself. That was very cool.
Harley's picture on animal planet is very flattering! What fun that is.
I voted I guessed wrong Boo is me sandy
All 4 of you are the real you...just different parts!
i'm embarrassed i saw what the differences were but I did not know which one was the real you. pretty cool photoshopping tho.
This is really magical,
every way of you is very cute!!
Oh that was a tough challenge. I guess I should have looked at the background more. I went with D because I knew you had short whiskers.
Daisy, I think the real you is "D".
Congratulations to Harley!
i didn't get it but i was thinking i should tell by the eyebrows!
smiles, auntie bee
We guessed the right photo! We aren't sure what tipped us off, but we did!
We're heading over to the Animal Planet Homepage to look at Harley!
Fun game Daisy although I scrolled to far and saw the answer before I figured it out on my own.
Congrats to Harley.
Fooled us!
We forgot your whiskers were broken off on one side, so we ended up picking C because of the full set of whiskers!
I guess right! what a fun game! Good news about Harley too! Exciting day.
That was very cool Daisy! We were not very good at guessing stuff like that.
Wow Daisy that was tough - they all looked like you but yet not - that is a very cool trick!
And we went and saw Harley - tell him how cool it is he is on the front page!
how come your whiskers are broken ..or nibbled off ?? only on one side? I did remember that you had short sparse curly whiskers..but can't remember why they get broken....
We almost got it right! Just had the wrong side.
We voted for Harley, and now we will go see what he is up to on Animal Planet's Homepage. He is a very busycat!!
~ Napoleon
Very interesting! Of course, I like the REAL you, the best. What happened to your whiskers, though?
Those are cool images Daisy!!!!
We guessed A, but only because there's a picture of you on your blog title. So we cheated a little bit!
It looks like your mommeh was having some fun with photoshop!
Harley looks good on Animal Planet!
Wow! What a great mystery! I never would have guessed that you mirrored the images! Off to take a look at Harley now!
Your human has some impressive Photoshop skillz, Daisy! Although I did know which one was the real you right away (but that's because as a kitty, I am extra-perceptive!). Tell Harley I loved his Animal Planet photo - it made me laugh!
Congratulations Harley! See, you are cool. And Daisy, you look great any way you are put together. I didn't realize before you have shorter whiskers on one side. How unique you are!
I picked A! And yay for Harley, he is a bona fide star now, not that he wasn't before but...Congratulations!
How khool!
PeeEssWoo: We are heading to look at Harley - we tried twice from 'here' (firefox) but it khrashed - so we'll go with Plan IE or Plan Website!
There is only one real Daisy and I'm happy for that!
I just knew it was "A"! You are adorable in every picture Daisy. Mommie is so good with photo techniques! Yay for Harley and his feature on AP's home page. Very cool!
Happy Monday cute ones!
All side of yoo is purrty, Daisy, and dat was a fun game. We hafta go see Harley on AP's home page now!
That was a fun game and I enjoyed that.. Hugs GJ xx
Very clever, Daisy! I didn't guess correctly . . . but I enjoyed the Mystery anyway.
We guessed the real you. You look cute with little stubby whiskers on both sides.
Wow. I is all surprized. :)
We think "C" looks like a robot!
Congrats on being featured on Animal Planet!
We could easily spot the 'real' you Daisy :) We were most impressed with the way you made the other imposters!
Well done Daisy!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
That was great, Daisy.
We could do that with the impostors "Chili" and "Sienna".
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
I also would like to know what happened to your whiskers! We have a kitty who likes to look very closely at candles so we switched to battery candles, which look like real ones, but no worries for us anymore.
Why, I've been tricked.
I answered B.
Duh, wrong!!!
You're so clever Daisy!
Oh Daisy you are hysterical!
Benny & Lily
Will the real Daisy please stand up
You stumped us again, Daisy! And please tell Harley that we saw him over at the Animal Planet page:)
Pee Ess: The joke that you left for us is hilarious!
Daisy that is awesome! no matter how we look at the pictures, you're perfect in them all
Congrats to Harley! we checked him out today. it is cool he is famous. you have taught him well.
Did you guys watch The Haunted? We did, scary but fun
I got it!
Kisses and hugs
Woo hoo! Way cool photo tricks. Yoo are pretty every way tho.
I don't think my eyeballs are working too good, I couldn't tell!
And congrats to splash page Harley!
Very tricky, Daisy!
Very interesting Daisy! We like your different looks! But the real you is the best and most unique!
That was hard, but fun! We could not make up out minds was to which was the real Daisy!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay cool game!!! dada sez it is like watching prince danse in the wen duvs cry viddyo wich is just silly becuz evrywun nos princes sit on thrones and doves dont cry becuz they ar emoshunless robots!!! ok bye
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