Thursday, December 31, 2009

All dressed up and nowhere to go!

I am very EXCITED because it is NEW YEAR'S EVE! Daisy told me that I should put on my FANCIEST outfit and get ready to CELEBRATE. I think this is the very most fanciest outfit in the entire WORLD!
Now that I am DRESSED and ready to CELEBRATE, I just realized that I have NOWHERE to go. And I really wanted to SHOW OFF my festive OUTFIT.
I think I will play CAT DANCER instead. That might be even MORE fun!
Yep. It's DEFINITELY more fun.
Daisy and I want to wish you a HAPPY and SAFE New Year's Eve. If you don't have any PARTIES to go to, remember you can always play with TOYS instead!
Thank you to my friend WILFRED for this awesome outfit!

Ps: You know our good friends, Bob and Patrick the goats? I have just learned that their mom Bobbie from Cats~Goats~Quotes is very ill. Can you please keep her in your thoughts and purrs? That would mean a lot to us.


90 Notes for Daisy:

Poppy Q said...

Happy New Year Miss D, Harley and Mom and Dad. We hope you have a great night, and a happy and healthy 2010.

Nice dress dude, the blue and the ruffles suit you.

Mouchois said...

Harley! Didn't you realize that that is a DRESS! Mancats don't wear DRESSES!
Although, you DO look rather fetching in the blue.

Teddy Westlife said...

Wow Harley. You look like Scarlett O'Hara in that dress!

Happy new year to all of you from all of my family.

Manny & Spunky Doodle said...

Glad your linkwithin is working for you now! Harley, why are you wearing a dress! That is ridiculous! Did you forget you are a MANcat? No way would I ever wear a dress--Manny!

Well, anyhow, have fun and Happy New Year to you and your family!

Hitesh Rawat said...

what happened to you, harley???

why borrow dress from daisy... :(

Milo and Alfie said...

Happy Noo Year to yoo all! We have so enjoyed reading yoor blog this year ~ thanks!!

And Harley ~ yoo are just the cutest boy! Erm ... we're not sure abowt the dress though!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hmmm... We are wondering whether it was Daisy who suggested this outfit for you... We think she may have been teasing you, sweet Harley...

Anonymous said...

Dude! Daisy may be having a bit of laffin and laffin at your expense!

Happy New Year, Daisy and Harley!

Parker said...

Happy, Happy New Year!
Harley, you look divine!

Kathy said...

Harley, don't let anyone tell you you're wearing a dress! You look appropriately dressed for the Mummers Parade that happens on New Year's Day in Philadelphia. Check it out!

Angel Simba said...

Harley, that is a very beautiful dress. It is good of you to model it because your colors show it off to good advantage. However I suggest having it altered so it can fit Daisy, and you wear a manly blow tie when you celebrate New Year's Eve.

Happy 2010 to your family!

Marg said...

Harley, that may be a dress, but you look great in it. Don't let anyone laugh at you. Those are beautiful colors and after all it got your picture on the blog. And you are a good boy to model it.
Daisy and Harley, we all sure do enjoy your blog a lot. It is one of our very favorite. Always brings a smile to our faces. Happy New Year to you and all of your family.

The Creek Cats said...

Yes, that is definitely the most fanciest outfit in the world!
Happy New Year, Furiends!

The Fitness Diva said...

Harley, you are just too adorable, I swear! ;)

Are you sure you opened the right box? I'm thinkin' that might be the one they sent for Daisy.
However, you do look fabulous in it!

Happy New Year to you, Daisy and your Mommie and Daddie! ;)

Donna said...

That dress is very purdy. Purfec for formal okashuns. :)

I will send lots of hugs to the nice lady. U has a happy noo ear, Harley. And Daisy and ur hoomans, too. :)

Forever Foster said...

If any mancat was going to carry that dress off, it was you, Harley. Now please pardon us while we preform a collective swoon.

Happy New Year to you all!:)

The Island Cats said...

Harley...that outfit sure is something...maybe a little too much! ;-)

Happy New Year to all of you!

(we didn't know about Bobbie...we're purring for her...)

Asta said...

Happy NewYeaw to you Daisy and Hawley!

Hawley that is the most fanciest outfit indeed, but ummm, I think it's meant fow a giwl, but you look gweat in it.
I hope you have a wondewful time playing wif youw toys..i will do the same.
I'll go visit youw fwiendses now
smoochie kisses

Alexi said...


It looks like you've already been to several New Year's Eve parties already! Happy 2010 to you and Daisy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I wish you a very Happy New Year too your outfit! We are sorry to hear about Bobbie and are already sending purrs her way!

A Bay Horse said...

Happy New Year, Harley and Daisy. Even I wouldn't wear that dress though. Well, if it even fit me. It might fit my foot but that's about it.

JD at I Do Things said...

Uhhhh . . .

Yes. Yes, that is a very festive outfit, indeed, Harley. Ahem.

ANYway, I'm glad you decided to stay in tonight and play with toys. I think that's what I'm going to do. Only by "play with toys," I mean "sleep."

Happy New Year!

(And yes, I will keep Bobbi in my thoughts. I hope she feels better soon.)

The Whiskeratti said...

Well, Harley, we do luff your outfit. It's very, very fancy! And we will keep the goats' mom in our purrayers.

Percy the Cat said...

Happy New Year Daisy, Harley, Mommeh and Daddeh. :)

arbed and edgar said...

Happy New Year to all of you!

ps we are sorry to hear about your friends' mom - we are thinking of her.

Raymond and Busby said...

Harley, you look very nice in that fancy outfit. We think staying home to play with toys is way better than going out on New Year's Eve.

Hope it's a wonderful New Year for you, Daisy and your Mom and Dad!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We will go send healing purrs to Bobbie, we didn't know she was sick.

Harley you look good enough to eat in that pretty blue dress. ~A,S,S,F

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah, Harley - why are you wearing a dress? It's a very pretty dress but still...

Mens Wedding Bands said...

OMG.. Hm.. Never seen this funniest cat before. this is first time here and found this blog very informative and full of worthy thoughts and suggestions regarding cats.

and happy new years, Daisy and Harley!

Split Rock Ranch said...

Thoughts and purrs going out to Bobbie.

Wow, Harley, you DO look like Scarlett O'Hairy in that dress! Was Miss Daisy supposed to model that today but she couldn't?

Have a very Happy New Year!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Harley, we think you are a little confused today. You should be wearing a tuxedo.

We are keeping Bobbie in our thoughts and prayers. We are so worried about this great lady.

Happy New Year! See ya next year!

Janet said...

Harley, that is quite a special outfit! If you go out, you will definitely attract attention! :-) Hope you and Daisy have a fun time tonight!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Oh Nose Harley! :beau beau buries his head in his paws: Dis must be twilight zone in mancat land.

Sara Katt said...

Happy New Year, Harley, Daisy, and your Mommeh and Daddeh!
Sara Cat & Co

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay duz daisy no yoo hav ben rayding her closit agin??? happy noo yeer!!! ok bye

Meghann said...

Wow, that is a very frilly outfit! We wish you a happy New Year also, and hope that it is full of treats, toys and health.
We also sent well wishes to Bobbi.
Meghann and Arwen

Honey P. Sunshine said...

Harley, is dat yor flamigo dress? i heer dey haf flamigos in florida

feefifoto said...

Is that Harlett O'Hara in that picture?

Happy and healthy new year to you all.

Shaggy and Scout said...

That's a square dancing dress!
Do we hear Daisy giggling in the background?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We shall purr for Bob and Patrick's Momma.

That is a lovely ruffled dress you have Harley. It takes a cat who is very secure in his manliness to wear that many ruffles...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh dear! We were so impressed by your ruffles that we forgot to wish you a Happy New Year!!!!

Leigh said...

I love the kitty dress - it's so cute!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well Harley...that is quite an outfit. Have a great New Years Eve!

Puglette said...

harley, you look great in blue! that is a very nice outfit and is certainly party ready.
Happy New Year to you and daisy and your mommeh and daddeh too!

brokenteepee said...

Harley you could star in a romance novel....

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Harley, that outfit looks very nice on you! WE hope you and Daisy have a good evening.

Happy New Year to all and we really enjoy being your friends.

Thank you so much for letting us about Bobbie! We are sending purrs and prayers for her.

Lin said...

OH MY. Um, Harley, you look like Scarlett O'Hara in that dress. Please don't go out like that tonight or any other night for that matter.

Happy New Year to everyone at Daisy's place!

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing dress, the biggest dress I've ever seen an a cat...we all appreciate how pretty you look for us today.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

very nice outfit harley! happy new year to y'all!

smiles, auntie bee

Joanne Olivieri said...

Happy New Year Daisy, Harley and Mom and Dad. I will keep your friend in my thoughts and prayers.

catsynth said...

I bet I know some parties where Harley would fit in with his outfit.

Happy New Year! Looking forward to more in 2010.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Harley, you look like a Flamenco dancer in your new outfit. We are purring for Bobbi.

The Meezers or Billy said...

awesome outfit Harley!!!

we is purring hard for MomBobbie

Sparkle said...

My human says that all good comedians, from Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle to Milton Berle, have performed wearing women's clothes on occasion. However, I don't think any of them ever performed with a Cat Dancer too! Quite impressive.

We are very sad to hear about Bobbie's illness. We love the Cats~Goats~Quotes blog and are purring for a full and speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

We are so furry happy to have met you this year. You have brought humor and smiles and made us so furry happy when we come to your bloggy. ♫Here's to 2010♫ ☺PAW-ty ON☺

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Well, at least da dress was blue...and yoo look good in it. Happy New Year!

CCL Wendy said...

Oh Harley! You are the funniest one ever! It seems you have a little bit of cross-dresser in you.
Fancy is fancy, but this is over-the-top! Strangely enough, it still looks good on you -- lace flounces and all!

You should go on over to the big party at "Friends FurEver" -- they've got it all going on. I'm sure you could dance the night away in those togs.

We wish your goat friend a speedy recovery, too.

Happy Mew Year, all!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Harley, even though you are wearing a dress, we still think you look absolutely fabulous and the colors are purrfect for you! We hope you and Daisy and your Mom and Dad have a very Happy New Year's Eve and a wonderful 2010!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan too!


MAHvelous, Harley, simply MAHvelous! Best wishes for a wonderful year to come for everbuddy!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! Daisy looks adorable, all set for a night out on the town in her stretch Catillac. Me, I'm going to be home with my family in a cathartic mood caterwauling over the things that went wrong in 2009. Maybe have a vodka with a catatonic twist.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and purrs are with Bobbie too...
Happy New Year to you and meow meow too,

Kimo and Sabi said...

We wish you all a very happy and healthy new year!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I have a feeling with a beautiful outfit like that and a sister I have no doubt that before the midnight hour you will find a party to go to.

Wishing you and your family the best in 2010!

Anonymous said...

Happy Noo Year!

Harley yoo is furry festive!

Cindy said...

Happy New Year, Harley. You sure look lovely in your dress.

Anonymous said...

We live nearby, Harley! Why don't you come on over? You can even wear that...uh...dress.

Misha said...

You look that dress.

Happy New Year to you and the family!

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!! That is a pawsome outfit :o
Bet that would make Skeezix jealous ;)
To you and all your family...
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

SophieKitty said...

Happy New Year Daisy, Harley, Mommeh & Daddeh! You have certainly brightened up the year!

Harley, no offense, but you may want to rethink your outfit.....

Lisa + current cat said...

Happy New Year Daisy and Harley!


Oh Harley you always make us smile!

Daisy, both you and Harley we send our best wishes for...

Happy Mew Year!

merry purrs

Surfie said...

Harley, you look like you could be in Gone with the Wind! I hope you, Daisy, and your mommeh and daddeh have a Happy New Year!

Quill and Greyson said...

Wow that's a fancy outfit alright. Happiest of New Year wishes to you!!

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

You are too cute in your outfit!!!! We are purring for your Hooman furrend too.
We has a New Year wish on our bloggie for all our furrends, stop by fur some nips =^_^=

lovcats said...

Happy new year!

BeadedTail said...

Harley, you look very festive (for a Mancat) in your party dress! Happy New Year to you, Daisy and your mommeh and daddeh!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Um, Harley, that's a beautiful dress, but it's a dress!

Happy New Year to you, too!

mog said...

Harley, you look very festive in your dress. You and Daisy and your mommy and daddy have a very Happy New Year. You all have brought smiles to my face every time I visit your blog.

Cory said...

I swear on Tara you'll never go hungry again....!

Have a fabulous New Year Harley and Daisy!

BumbleVee said...

Happy New Year Daisy and Harley...and your Mommeh too..... looking forward to more fun in 2010 ...

L. Alida said...

Harley, you look great in ruffles!
I hope you and Daisy and your Mommie and Daddy have a wonderful New Year!
Lorianna and her kitties

Ikaika said...

Happy New Year, Daisy and Harley!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I'm with Huffle, that dress is very Scarlett O'Hara. Perfect for New Year's celebrations, whether you have anywhere to go or not. Happy New Year to you, Daisy and your family!

The Fitness Diva said...

OMG, all of these comments made me laugh SO hard! Especially:
"Um, Harley, that's a beautiful dress, but it's a dress!"

So glad I stopped by again!

Happy New Year!!!!!

Karen Jo said...

Happy New Year! That is the fanciest outfit I have ever seen.

Ann said...

What a fancy and festive outfit you have on there Harley i would have expected maybe a tuxedo on you but whatever works for you.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Harley, that is a VERY fancy outfit; I love it! Those are some great pictures of you playing. I can tell you had lots of fun :D I'm keeping Bobbie in my thoughts!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

You look very handsome in your pretty ruffle-y man-dress. We are sure that all the other mancats will want one too once they see how cool you look.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Harley, that outfit is something else on you. You are sure handsome!

We just learned about Bobbie's heart attack on the CB. We sure hope she is okay!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Harley, you look a bit like Carmen Miranda doing the Cat Dancer Cha Cha in that outfit, but are you sure it wasn't meant for Daisy?

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