Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, everybuddy! I have been thinking real hard about my resolutions for this year.

- Play with more toys
- Eat more treats
- Take more naps
- Give more Biteys
It is a hard list, but I think I am up for the challenge if I have enough self-discipline. Harley, what are your resolutions for 2010?

We wish everybuddy a happy and healthy New Year! We think 2010 is going to be great!

92 Notes for Daisy:
Aww, Harley... you are just too cute for words!!!
Happy mew year to you both!!!
Happy Noo Year to yoo ALL! We agree ~ this year will be FUNS!
Happy new year to you, Daisy and Harley. And to your mum and dad too!
Happy new year, I hope that 2010 will be very good to you, Daisy and Harley!=)
Happy New Year, you two!
My wishes for you,
Great start for Jan,
Love for Feb,
Peace for March,
No worries for April,
Fun for May,
Joy for June to Nov,
Happiness for Dec,
Have a lucky and wonderful 2010!
Seems like your resolutions can be summed up in one word: more! I like it! Happy New Year.
Great new years resolutions Daisy & Harley! Especially more FUNS!!
To your Mommeh & Daddeh, I would like to wish a healthy & prosperous 2010 !!
Sara Cat & Co
Dear Daisy & Harley.
You two are are really cute cats! I just cannot get through my day without visiting you.
I would also like to wish you all a happy and healthy new year!
One of my new year's resolutions is to help Sara with her blog. She has helped me so much with mine this fall,
Best wishes
Happy New Year - fun for all!! We hope you have a great year.
Poppy Q
I love your list of resolutions for the year, even Harley who only has one has the right idea.
Wish you all a Happy New Year
Wow that's great to hear..
Yesterday I thought you were cross dressing Harley but blue Is your color!!
We wish you many glorious days !!
happy new year for you all and specialy for you, my sweet pretty little kitties!
all the best for you both and for your family!
big kiss!
Daisy those are super resolutions. And Harley I know you are going to have nothing but funs. This is going to be a great year for all of us. Lots of those treats that is the main thing. Happy New Year to all of you.
I hope you both have lots more funs :o)
Happy New Year to you both and to your 'beans as well. We like your positive attitude, it will be a GREAT year!
Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon, Cookie & Mike
That's my resolution too, Harley!
Those are great resolutions! We especially like the one about more Biteys! *giggle*
Those are some wonderful resolutions!:)
O hai. I no has a resalushun yet. I will tink of one! :)
Happy noo ear to u and ur famlee. :)
I dunno. I am not sure you guys will be able to keep such hard resolutions.
I love your resolutions and I bet you can keep them!
Happy New Year! Those are all great resolutions!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
dear daisy and harley, happy new year!!!!!!
You've got the right idea, Daisy! Resolutions should always be realistic goals. :-D Happy & Healthy New Year to you, Harley, and of course, your Mom! ->Mwah!<-
Tks to
Daisy & Harley
(*'ー')o<※☆:゚*★ Happy New Year1!
Your lovely face make me happy!
Those are really great resolutions. Have a wonderful new year.
Hey, our resolutions are the same as yours!! Happy New Year to you and your family! May 2010 bring you all much happiness!
We likes your resolutions and will borrow them for our own.
Happy New Years and lets have even more funs. ~A,F,S & S
OK, you two, more fun fur sure!
Happy New Year!! I love both of your resolutions, Daisy & Harley :)
Happy New Year to all of you, even to Mr. Shrill!
I'm with Harley - but your's are good too Daisy!
Hey, you guys forgot world domination! I predict I'll see Sunday Comics with Daisy in my newspaper this year!
those are all great resolutions with the possible exception of the biteys one.
Great resolutions! Maybe I should make some of those, too, especially the have more funs and eat more treats! Happy New Year!
Those are very nice resolutions.
Happy New Year Daisy and Harley.
Feline kisses from Gotchi
That is an excellent list of resolutions, and we will take some of them on, except perhaps the bitey one as we don't really do bitey.
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan and Yuu-Chan
With those resolutions, it looks like we are in for an exciting 2010 with Daisy and Harley.
Purfect resolutions! I think I will do the same!
Hi Daisy and Harley!! Happy New Year and I hope you keep those resolutions.
Onward and forward -
love, Pearl (&Pumpy)
I like your resolutions! I think I want to have more fun this year too...but my sisfur Jonesie, she's figuring out ways to do more in the garden.
Happy New Year to both of you too. I hear it is the Year of the Tiger which I think means "cats rule."
Happy New Year, kitties!! How about chatter at the birdies more???
Happy New Year Daisy & Harley (and family). Good luck on your resolutions!!! :)
Happy MEW Year!! Me and smitten kitten self wishes youza a nonCATastrophic 2010! Itza gonna be a meowvalous year
Happy new year Daisy & Harley!
More bitey's, think you should cross that one off your list.
Happy New Year to you too, love the pics!
Happy New Year Daisy, Harley, Mom and Dad!
Good resolutions!
Kisses and hugs
Happy New Year! Great resolutions! If only I could get my cat Freckles to make a resolution not to jump up on the counter, when we're out of the room, and eat steak laid out on the cutting board.
How sweet! Happy New Year to you both, and to your mommie and daddie, too!
Happy 2010 To ALL!
Daisy and Harley, you have the same resolutions as me :) Happy New Year you two little cuties.
Great resolutions. Happy New Year to both of you!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you two.. Here's to a great 2010.. Hugs GJ xx
Happy New Year Harley and Daisy! Those are great resolutions!!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay those ar tuff resolooshuns but i hav confidense in yoo!!! happy noo yeer!!! ok bye
I like Harley's resolution!
Daisy--you FOUND ME!!!!
Happy New Year's Day!
your cat is amazingly clever, sensitive, and lovely....
her eyes are sparkling like twinkling stars.
just in case.
Happy New Year Daisy, Harley and Mommeh! We look forward to enjoying another year of your antics:)
More biteys! Is that a nice resolution?
Happy New Year to everyone in your house!
Those are great New Year's resolutions! Normally, I don't do resolutions because I don't think we cats really NEED them, but these are totally worth my time. Now excuse me, while I go off to give more biteys...
Happy New Year to you and your Mom!
More funs is a perfect resolution!
Happy New Year!
It's good to pick resolutions that you know you can keep :)
Happy Happy Happy New Decade Kitties. Make it one to remember.
Happy New Year to Moms and Pop Too.
remember Keep away from H1N1. it's a bigggg owwwwie.
Wishing you both a great 2010 and thank you for making us smile everyday!
Big hugs,
Happy Mew Year to you, too! We're looking forward to what 2010 has in store! And Harley, you look so cute in the calendar with your Harley-Davidson getup!
We hope all your resolutions come true - well, maybe not so much on the biteys! But fur sure you'll have more FUNS!
Happy New Year to you both and to your mommeh and daddeh!
Those are excellent resolutions. We wish you a very happy New Year!
Happy New Year Daisy and Harley. Those are good resolutions, and if it's alright with you guys, we might copy one or two for our own lists.
Gypsy & Tasha
* woo hoo *
merry purrs
We think those will be good resolutions to keep.
We are happy 2009 is over and dun with! Happy Noo Yeer Daisy and Harley!
Happy New Year to you Daisy and Harley too.
I like your resolutions. I can't think of any good ones so I will do your resolutions too, okay?
i'm going to try really really hard to eat more cake!
smiles, auntie bee
I'm putting those on my list as well...eat more treats and take more naps! Happy New Year!
HAPPY NEW YEAR Daisy, Harley and your hard working Mommy! How she keeps up with your very popular blog is amazing!!!! May 2010 grant all your wishes & dreams, HUGGS=^Y^=All of US!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Roxy & Lucky
Something tells me that those will be easy resolutions to keep!
Happy New Year!
Your New Year's Resolutions sound great. Herman would love to join in.
Thank you for your suggestion that Herman might need more Omega-3 in his diet. I think he does have dry fur. I looked, but couldn't find 3V. I did find a whole lot of Omega-3 supplements, though. I looked all through Dr. Pitcairn's book and couldn't find how much Omega-3 to give a cat per day. Do you know?
China Cat & I are wishing all of you a Very Happy New Year!
Purrrrrrrrs, Willow
Me, too, Harley! This year I also want to have more FUNS!!!
Good resolution~! ;)
Happy New Year!
Happy New year all the way from Manila, Philippines!
Kate and Nugget :)
Happy New Years to you! We like your resolutions! Specially the bitey one!!
Happy New Year Daisy. Good list of Resolutions... Love the florwers on your head...
Happy Nude Year!!! from Panda Bear
OK, the rest of us Furry Bambinos wish you both a very Happy NEW Year!
Padre, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
We like all you resolutions, Especially Harleys!
Hey there! Stopping by to say Happy New Year, we hope it's the best year ever :-)
Happy New Year to you both! (and Mummy and Daddy too)
Happy Belated New Year Daisy, Harley & Family!! You two are jsut the greatest!!
Your TX furiends,
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