How does THAT work?
So, you know how moms or dads go off somewhere to make MONEYS? I have been THINKING about how THAT works, and I think I have FIGURED it out.

How does THAT work?
Posted by Daisy at 1/07/2010 04:00:00 AM
Labels: Harley, How does that work, how parents make money
76 Notes for Daisy:
Harley, Harley, are adorable, but that's not quite how it works. If your Mommeh really did make moneys the way you say, and then used them to buy you and Daisy noms and treats and toys, well, she might be in jail, where Mr. Shrill once went. Remember how he went to jail for stealing that alligator purse? Not a good place to be!
Nice try, though!
Thank you for explaining that to me Harley. Now I know where mum and dad go all day!
I forgot to say that I understand your explanation, though. Many years ago, when I was a little hoomin kitten, my Daddeh worked at a print shop. My Mommeh said that this was how he made moneys for us, and I thought that he printed teh moneys and brought them home. Then he took me to the print shop one day, and I saw that he was not printing any moneys at all. Just books and magazines, and the boss gave him teh moneys for doing this.
OK Harley, that's ECON 101, krrp up yhr good work.
Yes, and some peoples must have better money copiers than my mum, cause we wish she could get more dollars.
Brilliant! You're the best Harley!
Thankyou for clearing that up for us, buddy.
Oh Harley, you are so silly! That's not how it works. Liked your pictures though.
Thanks, I was wondering about that too!
So that solves a mystery for me .I've been doing it all wrong.. I loved your dexterity yesterday by the way ..sandy
Mom wishes it could work this way!
My mom says she wishes she had one of those copiers.
Oh don't we wish that was the way it worked. Just print out that money. And then buy lots of toys and treats for all you kitties. Glad you got us straight on that Harley.
Interesting! Thats pretty cool! I love a cat too, and I haven't ever seen this blog before.. perfect blog.. keep share body.. !
Thanks for 'splaining that to us!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Now I understand how that works!
Dearest Harley,
Do you think your Mommy could send me the address of the factory? I think I would like to work there too.
Marian in Houston
Oh, so THAT'S how it werks! Fanks Harley.
Thank u! I never unnerstans those money people when they talk on the TV nooz. :)
Hmmmmm..... I need a good money press like the one your Mommie has! I've been going about making money all wrong!
Thanks for opening my eyes about this, Harley! ;)
So now I gotta help my mom figure out how to get one of those copiers at home!
yup that's exactly how it works.
Dude, yer Mom's car iz way cool!
A+ for that, Harley. A long time ago work meant making things. Those days are long gone. Nowadays most people (and companies) are most involved in making money, not things. (And you do make money with money => copying)
they should be able to do that at home!
Harley, I love how your mind works. I only wish I had the job you think Mommie and Daddie have...
Harley, you are so smart!! We bet it works just that way. Our Mommy needs to work harder and copy more of that money so she can buy us more stuff.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Thank you for explaining it to us Harley. Our mum and dad need to go somewhere with a better printer cuz they don't seem to be printing enough monies.
That's very interesting Harley. Mostly we liked the photo of your Mommeh by the copy machine. Those are sure some sensible shoes she is wearing.
I never knew it was that complex, I thought the monies was just hiding inside the little plastic thing called a credit card. FAZ
p.s. we're up to our kitty collars in snow here.
Geez, and all these years I've been going to work and actually WORKING instead of just copying the money. NOW you tell us! ;o)
Dear Harley,
Thank you for clearing this up for me. I have been really trying hard to figure it out and now I understand exactly how it all works.
Bless you Harley!
Matter of Factoracatically, yur pawrents, theyza gone GREEN too! Datsa politicatically correct!
Oh sweet Harley! If it was that easy, mom would work 7, 10 hours shifts, and we'd be set!
So, that's how it works! But what if mommy is collecting money from her Uncle Sammy because she lost her job? Then mommy would be sending out lots of virtual paper documents, crossing her fingers, and then have trouble typing up cover letters.
Love the pictures and their captions.
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay ummmm i think that mite be calld kownterfitting i am not shoor why it is calld that on akkownt of it duznt involv kownters or fittings but hyoomans mayk up weerd nayms for things sumtimes!!! ok bye
Harley, if you would please give me the address to the factory I promise not to share it....
Our uncles friend tried that when he was in high school. Didn't work.
Your mom needs to get a copier that makes $100 dollar bills.
(Glogirly's cat)
That is fantastic work Harley and I love the hidden-camera photos! Nothing gets by you. Excellent sleuthing! Now, could you tell me how I can get a job there to make those moneys? I promise treats!!!!!
It should only be so easy...nice try Harley
Wow... so that's where money comes from...
Okay... so I guess I am doing it WRONG!
Thanks for clearing that up Harley!
Ah, I wish it were that easy :) Love you two.
So that's how it works!
Thank you so much for clearing that up for us, Harley!
PS - We love your mom's car! ;)
thanks for explaining that harley! i am off to kinko's to use the copier to make my money!
Hm. That's not the way it works here. My human stays home and the money comes to her. Or sometimes she looks at her bank account and the money went there. She doesn't even have to print it. Other humans call my human "lucky."
Thanks for explaining that to us. Our Dad must of to work to make food. He feeds us when he leaves and it is time to eat again when he comes home!
Is this procedure only in looks a little easier than what our mom has been doing!
Hahaha! That was singularly one of the most informative things I've read on the web in 2010 so far. Here I was, making my money by working like a sucker!
Meowm says she wishes it was that easy!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Harley, I wish it were really that way! That would be much better then what it really is (at least for some of us!)
You are such a cutie Harley!
Oh, dat is a good explaining...wait, many moms and dads haf a printer and a copier at home so dey could stay home and make da monies. Unless dey hafta copy from what da factory has...
Harley if that's true, then I've been doing something wrong because that's not how it works for me.
that doesn't sound quite right to me Harley. but your the expert :)
But... Hmmm..Dood? The Woman doesn't go ANYWHERE, but she still gets some money. How the heck...?
I love Harley! But good thing he's wrong there would be no one to feed him when mom & dad end up in jail :-)
Harley, you've cracked the code!
I'm confyoozed. Cuz the FL and Mr TF don't drive on complikayted rodes to git to werk. Thare on funemployment and stay home all day ixsept win they go to the pet food store to buy Fansy Feest. Do yoo think they cood just make thare own munneys using the copier next to Mr TF's compyooter?
Boy do I wish it was that easy Harley....oh boy ;)
i think that is right harley, you are very smart!
smiles, auntie bee
Gees, I wish our dad would learn to make that copier go faster so he could make more money each day!
Daisy! I saw you on ICHC!! Imagine my surprise when I saw your picture. Congrats!
Tanks fur sharing that!
I'll surprise Mom with some -
Hmmmm, but my Mummy works from home, and I never see her print out money. Oh noes! Does that mean we are broke?!
We always wondered about that!! Thanks for filling us in on what our folks do !!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
If only it was that easy, Harley! At least you've got part of it right. Maybe Daisy could explain it to you.
Hahahaha! Yes, you've answered all of our questions. Let's hope that your Mommeh doesn't have to any any, if you know what we mean:)
Uh...that first any is posed to be: answer:)
Harley...our mom says she wishes it really did work like that!
Harley, you are furry smart! Our mommy works from home so we need to send her out so she can make more Moneys!
My mom wants to know where she can get one of those printers??
Kisses and hugs
You are very smart to figure that out, Harley, but it doesn't work that way for me.
Thanks for explaining that to us! Our Dad "works at home" now. Maybe that is what he sends to the printer in the back bedroom?
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Thanks for the explanayshons, Harley ! Just found out that your Daddy has a new job. YAYYYYYY !!! Congratulayshons and Happy New Year to all the fambly !
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