Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm in the Closet

OH! You surprised me there for a second. I guess you found my secret hiding spot inside the closet.
See, I know how to open every bi-fold closet door in the house. Just stick your paw underneath the spot where the door bends and pull! So anyway, I always used to climb up to the very, very top shelf in the closet where my Mommeh cannot reach. I would sometimes stay there for hours and refuse to come down.
So she decided to make a special Daisy shelf, just for me! My Mommeh cleared off one of the closet shelves and put my very favorite pink sleeping bag in there. It's dark and warm and cozy, and best of all, Harley is Not Allowed inside. And I do not like to be disturbed while I am in here!
I will speak to you after I am done napping, okay?


78 Notes for Daisy:

Duni said...

That is the bestest napping place ever, Daisy! Aren't you lucky!

Misha said...

My friend Noggin likes to sleep in the closet. We've got to be careful not to shut her in and lose her!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Your Mommy is so nice to make you a special spot!

Jemma Chihuahua said...

You are not spoiled, Daisy. Nope, not at all... ;)

Teddy Westlife said...

You are so very lucky to have such a wonderful mummeh, Daisy!

Poppy Q said...

What a great hidey Daisy spot.

I was just reading some of your convos, a Daisy or Harley catnip plushie toy could be a winner. Maybes your mom could figure out a way to print a photo of you in costume onto fabric and back it with some pretty fabrics.

Anonymous said...

WOW~!!! What a super duper GIRLIE hidey spot you have there! Your mommy is purrty right~on! Can we borrow her to teach our mom some of her tricks?!? Enjoy your slumber!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That looks so very comfortable and cozy, Daisy!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That looks like a very cool hideout. ~AFSS

Pandafur said...

I iz jealous of your speshul spot Daisy. She haz a kewl closet wiv purrfect spots for me but I cannot open those doors. You iz klever an lucky (an I luvs your pink bed too)

Anonymous said...

Clever girl, Daisy! Harley hasn't learned how to open the doors?

Our new home at the Swamp has lots of bifold doors and we might have to try that. Now we wonder... Are smart as you, or as Harley?!

The Island Cats said...

What a great hiding spot of your very own, Daisy!

Parker said...

What a wonderful spot to have all to yourself!

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

That is so sweet of your mom to make such a great place just for you! My cats like the closets too but stay on the floor. We have some stuff they like to lay on there: boxes, robes, boots.

Luzinha said...

that's a very good idea indeed, Daisy, dear! your mommie is very clever, just like you!

tell Harley and mommie that I sent a kiss!

have a great day!

Sweet Purrfections said...

That's a very nice spot to sleep. I like to go in the closet and sleep under all of the hanging clothes.

Marg said...

Daisy you are so lucky that you have such a great Mommeh. She put that wonderful looking bed in the closet for you.And it is super that Harley can't come in there. We like to get in the closets sometimes. There are so many of us here, it is hard to get away from everyone.

Maggie May said...

Ferris is out master at opening bi-fold doors. He gets in the closet and sleeps on the towels.

You are so cute on your own little Daisy shelf!

Anonymous said...

EVery kitty needs a hidey place

The Florida Furkids said...

What a great spot to sleep. Your Mommeh is so nice to give you that cozy pink sleeping bag. We sometimes sneak into Mom's closet and climb up the clothes to the shelf. Mom really loves it when we do that.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Monkeys said...

Beautiful bed, Daisy! Your Mom is the best!

Anonymous said...

You are such a little cutie!

fishing organizations said...

Cats always seem to like the high up spots. Oh, not just and high spots, the platforms must be just high enough so that they are out of reach of their owners.

My question is this: how do they even find these places!!?

Seriously, my cat gets into places that I didn't know even existed.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Daisy. Gee you did find a great special nap place. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Furry Kids said...

That might be the best napping spot ever! You look so cozy!

i beati said...

what a clever Mummy//I must remember this shelf pillow for Kissipurr, Handsome, and Miledy Marmalade

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

You're very lucky to have such a wonderful hiding/naping spot, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

That's nice of mommie to help make you a special spot all your own...

One Cats Nip said...

Ohhhh its like a secret daisy clubhouse!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely secret nap spot. Your mum is very kind to make you your very own shelf where Harley can't come and pounce on you.

Dma said...

in my favorite comic strip, 'get fuzzy,' bucky the cat often gets sent to his closet when he misbehaves. your closet sounds much better.

Split Rock Ranch said...

Sweet dreams Daisy! How lucky for you that your Mommeh fixed your very own special place in the closet! Munchkin likes to sleep in the drawer in the kitchen where the towels are kept - he opens the cabinet door and then crawls up into the drawer. Your place sounds better though.

CCL Wendy said...

What a cool story! Daisy, you are one clever kitty to figure out how to open all those bifold doors.

It's wonderful that you have your very own shelf, now, with your bestest sleeping blanket in it. Of course, you and pink were just made for each other.

Sweet dreams!

Janet said...

What an excellent napping spot, Daisy!

The Whiskeratti said...

Daisy, you have a very thoughtful Mommy.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a great nap place. A secret closet and no boys allowed.

Cindy said...

great spot for your nap

BumbleVee said...

Everybuddy needs a quiet little hide-away. Enjoy your nap....

Angel Simba said...

I sneak into a spot on and behind my Dad's sweatshirts and sweatpants. I am nearly invisible and a few times MOm has searched the whole house for me, and not seen me there.

Your spot looks very cozy with your special pink blanket.

Amy & the house of cats said...

That is an awesome Daisy-only spot! And you look so cute with your pink sleeping bag - pink really is your color!

That was very nice of your mom to make that spot up special for you!

Donna said...

I wish I had a cool sleepity place like that. I like to curl up on the couch.

Puglette said...

you have the nicest mommeh! a special spot just for you is a wonderful thing. we should all have one!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo look purry khomfy...

I'd still find woo!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

me too. when i am done napping...

smiles, auntie bee

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is very nice of your Momma to do that for you Daisy. It looks like a great place to nap!

Hoshi said...

I like your cute pink blanket! Looks so toasty!!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That looks like a great napping place Daisy! Every time I find a new spot....Orion has to come along and try to take it over too! Meowm really has got to find me my own special place!


Sparkle said...

You are so smart, Daisy! You showed your human you needed your own custom hiding spot!

Raymond and Busby said...

We think everycat needs a special hiding place to nap. Mine is in the spare blanket cupboard. Busby rarely hides, although this morning when it was storming he went under the bed. xoxo Raymond

brokenteepee said...

It is good to have a special place free from brothers.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oooo, dat looks like a very cozy spot...

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy it's good to have a little pussycat lounge tucked away for alone time!

Ann said...

love your napping spot, and how great that it's all YOURS. I need one of those :)

Anonymous said...

Ssshhh Daisy's sleeping!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You mommeh is so kind! She thinks just like a kitty!

The Crew said...

Oh...I can't believe it. You're sleeping on your very own pink cloud!

Your friend

Milo and Alfie said...

Oh how wonnerful to have yoor very own Daisy shelf! Yoo are VERY lucky!

Joanne Olivieri said...

We all need a special napping spot so I won't interrupt you but I'm glad you are off dreaming for a while :)

Asta said...

Evewy giwl needs a pwivate, cozy place to hewself and youws is puwwfect!
happy booty naping to you
smoochie kisses

Shilgiah the Cat said...

How wonderful that your momma fixed up a cozy place in the closet just for you. You really have your momma well trained to meet you needs! You should give a "How to train you momma" lecture series!

loki said...

I have a secret place too! I sleep in a closet in daddycat old room on his old black t-shirt. When I had moved here a year ago, Nanny did not know about my secret location and she had spent hours looking for me.
Your mommy is quite nice to make room in the closet just for you.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Pink beds always make for the best napping!

Anonymous said...

That's right, Daisy! Make your Mommeh adapt to YOU!

Lin said...

Oh, what a great place to get away, Daisy! Your mommeh is very nice to fix your place up so nicely. I'll bet Harley has NO idea where you are. hee! hee!

Cory said...

I love napping in closets too...but no one has made me such a nice little nesting spot! Maybe I can convince my mom to make one for me now.

Rebecca said...

That is so wonderful of your Mommeh to do, make your special place extra special. Every girl needs a hidey-hole AWAY from pesky brothers!

Just Ducky said...

That is nice that you have a private napping spot.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Is that a closet house. Very cool.
Benny & Lily

Your Daily Cute said...

That is so cute that you have your very own Daisy Shelf. I love it! You have a great Mommeh.

Quill and Greyson said...

Every girl needs a secret spot, your spot looks pawsome.

caspersmom said...

Oh Daisy what a neat napping place you have. That is so nice that your Mom made such a special place for you. Enjoy you nap.


The Oceanside Animals said...

"This is my 'Go Away' face. If not heeded, it will be followed by my 'Go Away' claws."

GLOGIRLY said...

That's a cool spot, Daisy! Especially since it's a Harley-free zone.

(Glogirly's cat)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
Sure that is a very special spot for you!
And just for you!
Kisses and hugs

Kimo and Sabi said...

This is a furry good trick - I figured it out at my house too. Unfortunately, da mommakitty has decided she doesn't like listening to me workin' on da closet door at 3:00am, so she put a blurp-proof thingy at da top to keep me out!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow! We wish we could find such a cosy spot in our mom's closet! That pink pillow is so pretty!

LillysKittyLounge.com said...

I open closets too! It is great... but I do it to hunt the bla bla blas, they are taking over my house.

Love the pictures! Meow on! :)


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Baby goes into her napping place in the closet to get away from her naughty brother too.

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