Saturday, January 9, 2010

Photo Hunters: Bulky

The Photo Hunters theme this week is: bulky. Do you think this quilted jacket is bulky? I am not sure, because the quilting makes it bulky but the sleeveless arms make it very easy to move around in. I will have to think on this one.
Here is my yellow hoody. I look FLY! That's different than looking like a fly. But I have to admit this jacket is a little bulky.


70 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

I think maybe your skinny arms make the jacket look more bulky, by comparison. Or not.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are cute in your hoody. You maybe think of it as a cape... and maybe can fly....?

SeaThreePeeO said...

We love you yellow hoody Daisy!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

My dear, you are perfection in whatever you wear. Bulky is never a word we think of when we think Daisy. (sorry, that doesn't help your Photo Hunters comp does it...)

Duni said...

I love the pink quilted vest. It's very fashionable and doesn't look bulky at all!

Sparkle said...

Yes Daisy, your jackets are a little bulky, but you have the same problem as I did this week: WE are not bulky! We are sleek, graceful kitties. I was considering putting up a photo of my big, fluffy roomie, Boodie, but I thought she might be insulted at being called "bulky" (even though she is!). So I didn't participate in Photo Hunters this week.

Luzinha said...

dear! how amazing you are as a snow princess! you're a very princess, dear! indeed!

and Harley is a great detective! oh, yes!

have a great day, my dearest friends! all the best for you all!

Forever Foster said...

You're not one of those hoody wearers who hang out in shopping malls all day, are you Daisy?

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Daisy! Do you ski? Because you would look so fabulous on the bunny trail wearing that pink vest! It is a little bit bulky, but we know you are slim and trim underneath all that.

You look good in your hoodie, too. Yo.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We would say that the "bulky" element would be determined by how easily you can move around in it, Daisy!

Hootin Anni said...

You ask how cold is it here in South Texas?.....well, my answer [and bulky plumage of bird] is my Photo Hunt Post today. LOL

Marg said...

The pink jacket is very warm looking. Wish we had one of those. We don't think it looks bulky. The yellow jacket does look a little bulky. Our mom does not like hoods. They always seem to get in the way.

Anonymous said...

We think you jacket and fly hoodie look bulky, because you're so sleek and slender!

Cat with a Garden said...

Daisy, we were so excited when mom opened the curtains today and said 'Look girls, Daisy has arrived'. Disappointment was huge because "Daisy" is a cold front bringing us lots of snow. We so would have prefered you!

jams o donnell said...

Ah you are always so stylish Daisy. My fur furry masters refuse to wear anything but fur coats.... Happy weekend!

Milo and Alfie said...

Daisy yoo look cute whatever yoo wear! We like yoor hoody top too.

Cindy said...

You are so small that they do make you look bulky.

The Island Cats said...

We don't know about looking bulky, but Daisy you sure look cute!

Marites said...

both jackets are cute although am partial to yellow color:) My PH is up too.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We think the quilted jacket is half bulky, but bulky is good when it is cold out. Mommy had to go buy some bulky sweaters for the cold weather we have been having. You as always LOOK GORGEOUS. ~AFSS

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Sweet Daisy, you are so tiny that there isn't anything that you own or could wear that would look bulky. You just look oh so cute!

The Florida Furkids said...

Those are cool outfits!! We love the pink one!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Sweet Purrfections said...

Yes, Daisy! You definitely have the bulky look down!

A.Marie said...

I can't help it, Daisy, I am rolling on the floor, laughing, because your Mom put you in that yellow outfit and it looks so....

Oops...My Mom just read what I wrote...I am getting a "Bad Kitty...if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all!"

Errr..sorry Daisy...You look very fetching in yellow but it is a teeny bit bulky...

Gotta Go...Mom just read what I wrote....


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have heard it is even cold in Florida so maybe bulky is good as it will keep you warm.

Donna said...

I likes ur outfeets! I would waer dem to be warm in the rain. :)

Split Rock Ranch said...

Oh yes, the puffy vest is bulky, for sure! Hope it helps you keep warm in the cold.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Your nice slim figure fits in the vest well, and no, I don't think it's too bulky on you. But it must be bulky to wear!

I love that hood! So is "fly" the new word for "cool"? They change every decade or so and i get confused. I still say "peachy keen" on occasion...

I goofed for Photo Hunters this week, and did "12" instead of "Bulky." :S Oops. But I decided to leave it up because it's appropriate for this week... and because I didn't want to spend an hour doing a different post! I hope you can visit.

Have a blessed New Year!
Mrs. Mecomber

Shaggy and Scout said...

It's only bulky because you are so petite.
Those are both cute outerwear selections.

Cory said...

Your hoody is just too adorable for words or meows.

Shona said...

Really cute cat, especially like the hoodie

Kim, USA said...

I love the colors and I never thought it is a quilt. For sure they will feel warm with those. Thanks for sharing!


Raymond and Busby said...

Hello Daisy! The jacket is bulky. The yellow hoody makes you look like a rapper! What would your rap name be? D the CC? Puff Daisy? Daisy Diddy?

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear - you look fabulous in your yellow hoodie - fabulous

Ariel said...

I think you look fabulous and adorable...Hugs

Your Daily Cute said...

Your yellow hoodie is supa dupa fly!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

You look so cute in both your jackets! I don't think the pink one looks too bulky since it doesn't have sleeves :)

brokenteepee said...

Daisy you are a fashion icon and could never look bulky!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think they are both a little bulky. Do they keep you warm in all that cold weather Daisy?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I have heard the saying "you would look good in a burlap sack" meaning that anything looks good on you.

I think that is an appropriate thought here.

Prints the Cat said...

You are so stylish and fashionable!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you look very bulky but not in the butt so you win!

smiles, auntie bee

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

But with YOUR figure, woo khan soooo kharry it off!


Hansel said...

we LOVE your yellow hood!

Ann said...

Bulky or not i love the pink vest, I want one. Of course Duke would look pretty cool in one too but he would need a different color.

Max said...

That vest doesn't look too bulky. The color suits you and it looks almost comfy...

The Oceanside Animals said...

It's going to take more layers than that to make YOU bulky, Daisy.

Puglette said...

daisy, you are fabulous in all your fashionable choices. although, i must admit that when i first looked at the title, i thought it was "sulky". can look kind of sulky sometimes.
love you!!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you are my idol! I love your pink quilted jacket!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Momma said something about peeing in her pants. We do love the "bulky" jacket
Benny & Lily

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Do you have the baggy low-ride pants (with your underwear showing, of course) to go with the hoodie?

Unknown said...

Hi Daisy,

Happy New Year!

Sorry I haven't visited in ages but we've been really busy with the "moving overseas" thing and then settling in in Brisbane...

You know, my human loves your pink puffy anorak thing so much, she wants one for herself!!

Honey the Great Dane

"The Boys" and Karen said...


You are sportin' some really cool duds!

Very fashionable!

"The Boys" are "boys" so 'fraid they wouldn't look too good in that pink jacket. But I sure like it.

Hoshi said...

You look really lovely in PINK!!
Does your mom made the jacket for you???

Scott Law said...

How cool is that? Great take on the theme! I love all the different ways people can approach it.
Drop by and see mine here.

Anonymous said...

That pink number needs sleeves in this weather, Daisy! Did it rain most of the day at your house? It did here:(

BeadedTail said...

Your eyes match your fly hoody Daisy! Purrty!

Anonymous said...

Bulky or not, we LOVE that photo of you in your yellow hoodie.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Daisy, I forgot to tell you that you look pawsitivly ravishing in your yellow hoodie and all the rest of your fashions. And your eyes are mesmerizing. Your pink jacket may need to cinch it in a bit at your curvaceous waist, perhaps?

Sónia Mendes said...

You look so elegant in your pink coat, not bulky at all.

The yellow hoodie looks cool too.

You always look good whatever the outfit.

Feline kisses from Gotchi

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You need bulky coats this week's cold!

Lorenza said...

Pink is your color... yellow too!
Kisses and hugs

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...


You are one fly cat! Pink is definitely your color:)

RNSANE said...

Such a fashinable kitty - she could hold her own anywhere!

Karen Jo said...

The jacket is a little bulky, but only in comparison to your slim arms. I love your yellow hoodie.

Brita said...

The pink thing is fantastic. Great take on the theme.

dascha said...

you look really cute in your yellow hoodie!

Maureen said...

Aw, you look great in everything Daisy!

CCL Wendy said...

Maybe those clothes are a little bulky, Daisy, but because you are so slim and beautiful you can really carry it off! Yes, you do look "fly" and kinda "rad", too!

andrea said...

a fashionista adorable!

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