Daisy: Harley and I wanted to let you know that since my Mommeh has a new job, she does not have as much time to help us blog. Rats! So for now, we will just be posting on weekdays. We might still post comics sometimes during the week though. Thanks for still visiting!

Sunday Comics with Daisy!
64 Notes for Daisy:
We're going to miss you on the weekends, Daisy! But we totally understand how much time blogging can really take!
Oh noes, we will miss our weekend visits but we understand how very busy your mom must be.
We hope your mom had a relaxing weekend, and is recharging for another week at work.
That's fair enough Daisy. My mum says we are going to have to reconsider my blogging schedule this year too.
work is important; blogging is after kitties. ;) how's the new job ?
Aw, I has a sad coz I love your Sunday Comics but I do understand. Work is very demanding and your Mommeh needs rest time. Give her lots of snuggles! :)xxx
We understand Daisy. When your mum is busy working all week, she needs the weekends to catch up on work at home and get some relaxation.
We understand. Mom is always telling us that blogging is very time consuming ~ and what wiv her noo job, and having flu this week too ~ she's tired. We keep telling her to retire so we can blog 24/7!
We will all miss you on the weekends but it's very good of your mommeh to still manage to help you blog all week and she needs to have some resting time now she is so busy and some time with your daddeh too :o)
Daisy....weekends are for resting and we are glad you are going to be doing just that and enjoying your mommy!! We love you....
I am lucky to get to post at all. Your mummy helps you a lot.
Of course we visit, Daisy (and Harley!). We Love your blog!
We hope your Mom is enjoying her job.
DAT iz OK, Whitey likes comics on ANYday, 'speshully when it iz yours and Harley's.
O Mai goodness! Mai just had an awesome idea! We can always do a random search on your blog for a re-run! Someimes, dat iz mai favrit thing anyways!
lol :p
Now that we know that Mr. Shrill gets his educational programming from Beevis and Butthead,...that explains a lot.
Daisy, we will miss your Sunday comics a lot, but we understand how much time it must take to produce such creative and entertaining blog content as yours is every day. We will just get our Daisy fix on Sundays by catching up on your weekday posts. We hope your mom is enjoying her new job.
We understand Daisy. We hope you don't get TOO bored with your Mommy gone to work . . . and we hope Mr. Shrill doesn't watch too much TV!!!
We understand perfectly Daisy, that mommeh needs to have some extra time on the week ends to catch up on everything. We will miss the week ends but as long as we get a Daisy and Harley fix every now and then, we will be happy. It is a lot of work to do this blogging. Have a great Sunday.
We totally understand, Daisy, but we will miss your posts (and Harley's too). Give your mommeh lots of kitty hugs when she gets home from work! ^_^
I'll miss you on the weekends, but I understand. I hope your mom enjoys her new job.
We know what a working-outside-of-the-home Mommy has to do, and it's OK to not blog every day.
Have a good Sunday with your 'rents!
Good news for the Mommeh, bad news for us, we love your Sunday Comics.
Mr. Shrill...you fit right in with those two!
Daisy, we totally understand how busy mommies get...we hope to see some comics during the week though!
We are thankful for all that your Mommy shares with us, you make sure you get lots of lovin' on the weekends!
is Mommy doing nurse work??Help her now we enjoy whenever ..sandy
We're going to miss your Sunday comics, but we know how much time it takes to do a good blog post.
How does your Mom like her new job?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hey, maybe we can have Monday comics? What a great way to start the week! We love you all and anytime you want to post or not post is ok with us.
We are purring for your mom in her new job.
i think that's fine daisy, you mom will do her best! and mr shrill won't be able to get in as much trouble either! ha!
smiles, auntie bee
We know, life gets busy!
I hope your mom enjoys her new job.
You kitties will just have to get into mischief. There is so much fun when the beans are away!
bonkies for fun times
Mr Shrill, we;re not sure B&B are the right kind if 'friends' ,but somehow they seem 'right' for you,heehee
Daisy, we will miss you on weekends, but we do understand.Mom is away from home so long each day and there is not enough time in the evenings to do other things(like play with us)
We have reduced our blogging a lot too :( That's OK, we can always pop in to visit our friends!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie
We will takes you when we can gets you. Thinking about you all the time though. ~AFSS
Oh, Mr. Shrill. Those glasses do NOT make you look as smart as Beavis and Butthead.
Daisy, I'm so sorry we'll miss seeing you on weekends, but we understand. Tell your Mommeh not to work too hard. We love everything she does!
We will miss you but at least we can still visit you weekdays!
We will visit you whenever you post. It seems like a lot of use are slowing down on our blogs.
i miss beavis and butthead.
isn't that always the way? Real life can just get in the way of all our fun.....
Oh like anyone would STOP visiting - Mommeh working means more treats, toys and that special food y'all eat...
aww we'll miss your weekend posts Daisy. Will you still be doing photo hunters? Either way we would never stop visiting you
Daisy, we hope that your Mom has time to help you with Photohunters once in awhile. We always like to see your take on the theme.
Hope your Mom gets to relax and spend time with you and Harley & your Dad on the weekends. We know she misses you during the week. xoxo
I have to admit to being selfish and hoping you'd set your Sunday comics to pre-post in your blogger dashboard. But I DO totally understand!
I will miss Sunday Comics With Daisy but hope your mommy enjoys her weekends! Hope this means extra chin scritches & cuddles for you & Harley!
Hi, Daisy!
If that is the kind of tv shows that makes Mr Shrill happy now I understand why he is like he is!
Of course we understand your Mom too!
Blogging takes a lot of time from your life and you need to do many other things!
Have a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Oh.
More characters we need to discourage Mr Shrill from copying.
Not good role models, those two.
It's hard doing blogs every day, Daisy! With one book in print and one coming out, it's important for my editor (my human) to keep my blog updated, and she has a hard time keeping up - even though I am partners in her business and technically I AM part of her job! So I totally understand. But it's good though, that you were able to work so hard while your humans were job hunting - now it's your turn to take it a little easier.
Blogging is hard work. But your Mommeh has to work so you can have toys and treats and a nice house. We will miss you but some things are more important.
We love your posts, but we do understand. Weekends will be something to look forward to.
We hope your mom likes her new job. We are sure she is good at whatever she is doing.
We're going to miss you but totally understand! You guys always have such high quality posts and that takes a lot of work!
We purr for your mummy and her new job.
Of course, that computer is probably running DOS ...
We will all miss you on the weekends... but that's the life!!
i am worried, if mr. shrill is there while your mommeh is at work he may make a mess!! keep an eye on that troublemaker and harley, be sure to squish him if he gets out of hand!
ps- thank you for all of your posts, i love them all!
We'z gonna miss yoo on da weekends but we know how it is when da mom is really busy. Yoo is gonna need dat time on da weekend to get some attenchun from her...hope she loves her new job!
We are purry happy fur your mommeh!
We will really miss our Daisy comics, they are somefing we looks furrward to all week long.
But we do unnerstand how working full time is and don't want yours Mommy to overdo.
Love & Purrs,
You will be missed for sure, but mum says she knows just how you feel..We all understand.. Hugs GJ x
We know how THAT goes! (hopefully yer momma like her jobbie more than our momma like hers)!
Love your comics today
It takes many time blogging
I know !!
Success with you new job :-)
Oh Mr. Shrill, spending time with those two will only make you worse!
We understand Daisy and as long as we can visit during the week, then that's quite alright. Our mommy is really busy at work too so we might have to do the same thing. We hope your mommeh is enjoying her new job though!
We understands the time limitations! My mom can barely do it once or twice a week! We likes your blog just the same!
Congrats to your mommy about the new job. Hooray!
We will certainly miss your weekend posts, but we totally understand. Starting a new job is stressful.
However, we know your mommeh will be successful and are rooting for her!
Yea, Mommeh! Now the rest of us can relax on the weekends too! I think you can see by the numbers on weekends that there are lots of bloggers taking the time off. I refer to this as "Blog Off" time. Enjoy your time relaxing!
We are glad to hear you did not delegate weekend blogging to Mr. Shrill. That would have caused more problems that it would have solved!
It's good to have the weekend off. You can be comical anyday.
BOO for less time with Harley & Daisy....YAY for the jobby job!
No problem at all Daisy! I don't know how you come up with as many posts as you do! Have relaxing weekends now Daisy's mommeh!
Yay! Hello Mr Shrill, we haven't seen you for a while.
You're right, Beavis & Butthead are the best kind of education you can get. Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh...
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