Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Innocent Look

I have a little complaint to make. Harley gets away with everything! And it is all on account of his "innocent" face.
Harley: "Huh?"
Here is a movie that proves my point. Harley clearly started the fight, but he gives his master look and ends up looking innocent! I am off to try to learn to give an innocent face myself.


73 Notes for Daisy:

Zoe and Indy said...

Well that's not fair. But that face is so cute! Everett does that too!

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

You're right, Daisy, Harley does have that innocent look down. He's so cute! You must practice it, good luck.

Poppy Q said...

Brothers are sooooo cheeky. Poor Miss D.

Mouchois said...

That was pretty cute, I've got to say. I think you have a pretty good innocent look, too, Daisy!

Unknown said...

It WAS Harley!!! Daisy I feel your pain...but you are the winner because you chose to walk away :)

P.S. Your mommeh is awesome. She catches you guys in some of the cutest photos and vids. She rocks!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We suspect it's all in the eyes, Daisy! It's that wide-eyed look!

lovcats said...

Oh very cute! ^^ My kittens are in love! lol

i beati said...

I've got to say Daisy . he suckered me in too. I'm buying that face !!! sandy

Teddy Westlife said...

He does the innocent face very well. I think you'll need to practice a lot Daisy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's the best innocent face we've ever seen. Maybe instead of an innocent face you could master the sweet face?

Freya's Staff said...

Harley IS innocent! You can tell by the look on his face!

Parker said...

He is good at the look.
Rudy is the very same way...

Jen said...

Guess that "Duhhhh, Huh?" look is not just for horses doing something they're not supposed to...I seem to get that look a lot around here :o)

Hansel said...

oh my gosh that IS a good innocent look! Hansel is good too- but not THAT good! and tesla just gives a really evil face when she gets caught.

Anonymous said...

LOL - that was my first laugh of the day. Thanks!

The Florida Furkids said...

Oh My he really does have it purrfected!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Creek Cats said...

OMC! That video had us laffin out loud. Too funny!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Looks like Harley has something he can teach you, Daisy. MOL

Your Daily Cute said...

So true! Harley's innocent face made me laugh. I think I'll have to work on mine, too.

Luzinha said...

hehe... Harley is a cute cat! is impossible to be irritated with him!

and you know that we love you both, Daisy, dear! you're the cuttest!

have a great day, sweetie! kisses for you all!

marg said...

OK Harley those innocent looks don't work anymore. You were caught in the act. And you need to clean up your act and leave poor Daisy alone. Great video Mommeh.

JD at I Do Things said...

Daisy, come on! You are a professional fashion model! I'm sure you can easily come up with an "innocent" expression to top even Harley's (tho his is pretty good!)

Anonymous said...

It's true, it's true!

The Monkeys said...

I hear ya, Daisy! Samson has a very similar look. I call it 'deer in the headlights'.


The Kitty Krew said...

He does have a pretty good innocent face. Maybe he'll give you some tips?

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Raymond and Busby said...

Harley looked pretty innocent to us! Daisy, you need to practice the innocent look.

Cory said...

He does have the look mastered. In our house I own the innocent look!

Meghann said...

Poor Daisy, that sounds like my house when my brother, sister and I were kids. I still have to learn the innocent face, LOL!
Arwen, however, is the master of the innocent face, and frequently used that to her advantage when Gandalf the cat was alive ;-)
Meg and Arwen

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is not fair! Kirby has mastered the innocent face too. But Mom knows he is the master naughty kitty in our house!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It's the big round eyes that do it every time Daisy. That's what you need to practice.

The Furry Kids said...

Wow! He's good!

Split Rock Ranch said...

You better work on that one Daisy. Harley's got it down pat!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

practice practice practice daisy!

smiles, auntie bee

The Meezers or Billy said...

but you has bideo proof!

Tammy said...

Our Henry kitty has that same innocent face! He often starts trouble, but very rarely gets blamed because he always looks like "who, me?! I was just sitting here"...

Sparkle said...

I had NO idea Harley was so crafty! That innocent look totally fooled me.

Janet said...

hahaha He DOES have that look down pat!

brokenteepee said...

Harley does indeed have an excellent innocent face. Hmmm, it is a good skill to have.

Puglette said...

well, he may have the innocent face, but you have the cutest little crabilated face ever!

Puglette said...

well, he may have the innocent face, but you have the cutest little crabilated face ever!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Gemini has that innocent look too and boy does she get away with stuff! Good luck with that innocent face thing Daisy.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Scout pulls that all the time. Brothers!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Daisy....that is just his everyday face....something to do with those big eyes. So make your eyes look real big...we bet that will help.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Harley's just like my big brudder... he used to do that too! But ya know what, Daisy? I think Mommeh's onto Harley's game.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Have Harley teach you how to use that innocent look Daisy :)

Puffie said...


Donna said...

Awww, play nice! :)

Hoshi said...

Yeah, that was you, Harley!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Daisy! Harley does have a very innocent look and does it so well! Trixie tries to pull that stuff too and mom falls for it every time.

Ann said...

sounds like a case of typical sibling rivalry to me. But I have to agree Harley has the innocent look down pat.

loki said...

Daisy, I know it's not fair. Harley is the baby and it seems babies are very good at this.


Cat Street Boyz said...

Daisy, all you have to do is practice Harley's look in front of a mirror. Note, careful not to get caught!!!!(=^Y^=)

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Daisy, you need to come and live here with me, we'll send Rumbles over to live with Harley.

Rumbles also has that innocent look, he even pulls it off when he's caught red-pawed doing something naughty... and it WORKS! He sits on the counters! He plays on drying racks! He tips over trash bins!

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, I have noticed this look on Harley's face many a time! It's sort of a "Who Me?" face. He is able to make his eyes go super-wide and I think this translates to "wide-eyed innocence". Purrhaps you could try it out, too, Daisy and see what happens next time.

Harley's already got it down pat, though.

Buggys said...

That scamp Harley! Keep practicing Daisy.

meemsnyc said...

HAHAHAHAH, Harley, you are good at the innocent look! Hehe

Victor Tabbycat said...

I's werkin on lookin innocent, too. I's not naughty! I had no idear I wasn't sposed to scratch there.

BeadedTail said...

Harley does have that innocent face down pat Daisy. We fell for it too.

Cats in trees said...

In all fairness, it was a great move.

But we have the same problem with Paddy. She can look so incredible sweet, she never gets blamed for anything.


Anonymous said...

Daisy, believe me, your Mommy loves you all to pieces... And I doubt very much that Harley gets away with anything he shouldn't, just like you.

Of course, I have to agree, Harley's expressions are amazingly adorable, just like yours!

Mickey's Musings said...

Yup, Harley has an innocent face !!
But Daisy, we think you have such a cute face. How can that not count?????????
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie

PussDaddy said...

They didn't do it!


Angel Simba said...

Not only does Harley open his eyes wide, he makes he pupils look small at the same time. When I do that it makes me look annoyed. But on Harley it looks innocent.

You guys are both very very cute. Just different. Good for Mommeh for getting the video evidence for us all to see (so she really is on your side, Daisy, and laffin at Harley).

The Island Cats said...

Haha! Harley, you do innocent really good!

meowmeowmans said...

No fair! You were framed, Daisy!

Lorenza said...

OMD! Yes, he is a master!
You need a plan to unmask him, Daisy!
Kisses and hugs

WillOaks Studio said...

It's not fair here as well. Purrmeister starts EVERYTHING with EVERYONE...but has that same innocent face as Harley. So I tell everyone to "STOP IT" and then, I hug Purrmeister.....but he IS learning "no" around my art supplies....

Black Cat said...

Oh Daisy, why can't our brofurs luv us? Simba :)xxx

Quill and Greyson said...

Yep a true master!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Blue Steel!!!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

He does have that look down, but you are just as sweet looking. I think it's his wide-eyed stare that gets people, and you just aren't one to exploit like that.

Milo and Alfie said...

Yeah ~ we can confirm that Harley has the innocent look mastered! MOL!

The Furry Bambinos said...


Harley, you are the master. We have a lot to learn from you.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

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