A Daisy Q and A!
Oh, hi there! Today, I am going to do something new. We will do questions and answers! This is your chance to ask me anything. Just leave your questions for me in the comments. Next week, I will try to answer as many questions as I can. You can ask me anything about my life, because I am an expert on that!

80 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, I would like to know how your mummy found you.
Daisy, we would like to know how long it took you to learn how to model like a professional.
Where do you and Harley usually sleep?
Do you and Harley have a morning routine? Do you make mommeh or daddeh get up to serve you breakfast? Because my cats make me get up and they have a very specific plan. Shadow sits on me and Lucky talks loudly for half an hour until I comply.
We would like to ask Daisy whether her favourite toy has changed over time? And we would like to ask Harley if he always defers to his older and wiser sister or does he try to pretend he's boss sometimes?
Daisy, do you and Harley still get Temptations since you went on a raw food diet?
What is your favorite sleeping position and where?
We were wondering if you have seen a noticeable change in your teeth since using that PetZLife product?
Daisy, we each have a question for you.
Daisy, what's your favorite toy? -ben
Daisy, how do you get your brother to LEAVE YOU ALONE? -tesla
Harley, whats the best attack you ever did to your sister? -hansel
Daisy, we were wondering about any quirky habits you and Harley may have. For example, one of my cats likes to drink bathwater. Another cat spends nearly 10 minutes burying his "presents." You will not catch our other cats doing these things - because they all have their quirks!
Thanks for the awesome questions! We cannot wait to answer you all next week!
Do you sleep with your Mommeh? And does Harley try to too? Our bed is a war zone--everyone battling to get closest to the Mom.
Yay! Remember about a bazillion years ago you mentioned ordering that new litter box that is curved so it is supposed to have to corners that are not hard to scoop? We were wondering... what is your professional opinion, and when we can expect a full Daisy Product Review!
Harley can chime in, too!
Harley - does you want to come ofur and PLAYPLAYPLAY???- Billy
Daisy, do you still do science experiments with lizards? what ever happened to George?
i'll ask the question i always used to ask job applicants. who's your favorite beatle?
I bet my question is simple for you to answer. How did you get to be so cute and wise, and Harley so handsome?
Hi Daisy, Do you know how many cats were purring for the Old Sarge during his cancer treatment?
I'm also a curly kitty who came from a breeder at age 2 because I didn't want to be a good mommy. Where did you come from, Daisy?
Daisy, do you keep doing anything naughty that your mum has to tell you off for? We would like to ask Harley the same question too.
Eric: Mum keeps telling me off for raking my claws on her recliner. I never do it to dad's, and I never used to do it to the old sofa.
hi daisy!! i think i'd like to know if you ever tasted cake.
smiles, auntie bee
mom would like to ask your mom what it is she does at her new job?
i would like to ask Daisy how many outfits she has and ask Harley why he is always runing your good time!
ps- mom and dad always say "quit ruining my good time Harley!" sometimes they add in, as always!to each other. it makes them laugh.
Daisy what is your favorite toy and Harley what is yours??
Daisy do you ever go hunting?
Who came first, Harley or you? And did you always get along?
Hi Daisy
what do you and Harley do all day now that Mommeh is working?
(besides the obvious, tearing apart the bird cage)
Also- Harley seems to have a wild side (those eyes!). Do you think he might be a lil crazy?
Well, it looks like all the questions I had were already asked - looking forward to the answers
When are you going strollering again?
Like Huffle Mawson, we would like to know where your parents adopted you from, Daisy. We would also like to know where Harley came from. We love this idea of Q & A! xoxo
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmmm do yoo no ware i left my fedora??? i cant seem to find it!!! ok bye
Daisy, did u ever eat a mouse? :)
We would like to ask Professor Daisy if she has any projects or experiments coming up to share with us.
Daisy, will you be my girlfiend?
Harley, how much do you weigh?
Harley ~ How do you deal with such a diva sistah? I have a very bossy sister and she growls at me when I try to snuggle, but once she's asleep she uses me as her pillow! My brother Rico and I are overrun by sisters (Zoe, Lobo, Lily & Dolly). Any advice you can share is greatly appreciated.
Luv, Ozzy (Rico asked me to type as I have thumbs - oops, gotta scoot, our mommy is coming this way and makes a frowny face when we play with her laptop).
How is your Momma liking her new job? And do you get enough time with her now that she is working? Okay maybe that was two... but HEY! There are two of us!
Daisy, you are going to have a lot of work to answer all the questions!
Hi Daisy and Harley!
I wanted to know how long it took Daisy to get used to having Harley around? Was she upset when you got there Harley?
We announced Rowdy's new name today come and see!
Love from
Boxen, Bella, and ????
Daisy, we hardly know where to start we have so many questions. We will limit ourselves to one abowt yoo, and one abowt Harley, to give others a chance!
Daisy, Do yoo and Harley ever scrap wiv each other?
Harley, are yoo a mommy's boy or a daddy's boy?
Daisy I would like to know if you would like to come to Montana to visit me and the other Happy Goats...I think that would be fun.
hmmm...think, think, think...
i have been wondering about your daddeh. does he like to play with you two? do you like to snuggle with him? do you two wait in a special place for mommeh and daddeh to get homefromwork? oh...and do you two ever snuggle together?
that is all, for now.
I can't wait to hear your answers to all these questions :)
Dear Daisy,
Do your curly hairs require any speshul grooming tekneek? I don't know much about Curly Cats as I am something called a DSH, which I think must be a very speshul, rare breed of cat. My mommeh rescues ferals so there are always baby cats terroizing me here, so I sympathize with you about Harley!
Daisy, Lucy wants to know how you keep your girlish figure.
Harley, Trixie wants to know what is your most favorite toy of all.
And for both of you, are you a Mommie or Daddies boy and girl?
Daisy, are you or Harley snuggle bunnies? Do either of you sleep with Mommie or Daddy at night?
Did your cold snap in Florida go away?
Will you or Harley do any more cards for Hallmark? I bought the last two in the store this past summer. :)
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Hugs and Purrs,
We haf speshul games we play wif daddy but not wif mom...Do yoo guys haf speshul time wif yoor daddy too?
Daisy what is your favoritist outfit?
Benny & Lily
1. Where do you sleep at night?
2. Can you BOTH come live with us??? MOL
My sisfur Gracie has a question for you...do you have a girlfriend?
(see she has a crush on you)
ABBY!!! You were not supposed to tell!
oh well...she does!
purry purrs
Wow! You have lots of questions to answer Daisy! I was going to ask you why Harley always looks surprised but someone else already asked something similar. :~)
Daisy, we'd like to know where you were borned before coming to live with your mommeh and daddeh.
Harley, we'd like to know if you still go out in your stroller.
Wow, what great questions. Now you and Harley will have no secrets from your friends!
Daisy, my question for you is do you have a special hiding spot where you go to get away from Harley? Harley, what do you do that pesters Daisy the most? I would also like to know how your Mommeh decided to start writing about Daisy, Pixie and now Harley? What is Mommeh's favorite thing to blog about...fashion Friday, Sunday Comics, Shrill Adventures?
Hi Daisy :)
WE want to know if you started modeling when you were a baby.You look comfy in front of the camera ;)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Daisy, we want to know if you enjoyed strollering right away, or if it took you a while to start to liking it? We think Shelli may like it, but we're afraid to make her scared.
What is your favorite place to nap, and what is your favorite position to nap? Arwen likes the couch or the bed, preferably lying on her back, with her paws straight up in the air :)
Hugs and nose taps,
Meg and Arwen
After all these great questions I can't think of anything else to ask. I'll just wait to hear your answers to all of them
Wow Daisy you got a lot of really good questions - everyone pretty much asked everything we thought of already, so we will just wait on the answers!
Daisy and Harley, what are your favorite games to play together?
These are all neat questions. I am also interested in the night time sleeping arrangements.
Here's another one: When you do a photo shoot for modelling, about how long does it last?
Looking forward to reading all the answers.
Do you sleep with mommy at night the way I do with mine?
Are you an early alarm system for the family like me? uh oh, That's 2 questions.
Actually, my question can be for the two of you. At what age did your mama start to dress you up? I assume it must be when you were quite young because you are so accustomed to it, and seem very relaxed.
Do you like to wear your costumes even after the photoshoot is over, or do you like to take them off right away?
Tyler thinks you are handsome, Harley. He looks a lot like you.He wants to know how he can get his sister Beignet to leave him alone.
I want to know how many outfits you have... and Harley too!
Kisses and hugs
Harley's photo of today capture my heart!!
So so adorable!
Why is there air?
We want to know how many pictures your Mom takes of you.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow so many great questions already. I will just be happy to see the answers.
Daisy, I want to know how you and Harley are adjusting to your mommy working all day. My mom works all day too and I want to know what you and Harley do all day to fill the time.
Dear Daisy, is it true that Curly Cats (Devon Rexies like youuuu) don't SHED ?
And Harley darling, (I mean, you handsome HUNK of a MANCAT with WHISKER HUMPS), do you still go for walkies on your (manly) Daisy harness ?
Love and xxxx.
Oh and, do you both help Mommeh and Daddeh make the bed in the morning by making sure there are big LUMPS under the COVERS ? Now that Mommeh has to be at work on time she needs all the HELP she can get !
So many good questions. Harley, how did you get so good at detecting?
Harley, we has a question for you. Where is your favourite spot in the house? ~AFSS
Well we thought we had left a question and our hopeless assistant doesn't seem to have left a comment. Anyway, since there are so many questions, we will just wait to see the answers. This will be great fun. We really want to know how old you were when you started the modeling Daisy.
Hello, Daisy dear! What is your favorite toy? LOL!
Why don't yoo show more tummy shots on yer blog?
Oh, that qweschun was fur Daisy, not Harley!
When is Harley's Birthday?
How many costumes do you own?
How many videos have you made?
Hey Daisy, what a super idea to have a Q&A! We would like to know how your mommeh finds the time to help you with your blog?
Love Ladybird and Valentino
Gosh I hope I'm not too late!!! Glogirly's been very "busy" and has made it hard for me to visit my friends. I guess the world revolves around HER.
Ok, here's what I want to ask.
Dear Daisy,
Will you please post a photo of your fabulous closet? I'd like to know how your organize all your outfits and accessories.
Dear Harley,
Who is your hero? Is it Daisy? Is it Daisy?
Dear Daisy's Mom,
Can you tell us a little about going back to work? Glogirly's going to be doing this soon too and she's kinda scared.
(Glogirly's Cat)
If you could have just one wish what would it be?
Looks like you are going to be answering questions for awhile Daisy! The first segment was great, can't wait for more!
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