Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Got a Bad Ouchie!

Today I have to show you something very bad! I hope you are not squeamish, because the next photos have some bloods and guts. Well, some bloods anyway.
See? Two ouchies on my neck! With BLOODS! The arrows are pointing to the spots, in case you cannot see the wounds. I do not think I will need any stitches though.
Here is my neck. Would you mind giving it a little kiss so I feel better? Thanks.
I got these ouchies either from scratchin' at my neck, or on account of Harley. But I will not tell which, on account of I am not a stool pigeon.


102 Notes for Daisy:

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh noes, poor Daisy! Please heal quickly!
Chilli once had little places like these on her belly and on her neck too. We had no idea where they came from, but it was not a fight. She got some specially mixed ointment and only after some days of treatment it was gone for good. We hope your ouchies are as easy to treat!
Purrs, Siena

Poppy Q said...

Awww sweetie, you have to tell the vampires to leave you alone.

Sweet little neck smoochies to you Miss D.

Anonymous said...

Ow! We're sending you super healing purrs from us! Get better soon Miss Daisy. And we're SURE it wasn't from Harley. . . unless it was an accident.

i beati said...

A little of both maybe, we have very serious sickness here..sadly, pray for us sandy

Forever Foster said...

Oh sweetie we are sorry about your ouchies. We're sending you snuggles, and hope you heal super quickly.

Ellie and her three cats said...

harley must be getting you back for giving him the "manly cigar" healing kisses blowing your way. we hope it doesnt happent again!

Anonymous said...

Smoochie Smoochie Smoochie Smoochie & another Smochie, Daisy!

That's one from all of us and Mom, too! We hope the bloods heal up and go away soon.

Marg said...

Goodness, poor Daisy. Lots of kisses for your ouchies. Hope they get better soon. We know Harley wouldn't hurt you. Maybe the detective Harley can solve the mystery. Have a great day.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Awwww sweetie pie I am so sorry you have two ouchies...I scratch a lot and have them often. I have no kitty to blame it on but if I were you...I would get some garlic for your sleepy place just in case....

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

Aw, poor you, This is very sad and disturbing to us. Certainly hope you don't get any more attacks. If Harley did this, that is a very bad thing! We love Harley too, but this is not good. Hope you mend quickly and if it's from scratching too hard, please be careful. Maybe you have a case of some bad itchies.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Boo-boos!? I blow you a kiss all the way down the Atlantic Coastline! With you soft furs I know you felt it.
We know you are a Princess, but we didn't know you are a Warrior Princess.
~Lisa Co9T

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Daisy, yoo should be feeling much better soon 'cos efurrybuddy in our howse kissed yoo better!

Parker said...

Here's a smoochie for your boo-boos - SMOOCH!!!
Hope you heal up fast!

SeaThreePeeO said...

*Mwah* We hope your ouchies feel all better soon!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I hope your ouchies are all better soon. Surely, Harley didn't do it.

Cats in Trees said...

Awww. We'll all give little kisses on them. Doesn't that feel better?

Anonymous said...

Oh no daisy, we are so sorry about your neck. Looks like a vampire got you!!! Are you sure it wasn't a vampire? I'm pretty sure you can tell on them. ~~ Hansel, Tesla, & Ben Ben not signed in (due to our internets being down)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You can have all the smoochy kisses on your neck you would like. Fenris will give you tons of puppy licks and we are purring healing purrs. ~AFSS

The Island Cats said...

Oh we hope your ouchies go away real soon, Daisy!! We hope they don't hurt!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope your ouchies are soon better. I have got one by my eye, but mum knows I did it myself because she saw me dig, dig, digging at it.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Have you two been playing rough? We're sorry about your terrible ouchies, Daisy, and hope they're all better soonest.

The Creek Cats said...

*kiss* *kiss* *kiss* Feel better soon, sweetheart!

The Monkeys said...

Ouchie!! We're sending kissies to make you feel better

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh you sweet baby Daisy, my mom gave you a kiss for the hurty. I will groom you so you won't get a strain. I'm a good nurse.

Sarge Charlie said...

ouchie,i sure hope you do not need stiches

Kea said...

Ouchie is right! Of course we're sending lots of kitty kisses to make it better. Can your mom put something on them to make them heal faster?

arbed and edgar said...

Oh no, Daisy! I hope those heal up quickly and don't hurt you at all. Be careful! Lots of kisses from me and Edgar.

Dma said...

ouch. hope the wounds heal soon. it looks like the work of a vampire to me so if you suddenly have keen radar skills, go see a doctor.

Anonymous said...

We are sending you kisses Daisy!

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

it looks like a vimpire bit you daisy!
sorry about your ouchy!
feel better

Cory said...

We're really good at giving healing kisses!!!! Kiss kiss!

Purrs, Cory

Lin said...

Uh oh, they looked kind of evenly spaced for teeth, but would Harley do that??? I don't think he'd be that aggressive towards you, would he? I hope not.

At first, I thought that finger in the photo was a little bump or something and then I was relieved to see it was a finger and not a bump! Whew! So, in that case, I think you will live from the scratches.

Here's a smoochie for ya, Daisy! Get well soon!

meowers from missouri said...

*kiss* *kiss* *lick* *lick*
*kiss* *kiss* *lick* *lick*
*kiss* *kiss* *lick* *lick*
*kiss* *kiss* *lick* *lick*
*SLURP* (dbd)

we hopes your owies go away soon--you might consider a garlic necklace, in the meantime;-) those catpires can be bad this time of year . . .

Breakfast With the Bennetts said...

Oh no Daisy those look like they hurt! I will send you some kisses to make it feel better. You know I think you are one cute kitty! Tell that Harley to behave and you be more careful.


The Florida Furkids said...

Those ouchies look hurty! We hope that they are just from scratching yourself and not from playing rough with Harley. Purrs and neck smoochies!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Furry Kids said...

Ouchie! Was Hurl Grey at your house????

I hope your boo boos feel better soon.


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

OWWWWCH! We just can't believe sweet, innocent looking Harley could do that to you! You are a very smart girl not to say who or what did it! Feel betters soon!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those look painful! We will all kiss them!

GLOGIRLY said...

Ouch, Daisy! That Harley really left a mark. Maybe you should go lock him in a closet.

Take care of your ouchies.

(Glogirly's Cat)

Bonnie Story said...

Oh my gosh sugar pot pie! I will most certainly kiss your boo-boos... did that help a little? Harley is on double-secret probation. Seriously. You did not tattle, but something about that boo-boo tells me the story. Have you been watching "Twilight"? Goodness sakes. You heal up quick honey. Bonnie, Pepper and Weederman.

kaitlin said...

Oh Daisy! I hope you feel better soon!

The Whiskeratti said...

Daisy, that is just awful! We hope you heal quickly and that they don't leave scars to mar your beauty.
PS: Harley, if it was you, be nice to Daisy!

Ariel said...

"Oh" Poor you the niece thingy kissed your neck.She said to tell you she loves you and hopes your ouchie gets better soon :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Scout bit Shaggy on the butt once and he got an abscess there. Watch your bites carefully.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby - kiss, kiss

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Daisy! See what happens when your human goes to work?! I think she needs to stay home so Harley does not attack you (which I think he did).

Raymond and Busby said...

Could it possibly be the alligators?! Or those big birds that hang out in your yard? We hope you heal up quickly. xoxo

BumbleVee said...

mswccchhh.... there....all better now....

JD at I Do Things said...

Ow! Poor Daisy!

Er . . . I think I will refrain from kissing your wounds. I might just infect you further. But I do wish you a very speedy recovery!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We gave yoor ouchies a kissy to make dem better, hope it works! We think it might be "self inflicted" because Speedy gets dem sometimes and no cat here ever takes a claw after him. Um, maybe Misses Peach haf a good idea..just in case!

T.Allen said...

Oh noes! *kisses* Stool pigeon?! That's funny, Daisy!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Daisy we are so sorry that you got hurt but we have to say we were a little relieved to read it was either from you scratching or from Harley - we thought maybe a vampire had gotten you - it kinda looks like it! We are glad you aren't going to turn into a vampire! And we are sending you kisses and purrs so it heals up really quick!

One Cats Nip said...

Oh No Daisy! *kiss* I hopes those heal quickly and they dont hurt you

Baby Patches said...

Oh noes Daisy! Dem are Ouchies! Sorry you gots dem, dat happens here sometimes but its most apparent to momma when its LociLu's nose!

I hopes your momma gaves you kisses and you gets all healed up soon.


Kitty McCormack said...

Oh Daisy, it looks sore! We're sending you purrs for healing. xxx

Joanne Olivieri said...

Daisy, I gave your ouchies a little kiss so I know that will make you feel better. Harley is sometimes a little too feisty but we love him too.

Sparkle said...

I get ouchies from scratching sometimes, but they look more like sores with little bare spots. Was Harley being too rough with you? Or... was it a VAMPIRE?!?!?

Max said...

Sparkle and I were thinking the same thing. VAMPIRE! This may not bode well...kitties like sunspots but vampires don't. What a shame...

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You have my kissies ... Lots of them.. I hope yur ouchies are better soon.. Hugs GJ xx

Puglette said...

OMG!! Daisy, did someone invite a vampire into the house? remember, they can't get you unless you invite them in. or...were these from harley cause you were teasing him about yesterdays "toy"?

brokenteepee said...

Are you sure it was not a VAMPIRE?!

I hope you are better soon and not undead.

L. Alida said...

Poor little Daisy! Ouch! I'm sure Mommie will take really good care of you. She's good at that kind of stuff.
I can't believe Harley would do that. Not on purpose to be mean anyway. Maybe playtime just got a bit out of "paw?"
Harley, yesterday's post was so funny! One time Toeshee got a hold of my daughter's bikini top and dragged it around the house. Boykitties are so silly.
hugs (and healing kisses for Daisy),

The WriggleButts said...

Ouch Daisy! We have kissed your boo boo as best we could and hope you heal up nicely in no time. We get scratchies all the time. We know why.

Virus & Hyssing

Misha said...

That looks like a vampire has had a bite of you! Are you sure Harley hasn't been watching any horror movies and getting funny ideas?

Anonymous said...

Four Kittie Kisses and One Bean Smooch, headed your way!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh noes!!!! we is so sorry you gotted ouchied!!! we hopes it gets better soon!

Unknown said...

Oh no - poor Daisy! OUCH!! THat does look painful! I hope it heals up quickly!

By the way, sorry for a stupid question but what is a "stool pigeon"?

Honey the Great Dane

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad ya put the arrows on the picture, cuz we first thought that pink lump was yer innards comin out!

We hope ya heal fast, though.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh noes! You are getting hurted too just like CocoBean!
We are sending over kisses to make it better!

Kathy said...

I'm so sorry you have a hurtie, Daisy! Would you like a bacon Bandaid?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I gave you 8 kisses, four for each booboo. bonkbonkbonkbonk

Ann said...

Oh poor Daisy. Duke says he would be happy give your ouchies puppy kisses to make them all better.


*ouchies* are no fun. We hope that it is something innocent. We would hate to think Sweet Harley would do that to you...

purry purrs

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh honey pie! you sweet little thing, hope you are all well soon!

hugs, auntie bee
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo said...

Was it possibly a vampire! They are famous for causing their victims to forget.

Donna said...

Zoiks! Plz to get a bandaid and some kisseys from Mom and Dad. :)

Just Ducky said...

OUCH! Mum keeps checking me and the runt for wounds. Ours would be from bites!

SophieKitty said...

Oh noes, Daisy! That ouchie looks like it hurts. Somehow I think Harley was involved.

Mickey's Musings said...

Awwwww Daisy, we will give you kisses to make it better!!! Mom too :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Dwacon said...

Try some ointment.

Actually... it is made from bacon.

It's oinkment...

Lorenza said...

I hope your ouchies are not painful!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Your Daily Cute said...

I hope you get all better super fast, dear Daisy! Ouchies are no good. I hope it wasn't Harley, but I also hope you don't over-scratch yourself. Feel better soon.

Pip said...

Awww Daisy!!!
*kisses neck to makes it feel better!*
(I hopes Skeezix not be mad, is just a friendly kiss.)

meowmeowmans said...

Oh no, Daisy! That looks like it hurts a lot. We hope you get better soon, sweet girl.

Two French Bulldogs said...

we sent you some kissies
Benny & Lily

Promotional Printing said...

Owie, that looks like it hurts. Make mommy blow it to make it go away and make you feel better.

Peggy's Place said...

Ouchie. Poor Daisy, we hope your boo-boo gets better fast.

Unknown said...

Oh...lots and lots of kisses for your ouchie! And I know you're not a snitch....but if Harley did it...tell him I'm STILL watching him!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Hmmm, they do look Harley teeth width.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We hope you heal fast. Here's some kisses and purrs for you.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Miss Daisy!! We are sending kisses to your neck to get all better and heal fast!!
Your TX furiends,

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

DAISY!!! You tells your mummy she gotta send you to NZ for healing cuddles and recovery, STAT!!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Rat him owt, Daisy!!! I can come over and beet him up! My mussels are MUCH bigger than his. And I've got mooves.

Here are some hugs and kisses to make yoo feel better:


Karen Jo said...

I'll gladly give you a smoochie on your neck to help you feel better. I hope you heal up soon. I really hope it wasn't Harley who gave you the ouchies. Herman gave himself an ouchie scratching his chin not too long ago.

gemmak said...

Oh noes Daisy, those look like very sore did those happen on you?

A *big kiss* to help the mending :) I hope they are mended very soon.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are very sorry about your owie Daisy. We hope it is getting better and doesn't hurt you too much.

Uncle Bobby said...


they look like bitey marks to me. Perhaps with mommeh and daddeh at work Harley is using you for an appetizer. Well, that's my best guess.


Be nice!

Uncle Bobby

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Hmmm, Harleeee! We finks youse been puttin' the bitey on your furrend!

Andree said...

OUCH! Poor Daisy! Do you feel my kisses from afar? I know your mom will make sure you recover in no time! But I will worry nonetheless.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay oh noes!!! i hope yore booboos git better!!! ar yoo shoor it wuz skratching or harley and not maybe my mama and dada sneeking arownd with that hyoodj needel wot they yooze for giving flooids to unsuspekting kitties??? ok bye

The Furry Bambinos said...

Oh my goodness, poor Daisy! Those are frightful looking boo-boos (that's a technical term). Hmmm, hard to tell what the cause is. We hope your boo-boos get all better soon.

Thanks so much for stopping by to visit us and help celebrate Cookie and Caramel's first birthday!!!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

Maureen said...

Ouchie Daisy! Kisses sent to you. Hope you are feeling better!

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