Waiting for Mommeh!
I made a MOVIE! It shows how EVERY day when my Mommeh goes to work, I WAIT and WAIT for her to come home. I can hear the CAR from far AWAY! Because I have SUPER-STRONG ears. Usually I MEOW as loud as I can. The VIDEO camera distracted me a little bit, but you can still hear my LOUD voice. Here I am CLIMBING up her leg using my STRONG arms. I think she ENJOYS this a lot!
ps: If you cannot see the movie, you can click HERE to see it on YouTube!

84 Notes for Daisy:
Ah yes, you MUST mew LOUDLY when you think a human coming home can hear! We also do this, and we do it when the humans leave. We love that they can hear it all the way at the elevator (even though it never convinces them to stay)
Oh, Harley!!!! That was a very suspenseful movie! We were worried your Mommeh was never going to come Inside!
We hope you got lots of scritches and loads of lovies right after the movie was over, dude!
Oh Harely, what a lovely greeting for your mommeh after she finishes work each day :)
You are quite the mama's boy, Harley! But don't worry, that does not make you any less of a mancat!
Good miaowing Harley. We didn't realise your tail was SO long, what a grand tail.
Very happy Daisy's tests were neg and her eye is still improving.
Harley, please lend Daisy your hard hat.
Whicky Wuudler
That was cute. I wait on my bed by the window, and as mum walks up by our house she whistles for me. Then I stick my head up and run to the door to wait for her.
It is always a good time of day when mum gets home.
Yes, Harley, the best time of day is Mommeh time! What a good boy, welcoming mommeh home with such excitement! I bet she really loves to see you at the door.
Please tell Daisy I'm happy her eyeballs are getting better every day.
You are very sweet to welcome your mum home like that. You were very excited to know she was home again.
Harley, I am sure Mommeh is as excited to see you as you are to see her. And that she looks forward to you climbing up her leg all day long.
That's so sweet, Harley! You are clearly a Mummeh's Boy!
We will be having a little something for Daisy on our blog post today!
and what does Daisy do??
Our cats greet us when we come home too! I love it!! You have a very strong voice, Harley. We enjoyed your video.
That was so sweeeet!!!
Harley you are the best! Do you think it is because you were in the shelter for so long and really bonded with your mommie? Banshee was in a shelter for 6 months too and is super excited everytime the PM comes back home.
Purrs Goldie
It looks like you must love your mum a LOT, Harley. That is very good:)
Very good movie, Harley!
Very cool movie. I do that too when I hear my mom. I sit at the front door and meow until she comes in, then I rush to the scratching post.
What a good boy to wait for Mommeh. That is such a nice greeting for her and there isn't anything wrong with being a Momma's boy. We love our Mom too. Great video. You have a good meower. Have a great day.
Harley, I don't think there is a happier time of the day than when Mommy comes home from hunting!
You have a great "mommy" meow!
Some of us(mom thinks it must be the fat ones) jump off the furniture when we hear the garage door open (cuz she hears the loud thuds)...and we mostly make our way to the hallway so she can count us when she comes through the door.
Harley, great video! You have a VERY LOUD MEOW!! Your Mommey is so pretty! She was so happy to see you!!!
Five tails up for the great movie!!!!!
Love, uSSSSS
loved your video harley!!!! you sound like tesla. Where was Daisy during this?
That's such a good movie! We know your Mom must appreciate your climbing up her leg, our Mom does too...you should hear the happy noises she makes.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
pee ess - you have a very ManCatly meow!
Well, the ONLY way to hear the car coming is to lay on the table---duh.
uh oh harley, on the table! ha ha ha busted!
smiles, auntie bee
Aww, I bet seeing that made your Mommeh feel very special, Harley!
Harley, we love that movie. You are a devoted mancat, that's for sure. PS-you look great on the table.
Your manly voice sure got Theo's attention.
Harley, I never noticed how long your legs and your tail are! You are a big boy.
Oh Harley, there is nothing wrong with crying for your mom! Sometimes I (Clarissa) do it when I can't find her in the house. My Meezer brofur, Memphis, will cry for our uncle too. Sable meows and talks to mom all of the time, as does Daisy. Fred only meows when he wants to get in mom's lap.
You sure are a cute boy, Harley. And you look long and lanky!
Clarissa & Co.
Hi Harley and Daisy!
We're sorry we haven't dropped by in such a long time! But when we heard about poor Daisy's eyeball, we had to drop everything and come right over. Mica is now 242 months old (!!!) and every now and then he gets a runny eye. But because he's such an old fella, Mom just gets him some antibiotics and it clears up in a few days. Glad to hear your pretty eyes are healing all on their own.
Your pals,
Mica and Petey
You and Harley have such a nice Mom, I understand why you would be excited when she gets home.
Harley, you're so good to wait for your mom like that, and to climb up her leg. We're sure she loves that best--we know our human loves it when Derry does that...or climbs up her backside. MOL!
We think it is lovely how you greet your Mommeh on her return from work - she must look forward to that all day. Hope you help her clean the paw marks off the table.
What a great video! Harley, you are a star. And it's very clear how much you luff your the Mom.
Gus and I watched this together, and he really perked up his ears when you said, "Mom!!!!" It also stopped Dave in his tracks, as he looked around for which cat was making that sweet meow noise.
Harley, you are so sweet to wait for your mommeh like that! What a wonderful greeting she gets when she walks in the door.
We're so glad Daisy's eye is all better now too. We were worried about her so are very relieved now!
We heard you, Harley, and hey, don't worry about being on the table. We all do it, too!
And we do the same thing when Mom gets home. We all hang around waiting for her to come in the door, then we rush her!
Harley, it's good you herald your mum's homecoming! It reminds her to pay you proper attention after her longgggggg absence.
Yay for healthy eyeballs!
what taked her so long to get inside? sheesh . our the mom is slow too!
We always know when the male person is driving up the road and we start to maaaaa to let the publicist know.
You have a very manly meow Harley!
You have such a MEOWvelous voice Harley! How cute! And, *tisk, tisk* for being on the table. Wait! We take that back...we're ALWAYS doing that when the 'beans aren't around!
Harley, this is similar to what Pumpkin does when it's almost time for his Daddeh hoomin to come home. He sits by the door and cries until Daddeh finally comes in.
what a great movie! you have a wonderful, loud meow. i bet your mom just loves your happy greeting.
Great video, Harley! And unlike Godot, Mama eventually arrives!
Yay! U found Mommy! :)
That is a great movie! You have great ears to hear her from that far away.
PS - Is your mom wearing PINK Converse???????
Great video! You are so cute with your little voice. We do the same thing. We know exactly when Mom and Dad are home and are waiting when they come in the door.
You sound very excited to see your Momma! Now my question is: who was filming when if your Momma wasn't home? I would NEVER let the Male film me.
It's ok Harley, I sit on the table sometimes too even though I shouldn't
Wow, Harley! We are impressed at how you knew your mom was coming!!
Aw, Harley, I felt so bad that you missed hour Mommeh so much. Now she's home with you :)
We know dat yoor mom loves haffing yoo greet her when she comes home! Moms eat dat stuff up!
Isn't it awesome to be greeted by a happy kitty! With all our kitties, Snafu is the only one who comes out to meet me at the door. Even with four dogs barking to get there first.
~Lisa Co9T
We heard you!
I always greet mom with a leg rub too! -Scout
Hi Harley (and Daisy)
I am always there to greet Momma when she comes in the back door from the garage because I hear her car. I never go and see the Dad though....
Harley we think it's very restrained of your mommie to stand there and say hello...my mom would dive on you and snuggle you...but she's silly that way.
That was fantastic but wheres the great scene where grabs you up or falls down to your level for all the lovin she can and cannot stand! I wait for my moms too and she always runs through the door for the loves
I turned it up loud. Harley, you are very good! I hear the garage door open and then I know mom is coming home, I run to the kitchen to greet her when she comes in.
It is great!!!!
bonks bonkbonk
Awww! We know you mom must love being greeted by you when she comes home from work!! Was Daisy filming?
Thanks so much for stopping by and wishing us a Happy Birthday!!
♥ Maizy and Ferris
I can tell your mum is so happy to see you.. Dad says he knows when mum is on the way home because I jump on the window and watch for her. Hugs GJ xx
Is very sweet of you Harley. It is obvious you loves your mommeh very much!
We enjoyed this movie very much, you should makes more and more.
You're a very good timekeeper Harley to know exactly when your Mom will be home. We really liked hearing your voice too!!
Harley, you have the sweetest voice! We can tell you really missed your mom.
you are adorable!
Benny & Lily
Duke is the same way except no meow's He's always sitting right in front of the door with one of his toys when I come home. Loved your video Harley, you sure do have good hearing.
We enjoyed your movie, Harley, you are a sweetheart!...We are always waiting at the door for our Mommy too!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Your Mommeh is so lucky to be greeted by you when she comes home. And she must be so thrilled when she feels your strong arms around her leg.
awwww Harley. You are so sweeet to welcome your mom at the door. What an adorable video! xoxo
That's so cute!
Awww, Mewmie! And they really love leg scritches from us...but only if they are wearing jeans!
It's good to hear your voice, Harley! And it's good to see Mommeh!
hm, Harley you are loud but not as loud as me! i don't think anyone is. i would like to have a screaming competition sometime and see if i can beat everyone with my loud yells!
Daisy, guess what, I think my mommeh will be seeing Skeezix's mommeh tomorrow at the cat can art show in NYC!
WOW Harley you have a very loud meow!!! That is soooo cool, you greet your Mommy!!! We are happy Daisy is getting better and her tests were good. Our ICE is staying overnight at the Vets 'cause he was altered and chipped. Mommy is missing him so we keep jumping up on her lap=^Y^=
Hi, Harley!
Yes! Your mom took her time to come in!
I can see you were happy to see her!
Kisses and hugs
So cute!!! I bet your Mommeh can't wait to come home to you. :)
Harely, we just LOVE yoor video. Our mom said it made her want to pick yoo up and cover yoo in smoochie kisses ~ 'cos yoo are such an adorable boy.
That is very sweet of you, Harley. Where was Daisy?
AW, you are too cute Harley! Love the snuggle you gave Mom when she came in... lucky her!
Harley, you called Mommy just right and good and loud!
I like to meet her at the door and get petted and loved on right there! I don't like to wait.
That was a great movie! Was Daisy holding the camera?
That could be my house!! How Sweet!
Daisy you really do make a funny face.
I love hearing your voice Harley! What a nice welcome for your mommeh!
I loved the movie and the sounds of Harley's and Mommeh's voices.
Daisy you did a good job making the movie. Cool.
Aunt Teesa
Harley, you have a very loud meower! It is very sweet that you greet your Mommeh when she comes home! She must feel very special to get such a warm welcome!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
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