Bzzzzz! See my pretty new yellow 'n black dress? It has big and small poke-a-dots. This is the only dress I have with these colors. I feel sunny!

I would like to show off the side of my dress, because it has pretty ribbons! I am very sorry that I have a little bit of drool on my chin. That happens when I get extra-delicious treats for modeling.

Since my dress is bee-colored, I been wondering if this bee-hat would be good with the dress. I am not sure, since the hat has brown stripes and the dress has black dots. This is a hard call.

I have decided that the bee-hat is Good with the dress. That is my final decision.

Bee-ing Pretty
89 Notes for Daisy:
You look BEE-utiful, Miss Daisy! So nice and summery!
Oh this is a wonderful bee outfit and I think the brown on the hat goes beautiful with your furs.
Winston x
I'm no fashion expert, but I agree that bee hat looks good with that outfit. It's very cute! That dress is good for if you cheer for the Boston Bruins or the Pittsburgh Steelers.
The hat does look good with the dress and don't you look lovely. The yellow polka dot dress made me think of the song itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini
You are lovely miss D, dressed as a bee!!!
Have a lovely weekend with the family.
You look very summery Daisy, and the background is just purrfect too.
Sometimes when you aren't sure about a fashion combo, it's best just to make a decision and stick with it. I think you did good.
You are just adorable, Daisy, and we love the background too!
Very nice, Daisy! Plus we know you well enough to be sure you will not take on the traits of a Queen Bee.
Oh! We luf your bee hat!!! It looks so very good with that dress!!!!!
Luf, Us
That's a lovely dress Daisy! And we agree...the bee hat is purrfect with it. You look very sunny.
Yes, we agree the bee hat goes nicely with the dress. Good to wear a hat when it is hot out. You look like a ray of sunshine in your pretty yellow dress.
Little lady, that lovely face of yours will stop anyone noticing the black and brown. You look fab!
We agree with you, Daisy, that hat should BEE with the dress!
You're always pretty,Daisy,
Those fashion designers should be getting tips from you Daisy!
Daisy, that hat goes perfectly well with the dress, but I really hope you don't have a sting in your tail.
Ohh Daisy, that is a fantastic outfit! We love the cute dress and the bee hat! We are always amazed at your beautiful modeling skills. You have the purrrfect figure and face!
Purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla
you are just so cute!
Woof! Woof! Daisy. Very NICE. As always you look very pretty. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
What a cutie you are today! No one could compete with your fashion sense.
We agree with you - that hat is beeutiful with that dress. You look very cheery!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I think the Bee hat is perfect with that outfit! You sure have great fashion sense.
I found three more of your greeting cards at Walgreens near the farm. Of course, I snatched them all up. I just think they are so darn cute!
We love the bee dress Daisy. And the hat is just purrfect. You did an extra good job modeling Daisy even with the drool on your chin which we couldn't even see.
Hope you have a fantastic week end. Keep buzzing around.
How much cuter could you bee, Daisy? What a great bee outfit....we really like the hat with the smiling face!! It looks great on you...I would just look like me...with a hat on if I was wearing it!! More!! More!! Purrs, Lautrec
OH MY Mommy is singing:
Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polkadot bikini.
We keep telling her that you are wearing a dress....does she keeps singing....
help uSSSSS
You are the only model in the world who can drool and it's purrfectly ok!
Purrs, Cory and family
You look very chic today in your outfit Daisy. The bee hat is the finishing touch. Perhaps you could tell Harley to "buzz off".
i think you made the right decision about the hat. it makes the outfit buzz.
Oh yes it goes!
PS I hate to tell you but I think Harley is watching you.
What a completely pawsome outfit, Daisy. And we think that hat is purrrfect.
Truly a bee utiful doll in this dress. a big shout out from Evigny Mimue- the Siamese !!
Yoo look pretty
Oh so pretty
Yoo look pretty and witty and bright,
And I pitty any girl who isn't yoo tonight.
Yoo look charming
Oh so charming
It's alarming how charming yoo feel
And so pretty that yoo hardly can believe yoo're real.
See the pretty girl in that mirror there
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face
Such a pretty dress
Such a pretty smile
Such a pretty yoo!
Love Milo and Alfie xx
Daisy, you are bee-coming in your dress and hat! :-)
oh DaisyDukes, you are just the most versatile model i have ever seen!
daisy you look like you are flying in the sky in your bee dress! very nice! i think i should try to find a dress like this!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, I thinks you looks nice in everything! I loves the sunny look!
I agree with you Daisy -- the bee hat is a must with that dress!
You are as cute as can BEE in it, of course! I think this is one of my favourites.
Domino has a bee dress with wings, but she doesn't have the bee hat like you do.
I like the hat with the dress on you. You make it very stylish Daisy.
Well aren't you the cat's meow!
Trust your instincts Daisy. The Bess hat matches the owtfit to a tee.
i love your yellow dress! it is very cute and a nice summery dress. your bee hat is very sweet. as always, you are a perfect fashion model.
You look so very cute Daisy!!!
What a gorgeous, stunning model you are, Daisy!!...We LOVE you sweetheart!...Happy weekend adorable friends...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki
U are so cute, Daisy! I think u look very sweet in all the pikshers. :)
awww Daisy....the bee hat is very cute with the dress..... gotta love a little bumblebee.....
We like the hat with the dress.
Miss Daisy, we thought the drool was super duper special modeling lip gloss! You know, to make your lips look extra kissable.
Dat is furry kyoot Daisy. Yoo haf such lovely fashuns!
Miss Daisy you are precious.. How lovely you look in your outfit. Quite charming.. Hugs GJ xx
Love your outfit Daisy! Yellow is a pretty colour on you. Almost as pretty as pink!
Sara Cat
Daisy darling, you look BEEutiful! The whole outfit is just stunning on you. :)xxx
You look gorgeous even with drool!
What a beautiful bee you be Daisy :)
We agree with you on the hat issue.
Lol. We can only agree, sweet Daisy.
Miss Daisy, you knock it right outa the park with that outfit!! We LOVE bees!!
AW Daisy! You are the Bee's Knees!!!
That's a cool outfit, Daisy. Yellow looks very good on you.
Purrs from Gotchi
Oh, a bee hat is always appropriate! And it makes your eyes sparkle. :) You are a good kitty for modeling like that, Daisy. Hobbes would have no part of that!
Daisy, we think you lovely in your bee outfit!
Daisy, you can rock any fashion! Nobody else could look good in a bee hat.
I love your bee hat - it's so cute and yellow!
Awww Daisy you are bee-utiful in that cool bee outfit and hat!! Have a happy weekend!!
Your TX furiends,
Your bee dress is beautiful, Daisy!
Kisses and hugs
What a gorgeous bee outfit Daisy and it suits you so well. It could be your Summer outfit.
We likes the bee hat with your pretty dress too Daisy. We thinks the drool is just your extra shiny gloss.
You looks very beautiful in your outfit. We hopes you gets your good pay.
Has a great weekend Daisy. Harley too!
Miss Daisy the bee! Beautiful
You are as sweet as honey, Daisy! hehehe (I couldn't resist!)
Daisy, your fashion sense is superb! I think you are ready for the runway in that outfit.
What a lovely beeutiful girl you are!! Daisy~!
Sweet as honey :)
The Bugaloos, the Bugaloos, they're in the air and everywhere ...
I would say dat da bee hat iz favorite pic of you. We likesez beez aroun here, but you wear 'em amazingly!
Dr Tweety
You make an adorable bee, Daisy! And you are right, the bee hat does go with the dress!
Stunning, as always, Miss Daisy. And had you not mentioned the chin drool, I wouldn't have noticed it. It just looks like you have high-shine lip gloss on. Such a beautiful model!
You are BEE-U-tiful.
Love always,
Theresa, Joe and Bobby
I love your outfit! You look adorable. I think the bee hat is the perfect accessory.
Bee Happy, cute girl... You are a model for all to follow.
Daisy,you are the cutest bee we ever saw :o
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You look so bee-yootiful in your dress and hat, Daisy! You are such a great model, and we love you!
Please tell Harley we said hello! :)
LOL you look cute BEE
WOW. Yer Bee hat goze purrfektly with yer pokka dot dress! And it reely helps fokuss attenshun on her byootiful face!
wow, beautiful dress
you look adorable!
would you like to be friends with Harley?
he is new to the blogging world:
Good call, Daisy. I love the Bee Bonnet with the dress!
Happy Father's Day to y'all.
You're the sunshine,Daisy!
Daisy, as always you are Beeeeeutiful and adorable in that outfit=^Y^= Happy Father's Day to your Daddy!
Daisy, that is a lovely outfit! Yellow is a good color for you. And Mom's friend Maggie says that it is always fine to wear black and brown together. Maggie is Mommy's fashion advisor.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Good final decision, Daisy!
~ Napoleon
Daisy, you look beautiful in everything you wear. I love your hats too. My mommy was looking for one for me.
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