Changing the Toys
Here is our TOYBOX. In the FAMILY room. It holds LOTS of toys. But sometimes, they get BORING. So we have to CHANGE the toys to FRESH toys. Sort of like rotating your TIRES.

Changing the Toys
Posted by Daisy at 6/01/2010 04:00:00 AM
Labels: cat toys
71 Notes for Daisy:
I need to do that. However, I have to find all their toys first. I could probably fill 5 or 6 of those boxes, but they have them scattered and hidden everywhere.
I found a toy behind the toilet this morning that I hadn't seen in probably 2 years. It wasn't there yesterday. Not sure where they found it! And, now it's gone again. :)
OMG(osh)!! You have sooo many toys! You 2 are so very lucky! I wonder Daisy if you can read minds. I was just thinking yesterday if you had ever done a post about your toys, and today you did a post on toys!
The toys you don't have out are always the bestest toys.
OMC, Daisy - and I thought WE had a lot of toys! Can I come over to your house and play?
Wow! That is A LOT of toys you guys have.
We need to get some more and start rotating.
It's so hard letting any toy go, even for a short period of time!
That's a great idea Daisy! We need to start doing that because our toys are getting boring.
You have lots and lots of toys. I have about 10 toy mice, but mum thinks I have pushed them all under beds or couches, a scratching pad and one feather toy. I am having a deprived childhood.
OMC, that is a lot of toys. ~AFSS
Daisy is a girl and therefore allowed to change her mind at any time.
Ah, you have a fish toy, is it a catfish? Does it smell like salmon or tuna, hehe!
Oh my! You have enough toys to pick and put other ones away?!?!?!?!
You are so lucky, Daisy and Harley!
We just have one small basket of a small amount of toys... sighs...
Goodness gracious! Are there enough hours in the day to play with all of those great toys?
Wow. I'm SO not letting the Gs see this post. Nuh-uh.
You have lots of nice toys! The nip cigar and the donut look good to us.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Goodness, you have lots of toys! We want to come and play with you both!
Those really look like great toys. Can I come over and play?
I see you saved the pink glazed donut. Good move. Every toy box must contain at least one pink glazed donut. Also, my mouth should be full of pink glazed donuts.
That's almost more toys than Mommy sells in her store...order more toys Mom!
Wow, you two sure have bunches and bunches of toys! Sam and Sabrina don't really play with toys, but I do and my favorite is a plain old wadded up piece of paper ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Our toys are boring too. Someone should start a toy exchange. That might be fun because they would have different cat smells on them.
Great job of snooopervising Harley.
Have a great week.
she's got that don't touch my toys face- Evigny Mimue who lives in the bathroom exclusively ventured into the garage this weekend..big news!!haha
You have lots of toys. Sometimes mum gets toys from the bottom of our toy box that we haven't seen for some time and puts them in the nip. When she gives them to us again it's like having new toys.
you have lots of toys, so you won't get bored.
We have got quite a few yoys (but not as many as you) but we prefer the tops off milk containers best cos the make a lovely rattly noise when we whap them over tiles. Mum is not so keen on them cos she says she spends her life laid on the floor with a torch looking for them under things. Ha ha - we do it to keep her fit!!
wow! you have more toys than my hubby! you are some lucky kitties.
Whoa. That is a lot of toys, guys.
Whoa - that's A LOT of toys.
I love it that you have so many toys and you rotate them out like rotating tires! :) Great analogy!
OH - PS Daisy --- the best toy we have going here at the moment is the Cat Dancer you sent us several years ago.
Little Isis and Bella play with that thing every day, for hours!!!!!
That is a LOT of toys. Looks like must be fun to play in them as well as with them.
BTW, we noticed the family room furniture looks a bit like the modernist style we have at CatSynth HQ :)
Poor Daisy! I know it's hard to put some of your toys away, but you'll have lots of fun with the current toys in your basket :D
It is very hard just to pick a few toys.
These are good choices Daisy! We likes the cigar and the donut the bestest.
Has fun with your rotated toys.
wow! what a fun thing to do! do you ever just want to roll around on all of the toys? that would be fun too. have a good day with your fresh batch of toys!
Wow, that is a lot of toy's! It would be very hard to pick which toys to play with!
Have a great day!
That is a great idea. Mom use to do that with her kids but had not thought of it with our toys!
We thought we were spoiled!
Benny & Lily
We keep all our toys in one big box and mom rotates which ones are out of the box and which are in. But boy, you have a LOT of toys there - we think that is so cool!
Mom needs to do the same thing=we have so many toys and boxes of them upstairs and downstairs!...Very tough decisions though!...kisses adorable friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
looks to me like DaisyCakes just wants to keep ALL the toys, heehee! i notice the donut got to stay, and i have that verreh same bunnykick heart at home!
My, my! You two have a lot of toy!
I think you might be just a little bit spoiled!
Lookit all them toys! WOW~!!!
It can be so hard to choose the best right toys. We have secret stashes all over the house just in case we decide we need a new toy.
We would be having second thoughts too Daisy!
That pink-frosted donut looks like a good choice. Daisy! No backtracking!
My Mom and Dad clean up my toys. :)
Mommy and Lapdaddy are my best toys...Hunny Bunny is not one of my favorites...
Isn't dat funny, mom just picked up our toys yesserday and put out some new (well, ones we hafn't seen fur awhile) ones.
I don't know why the moms think they have to limit our toys.
Wow! You gotta lot of toys to rotate!!
We rotate our toys too!
You two have lots of toys! We want to come play with you!
No wonder Daisy's having second thoughts -- there are so many, many toys there to choose from. It must be very difficult.
It's very thoughtful of your mommy to rotate the toys, so you don't lose interest. I never thought of that.
I've heard about rotating toys to keep cats and dogs from getting too bored. Duke has a favorite that he always goes back to no matter what though. You two sure do have a lot of toys and Daisy looks very protective of them :)
Ah, the nip cigar, you can't go wrong with that one!
Maybe Daisy knows you always want the toy she is using. A girl has to keep her options open.
Wow. You two have a whole Lotta toys! Our Mommy rotates our toys, too. Our faves are anything with feathers on it.
We agree that changing toys make it seem like you just got new ones !!
Maybe you will be ready to pick next time ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Ha! Our Tawnee is the one who drags all the toys out of the cat stand. It's like SHE can't decide either! Daisy and Harley... you have a LOT of toys!
Holy carp! You have the toy mother load!
Oh oh oh!
We see the Nip Cigar in there!
that's a lot of toys! when sarge sees this he will want more toys! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy certainly looks like she forgot one of her favorites in that box.
You two have a TON of toys! No chance of boredom in that house. :)
Hi, Harley!
I know it is not easy to change your toys!
How you can decide which ones to put in the box... if you like all of them!
Kisses and hugs
Harley, how do you know about changing tires? ;-)
I wish we could have all of our toys out at the same time. Mom packs mine away too. She says she trips over them.
I think you picked some good ones, Daisy
We have a box like that! With a lid! A lid I can't open! Sigh.
I will show this to mom so she rescues my long lost toys so they can be new to me again.
WOW! That is A LOT of toys! The Spice Cats hardly play with kitty toys, they prefer to play with Mummy's stuff!
Our favourite toy of yoors is yoor pink nip panties. We saw them in the box.
Holy mackeral! That's more toys than Petsmart has!
We saw some toys we sent you. Ha! You play very neatly and you have a special toy box, too.
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