Friday, June 4, 2010

A Mancat in Uniform

I am in AWE of men and womens in UNIFORM! They do a very IMPORTANT job, and keep the GOOD peoples safe and the BAD peoples in JAIL where they belong. And they get to drive a fancy car with FLASHING LIGHTS!
If I could, I would SWEAR to UPHOLD the laws, and SERVE and PROTECT!
Do you think I can still be a POLICEMAN if I cannot wear the dress PANTS?
Time for a catnip-doughnut break.
I made a special PINUP picture for you. If you CLICK on it, it gets real BIG!
Thank you to all the men and womens who do this important and hard job!

91 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

OMC, your personalized hat is AWESOME! Now, could you come over here and arrest my roommate Binga? She is a terrible lawbreaker!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We think your local police force should adopt you as their mascot and make you a honorary cop, Harley!

Jacqueline said...

Harley, you look great in uniform; we sure wouldn't mind being pulled over by you, sweetie!MOL...Can you fix speeding tickets?...Happy Friday handsome boy!...xo...Callle, Halle, Sukki

Kea said...

Oooh, Harley, we girls (Annie and the human) just LOVE mancats in uniform! :-)

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Harley, our mummy is hoping you'll come over and arrest her! (she says she'll give you kisses on the head, but that doesn't sound much like getting arrested, does it?)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is very very cute of you!!!!
I love your uniform, Harley!!

Keiko said...

How cute!!! You have "Harley" on your hat! Wow!!!
We had to laugh so much at the picture after the one with you wondering about the pants. You look so naked for some reason!! mawhawhaw!!

Mummy loves you so much that she made your pinup picture her desktop background!

Jen said...

Woo Harley! Don't you look dashing in uniform?? I'm thinking pants are highly overrated; don't sweat it :o)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Harley, you look very handsome and mancatly in your uniform. We have heard the ladies like to see men in uniforms and they are going to love you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Harley! You look smashing! And ya know what they say? Ladies LOVE a ManCat in uniform! M~E~O~W

Anonymous said...

Oh, Harley! I just love a mancat in uniform!


The Whiskeratti said...

Hmm.. that is a great outfit, Harley. But we're pretty sure the policemens and womens gotta wear the pants.

Poppy Q said...

You can arrest me officer Handsome.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh Harley, I just love a mancat in uniform. These are adorable.

Marg said...

Harley, that hat is just terrific. You would make a super lawkeeper. And who needs pants, we are sure you can do your job without the pants. Love the last picture and that needs to go on next years calendar. We looking at you Harley eating watermelon for June.
Have a great week end.

Angel Simba said...

Very nice outfit, Harley. You wear the cap well. I am sure you can skip the pants, in fact I think you would look a little funny in those pants.

The Florida Furkids said...

We Birman Girlz are swooning! You look so official in your uniform!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

i beati said...

you truly are a brave mancat

HH and The Boys said...

Pawsome pictures of you in your uniform. I love each pose. And I want a bite of the donut.....

Have a great weekend.

The Creek Cats said...

Oh Harley! You make the best policecat ever!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Harley you made my heart beat of course you don't need pants!

Anonymous said...

awwwww.... such a cutie pie... I love a mancat in a uniform!

Raymond and Busby said...

Lookin' good in that uniform Harley! You could have your own tv show called Harley Five-O.
We just realized you must have (at least) several pairs of tiny pants at your house that neither you nor Daisy can wear.

Daisy, thanks for the haiku you left us this morning! Have a good weekend.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Harley, we have never seem a more handsome policeman! ::blush blush:: we just love a man in uniform! ::blush blush::

Love, The Taylor GirlSSS
Spats, Sassy & Summer

Meadow said...

Harley, how did you get your name on your uniform!!

Dma said...

unfortunately i think a pantless policeman would probably be frowned upon...

Cory said...

Harley...all us girlcats here are doing REALLY naughty things. Can you come and arrest us? Please?

Hannah and Lucy said...

Harley if you don't mind we would like to take a copy of you in that last picture cos we think you are so very handsome and clever.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xxxx
p.s. purrs to Daisy

SeaThreePeeO said...

What we want to know is, who is going to revive all the swooned lady cats?

las794 said...


Ariel said...

You look very handsome in your uniform.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

OMC!!! Oh, Harley, what law can we break for you to come arrest us? SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cool costume. I tried to imagine what it would be like to wear it, but Mom says I probably wouldn't hold still for her to take my pictures. You're one cool mancat, Harley!


cheryl said...

oh, harley!! even i, meower mom, am swooning--you are the handsomest, pawsomest mancat in uniform i have ever seen! thank you for the pinup shot--it's my desktop now!

you sure have learned the modeling business well from daisy (hi, daisy!).


Lin said...

Harley, I think you would make a fine policeman! I've seen you run and tackle Daisy and I think that would be good if you were chasing a bad guy. Lay off the donuts though--if you eat too many you won't be able to run fast anymore.

Fat Eric said...

Wow Harley, out of all the great outfits you have worn, we think that is your best one ever!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

purrfect pinup picture harley!

smiles, auntie bee

Kathy said...

OMG, Harley! You look adorable. Arrest me, please. And bring the donuts, too.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We think you would make a great policecat. After all, you're already an experienced detective. We do think you'd have a problem carrying a weapon and handcuffs. Do they make a gunbelt in your size?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that is just too much. Harley you rock! I love this...

BumbleVee said...

Oh, Harley....... you're my pinup guy now too !! I'm tossing out out all the old posters for sure........

you're definitely getting the hang of this posing for the camera business ...and woooweee.... that is one hot pose for all the girlies....

Kathy said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention that you can still be a fine police officer without your pants on. No one will notice. Much.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I bet you would do a great job Harley. However, that can be a dangerous big job and so I think it would be smarter to PLAY a police officer in a movie than to really be one (and you are handsome enough to pull it off!)

Anonymous said...

oh my cod... Harley... is it possibly you are even MORE handsomer in a uniform???

brokenteepee said...

You are one tough copcat!

AFSS said...

We thinks you make a great policeman and Artemisia is swooning over your handsomeness.


I must say, Harley, (or is it Offr. Harley now?) you have turned into quite the mancat model.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm says she wouldn't mind being arrested by you Harley!

We think you look extremely mancatly in your uniform, and we hear the ladies especially like a man in uniform!

Katnip Lounge said...

Mommy wishes she was a LadyCat. She'd like to be your girlfriend!

pee ess: Mommy may be a little in lala land...just sayin'...

Puglette said...

officer harley, you look awesome in your uniform!! i know you will do a great job of policing the lizards and birds.

Donna said...

O hai, Harley. U is a good officer! :)

Nomi said...

You have to be one of the handsomest police occifers I ever saw. You can arrest me anytime.

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

You can come over and protect me anytime you want Harley! Us Tuxie's always need extra protection cuz of our good looks..


Two French Bulldogs said...

Ph my word Daisy, you are adorable! Please let us know where you got that uniform. I would like one. Hysterical!
Stay safe out there.
Benny & Lily

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

You look great in uniform, Harley!! I love your personalized hat :) Thanks for the pawesome pinup picture!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh, Officpurr, please don't give us a ticket...but maybe a bite of your nippy donut?

And thanks for stopping by and purring for Brighton...your visits mean a lot to us!

Christine said...

That pinup picture HAS to be included in next year's calendar! It's adorable!

Joanne Olivieri said...

I love a man in uniform and you Harley are the BEST :D

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow Harley you look great in your uniform! And Lola was all excited by your pinup picture (Stella is a baby so she isn't interested in mancats yet). And we all thing you would be a great officer!

Anonymous said...

Harley Harley Harley you have just made my week. You are the best looking officer I have ever seen without the pants ;-) xxxxx

CCL Wendy said...

I just love a mancat in uniform! Domino is swooning over here, too -- but don't tell Milo!

I don't know what most folks would think about a policeman with no pants, though. I think they call this being a "flasher", and the cops are the ones who are supposed to arrest them. Sounds like a real Catch 22!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Harley, you are the best looking cop I have seen in days!

Ann said...

I just love a man in uniform. Officer Harley you are the cutest.

Pip said...

You are such a handsome boy Officer Harley! You look awesome in your police uniform.

Tammy said...

Ohhh Harley! You are the best looking police officer I have ever laid eyes on. If only they were all as good looking as you. I loved the uniform and it was even personalized. Where do you find your outfits? My Chip is so jealous.

The Island Cats said...

Harley, you are too darn cute! Mom says if you were the one to pull her over, she'd speed all the time!

A few Good Cats said...

Harley, you look terrific! You were born to wear the uniform.

Daisy Deadhead said...

You are very dashing and handsome, Harley, as always!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Excellent uniform Harley!
We think the pants are totally optional.

Lorenza said...

You look so handsome in uniform!
I am thinking if maybe you could come and work here!
Our police is not very good!
Kisses and hugs

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh Harley! I am swooning! Your so handsome!

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Wow, you even have your own personalized cat. All the other policemen would look funny without pants (and I think that's not allowed...), but you can pull it off!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Uh... Ummm. I feel a bit quesey like I swallowed a moth, watchin Harley in uniform. I mean feelin odd... Hes so mancatly...

Urk! Imean, um so good lookin...


Teddy Westlife said...

I feel safer just knowing you're out there, Harley.

Awan said...

You must be the cutest looking police mancat that I've EVER seen Harley.. Arrest me please.. hahaha


Your Daily Cute said...

Harley, you look very dashing in your uniform. I love your "do not make me arrest you" face -- you could stop a lot of bad guys with that one!

ratboyz said...

You guys are awesome, daisy!
Mine Maxikat wouldn't ever want to break any laws with Harley on patrol.
Or maybe she would?
I askeded her, but she just smiledat me and acted like she was watching a birds in the windows.
She's a clever one, mine Maxikats!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

We iz watchin' da old sereez Homicidez Life on da streetsez. So we knowsez dat you iz workin' reel hard. Iz you gonna growsez up & be a deetective? You wouldz look furry handsome in a suit.
Tanks to you & da Daisy fur sendin' our dadee da well-wishez. We lovez you,
Dr Tweety

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Harley, yoo make an AWESOME upholder of the law. We would vote for yoo ANY day. And yoo look SUPER-COOL in the uniform ~ we don't fink that not wearing the pants matters at all.

tekorin said...

Harley! You are so KOOL!!!
Our mom says she wants to be arrested by you because you are too cute! hahaha

Sónia Mendes said...

Hi Harley, you look soooooo handsome in uniform. Very cool pictures.

Purrs from Gotchi

Melzie and Apples ( bunny-rabbits) said...

Harly, you look pawsome in the uniform! Us rabbits wish we could serve the people too, and ride in those cars! We hear cars with flashing lights all the time.

SophieKitty said...

Harley, you are one handsome police man. I put your pinup in my condo.... Swoon.

Me said...

Wow Harley -
You look amazing in that uniform!! We don't like clothes at all, but we would LOVE the power that would come with wearing that!
(also Stretch really wants some handcuffs like that - he has a certain younger furbro he's LOVE to chain to the wall)!
Keep up the good modeling work!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay see??? i noo yoo wer the fuzz on akkownt of how yoo keep rooining daisys gud times!!! ha ha ok bye

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh my gosh!! Harley you are the most handsomest PoliceCat we have ever seen and your look cool in your uniform!! We are going to print a copy of your picture and pin it up in our room!!
Your TX furiends,

Anonymous said...

Oh Harley!


Alice swooned.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, Harley - seeing you in uniform nearly made me swoon!! :-) And that doughnut picture is just priceless!

Honey the Great Dane

JD at I Do Things said...


I LOVE a man in a uniform!

Harley, how do you manage to look so authoritative AND adorable at the same time?

Theresa111 said...


You Mommy should make a calendar 2011 for all of the Policemen and Policewomen so they can smile when they see your pictures. Oh, hoe handsome you are. All grown up.


P.S. We could do fun raiser and contribute some of the proceeds to the police fund.

You could do one for the firefighters and Daisy could do one for doctors and nurses, too!

The Crew said...

Oh no...the girlcats are dropping like flies. Someone get the smelling salts.

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