I got my Christmas in July package! And guess what? It came Par Avion! That is a fancy way of saying that it came in an airplane. From a whole 'nother country!

I am digging right in! I love to paw through bags of presents. And there are some very excellent presents inside.

Here are just SOME of my amazing and wonderful presents. I sure am a lucky curly cat!

And look at this! It is a collar with interchangeable JEWELS! I have never seen a collar like this before.

And even TREATS from a different country. This one is long like a Slim Jim. But it is made for cats. It smells good!

I even got a cozy blankie. Since I got a little bit overexcited from all of my presents, I think I will just take a little nap now. My toes are pointing to the fancy kitty on the blanket.

I let Harley pick out a toy to play with. He likes this one because it has a string that you pull to make the toy skitter and shake.

Thank you ever so much,
Ginger Jasper! You are a very nice kitty, and you picked great presents!

And thank you to
Purs n' Snorts for sponsoring Christmas in July!

Christmas in July!
68 Notes for Daisy:
ooooooh! Meowy Catmas in July, Daisy & Harley! You have such nice prezzies!
Whew!! We're all really jealous here! Very magnanimous of you to share with Harley (like my big word!). I would like the grey mousie...Jelly Bean & clan!
Score! You got some wonderful gifts from GJ, Daisy and Harley!
I bet that fuzzy blanket would be Gandalf, Grayson, Whitey and Gracie'e most favorite. They always enjoy multi-layered sleeping spots best!
Gosh Daisy, you got a WONDERFUL bag-o-prezzies! Lots to enjoy.
Par avion! Nice/
What great presents for you two. GJ chose real well.
Wow! You got Ginger Jasper for your partner in Christmas in July. He's a great kitty and you have some wonderful presents. I always get excited when I have a package from across the pond.
Wow! Those are some great presents you got, Daisy!! Have fun with all of it!! We got our Christmas in July package too...we need to post pictures!
Christmas in July? We want that, too! Those are some fun and wonderful toys.
You're very lucky to have Christmas in July..... Great for you... Have fun with all your new stuff.
Daisy, those toys look fantastic and you shared with Harley. Love the toy he has. All the toys look great. The blanket really looks terrific, very comfy. Hope all of you have a super day.
You're Christmas in July presents were pawsome! GJ is a very generous kitty.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
oh that is lovely. maybe sarge will buy me a whole bunch of presents too!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, how lucky that you got GJ! What great goodies. You are sweet to share with Harley! Of course you would!!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Wow, GJ is very generous indeed! What a marvelous packages -- just chock full of surprises. I must say, I like the special blanket the best, with the kitty insignia (that sort of looks like you, Daisy). It was so nice of you to share your good fortune with Harley.
Yay! you got Catmas in July! I have been askings for Corgimas in July. All animals should get presets in July and December (and I think on Mondays and Fridays too, but I seem to be losing that argument lately).
so much fun hahah
mmmm. slim jims... mmmm.
YAY for presents!!!! I hope you and Harley share all of the presents. He may want to wear that jeweled collar sometime, you know! After all, it is a very MANLY collar.
Oh wow, I want a Christmas in July package. Looks like you two got lots of treasures!
My gosh, what an interesting collar, I have never seen one like that...and that blanket sure is sweet. GJ knows how to pick the best stuff!
Wow GJ sent you some lovely presents - fancy a collar that you can change the jewels in - you will be able to wear it with so many outfits. No wonder you needed a nap in your new blankie after all that present opening.
Daisy you are one lucky kitty...those are fantastic presents!
Daisy darling...Merry Christmas in July. You look adorable going through your presents and how generous to let Harley pick one out too. Par Avion is the bestest of all way to get a present!
woah DaisyCakes, that is some present pack!!! GJ is verreh generous. and it was nice of you to share wif Harley.
Whoo-hoo! That's a great bunch of presents. Share nice now...
Wowee meowy.... how I love a Christmas in July.... and look at all the "stuff".
That jewelled necklace will be the perfect accessory for some of your outfits... what a clever choice by Ginger ......
Wow Daisy what cool gifties! It was nice of you to share with Harley too.
That is a great bunch of presents! We got ours but promised to not open it till ours arrived at our partners!
What an exciting set of gifts you got Daisy! How lucky you are!
Whoooo you kitties really got a lot of cool stuff from GingerJasper!!!!
The collar looks very fancy, you two can share everything!
WoW! I love that collar and blankie that you got, Daisy! You are one lucky kitty.
what an awesome package of goodies! you are so cute checking out all of the new stuff. i like you new blankie, that kitty on it looks like a calico too!
That is the best packages of goodies I have ever seen!!!
I love the collar thing and the blanket and would like to get them for my fur babies.
Do you think you can post some information about them so that I can find them on the Internet?
What a fabulous package. The collar with interchangeable jewels is particularly lovely!
What a fabulous Chrismouse in July package to get! Ginger Jasper did a GRRR-8 job shopping and that new collar is divine!!!
Wow Daisy, what a lucky couple of kittehs you two are! Hope you have a nice snuggly nap :)
You made out like a bandit!
You hit the jackpot Daisy!!! Ginger Jasper is great!!!
Wow, that was a fun pack of presents Daisy. I like your new blanket and it was nice of you to share with Harley.
How exciting! Looks like a lot of great presents. I'm glad you shared with Harley, too :)
So many pawsome presents!!...GJ is a great boy and he picked out some fun gifts for you guys!...You are looking beautiful as always, sweet Daisy and Harley is adorable with his new toy!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I am so glad that you liked your pressies. I had fun picking them out. Mine from you has arrived and I love everything. Mum is going to post about it for me. I just love this exchange. with love GJ xx
O hai! That is so neat. I glad ur friend sent u nice things. Also, I glad u shared with Harley. :)
Wow, how fun to get some 'English' things, especially as you have English ancestors...and we can see Harley went for the kiddy toy while you went for the fashionista stuff!
What a way to celebrat Christmas! I love your blanket, it looks so cosy and your toys * sigh *
Have a wonderful play time!!
You got some great presents there Daisy and how sweet of you to let Harley pick one out.
Oh you gots some nice pressies! You must has been a very good girl that Santa Ginger Jasper gives you such nice stuff. It was very nice of you to share with Harley too.
Thanks for showing us.
What lucky kitties you are to get such great pressies!!
Those are lovely presents from GJ. That blankie looks very snuggly. The collar is very pretty too. Having interchangeable jewels means you will be able to wear it with different outfits.
Wow! You are so very lucky!! So many wonderful toys! You are a good kitty to share with Harley!
Lookit dat smile! Dem were some nice purresents yoo gots from Ginger Jasper
What fun toys for you and Harley :)
Some buddy is very spoiled. Not mentioning any names
Benny & Lily
OHHH Daisy! Those prezzies are fabulous! We loved the picture with you and GJ. It made us feel all warm and fuzzy inside that the CB is such a wonderful place!
Purrs and hugs
What a haul!
wow, those are nice gifts daisy, and you are nice to let harley share your stuff.
WOW!! You got lotsa presents!! We wish we had participated in Christmas in July!! BUT, as usual - our Mom was running behind & didn't figure out where to sign up until too late!!
Oh well, we'll just enjoy watching you play with your toys!! Yay!!
Have a happy day!!
~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)
Oh my cod! It looks like you won the lottery! Nice of you to share with Harley.
Wow! You made out like a bandit for Christmas in July! I especially like that collar -- looks super sparkly!
Daisy what a great lot of gifts you have there! That collar is absolutely *you* and the blankie is lovely too!
Wow, ya got cool new STUFF! An from another country is good cuz they must be different.
But we got ta wondering. Are they the other country, or are you?
I am jealous. What a lot of lovely gifts. I already have a spider toy from when I was a kitty, but I don't play with it. According to Lynettea I already have far too many toys.
That is the pawsomest bunch of gifts, Daisy! I am not surprised Ginger Jasper picked them out - he and his humans have very good taste!
Wot an awesome stash! Fanks for letting Hrley share the toys ~ we wudn't haff wanted him to feel sad.
Lucky you Daisy! And I see you sent GJ something too! What a great idea!
Great Presents Daisy!! Ginger Jasper sure knows how to send good presents!! We are so glad you shared with Harley!! And the cat blanket is really cool!!
Your TX furiends,
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow par avion!!! is that a fansy way of saying avon calling??? ok bye
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