Thursday, July 29, 2010

How Does THAT Work? Hairballs!

The LAST time when I explained DIGESTION, many cats wanted to know how we get HAIRBALLS. I been THINKING as hard as I can to figure this one out.

And here is the answer! ALL cats have a special thing in their THROATS that MAKE the hairballs for us! It is a LOT like this special invention called a KNIT-WIT! Only the ones inside CATS are made of BLOOD and GUTS and BONES and stuff instead of PLASTIC.
Here is a DEMONSTRATION. You can SEE that the little HAIRS go inside the throat and THROUGH the KNITWIT bone inside the E-SOFTA-GUS! And the furs KNIT into a TUBE!
Of course, our GOAL is to knit up something FANCY like this SCARF. So far, I have NOT been able to FINISH a KNITWIT project. Yet. I will KEEP trying.
What have YOU made with your KNITWIT bone?

64 Notes for Daisy:

Tammy said...

Harley~ You are sooo smart (but you already know that). I have learned so much. I can't wait to see the scarf that you are working on! :)

Poppy Q said...

Harley, you should have your own show like Dr Oz.

I do not have many hairballs, maybes my knitwit is not working properly.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think you are very smart~!
I think it will work!!

Sparkle said...

I think I have made some beautiful creations with my Knitwit bone, Harley! But my human disagrees and she has gotten rid of every last one of them! Clearly, she has NO taste!

Teddy Westlife said...

I think mine is broken.

Freya's Staff said...

I don't know about making anything, but Daddycat says I am a knit-wit.

The Meezers or Billy said...

i doesn't think any of us haf werking knitwit bones - maybe we needs to see someone about that

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha! I make lots of stuffs with my Knitwit bone but I think that is because I have really thick furs. Alice can't seem to make anything at all.....she's such a loser.

Pee Ess - Momma says thank you for giving her her laugh for the day (whatever that means)

Winston said...

Harley you should be a doctor or scientist, you have so many interesting facts for us kittehs!

Angel Simba said...

Harley, you must be correct. Just yesterday I made a big project with mine. But Mom obviously didn't like it.

The Daily Pip said...

Gosh Harley, thanks for the explanation. I didn't know you went to medical school?

Your pal, Pip

The Island Cats said...

So that's how it happens?? I'd like to make a little hat or somthing. That would be nice!


Marg said...

Thanks for that great lesson Harley. We did not know about Knitwit bone. But we do make gorgeous things with it, just didn't know how we were doing it, so now we know.We put our little treasures all over the place to decorate the house. But then for some reason, they disappear. Have a great day.

Lin said...

Grace has been into "fiber art" lately, as her hair balls include grass from outside. It is a lovely addition to her puddle of yuck as the green grass adds color and texture. She is all about art, you know.

I love your explanation, Harley. I think you are very smart.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I've created a lot of stuff with my knitwit, but my mom doesn't think so because she gets rid of everything.

The Florida Furkids said...

We make lots of purrty things with our Knitwit bone. For some reason, our Mom doesn't agree.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Dma said...

diego-san's knitwit bone is really active although like you his has yet to finish a full product.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Lucy: I don't think I've got a knitwit bone or if I have it's not working properly - does someone have to come and mend it for me?

Hannah: My knitwit bone works I left a half finished article in my PTU yesterday when I got to the
v-e-t-s unfortunately I had been sick on it too!! Ha Ha serves the torturers right.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you are a funny boy harley!

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

MOL, knitwit bone. Harley you cracks me up! guess what, neither me nor BA has every hadded a single hairball. hooray!

Noll's Nip said...

I am working on a's something like cardigan ;)

SparkleFarkel said...

Genius be your name!

A.Marie said...

Everytime I need a good laugh, I come on over here! ;)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That is much too silly but a very important lesson you have taught us all!
I have the most hairballs in my house and I am the smallest in the house!

Anonymous said...

You are THE smartest cat ever!!! The only thing we've made with ours are stains on the rugs!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! I had no idea you could make a scarf. Gemini is working on mittens and I am working on a pair of socks...

las794 said...

ROFLing all over the place.... :D

Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

Youza intellicatagent fur shure! Now I knows why youza Harley - PhDoctoracat

Raymond and Busby said...

Great post professor Harley! Our hairballs (and we don't have very many) look like knit-wit cigars.

The Creek Cats said...

MOL! You totally crack us up, Harley. But you are super smart too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for explaining how HAIRBALLS work, Harley! Now if only I could get my own two cats, Mister Bingley and Penelope Peanut, to STOP knitting hairballs and leaving them on the FLOOR!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Harley ~ yoo are awesome. I aspire to know as much as yoo.

My knitwit makes great bif floffy piles of vomitty hairballs. And then my dad hasta clean them up!

Alfie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We consider ours to be fine works of art, but Meowm says they are just messes! Hmph!!! She really needs to learn to appreciate art!

brokenteepee said...

I have been looking forward to this post since I read about it yesterday.

Harley thank you for being such an expert knitwitter.

Jacqueline said...

Dr. Harley, you are a smart boy and we appreciate your lessons for the common kitty=we had no clue!!...We are going to try very hard to stop knitting new hairballs...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You have a Knit wit in side of you? That is cool. I think cornish kitties do not have one of those. I never made anything except once I made some foam on the carpet.

bonks Harley, you have a huge brain

Gracie said...

Harley, I do not know WHO made them but I do know that somebuddy around here made 3 KNITWIT BrOTHERS. They are all old and moldy BrOTHERS so it happened before I got Gotcha'd.

Your E-SOFTA-GUS is super cute, Harley!

Puglette said...

excellent explanation!! i am so happy to have this technical procedure explained to me in plain cat english.
thanks harley!

Donna said...

I likes ur eksplanashuns, Harley. I can has learn! :)

Unknown said...

So....that's how it works! I always wondered. Harley, you are so smart, did you go to Dr. school with Daisy?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We think maybe our knitwit is broken, all we ever make is tubes...

Amy & the house of cats said...

Thanks for telling us about the HAIRBALLS! WE had no idea where hairballs came from - you are so SMART to figure that out!! Thanks for telling us. We haven't had any success making anything with ours yet - just yucky lumps. But now that we know we can MAKE things we will try harder to get something good done!

Anonymous said...

Aren't you clever! My boy Zeke does really well making hairballs...

Katnip Lounge said...

Mostly all we make is Mommy scream. When she steps on a hairball, that is.

We are so glad you explained this, Harley! You are the most scientific kitty we know!

Pip said...

How does you knows all this stuff Harley? You sure are very smart! I thihnk kitties should be allowed to choose to get either their nit-wits removed or their manly man-parts! I woulda choosed my nit-wit cause I hates hairballs.
I hopes you makes a scarf soon Harley.

Ann said...

Oh Harley you made me laugh hysterically, not that hairballs are a laughing matter, but you are just so smart and cute I can't help it :)

Keiko said...

Harley, you are so clever! We would love to see your scarf one day. I know you can do it because you're amazing!

Black Cat said...

Harley, dis is so informmitive! We woz orl on da bed erlier tooday, wen suddenlee da Simba starts to heeve noisilly. Da Mummeh woke up toot sweet and lifted da Simba orf da bed, mid-heeve, and putted him on da flore, wheer he prodused - an HUGE blade of GRARS! Hee hee, Ai laffed and laffed! Speshully wen da Mummeh rushded arrownd cumfurting da Simba wile cleening up arfter him. Duz the Knit Wit maek fings frum GRARS? Like HULA skerts mebbee?

Den we orl wented back to bed.

Luvs, Alfie :)xxx

Scrooge said...

Sometimes I is glad I am a dog not a cat. Well. All the time, really.

I does like bones though.

Janet said...

What an informative post today, Harley! I did not know about the knitwit bone. This is most interesting. I hope our kitties knit something of beauty soon!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Our mom would adore a scarf but she might be a little put off by the slime.

Lorenza said...

Very interesting, Harley!
I had no idea!
Kisses and hugs

BeadedTail said...

We never knew that Harley! You are so smart - and cute too!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Um, we got told by some lizards that we are "ugly bags of fats". Is that true?

Your Daily Cute said...

This is a perfectly clear explanation, Harley! I had no idea... Pimp and Moo don't do too much Knit Witting, but sometimes Pimp does get a little project done... Hehe.

Samantha & Mom said...

Harley thank you for telling us about the Hairballs and how they work!!! Very interesting!!
Howdy from your TX furiends,

meemsnyc said...

Wow, so smart!

Cat said...

Harley you are the smartest cat ever!! I love your answers!

Everything is so easy to understand now :-)

JD at I Do Things said...

Thank you, Harley!

Now everything makes so much sense.

Gus uses his Knitwit bone quite a lot. He makes us many beautiful creations that are all mostly in the shape of a small cigar. So far no scarves.

I'm not sure Pru has a Knitwit bone. Or maybe she's just been working on the same project for two years and will astound us with a large quilt or something.

Mad Cat said...

I am SO glad you cleared that up for me! Although I personally never knit hairballs, my so-called Brother does. Then my Humans get all in a tither trying to figure out if it's just hair, or hair and food, or is he sick blah blah blah. Now I know it's just a poorly made scarf. Thanks for this informative post!

Bonnie Story said...

Gosh Harley you are so cute. What a great model. I confess that I feared the worst about hairballs, but I see now it's just a gentle arts and crafts project. Heck, one of your hairballs would make a fine gift in fact!! My old kitty "Mycroft Homes" used to gift some hairballs actually, now I understand completely why he did that. He was knitting an afghan for me!! Thank you Harley!! Good work. PS: When do we get to see you in your leather jacket again??

Cory said...

I think the trick is to get our humans to wear the things we knit for mom says "yuck" to all of my projects so far. Sigh.

Melinda said...

Henry knitwitted a giant blob for me. I am still waiting for the scarf, but that may not come since he has been furminated.

Maureen said...

Har! I shall have to remember this the next time I discover one on my carpet!

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