(Psssst! Kittehs! Get your moms and dads to read this post. )
Deeper, deeper, deeper....

Are you hypnotized yet?

Good. You will do everything I say. Now, walk to the treat jar. Open it up. Feed every cat many, many, many treats.

When you awaken, you will have no memory of this.

Look Deep Into My Eyes...
68 Notes for Daisy:
Ha! Ha! I thinks that it is working already! My mom was just giving Jazzie some treats!
Oh, beautiful Daisy, you are our heroine!...Mom has a funny look on her face, but she is opening the treat bag as we write this=gotta go, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What we enjoyed most of all, Sweet Daisy, was to see how good your eyes look!
YAHOO!!! Treat JACKPOT!!! Thanks Daisy *taking notes*
Daisy, you are so good! You should open a hypnosis clinic so all the cat mums & dads will be compelled to give their kitties treats! mawhawhaw!
You are soo beautiful as always!
Much love and purrrrs
Thanks, Daisy! Our mom forgets to give us treats but the dog gets them ALL the time!
Oops. I did it wrong. You hypnotized me so well I think I ate a gallon of ice cream and the cats got nothing. I'll try better next time.
Wait. Where am I?
HA! Daisy, do you think you're a good enough hypnotist to make me. . . .
*Momma walks to treat jar*
Must. . . .give. . . . jane. . . . snacks. . . . .
*blink* Where am I and why is the cat treat jar empty?
I have no treat jar. I am a deprived kitteh!
Oh Daisy, you have made our day. Thanks so much for putting the hex on Mom. We haven't had this many treats ever. You have a wonderful day you wonderful lady.
MOL~!!! And, ya know what??? It worked! We got LOTS of treats! Thank you , Daisy! You're our new hero!
wow, I am going to buy some treats for the flat cats.
I'm opening my treat jar... but I HAVE NO KITTEHS!
Daisy, we're getting lots of treats now! Thanks for that!
Thanks, Daisy! I just got some additional treats.
Daisy, Auntie Deb here, now darlin'....you know that you can't hypnotize ..............
::sound of treat jar opening and cats crunching::
......me, don't even try it although those eyes are beautiful!
Oh Daisy, your eyes are mesmerizing (Mommy said I had to say that!) and I have some temptations waiting for me! Fank you.
We got treeats too Daisy! Thanks fur doing that.
(We is glad your eyes looks so good too!)
Thanks... it worked on HH. Now, I'm full of treats. I'm gonna bookmark that post.
i've been hipknowtized.
We've had a look in the treat cupboard and we're running a bit low on treats so we'll have to wait to try this until mum's been shopping!!
i tried that with sarge and cake, it didn't work too good, he told me to get it myself if i wanted it. rats.
smiles, auntie bee
Must get kitteh treats for kittehs....NOW......
Daisy, you have a freckle on your eye. That's cute. :-)
Thanks Daisy! *nom nom nom*
Your eyes are so very pretty.
Mom is on her way to the treat jar as we speak! Thanks Daisy!
wow, our mom is now a zombie! good job!
Your eyes are hypnotizing Daisy. All your furry friends should be very very proud. Now for some reason I just had a great idea! I'm heading to the cabinet to get Seymour and Coco some treats!! Bye....
Miewmie is opening the treat jar ! It works !!
Nice try! (gorgeous eyes!)
Daisy, you are a Master Hypnotist. is is it Mistress Hypnotist?
I think I shall have to get my human to come back here many times today...
WE think it is working! We heard the treat jar lid!
Oh Daisy, thank you we got lots of treats. Can you do it again.
We are hoping this lasts for days!!!!!
It worked Daisy! We just got the treat jackpot!
wow that scaRED ME AT FIRST
We got chicken pieces........thanks Daisy!!!!!=^Y^=
Ahahaha! I feel the need to buy more cat treats....
Cool - Mom just opened the Grandma Lucy's treats and told us to help ourselves!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
i am so hypnotized!! i gave all the kitties in the neighborhood treats!! then i gave all the doggies treats! then i gave my husband kittie treats!! then he said to snap out of it and get him some cereal.
wow...what just happened? Must have fell asleep
Benny & Lily
You really like your treats, don't you Daisy!
I don't blame you..
We'll have to try this when they get home!
Come here Mom.................
You have such cool eyes Daisy! We are going to try this on our mom when she gets home - did it work for you? We hope it did!!
Oh my!
Hahahaha...first we made mom look at it and den we made dad look at it and now our tummies are full and da treat jar is almost empty and mom is walking around saying she hasta go to da store and get more treats cuz we is almost out and she don't know what happened to dem all *gasp* we like dis post, we is gonna come back to dis one again and again and again...
Wow! It's magic! :)
I'm not sure why but Duke is pretending to be a kitty today for some reason :)
Must... give... Pimp and Moo... treats...
Hehe. I think it worked.
Nuh uh... I'm not falling for that, Darling Daisy. No way. I'm SO on to you kitties.
Oh, OK. Treat Time!
Good to see that your eyes are alright Daisy!
Daisy, I wish you had done this yesterday, before my human went out of town!
Your hypnotizing trick is pawesome!
I am going to try it... now!
Kises and hugs
Great post!! Mom is looking confused and we are enjoying treats! hahahahahaha
Your eyes are beautiful too ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You did a great job, Daisy. My belly is very happy.
Wow! Daisy's eyes are amazing! I actually felt like they were drawing me in and I was being hypnotized. I guess I'm just very suggestible.
The mixture of colours in Daisy's eyes are almost psychedelic!
You have me hypnotized and feeding treats to all the kittehs in the neighborhood.
Hey, what just happened? And where the heck did all the treats go?
We hope this works on kitties who do have a treat jar!
It's working to Michico as well.
You are very good indeed!
We fink sumfin went wrong wiv our internet link ~ 'cos mom gazed into yoor eyes, read the werds owt loud, then went to the kitchen and opened the treat jar ~ THEN ATE OUR TREATS HERSELF! :sigh:
Uh oh...I looked too long into your eyes Daisy! Now I want to give Grete my treats!
Purrs, Cory
Instead of hypnotizing me, you hypnotized Pru. She went to the cabinet where I keep my tea and proceeded to knock everything off the shelves.
I think something went wrong.
Yer eyes are mezmerizing! It's like I can see all the way into yer branes!
What big eyes you have
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