Something very, very EXCITING happened! I heard a loud BOOM! And it was a BIRDIE that flew into my WINDOW.

Here he is. At first he seemed very STUNNED and his tiny BEAK was open. Then he seemed to get BETTER!

It is a YELLOW birdie. I do not KNOW what kind of BIRD he is though. Maybe he is TWEETY!

After a few MINUTES the tiny bird FLEW over to the PATIO!

Then he FLEW INTO the window AGAIN!!!! Sorry this picture is BLURRY but the birdie took us by SURPRISE!

Do not WORRY though. The birdie got better and flew AWAY!

A Happy Ending
59 Notes for Daisy:
Oh, that was a dumb birdie! He did not understand what a window was! All birdies are dumb like that. Once, at our house, we had a HAWK that did something like that. My human had to rescue him. He was as dumb as your tweetie bird.
Did you tawt you taw a tweety bird?
That birdie is a bit silly. But a cutie! We can just picture you all jumping the second time he flew into the window!
Maybe we should call him 'Yuji' *evil grin*
Purrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
Obviously that birdie wanted to come in and play with you!
Birdies are not so clever when they see windows. We hope he was ok.
That was a silly birdie to do it twice. Sometimes the baby birds fly into our windows when they are having flying lessons. Mum makes us stay indoors when that happens. We watch them and chitter at them until they go again.
I think that birdie needs flying lessons. I mean... one time into the window is an accident and happens to the best of birdies, but twice... I mean... if I flew into a window, I would learn a little something from the experience and fly in the opposite direction... I do wish that birdie good luck and hope you told him to stay away from the windows.
Have a great day...
What a silly birdie! Maybe his GPS system wasn't working.
I bet that little birdie wanted to come inside to play with you.
You know what they say... A bird on the patio is worth two in the bush. Or something.
I bet birdie could have used some headache medicines. Ouchie!
That musta been something to see that birdie fly into the window! Now why would he do that?? He needs a GPS we think!!
wow, is that why they call them bird brains? 'acause they're silly?
That sure is a pretty birdie. Poor thing probably had a horrible headache. Glad he seemed to get better. Take care and have a great day.
Oh, very exciting for you both! Not so exciting for the poor little bird! Mom is glad s/he is okay!
That birdie must have really wanted to come inside to play with you!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Poor birdy he did not have a good morning! I'm glad he was able to fly away :-)
Poor little birdie. We are glad it was able to fly away.
~ Maggie Mae
Maybe he liked the rush after hitting the window the first time. Or maybe he wanted to come visit. Either way, I think he's silly (and glad he's OK).
Poor birdie saw his reflection in the glass and thought it was someone else invading his territory. Poor birdie...
wow, good thing! did see a Tweety Bird!!! Silly fevver, he did it again??? He must have wanted to play with you very badly!
Great pictures!
Awwww. I sorry he gotted in a aksident! But I glad he is all better now. :)
we are glad the poor little feller got to fly away. bet he had an awful headache, though!
beautiful coat
Birdies do that so many..too many times. I watch my birdie TV all the time and mom's goldfinches are the worst for crashing into the doors and windows. She even put up those ultra violet decals and while it slowed down the collisions, happens.
What a silly birdie to do that trick twice - perhaps he was being macho!!
What an exciting show that was on Birdie TV for you two. Pimp and Moo never get to catch an episodes that interesting...
Glad the little guy was OK and flew away!
Wow, that is EXCITING! I think maybe the birdie wanted to come into the house to play with you and Harley. Then after he hit the window TWICE, he had a headache and went home to rest.
Have a great Thurdsday, Daisy and Harley! :)
OMC! That must of been very exciting. But we think that if the birdie flew into your window two times, he must of been very stupid. But we're happy that he got better and flew home.
That birdie was working on Daisy and Harley togetherness! Look how you are both sitting so close together and enjoying the show. Wasn't that nice of that wacky bird? Sometimes birds can be so thoughtful in that way.
What fun! Well, for you, not the birdie.
Poor little guy! Probably knocked himself silly! Glad he was okay and glad you had a bunch of entertainment!
I had a bird run into my window one day too and I was very scared so I ran away. Birds can be scary!
Poor birdie! Maybe this time of year the sun makes a reflection on your patio door that the birds can't figure out? We're very glad the little yellow birdie recovered and flew away.
Oh my, what excitement! We used to have doves fly into our kitchen window and back door when we had the feeders close to the patio. They'd get all confuzzled and see the sky reflected in the glass and fly right into them! DOVE PRINTS EVERYWHERE!
We hung mobiles and stuff and put decals on the door and then just finally moved the feeders, too.
I'm glad your birdie didn't get too hurt. Maybe he'll figure it out!
He sure wanted to get into the house. Was there a pile of birdseed on the floor?
Our Mom use to work on the 8th floor of a building that was class on the outside. When the sun hit the glass just right, the birdies could not tell the reflection of the sky from the real thing and they would fly into it a lot. It always startled Mom when a bird hit her window.
What an exciting day! I'm glad the birdie was ok and flew away!
Wow you must have some super clear glass their Harley, because we think that bird didn't even see it! We are very glad he is ok - we think he is probably not Tweety, because he isn't ALL yellow, but we think he might be Tweety's not as smart cousin (remember, Tweety was a very smart birdie)!
We're glad the birdie was okay. He's a very slow learner.
Were you using that Windex stuff they are advertising on TV? The ones where the crows are talking about things running into windows that are so clean no one can tell there is a window there? I bet you were trying to get you some fev-vers!
I am glad the birdie is OK. Birdies fly into the windows of the publicist's house too
We think that cute birdie was probably drunk on some of your pretty flowers; glad he was ok and put on an exciting viewing of Bird TV for you guys!...Happy day, lovely friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Glad the birdie is ok! I have trees outside my window and hear them quite often. I can't get high enough to see them though :(
What a crazy thing you saw! Thank goodness that birdie is ok -- he sure was cute :)
So THAT'S where Tweety went...can you send him to my House?
XX Sylvester
the little birdy just wanted to play with you two and the darn window got in the way.
Holy cats what an event for you and the tiny flyer....good that he was able to recover and fly away...silly birdy but I think he just wanted to come by for a visit...
Yeah, dat is why when someone is really dumb dey call dem a bird brain. We can't beleeve he did it TWICE!
We get birdies fly inta our deck door sometimes. If The Big Thing is fast enough, we call them "snacks".
We would all hesitate about a hawk though...
That birdie is very cute, but very dumb! Imagine doing the same thing twice -- you'd think he would learn.
Well, at least he's not hurt and he flew away eventually.
It sure provided you and Daisy with some excitement!
Poor little cute birdie. Perhaps he or she wanted to give you kitties a sweet kiss.
Love you,
Theresa & Joe and Bobby
Sometimes it takes a few tries before we realize it's not the right path!
We think that little bird really wanted to come inside and play with you! Sorry it didn't work out ;-/ but we're glad the little fella is ok.
-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
Wow - now that IS excitement for you two. No wonder you are looking interested! I'm glad her's OK tho'
Harley, we're so happy to see you so excited, but we're also glad the little birdy was okay!
What a pretty birdie! I'm so glad he got away. I think he was trying to come inside and play with you!
It do hurts when you runs into the window. Windows is hard.
Screens is not SO hard but He yells when we breaks those screens.
Poor birdie! Glad to hear he flew away okay.
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