Love all those closeups of your terrific noses and those colorful paws. Great pictures and glad to know that you have a Hello Kitty birthmark. How special is that?? Take care and have a terrific Tuesday.
thank you for the info! I feel like such a jerk, I never knew that the pads on a kitties feet were called "leathers" thanks for the info! Adorable pink kitty nose!
We always knew you were special Daisy but he didn't know you have a Hello Kitty toe. You both have lovely pawses and pretty noses (maybe we should have said you have a pretty nose and Harley has manly one!!).
You kitties both have really neat toes - multicolored toes! We just have plain ol' one colored toes. Fuzzy didn't want to show her leather, but I will show off anything anytime!
You are both so gorgeous!!! We love close ups of toesies and nosies. The close up of Harley's nose looks so much like Kenji! mawhawhaw! We love your secret picture of Kitty too Purrrrs
50 Notes for Daisy:
OMC, Daisy, I had NO idea you had a Hello Kitty birthmark on your paw! All kitties are miracles, but this means you are an especially special miracle!
Nice closeup of your nose!
Daisy, how cool is that? You have Hello Kitty on your paw! We didn't know.
My feets gots nothing... and my nose looks human. Wish I had interesting feets. Does toenail polish count as interesting?
What a treat to see your toesies and nosies! I hope no one saw me kissing the computer screen...
~Lisa Co9T
We do love that lovely loveheart nose of yours, Daisy :)
Lovely close-ups! You both have gorgeous "leathers"!
Love all those closeups of your terrific noses and those colorful paws. Great pictures and glad to know that you have a Hello Kitty birthmark. How special is that??
Take care and have a terrific Tuesday.
What cute leathers both of you have!
you both are so cute!!!
Harley - is it manly for me to wear a party dress on mine purrfday, or are my brofurs just trying to 'barass me? - Nicky
We never knew about your secret Hello Kitty paw! We love all of your paws and your sweet noses! Mom wants to smooch them.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Cute noses and toeses! We love your and Harley's fancy paw pads; and your heart shaped nose is purrfect, Daisy!
-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
thank you for the info! I feel like such a jerk, I never knew that the pads on a kitties feet were called "leathers" thanks for the info!
Adorable pink kitty nose!
nobody nose the trouble i've seen...
You are one cool cat
Oh Daisy and Harley...what bewteeyus toesies and nosies!!! My mommy is just so wishing she could kiss both nosies and all of your combined toesies!!!
Wow, that secret hello kitty message is mighty mysterious!
Your pal, Pip
Wow Daisy, your toe DOES look like Hello Kitty!!! My Archie has a very subtle heart shaped nose too, I think it is adorable :-)
Yoo are BOTH purrfect!
BTW we answered yoor questions today!
We always knew you were special Daisy but he didn't know you have a
Hello Kitty toe. You both have lovely pawses and pretty noses (maybe we should have said you have a pretty nose and Harley has manly one!!).
Youza both got da individucatual Noses & Toeses. Itza meowavlous!
"Heart-Shaped Nose" ... isn't that an old Chris Isaak album?
Interesting tour of noseies and toesies
Every bit of each of you is Fabulous!
Awww, u and Harlee look so kewt! :)
You and Harley have such sweet toesies and nosies!!!
Daisy that was fascinating! Our toes are sort of boring but our sister Toot who was a tabby had really interesting pink and black toes.
You kitties both have really neat toes - multicolored toes! We just have plain ol' one colored toes. Fuzzy didn't want to show her leather, but I will show off anything anytime!
Your friend, Zoe
You two have the cutest noses and toeses I've seen :)
I love the closeups! I need to get Mom to take a few closeups of my toes and nose!
Those are cute noses and toeses. Mom wants to smooch on them. Look out!
Your pal,
Now those are very cute noses and toes! We love toesie pictures.
purrs and hugs
I think both of you have the cutest noses and toeses around
I want to squeeze all the toesies in this post! Also, I am very impressed by Daisy's secret Hello Kitty.
Daisy and Harley, we love your toesies and nosies! And Daisy, you have a Hello Kitty birthmark? You are even cooler than we thought!!!
Those are very dottie toes you two have! I love kittens' toes because they are so soft and pink. I wish they would stay so soft like that.
just beautiful kids!
Oh Daisy - I LOVED your post today! My human especially loves kitties with those pink & black paw pads...Lemon had those too! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Those are cute pictures. We both just has boring old black pawpads and nosies...
Now that's the kind of leather we like :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Hi kitties.
Your paws and noses are very nice and clean too. bonkbonkbonk
Glogirly says your mommeh really knows how to use her close-up lens...I say she better stay away from me with hers!
(Glogirly's Cat)
A cow pad! Harley, that is so cool! Daisy, we don't blame you wanting Mom to stop taking pictures of your nose. It is a very cute heart nose, though!
You two have pawesome Noses and Toeses!
Soooo clean and nice!
Kisses and hugs
Harley's noses & toeses looks like mine!
So cute! I'm heading over to check out my cats paws. I'm scared their not as cute as yours!
are your toeses ticklish like mine? I tickle just someone looking at 'em! Daisy you haf a lovely heart noses, and I luf Harleys manly cow toes!
Ok, now I really want to get a new camera!! I so love the toeses!!
You are both so gorgeous!!! We love close ups of toesies and nosies. The close up of Harley's nose looks so much like Kenji! mawhawhaw!
We love your secret picture of Kitty too
We are askin our Teri to see if we have any secrets piktures on our pawpads, too. We kinda think not...which makes yours extra special!
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