ps: In case you did not see this movie when I posted it on Facebook, here is how I break into bifold cabinets! If you wait until the very end, you can see Harley's stunned and amazed expression.
The best pole dancing we have ever seen - you are so flexible and dainty. We have made lots of notes about how to break into a cabinet with bi-fold doors - now we'll have to get mum to get one of those doors for us to practice on!!
Great pole dancer Daisy. We forget how small you are unless you are sitting on top of the pole. The video is terrific. Good job Daisy, you are just so smart. Better watch out for her Harley.
Daisy, you have GOT to be THE best pole dancer ever! And you are so intelligent. I love how you used reasoning to get that door opened and Harley was adorable with his expression.xoxox from me and mommy.
Mom had to pick Kirby up foo the floor! You are a very sexy pole dancer and pole sitter! These pictures really show the difference in size between you two!
Great poses with the scratching post! Luna used to pull that trick in our previous home where we had double cabinets. We have a sliding closet door in our current home that she often tries to open by finding a slight bit of space to start "working".
What a fabulous photo montage! But then...considering the subject, I guess it was easy to take! We have had our little kitty for 1 week today! Eddie had been hit by a car and needed a home so... we were the lucky ones to get him!! He is the sweetest little tabby (about 6 months old!)! He doesn't seem bothered to have lost his tail - just has to get his balance by sticking his back leg out in the classic pose our German Shepherd used to always take! Really cute! Please visit me at my history blog so I don't loose site of you! (I want to follow along but don't see a button.) Will check back later when I have more time! Enjoy those darlings of yours! Ann
We were a little bit worried when we saw da post title but yoor pole dance was furry classy. Yeah, Harley kinda looks like he's surprised yoor mom is not yelling at yoo fur going in da closet.
I have the SAME pole, Daisy!!!!! ...actually I have two, one for upstairs and one for down. Your moves are impressive!! I'm an excellent pole dancer too.
oh my cod, Daisycakes, you is so smexay i had to cover BA's little orbs!!! i wish i could does a exotic pole dancey like that. and wowee you is super smart and coordinated, good job on opening up the cabinet, i bet that's where the treats are!
63 Notes for Daisy:
oooh la la! You are so flexible and funky :)
Love, Bella & Ollie.
Daisy yoo are VERY clever ~ but judging by Harley's expression yoo are also norty! MOL!
Harley is like "Oh wow! Lookie that!"
Harley tried pole dancing, too? LOL. Daisy, you are so smart. We love how you kept checking to see if the door was opened enough for you to get in.
Daisy you are so talented. I just love the expression on Harley's face at the end of that video
We love your scratching pole, Daisy!! And there musta been something really good in there!
Oooh, them is some fancy moves on that pole! Harley is too big and he looks silly doing it.
I like Harley's face--it looks like he's saying "ARen't you gonna yell at her, Mommeh?"
Daisy, you look so tiny on top of that scratcher!
The best pole dancing we have ever seen - you are so flexible and dainty.
We have made lots of notes about how to break into a cabinet with bi-fold doors - now we'll have to get mum to get one of those doors for us to practice on!!
Love, love, love the pole dancing and the break in video is just plain fun!
va va va voom!!!!!
we loved your movie - great job!
Wow, good thing my new house doesn't have any of those. Horus and Buddy don't need to learn anymore doors to open!
And Harley's face is priceless!!!!
Very creative pole dancing! Love the video! Harley's face is precious!
Daisy, it is good that you share with your brother, letting him use your scratching post once you have finished with it.
Great pole dancer Daisy. We forget how small you are unless you are sitting on top of the pole.
The video is terrific. Good job Daisy, you are just so smart. Better watch out for her Harley.
Daisy, you are the most clever girl, evah! Momma thanks her lucky stars that Gracie only know how to open bi-fold doors from the Inside!
Good heavens but Harley is a big boy - bigger than the scratching post even!
You guys are the cutest pole dancers I've ever seen! (Not that I've seen many pole dancers...) :)
hahahahaha oh Harley, that look was priceless!!! you actually made me burst out laughing!!!
Daisy, you are very talented! Girls rule!
Daisy you could have a second career as a dancer! We also love that movie.
We have a movie on our blog today, and Raymond has dedicated her perfomance to you. It's very short (47 seconds) so come see it if you have time. xoxo
My cat Scratchy chartreux love much it tree, lovely tube
From Belgium, Louisette + Primrose's Dream Cerise+ Zitablue du Bosquet Mignongolden+ one cat chartreux Belgium
Daisy, you have GOT to be THE best pole dancer ever! And you are so intelligent. I love how you used reasoning to get that door opened and Harley was adorable with his expression.xoxox from me and mommy.
Harley the drama cat is dramatic.
Mom had to pick Kirby up foo the floor! You are a very sexy pole dancer and pole sitter! These pictures really show the difference in size between you two!
Great poses with the scratching post!
Luna used to pull that trick in our previous home where we had double cabinets. We have a sliding closet door in our current home that she often tries to open by finding a slight bit of space to start "working".
you guys are longer than I thought on tippy toes..sandy
MOL @ the pole dancing!
Daisy, you're a very clever cat. Scarily so! You and our Nicki easily could take over the world.
Loved Harley's expression at the end, priceless!
Daisy you are an excellent pole dancer!
Oh my gosh Daisy you are so clever! I like how you stop to have a lick of your flank and regroup for a moment before continuing.
Harley's expression is just priceless, what a cutie he is!!!
Heh Heh!
We think Harley's taking notes!
Great POLE DANCING! That video is AMAZING!!! Daisy, you are so smart!!! Love Harley's expression! MOL
What a fabulous photo montage! But then...considering the subject, I guess it was easy to take!
We have had our little kitty for 1 week today! Eddie had been hit by a car and needed a home so... we were the lucky ones to get him!! He is the sweetest little tabby (about 6 months old!)! He doesn't seem bothered to have lost his tail - just has to get his balance by sticking his back leg out in the classic pose our German Shepherd used to always take! Really cute!
Please visit me at my history blog so I don't loose site of you! (I want to follow along but don't see a button.) Will check back later when I have more time!
Enjoy those darlings of yours!
Pole dancing... breaking into bifold closets - Daisy, you are living on the edge!
My brother Toy opens all our doors...hey we may have the new cat team of Bonnie and Clyde! Harley's look was priceless!=^Y^=
Wow! That was really good! :)
Are your treats in that closet?
wow, what slinky, sexy moves you got there Daisy! Harley! You are not to bad yourself ;) hubba hubba!
Wow, Daisy! You're so smart! A lot of cats can't open bifold cabinets!
HAHA, Harley does look stunned and amazed. Where did you learn moves like that, Daisy???
Harley just can't compare to your moves, Daisy!
We were a little bit worried when we saw da post title but yoor pole dance was furry classy. Yeah, Harley kinda looks like he's surprised yoor mom is not yelling at yoo fur going in da closet.
Super good job, both of you!
shake it like a milkshake!!! lol (the pole dancing)
The video was priceless! Love that expression!
The movie ... Daisy you are so smart and Harley's expression was spot on. I love you two so much!
Great pole dancing!! You are becoming a sexy cat :-)
Very seductive!! We think you're pretty smart to open that door.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Daisy, you look tiny compared to Harley with that pole! We think that video is so funny!
Very clever of you to open that door, Daisy! You're both intelligent and lovely at the same time.
Daisy you are quite the pole dancer ;) va va voom!!!
Pretty good with doors too ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Daisy, you are the ULTIMATE cat burglar.
This made me laugh...and I so needed to laugh. Thanks!
So funny!
Thank you Daisy! Now I know how it's done. I'm gonna go practice now!
Both actions are pawesome!
And Harley's face... priceless!
Kisses and hugs
I have the SAME pole, Daisy!!!!! ...actually I have two, one for upstairs and one for down. Your moves are impressive!! I'm an excellent pole dancer too.
(Glogirly's Cat)
Very sexy Daisy, are you practicing to dance for Skeezix? Love you breaking and entering.
Now that's a nice pole! Love it.
oh my cod, Daisycakes, you is so smexay i had to cover BA's little orbs!!! i wish i could does a exotic pole dancey like that. and wowee you is super smart and coordinated, good job on opening up the cabinet, i bet that's where the treats are!
I want to comment but I can't stop laughing. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen :)
Love your pole dancing moves, Daisy! We love the pictures!!!
P.S. We really like Harley's leggings!
You are a very good cat burglar, Daisy...and quite the exotic dancer too! No wonder Harley is amazed with your talents!
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