Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm a Holiday Reindeer!

This is my new Reindeer Suit! It has antlers. I am a little bit lucky because the antlers are not too heavy so I can still hold my head up.
Sometimes, I like to look at the antlers. On account of I do not usually have anything growing out of my head.
I hope, since I am wearing my reindeer suit, that Santa Claws will be here soon!
And mostly I hope he brings me lots and lots of delicious treats! Mmmmmm!
What do you hope Santa Claws brings you?

ps: Harley would like to thank everybuddy who voted for him in Catster's World's Coolest Cat show. Even though he did not win, we appreciate your support! Congratulations to all the winners. The Best in Show photo is amazing! Click here to see all the winners.


57 Notes for Daisy:

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

*running out to buy a sleigh*

Teddy Westlife said...

I think you should get lots of treats just for posing in those antlers Daisy!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

If a Grinchy green fella approaches you and says he needs help with a small sleigh~ RUN AWAY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Goldie.... Daisy, you're just so darn cute....

Vanillabeanseed said...

Awe Daisy, all your outfits are adorable!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You look adorable, Daisy!

We're sorry Harley did not win (athough we agree the winning photo is amazing). To us, he is always BEST IN SHOW!!!!

The Chans

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Daisy, yoo look adorable! Yoo deserve LOTSA treats!

PDX pride said...

Oh, you're just sooo cute in those antlers! You make a great reindeer!

Marg said...

Harley, that is sad that you didn't win. Oh well, we know you are the best.
Daisy you make a terrific reindeer. But you have to pull Santa's sleigh so get yourself in shape. Those antlers are the best and I like how there is room for your ears.
Take care and have a wonderful day.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I love the last picture of you! Hopefully, Santa won't confuse you with one of his reindeer and you have to work on Christmas eve.

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, we think Santa would love to have you pulling his sleigh!

i beati said...

That is a clever headdress

Pandafur said...

OMC you looks so much like a raindeer I din't even rekonize you Daisy! That must be rilly kewl to ware. Iz sure santy paws iz gonna bring you lotsn lots of treetz an HArley too (Iz can't bleeve he din't win cuz him so handsome) *smoooches*

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Those are some of your best modeling shots, Daisy! You are so cute!
~ The Bunch

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Awwww Harley should have won!! That's a travesty!!!

Have to tell you, you make the most ADORABLE reindeer EVER!!!
I cannot believe how patient you are!


Donna said...

Harley, I is glad u runned in the contest. :) Daisy, u are such a kewt raindeer! :)

one of Fae's humans said...

i'm sorry to hear that Harley didn't win. :( his photo was awesome!

hmm.... for xmas i want to learn to magically know how to knit so i can make Fae warm stuff for winter. :( you and Harley's outfits are always so awesome.

Dma said...

you look a little like rudolph with your lil red nose.

Lin said...

That is a great hat because it is actually a hat and not a headband which does not stay on. Very CUTE (as always) Daisy!

Kea said...

Daisy, your reindeer antlers are just too adorable. Santa definitely will bring you lots of treats, just for that!

Raymond and Busby said...

Daisy you look great in your Reindeer hat!

We hope you and Harley and your Mom and Dad have a great weekend.

Forever Foster said...

You must have very strong neck muscles, Daisy. I lose all my bones just wearing my harness!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely too cute for words - especially the last one!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy, you look really good with the antlers. You know what? The naughtiest cat looks like it is in our Christmas tree--except that it is not Ichiro--he looks a little like Harley--do you suppose that Ichiro moved Harley to our tree?

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay if a grinch shows up asking yoo to pul his sleigh just say no!!! ok bye

Katnip Lounge said...

So Daisy, you USUALLY don't have things growing out of your head? That's a tiny bit disconcerting.
Anyway, your antlers are fantastic! It's a good look for you.

PussDaddy said...

You can certainly guide my sleigh tonight, Daisy.


Hannah and Lucy said...

That first picture had us concerned Daisy as you looked so worried.
Then you looked more relaxed for the rest of the pictures.
We still think Harley was best - even if he didn't win.

AFSS said...

You can pull our sleigh anytime.

brokenteepee said...

You are a very cute reindeer, Daisy. I am sorry Harley did not win. We voted for him

Sparkle said...

I hope that Santa human brings me a brand new cat tree! Sadly, I don't think he is going to do that.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my goodness, adorble.
Benny & Lily

OKcats said...

Miss Daisy, you make the cutest reindeer ever! We did not make a list for Sandy Claws. We are just kind of hoping for a surprise toy that we love!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Daisy, you are the cutest reindeer ever!!!!

We are sorry Harley didn't win, but we do like the winning picture! Those two are adorable. We also like the sleeping kitty with his paws covering his eyes.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Daisy, you look so cute as a reindeer :) I hope you get lots of yummy treats from Santa!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You make a very cute reindeer

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ya know, we would LIKE ta have antlers. That would be fun to poke each other with. But they would have ta be smaller than our whiskers so we would know what spaces we can get into.

BumbleVee said...

you are the cutest darn little reindeer I've ever seen!

Catsparella said...

I love your reindeer outfit, Daisy!! I just want to squeeze you!

Karen said...

You're so cute it just makes me want to fly to Florida and hug you! I hope Santa Claws brings you and Harley and your Mommeh and Daddeh everyting you wanted. I know you already have all the love you could ever need! XXOO Karen PS...Harley was great in his outfit! I wish I could've voted for him lots instead of just once!!

Anonymous said...

Aw Daisy you're the cutest reindeer I ever saw! Do you think Santa will ask you to pull his sleigh?

Cat said...

Daisy you look fantastic in your antlers!!! I'm sure Santa will be bringing you everything your heart desires :-)


You will make an excellent reindeerkitty for Santa Paws.


Your Daily Cute said...

I love how there are ear holes in your reindeer suit. Convenient AND cute!

Ann said...

Oh Daisy those pictures are just precious. I think those are some of your best yet.
Sorry Harley didn't win, we were sure he would

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You make the cutest little reindeer Daisy. We had to laugh when you said you don't usually have things growing out of your head. We are sorry that Harley didn't win.

meowmeowmans said...

You are the cutest, prettiest reindeer EVER, Daisy! Yes, treats (and lots of them!) are definitely in order.

We voted for Harley, and are sad he did not win. But he is a winner in our book!

Quill and Greyson said...

You even make antlers look good Daisy!

Commander Spitfire said...

Oooohhhhh!!! You look so cute!

Anonymous said...

Reindeer antlers! Whoa! Daisy, we bow to you, oh wondrous wearer of hats. srsly.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

WOW you look great Daisy!
I for one am very disappointed that Harley did not win. He looked so official and everything.

Tamago said...

What a cute raindeer! I hope Santa Claws will bring you a lot of presents :-)

Boo said...

Hey Daisy,

Do you remember Jinx the siamese from the Isle of Wight? She sadly passed away in August this year :(

But we have started blogging again!
with two lovely oriental cats :)

Please come and check out our blog and please could you help spread the word about us!!!



Yazmin, Boo-bear and Luka xxx

Bella and Ollie said...

Daisy, you are adorable, we are sure Santa will bring you lots of treats !
We send you our best wishes for the holiday season with all our love.
Bella and Ollie.

Hugging Cats said...

aw, I put antlers on my cat and she looked miserable not nearly so proud

Theresa and Bobby said...


Let Harley paint your nose red and you can help Santa Claus deliver all the gifts around the globe.


Tammy said...

Too adorable for words. I have never seen a cuter reinder than you, Miss Daisy. I just LOVE to see when you and Harley dress up. It never fails to put a smile on my face.

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