Tattle Tail Tuesday: Upstairs Toys
Pssst! It's me, Daisy. I am sneaking a peek in the big bedroom upstairs, because I want to show you something...

- Blue wand toy
- Pink wand toy
- Little brown bear
- Pink squeaky mouse
- Bottle cap
- Wubba toy with rattles

Tattle Tail Tuesday: Upstairs Toys
Posted by Daisy at 12/21/2010 04:00:00 AM
Labels: cat toys, tattletale
66 Notes for Daisy:
My roommate Boodie carries toys all over the place! Upstairs, downstairs, they are always somewhere different! So Harley never drags his back downstairs?
Harley, it's so funny that you carry your toys upstairs! Is that a new game you created called "Mommeh Fetch?" She does a good job fetching them for you.
p.s. The mere mention of the word "wubba" makes me laugh and laugh.
Daisy... Daisy... You are too cute. It's a guy thing. I stored all my toys under the couch...
Have a great day... pawhugs, Max
Awe Harley just likes to have a little fun! :D
Don't worry Harley, I do exactly the same thing!
We carry ours under the couch where the beans can't get them without having to move the HEAVY couch.
I have one kitty who carries her toys all around the house...the other two? They don't do toys for some reason!
Mommeh Fetch game... hahahahahahaha!
a Pink squeaky mouse? ::thud::
Sorry, that was Gracie...
Harley, we do nearly the same thing, 'cept we have a Basket instead of a Toy Box and Whitey brings them to bed!
Or Gracie whaps them around the living room. Or brings them out onto the patio. Or leaves them in the hallway. Or brings them into Momma's office... Or... well, you get the idea.
You never know when the urge to play will hit, so you *have* to have toys all over the house!!
WE think that is pretty cute Harley. We drag our toys around too but not very far.What a nice Mommeh to drag them all back downstairs. Good job Harley, you are training that Mom.
Harley, it's okay to drag the toys around the house! That's what they are there for!!
Hai Daisy, I like teh way you sneek! Vary pawfeshunal. An Harley - good job but rilly you can do more can't you? I will send Mr Boots an he can halps move moar toyz upstares. Yr welcom Harleys mom! xxxox
Harley, you're one of a kind and we love you!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
That's a lot of trips to bring all that stuff up there. I think it can be counted as a workout--for both Mommeh and Harley!
Daisy, you are so cute! We like your tail...umm...tale! :)
Harley, what an adorable picture and we think your obsession is awesome!
They say...you gotta claim what's yours!
We like that game. Our Mom needs the exercise, the doctor said so! We just try to help.
~ The Bunch
Daisy, I had a moving day a while ago while mommy was a work on her midnight shift I moved toys to the back bedroom, my room, and while mommy was at the computer before she want to bed, she saw my track ball circle going down the hallway. She got up and looked and it was me..I was moving all of my furniture (that I could).
I like to leave my toys unner the table. :)
As long as we don't see Harley on a episode of "Hoarders" it's all good.
My momma Ellie carries toys all over too! Me, I stick with socks!
Nothing wrong with that Daisy, toys are there to be played with!
Harley just likes to bring them to his own little playland!
like theo, i think harley has a little puppy in him.
How cute, Harley has his own play room.
Hi Harley! Guess what, I like to bring toys up to bed too! Fui and Suey have never done it, so mum thought it was very cute when I started. She did get a fright though when I left my furry mouse on her pillow. It was a bit too realistic. MOL!
We drag our toys around too, but not as much as Harley! Sometimes Annie will meow and meow and meow in the middle of the night, and the mom finds one of the fuzzy "balls" upstairs in the morning. And once in a while Nicki will carry off her sheepskin slippers. But none of us carries something up every night! We think that's an adorable obsession that Harley has.
We have a kitty toy clay pot with dancing kitties all around it. Nookie likes to excavate all the toys in it, so she can get to the catnip we sprinkle over them, that sifts to the bottom. Or sometimes just because I happened to put her favorite thing(s), which change from day to day, toward the bottom.
Harley - tell Daisy to wash her mouth out with soap for snitching on you!!
we hasta keep our toys hid unnerneath furnitures, or else the dbd eats them all gone!
Aww, that's sweet. My babies all like to dig out their toys.
Ichiro drags his blanket every where and we find it somewhere new all the time. I like Harley's hobby! And you too Daisy for checking up on him!
Well we are pleased that dear sweet little Harley has so many toys now ~ 'cos when he was in the re-homing centre he only had one toy to his name.
BTW Daisy, when mom was at work today, she was searching Google images for a pic to use on her work computer as wallpaper ~ the words she googled were "christmas wallpaper" ~ and to her delight a pic of YOO popped up and made her smile! She was amazed!
harley, you are such a sweetie, what a lovely thing to do. i had a kitty that would bring small toys downstairs to play with. he would go up to our daughters room and bring out her small toys. he would meow with pride too. what a great kitty trait!
That's so funny Harley! I bet it's very cute to watch you carrying that wand toy :)
We don't think there is anything wrong with Harley moving toys upstairs!
that is a fun thing t learn about Harley, and also fun to learn that you like to spy on what he has done.
I really think Harley and Moo are brothers from another mother. This cracked me up.
Moo does the same thing every night - he always brings a toy into the bedroom every night and puts it right next to my side of the bed.
Cow cats... ;)
Do you and Harley each has your own toys?
Me and Aswell has lots of toys but Aswell do not shares good.
Aswell is a very bad toy hog!! Sometimes he takes ALL the toys and he tries to hide ALL of the toys under his tummy but he is not really big enough!
Kali do not shares good too!
Harley, I do the same thing. Every night I bring my feather butt mousies in to Daddy and Mommy. I sorta moan and "woooo" when I do it, so They call my toys "Woo Feathers"! What is funny is the never interest me at any other time.
XX Johnny
I guess Harley likes to have his toys close by.
Sounds like fun, Harley!
We are just glad that Harley enjoys his toys so much!!!
This sounds just like something a little brother would do!! Good thing you are keeping an eye on him..
Harley, we think you are just the cutest ever! My sisfur Angel brings her furry mousies up every night and puts them at the foot of the bed. Every night Mommy throws them back downstairs and it all starts over again.
hehehe that is so funny we do the exact same thing!!! We also take other peoples things from their bedrooms and hide them in our bed hehehehe xx
Miss Daisy, I bring my toys upstairs, too, but normally it's just my favorite gray mousies. My mom doesn't have to take them back downstairs because I take them down on my own, when I want to play with them. The only thing I get in trouble for bringing upstairs is my feather wand. My mom says it's a Downstairs Toy Only, because bells are bad for her sleeps. I sometimes bring other toys upstairs when they need to be cut off of the cardboard they are stuck to. I don't get in trouble for this, but my mom sighs real loud and mutters something about forgetting to put them away.
Your friend, Zoe
Harley is just the cutest!!! Ben usually brings a scrunch ball to bed with him :-)
Harley loves to play with his toys. Cosmo also drags his toys upstairs.
Why not just put a toybox upstairs?
Der's nothing wrong wif taking a toy to bed. It's good dat yoo haf yoor mom trained to bring dem back down fur yoo.
Ut oh, does Harley need hoarder intervention?
Benny & Lily
Harley, you and Tillie have much in common ;)
Happy Winter Solstice !
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
That is the way you do, Harley!
Aww Harley you are a very good toy re-arranger.
Man hansel has a toy problem too! only he shoves all his under the couch!!!!
Have you two found your Christmas presents yet?
Coffee is on.
Oh Harley, you are so like me! TBT thinks it is so funny ta watch me drag a wand toy down the hall after a instense session. An I carry other toys around. Lately, I been carryin them inta the Mewsroom, cuz it seems that is now OUR room. He finds milk jug rings, mousies, fevvers, etc in there...
Keep up the good werk!
Looks like Harley has a hard time staying away from his favorites ;)
Heres hoping Santa Paws brings lots of good treats for you & Daisy!
Faythe ~GrammyMouseTails w/linky
Harley got caught! uh oh!
How cheeky of him :P
Love, Bella & Ollie.
Harley's gonna get you back to telling on him! :P
Interesting. Luna does the same thing, she carries toys around and makes little stashes of them in various places.
Ah, sibling rivalry.
Harley, that is adorable! You are just redecorating!
Mohawk or Clyde (don't know who) used to take hand towels from the bathroom and place them into the dining room while Mom was day hunting.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel, & fosters Sunny and Sky -(Hunter, Silver, and Rico got adopted!)
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i think harley has ocd obsessive cat disorder!!! it is verry common amongst kitties tho yoo ar lucky that yoo hav ben spayrd!!! ok bye
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