Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Does THAT Work? At the Vet's Office!

I know MANY of you wonder what happens at the VET'S OFFICE! Well, I had to GO there RECENTLY, so I have a REPORT for you.

It is very HARD to become a VET. I did some RESEARCH and found that you have to SERVE in the MILITARY first, BEFORE you can BECOME a vet! This is ME at the VET'S OFFICE! Even though I look NERVOUS, I was just PRETENDING. I am BRAVE!
Here is a little MOVIE of me in my CARRIER. I am WAITING for my EXAM. Sometimes the NOISES can be SKERRY, but your MOM can keep you CALM. (You can CLICK HERE to see the movie on YOUTUBE).
The VET will ask to LOOK INSIDE your EARS and your EYES. He wanted to see all of my TEETH. And then he said, "Harley, you have too much tartar sauce there!" Maybe the TARTAR SAUCE got on my TEETH from eating too much FISH!

Sometimes you get STABBED with a long, skinny metal STICK. They use this metal STICK to TAKE some of your BLOOD!!!!! It is TRUE! This is because your BLOOD has to have an EXAM to see if you are GOOD. If they take blood from your NECK, it is possible you could turn into a VAMPIRE. Do not WORRY too much about this though.
Here is the TEST my OWN bloods took. I think I PASSED. The parts with the CHECK marks, are where my BLOODS were EXCEPTIONAL!

Going to the see the Vet is NOT FUN. I recommend RUNNING and HIDING when it is your turn to go.


52 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

I hope "exceptional" does not mean something, uh, TOO exceptional, Harley! Although honestly, I have no idea what those numbers mean at all!

Forever Foster said...

Did you find out why they haven't found a better way to take a kitty's temperature? I'd pay to find out!

Marg said...

Harley good report at the vet. That is great that you are so healthy. Loved the video of you in the carrier. Lucky Daisy didn't have to go on that trip. Thanks for telling us all about it.

Manny said...

I am very, very good at avoiding the vet! I run and hide and wear out my humans so eventually they give up. The only times they actually got me to go was when the sneaked attacked before I suspected anything. You are absolutely right about it not being fun!

Pandafur said...

Hai Harley an I hopes you iz rekovured from da vet. You iz so brave to let them take your bloodz. Iz your PTU a sherpa? Cuz it looks like owr noo PTUs an they iz Sherpas. They iz so comfy we like to be in them when hooman iz not arownd.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your explanation of a vet visit was very interesting. Next time we won't need to be nervous.
Harley, we are shocked! We didn't know you were 99 years old! You do look very good for your age.

AFSocksScylla said...

What a great explanation of what happens at the vet and you did a great job pretending to be scared. We are sure the beans didn't have a clue it was just an act.

The Island Cats said...

Thanks for this informative post, Harley. I gotta go to the v-e-t on Monday, so it is very timely. I gotta go hide now....

Freya's Staff said...

Tartar sauce made us all MOL!

Anonymous said...

Harley, us humans go trhough similar stuff when we go to the D-O-C. And lemme tell you, if I could runa dn hide, I would. But ya know what? It's meant to keep you healthy and live all your nine lives...

Keiko said...

Your picture looks so cute! We can see your tooth poking out!! purrr

That was a great report! Thanks Harley!
Purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

Lin said...

Ugh. Nobody here likes the vet very much either.

The Florida Furkids said...

Add us to those who don't like the V-E-T! Thanks for the info, we'll run and hide next time.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

SeaThreePeeO said...

What great advice Harley! We shall run and hide.

Unknown said...

Harley, you are one in a million! Quite the researcher. You make us laugh out loud.

Dma said...

i think my boyz have already taken your advice about going to the vet...

The Meezers or Billy said...

you IS exceptional Harley!!!

Raymond and Busby said...

Harley, you think you've got it bad, our Vet actually comes to our house! Yep. She just shows up at the door as if she's selling cookies or something. We don't even get a chance to run and hide.

Hannah and Lucy said...

The only time we can't wait to get in our PTUs is when are on the table biting the vet!! We like to leave our mark so they remember us.
You were very brave though Harley and you were very generous giving some of your blood away - we hope the vet used it wisely.

Random Felines said...

We can't hide from the vet either. She comes to our house. And (shock) Mozart actually seems to like her!!!

ibcmeir said...

Gee, I'm a Vet, I use to give shots, although the servicemen use to faint and scream when I drew their blood...oh well...

Angie, Catladyland said...

Harley, my cats thank you for that very informative explanation!

So glad your blood passed the exam -- did it have to study for it?

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about "people" vets (sometimes known as doctors - Phooey!)

Shaggy and Scout said...

I just got my reminder card in the mail that my checkup is due!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I run and hide when I see the carrier! I hate the vet! I am glad you explained how people can do that. Although I kind of think the main vet I go to is rather nice.

jenianddean said...

Thanks for the report. I hope not to have to go to the vet soon.

OKcats said...

Mr. Harley, you were VERY brave at the vet. But I don't think you should tell kitties to run and hide! I'm 16 or so now, so I have lots of years of experience, and I can tell you that you will have to go to the vet sooner or later - running and hiding will not change that! At least our vet does not violate our spot 13s to take our temperature - he can get it from our ear!

Karen said...

You are very brave. It's lucky your mom was there to lean on. It is important to have someone who loves you to take care of you, when you are, um, perturbed.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Harley, consider yoorself awarded a "I am BRAVE sticker" ~ like children get when they are BRAVE. 'Cos we think yoo are very BRAVE and very CLEVER!

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

We are glad you survived your trip to the vet, Harley! Now hopefully you won't have to o back for a long time!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Harley, of course they are exceptional because YOU are exceptional. I am so glad and so is mommy that your bloods passed their exams and that your ears and eyes are all OK. I saw your toof sticking out in one of the pictures before I saw ALL of them in the other picture.

Mom loves you to bits.

Anonymous said...

Harley, thanks that was very informative. And you're right VET are not fun at all.

Frankly, don't like it much!

brokenteepee said...

I am glad you survived your trip to the vet.
I don't like needles. The male person gave me one once and I did not like it AT ALL.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Hey Harley, I have that tartar sauce on my teeth too! ~~Junior

Angel Simba said...

Harley, I think those exceptional tests say you have extra rich bloods. So you are extra special. Great explanations of everything. I am sure they are 110% correct.

Ann said...

How very brave of you to go to the v.e.t. and do all that investigating. You looked very calm in your carrier. I wonder if you could give Duke some lessons

Pip said...

Harley you are so very smart! Thank you for explaining that to us.

Kalie said...

We goes to the vet sometimes too. Our vet did not taked any of our bloods but he do sticks us!! AND he putted something in mine bum!! And Aswell's too!!

I think running and hiding is a very good idea! I will has to try that next time! And Aswell too!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Harley this was the best tutorial EVER for going to the vet! You really covered everything!

My Mom and I loved how you just ignored them calling you when you were in your carrier....

"tartar sauce on your teeth" hilarious! My brother has too much "tartar sauce" on his Sheltie teeth and has to have a cleaning in April!

Sarah Coggins said...

Both cats here agree on running & hiding. They too have issues with tartar sauce but that fish is sooo good! :) You were very brave, Harley! Glad you are good and healthy!

Ivan from WMD said...

Harley, I'm sure they got your report all mixed up! There's NO WAY you're 99 years old!

I think your vet should go back in the service!

Link the Cat said...

Harley, this post is SO cute! You are such a handsome boy in your carrier.

Lorenza said...

Yes! Going to see the Vet is not funny... I know about it!
Glad to know you are very healthy!
Kisses and hugs

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

You are very brave, Harley! Charlie & Kennedy have to go to the vet next weekend, and they're not going to like it, either.

Your Daily Cute said...

You were very cute in your carrier, Harley. And by "cute," I mean brave.

peppylady (Dora) said...

When we had horses and vet didn't come all that much.
But even they change rigs soon as they pulled in they would run to far end of the pasture.

Coffee is on

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We wish we dint need the vet! But he helps us even though we don't much like it at the time!

Anonymous said...

You've got it SO right dude, RUN! Going to the V.E.T. is no fun at all. MAX gets to be the next one to go at our house.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You're so brave Harley!

one of Fae's humans said...

you seem to handle going to the vet pretty well, Harley. i hope you get treats afterwards. :)

The Furry Bambinos said...

We completely AGREE about the running and hiding part! Cookie and Caramel had their annual checkup on Wednesday.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

This is a very good explanation of what goes on at the vets...but you politely left off the temperature taking part...

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