You know I LOVE my gerbil pals BERT and ERNIE. Today I am going to EXPLAIN where GERBILS come from!

Bert and Ernie are
MONGOLIAN GERBILS. This means they come from MONGOLIA. They live in SEMI-DESERT and STEPPES. I am pretty SURE it is very BORING there. Once Bert and Ernie got TOO BORED, they decided to LEAVE Mongolia.

So they PACKED up all of their STUFF and LEFT! I am pretty SURE they WALKED because HITCH-HIKNG is DANGEROUS.

When they first got to AMERICA, they went to a PET SHOP. There were lots of TOYS and and lots of FUN stuff to do there. So Bert and Ernie were HAPPY for a while. But then they got LONELY and wanted a REAL family. So they came to live with US!

Now Bert and Ernie are HAPPY all the time!

How Does THAT Work: Gerbils!
43 Notes for Daisy:
Wow, Bert and Ernie came a REALLY long way to get to your house!
Thanks for teaching us about Gerbils, we don't have them in NZ either. We are glad that they found a great family to live with.
Wow that's a great explanation, Harley! Bert and Ernie are so lucky to have found you and Daisy!
Xanthe xxx
That is a wonderful story! So glad they are happy living with you and Daisy now.
We sure are glad they had a safe trip and made it all the way to your house. They are so cute and deserve a great home and we know they have one there at your house. Thanks Harley for telling us about their trip. Take care.
Oh Harley, I'm sure that's EXACTLY how it happened. Bert and Ernie sure do know how to inspire change in their lives.
So glad Bert and Ernie have such a wonderful sister as you Daisy!
Lucky Bert and Ernie! They've come a long, long way!
Hooray! I love a happy ending. :)
I like the "hobo" look on Ernie--that is very cute. I'm surprised they don't have little pouches like hamsters do. That would be really handy for carrying your stuff while you are traveling.
sounds plausible to me.
Bert and Ernie are pretty smart to find their way to you and you're very smart to have figured it out!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Bert and Ernie were very courageous to leave their birth-place and travel so far to be with you! They're lucky gerbils to have found you!
-Fuzzy Tales
Wow, Bert and Ernie's little feet must have been very tired by the time they came to live with your family!
Dear Daisy, Gerbils come from Mongolia!!!No wonder they left!
That was a long way for those two little gerbils to travel - we hope they brought enough sandwiches to last the journey.
We know they have a lovely home with Daisy and you Harley.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Wow I wish we had pets like that. Do they know you are telling every buddy their personal info?
Benny & Lily
Your cut and paste artwork is awesome. Look, they even have a bindle for their stuff just like a couple of hoboes.
Thanks, Harley! We always wondered where they came from and how they got here!
We are so glad they left their homeland and came to Florida so they could live with you & your mommeh. They have such a plush & cushy life now and we're glad they're happy little gerbils!
I did not know they traveled all that way! Did they need passports or anything? And what about all that talk of getting rid of illegal immigrants? Are they legal?
AHHH great story! So Mongolian Gerbils came from Mongolia huh? Who knew that! I can imagine how bored they were in the dessert. They are so lucky to have finally found you as their family!
Harley, that's a great story about how Bert and Ernie came to live with you. That must have taken a long time to walk from Mongolia - their little legs must sure be tired!
They sure came a long way but I bet they think it was well worth it now they are with you.. They are cute aand I bet they are ass good as bird tv to watch.. Hugs GJ xx
Thank you for that Harley. Did you know that I am an African goat? I came from the desert too!
Thank you for that Harley. Did you know that I am an African goat? I came from the desert too!
I expect that's exactly how it all came to be...
Thanks for explaining it to us Harley. That was a very long journey for them and must have worn their little legs down. We bet they had long legs like kitties when they started.
Bert and Ernie probably needed to soak their feet after their long,long travels!
the critters in The Cottage
that's pretty cool!!!
That sounds like a long trip -- I'm so glad they made it to your family.
So that's how Bert and Ernie got to your house!! Lucky them!!
Harley, Daisy, Mommy and I would love to invite you to our house. Thing is, mommy would be trying to kiss the furs offa ya. So, don't fall for it, MOL.
Great explanation, Harley! So glad Bert & Ernie found such a wonderful family to belong to :)
You are so smart AND handsome Harley=how do you know so much about everything??...We are glad Bert and Ernie found your fun home to live in...We enjoyed Daisy's WW post as well=yummy!!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
that was a great story! We loved learning the background about Bert and Ernie
They are really neat could go that far!
Now I know!
Thanks for sharing their story!
Kisses and hugs
Harley, you are so SMART! Great job explaining about how Bert and Ernie came to live with you and Daisy. 'Cos we were wondering!!! :)
O hai! :) I like ur friends. They are cyoot! :)
We are glad Bert and Ernie travelled all that way to live with you. They sure knew the right place ta stay!
Tell Bert and Ernie to be carefuls about hitch hiking! I don't want them to get destuffed!
Bert and Ernie are clearly intrepid adventurers! They sure picked the right home to live in.
Oh Harley, your story is the best! We are so glad Bert and Ernie had a safe journey and ended up with you and Daisy.
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