Something very extra BAD has happened to me. My Facebook page was just de-activated. My Mommeh helped me submit an appeal with her picture ID, but I do not know if my account will be reinstated. I am trying my hardest not to cry until I know if it is permanently de-activated. I will miss all my Facebook buddies.

I Has a Sad
69 Notes for Daisy:
Oh thats terrible! Why did they do that?
What? Daisy, that is so sad! I hope your mom can get it taken care of. :(
Oh no, Daisy! That is awful! Should we start a "Bring back Daisy the Curly Cat" page for you?
Iz sorry Daisy, that FB iz mean to anipals. At least thats wat I herd an they iz mean to you. Hiss!
Sorry, Daisy! But, looking on the bright side, I love that picture of you!
But, still...Facebook is a meany.
We don't do FB, Daisy, but that sounds like a silly mistake to us! We hope you get your page back up soon!
-Fuzzy Tales
Do NOT Like.
AUGH! I've always worried they might do this. And they have no reason. Their explanations about removing animal pages is indefensible.
Big hugs to you and your mommeh as you try to get the page back. Let us know if there's anything we can do!
They removed mine for a day, but mom submitted a request, stating that it was a valid account, and it was reinstated within a day. Good luck!
Horrible meanies!!
We hope you get it back cause we would miss you too
Mommy said a bad word for you, Daisy. We aren't on FB, but we do feel for you.
But why, Daisy? Why?
We don't use facebook, but the world will be missing you Miss D. Does they not know that you are a world famous celebrity?
Oh Daisy, this makes us very sad too. We loved seeing U on FB. We agree with Sparkle we should start a Bring Back Daisy the Curly Cat Page.
Oh Noes Hugs. Maybe you can share a page with your mom like Beau does. And maybe you mommy can add some human pictures just for the people too see. I wonder if your impostures caused this?
That's craziness! Did they give a reason? Were you hacked?
Oh, no, Daisy! We're sad too. We do hope your account will be reactivated soon.
That's just pure crap~!!!
I had to create a Fan Page for my cats, Daisy. Facebook makes you do a fan page anyways - human, cat, music band or otherwise -once you reach 5,000 friends, or you just cap off at 5,000... so perhaps it is for the best. Just create a fan page! We'll follow you there, too!
About a month ago Facebook did a HUGE improvement for Facebook Pages. It's much more like a personal account now.
OH who do we contact about this Daisy? Who do we complain too. I heard about another anipal being taken down for some odd reason.
Damned stupidl If you find out who we need to write to, email or contact LET US KNOW and will will jump into action.
Hi Daisy - we are sorry that Facebook is such dummies! We don't use Facebook but we havce heard about this happening to other animals on there. Why don't they just create a Facebook Animals or something like that. Just silly if you ask us (though we did always wonder how our anipals get around the age requirement since most are under 13).
WHAT!!? How dumb is they at Face Book?? Mombena was wondering why she could no longer see you rFB page. Shoot we just became FB furriness not too long ago. SIgh. Our Nebelung, G, has a FB page. I wonder if FB will deactivate his too..... Sigh.
Oh no! We're so sorry about this, Miss Daisy. We hope those people can get it together for you again.
Why would they do that to you? I don't get it! Hope you can get it re-instated! Very sad--how dare they kick you out!
THIS JUST PLAIN SUCKS! we are so sorry to hear this...the world is crazy!
Dat is so sad. We were wondering if dat wuz gonna happen to da kitteh FBers cuz FB is cracking down on young children who has FB accounts too. Just a matter of time afore dey got to us. FB is just worried bout marketing and selling stuff. Dey is too stoopid to know dat humans are involved here.
Oh, noes! I am not on FB, but I wonder if they will also want to cancel animal blogger pages!
Very sorry to hear that, Daisy. I hope you get back. You have a huge bunch to support you if you do a Daisy page.
That really stinks, Daisy! We are so sorry to hear that. We hope you get re-activated.
Oh Daisy, I have a sad now, too. I'm sorry and will keep my fingers crossed that your account comes back soon!
Daisy, why did they do that? I wish Facebook would leave us cats (and cat people) alone!
Dat's horrible. If they can have goats on face book there surely is room for the Daisy Cat.
Oh no Miss Daisy!!! We don't like you to be sad!! We hope face book puts you back on RIGHT NOW!!!!
((((((HUGGGGGSSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,
Oh no. You have to let us know what happened. Kiefer and I both have FB pages. Andy does not have one cuz he's not smart enough to type.
Oh Daisy! That is a sad. I liked your facebook posts.
That is mean
I am scowling at FB for you, Daisy!
FB is weiwd
Mine was deactivated, then mommi made one of hew own , but I'm still the one who talked, than mine was weinstated, now we have to check two and it makes us mad.
Pleez don't be sad..we ALLL love you
smoochie kisses
Don't they know cats are people too?????????
That is way too mean :(
We show spot 13 at FB!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Bacon thinks this is totally unfair. >:( Cats are people, too, and as such they need facebook!
Oh no! :( Daisy, I am very sorry. I hope they put it back.
It's ridiculous to deactivate you! You are pretty, funny, and informational, too! If they've started a "Bring back Daisy" page, I'll be there for you!!!!
Makes me laugh. I try all kinds of things to get MY account at Face Book deleted. I can't get it done. And here you loose yours by no fault of yours.
I do NOT like FaceBook. Security makes us nervous. We'll stick to Blogspot.com and the forums.
Luck with getting yours back.
Boo and hiss to Facebook. We hope you get your account back soon.
Moe, Carmela, and Cosmo
probably because you are waaaay more popular than his dog is!!!
I hope they reinstate you! That is a bunch of you-know-what that they would do that!
Dat is da man just keeping a kitty down.
I hope they reinstate your page - I love seeing you on FB!
That is terrible! We are so sorry, sweet Daisy. We hope your account gets re-instated real soon.
OH dear, why did Facebook de-activate your account? That's just terrible! I feel so sorry for you & your mommy. I hope you will get it back.
That is just crazy! The people at FB sometimes show worrying signs of psychological disorders in the decisions they make. The other day, we couldn't access a link because we were told it was dubious content. It was something about draft horses!
We really hope they reinstate your page, Daisy!
Daisy, that is so unfair. We will purr for yoor Facebook page to re-instated.
We don't do Facebook, but we can see how it would upset yoo.
Boo! That's no fair... Hope to see you back on FB soon!
onoes. :( yet another reason to add to my list of why Facebook sucks...
i hope you can get your account back. :/
oh no :( That's so sad :( This happened to our shelter's FBsite as well. Poof! All 3000 members gone, everything gone :(
Oh, that's why my friends list went down one. I was wondering if I upset someone to want to drop me. But knowing you got the boot for some stupid FB policy makes me really mad. Let us know what we can do to get you back on.
Oh no! Do you need us to sign a petition to help get your page back?!
I think that is terrible. You are so goods on FaceBook, they need to put yous back on!
Maybes we should start an ALL Aminals FB site. Then ALL could be on it! Even da hoomans. After all, theys is animals too!
Daisy, we ALL has a sad knowing we can't see you and Harley on Face Book right now. You are dearly loved, both of you and we at least can see you here on the blog. But we would be so happy if you and your mommeh can get them to reinstate your FB page.
Love you Daisy. xoxoxox
And you were stunning in your blue outfit sweet girl.
We love your pretty blue outfit!
Sure do hope FB lets you back in. Don't they realize that there are hooman beans helping us animals?
~ Malachi and Napoleon
Bummer! I haz a sad wif yoo! Boo hoo!
now why would that do that to such a nice kitty. No wonder I don't like facebook
That is insane Daisy! Fb has deactivated a couple of my friends and they just create a new page and send messages to everyone that they can remember and let them know the new fb page. You could call it Daisy and Harley or something like that . I'm sorry!! Ava and I were searching everywhere for you! We love you Daisy and hope to see you soon!
Aw, Daisy. Make a PAGE! It is OK for kittehs and doggies to have those. Then we can "Like" you, which is just as good as being your friend.
We are sad too Daisy, we hope they reinstate your page. Us cats deserve our own FB pages if we want them...
What was the problem? Did you have more fans than Mark Zuckerberg?
If they don't give it back, maybe your mom can make a fan page for you - you have a LOT of fans and that might be away around their stOOpid rules.
unfair! let us know if we can help at all... we love you!
Daisy you sweet kitty! I hope your mom will be able to fix this problem! I will miss you so much if you have to leave. I know my little Perry girl will miss you too!
Oh no Daisy, so sorry for you. We can't stand you being sad, it breaks our hearts...
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