Since my Facebook page was de-activated, I think today is a good day to wear blue. I will try not to be too sad, since I am a professional. Here I am modeling just the skirt so you can see the fancy diamond trim. Do you see the shiny silver underskirt? I know it is a little bit Wrong to model topless, but I think it would be more Wrong for you to miss seeing my pretty skirt.

Ta da! Here is the matching top. The top has a fancy built-in string of pearls. They are not as good as REAL pearls, but almost. Can you see the ribbon that is stuck to my shirt? That part is real!

Please to place a matching pearl bracelet upon my dainty paw!

I will pose real upright so you can see my entire ensemble.

And now for the pièce de résistance. That word is just a fancy way of saying "the best part"! Since my outfit is blue, I can pair it with my glamorous blue coat.

Feeling Blue
62 Notes for Daisy:
How can you look at that face and not be cheered up.
Daisy, while you are feeling blue, we must say you look great IN blue!! That is a lovely outfit. Bet wearing it makes yo smile ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
I still say that's terrible about Facebook taking down your profile, Daisy! My human set up a fan page for me because she heard they had some weird issue about having humans-only profiles (which is totally prejudice, if you ask me). Even so, you are famous and should be allowed to have a profile. Feh!
Miss D, you look all fancy and ready for a night on the town. Thanks for making us smile sweetie.
You look fabulous in your blue today. Who know what tomorrow will bring for any one of us cats. Scary stuff! Like Sparkle, we set up a fan page, but I am not sure anything is too sacred. They should not mess with a star such as you!
I can't believe Facebook did that to you Daisy. That is just horrible. We are so sorry. You do look terrific in blue. We love the skirt and the top part but we don't mind a bit you being topless.The jacket is just purrfect too. Hope you have a good day.
You look fab in blue sweet Daisy!
So sorry to hear about your FB issues, not fair!
Oh Daisy, you look just FABULOUS! The idiots at FB don't know what they're missing.
why oh why were you deactivated??Sad I could see you even more there.???
You iz simply stunning in a symfony of bloo n silver!
Oh my goodness. This outfit is a show-stopper, Miss Daisy. Perhaps it would cheer you up to hear you are one pretty lady cat.
Daisy... You are the ultimate. Beautiful outfit and beautiful model!
pawhugs, Max
Your outfit is gorgeous! Sorry you are so sad about losing your Facebook page though. I am blue today too--my computer wouldn't boot up this morning and gave me a very bad message to contact tech support or the administrator but no number to call! I have no clue what to do other than just go buy a new one. I went into work early today to link up my fragments and will use the one at the library temporarily.
You look great in your fancy outfit. And boo to Facebook for deactivating your account. That's just rude of them. Don't they know you are a celebrity? Maybe your Mom can create a fan page instead.
You look great Daisy...paws crossed to get back on the book of faces!
i've always thought that pink looked great on you, but blue works too. :) i really do like that skirt!
that is terrible!!! did they do it without contacting you? what is their rational?!
Daisy, even though you have a sad, you still look beautiful!
Daisy, you are the ultimate glamour girl!
You look fabulous!!! We don't know about those facebook peoples so we can't say, but we don't think anyone should be deactivated - that just sounds bad....
We're sorry to hear about your facebook page being taken down Daisy. We love your outfit today and love the blue coat - it makes you look very glamorous - you are so stylish.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Daisy, yoo look stylish even when yoo are sad. We are so sorry about yoor FB page. We are purring for it to be restored and an explanation give ~ and a SORRY wouldn't come amiss either.
Extra smoochies for yoo today.
We're so sad that Facebook took your page down.
You're looking quite lovely in your blue dress.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
You look very pretty in blue. We hope you get FB fixed
that's too bad about facebook. if you have any computer programming skills, maybe we should set up a animal only social networking site...
You look meowvelous! Just stunning in your fancy outfit.
And you must set up a fan page on facebook. I have two:
Audrey l. D. Petschek, animal lover/advocate
Audrey l. D. Pwtschek, realtor extraordinaire
On these fan pages you can have unlimited friends and you can even do paid advertising for your fabulous shirts, mugs, etc and go global.
Love you daisy...and harley, too!
You say what ??!!
Has fb de-leted your profile just because you have 4-legs ??!!
You look soooo cute in your silver and blue outfit !!!
We are not FB fans- too mainstream and not enough room for the kind of creativity necessary to set us four leggers apart from mere humans.Don't feel blue. Your blog is artistic and dazzling!That's more than enough.
Daisy you put Esme to shame with your superior modeling skills.And where do you shop??!!
the critters in The Cottage
That gorgeous coat really makes the outfit!
Daisy, tell Mom that when she's pleading your case with the facebook people to remind that when facebook founder recently adopted a puppy one of the first things he did was to create a facebook page for the puppy. If its okay for him then it should be okay for you and Mom. I hope you get back on facebook soon. I love your blog!! You guys are great. Say hi to Harley and Ernie and Bert.
Very beautiful as usual today Daisy!
If you lived here you'd need that coat 'cause it's real cold again.
We are sorry about your facebook page. Hopefully it was some kind of mistake.
Daisy! Yous is stunning!!
Me would shred Mommy if she tried to put clothes on me.
Sorry about facebook. I wonder if they will get me too!
Daisy, you are gorgeous. I don't know how those facebook people can keep you de activated for so long.
Oh Daisy! That is such a glamorous outfit! We luf it! And the pearls on your top are exquisite!
Luf, Us
Oh Miss Daisy! You look absolutly fantastic in that outfit! Meowm loves the shiny skirt!
We are very sorry your Facebook account got deactivated!
Wow Daisy you look so fancy in your blue outfit! We wish it didn't match your mood though - we are sorry they diabled your Facebook page - we hope they will give it back to you!!
Those look purrrrfect on ya, girl!
It's too bad Facebook did that to you Daisy but we think you look beautiful in your blue outfit!
Daisy, we didn't know about your FB page. How unfair! But you do look very nice in your blue skirt.
We commented on your pretty blue dress in your last post. We got so frustrated to learn you are not on FB anymore, we got confused. Well, Mom got confused. We never get confused.
We sure do hope you get back, but if you do not, we have always followed you here on your blog (when our computer is working).
~ Malachi and Napoleon
I must say that you look quite snazzy today! Hopefully, your FB page will be reinstated soon.
Daisy, you look lovely. I love your outfit, blue is one of my favorite colors. I just love you and Harley. Hang in there pretty girl. Hopefully Facebook with come to their senses. Don't be sad, you are very loved.
Audrey D is right you can set up a Fan page too. I am SO DISGUSTED with Facebook for removing your page. If I can help in any way please let me know. I will write, email, (I'm doing a 'disgusted of New Zealand' blog post once the #Spookypawty is out of the way!!!!)
Dash Kitten
Daisyflower, you are so beautiful and your first picture almost kind of made me embarrassed to see you with out your shirt on, BUT THEN!! I remembered that sometimes you go around without clothes on - like ME
You are so cute.
I hope your house is geting fixed without too much turmoil. It must be the time for fall apartie houses, our upstairs a/c broke, so we re going to get a racket here next Friday -- hoo boy
bonks to both of you for fun and sun
Wow! You´re a super fashion kitty!!!!
Love this clothes!!!!!
You look mah-velous, Miss Daisy! We are sorry about your FB account, and hope it gets re-activated again soon!
Hugs and head bonks to you, Harley and your mom.
Your so beautiful :)
You are the most professionalest professional model ever, Daisy!
We are devastated that Facebook deactivated your account. We are so glad we know you on the OUTSIDE!!!
We love your outfit and modeling skills...
Purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Angel Yuji
That coat is just too much. Your wardrobe is better than mine!
Hello Beautiful Daisy! You are looking especially fashionable today!
Thanks for stopping by my Blogoversary pawty!
I'm sorry to hear about your Facebook profile, and you're are a true professional! That skirt is just gorgeous, and I love your top and jacket too! Thanks for always making me smile Daisy..I hope your profile gets fixed soon so you can turn that frown upside down!
I'm sorry to hear about your Facebook troubles :( But, that is a wonderful outfit, Daisy! Very fancy :)
Happy, sad or somewhere in between, you always look lovely Daisy.
yikes! I hope Kali & Aswell's facebook page doesn't get deactivated.
Maybe I should do something about that
U look so cyoot! :)
Oh, no, you didn't get the pearl bracelet you requested. Well, that's okay. You look adorable in the outfit without it.
Oh Daisy, you look gorgeous. I am sorry that you got deactivated...
Oh Daisy, even if you are feeling blue, you look gorgeous!! I love your outfit and you make me feel happy :-)
Deactivated? Our Daisy?! How COULD they? We love you Daisy (and Harley) and hope it all works out for you with FB. If not, it's their loss.
Oh, and BTW, you look great!
~Emerson and Little Nicky
What! If they do not keep you then we all must write and sign a petition! I do not like FaceBook that much anyway. How could anyone resist you precious Daisy, handsome Harley and your Mommeh and Daddeh!
I am not thinking nice thoughts right now! :(
I love your outfits. As ever, you look divine!
Love always,
Why did Facebook do that to you Daisy?? :(
WOWIE! That is reely an exqwisit onsombul. I have to admit, I kinda got da urjes win I saw yoo topless!
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