Thursday, May 5, 2011

Construction Supervisor

There is more LOUD construction work on our big SHOWER! The repairman is taking a BREAK so I will go CHECK everything OUT! I am MANLY like that.
Hmmmm, the DRAIN appears to be installed PROPERLY. I see the CEMENT BOARD is Easiest to Cut and Fasten. This looks RIGHT.
Here is a SELECTION of TILES. NONE of them MATCH exactly. We'll have to put a BORDER so you do not NOTICE the DIFFERENCE. Tsk, tsk.
Okay, everything is in ORDER. My JOB here is DONE for now.
Hey, DAISY! Do you want to CHECK it OUT? You might be TOO SKERRED!
Um, the REPAIRMAN is BACK. I will FINISH snoopervising from under the BED.
ps: LATER on, the workerman poured a bunch of CONCRETE on the bottom. After he LEFT for the day, I RAN over and put my PAW into it! My Mommeh said NONONO real loud, and I ran off. She tried to SMOOTH OVER my pawprint and only made it WORSE. Now Mommeh is very UPSET! I HOPE when they lay the TILES it will cover over my MISTAKE!


53 Notes for Daisy:

Poppy Q said...

It is like Hollywood having your paws in concrete. Nice of your mum to try and fix it - hope your builders laugh about it in the morning.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Haven´t your mom taken any pictures on your pawprints in the concrete ?
I just love to see that :)

Karen and Gerard said...

Aw, why did your mom mess up your print. I would think she would have liked it! Hope it came off your paw though okay. I bet it didn't feel very good on your feet.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Now your paw print will go down in infamy! You should write your name under it and then have Daisy put her print next to yours! The job isn't complete. That's all :)
~Lisa Co9T

HH and The Boys said...

Famous people put their paw prints in cement. You were just doing what comes naturally.... After all you are famous.

pawhugs, Max

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

So very manly, Harley!

We're surprised your Mommy didn't choose to keep the pawprints there!!!

Link Bartholomew said...

Oh Harley, I bet DAISY would never put her paw in wet concrete! Good job inspecting the work, buddy.

Marg said...

Oh Harley, that was kind of a good idea. We would have left your little paw print in the concrete. Guess that wouldn't have been good though later on. That is sure going to be a nice shower. Take care.

Forever Foster said...

I'm pretty sure that means you have to find a special see through tile, so your footprint will stay on display. We bet the builder is very glad that you are there to quality assess his work. There will be no slacking from him with you on the job!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Was the concrete put down right Harley - we know you were only testing it!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Anonymous said...

I think she should have left your paw print alone!
Marian in Houston

Cory said...

Harley, we are learning a lot from you. I've heard that builders are coming to our very own bathroom next week to remodel we'll know what to do.



Pee know you are a just wanted your pawprint there for everyone to admire forever.

Dma said...

a supervisor has to sign off on a project. you're mom should know that.

JD at I Do Things said...

Harley, you are so big and brave! And I don't think you made a mistake by putting your paw in the cement. I think in time your Mommeh would love to have a permanent Harley-print in the floor of her lovely bathroom!

Lin said...

I would think they would appreciate your pawprint of approval! Sheesh. Wet cement is very tempting, Harley. I do not blame you one bit for sticking your paw in there.

Anonymous said...

Good job with the snoopervising!

Karen Delaney said...

Oh dear, Harley is such a Mancat! Our mancats were completely mezzzzmerrrizzzzed by the mortar when we tiled the house in Texas. The lady cats politely ignored it, at least in front of us!

meowmeowmans said...

Great snoopervising, Mancat Harley! We are glad you checked to make sure the workermen were doing the job right. :)

And we know you were just giving the concrete the snoopervisor's official "paw of approval."

Cat said...

I thought your mum would like to keep your paw print in the cement for posterity. Oh well, I still think you are a great supervisor Harley :-)

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Harley! You did a very good job of snoopervising! We understand about putting your paw in the cement - we know that it is irrisistable to lots of humans too because mom said she has seen footprints in cement and also hands and names!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What is wrong with autographing your snoopervision work? Moms get nutty
Benny & Lily

LP said...

Well the tiles will cover over your smeared paw print but not to worry! You, Harley, will always know it is there:D Mwahahahaha.
Our friend who recenlty bought her house went through the exact same thing as you.Ugh.It will be great for you when it is all done! She also put a border of new tiles around her existing tiles since she could no longer find the same tiles.Ugh.It will be over soon!!
the critters in The Cottage

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think she should have left your pawprint! I bet it would have been a big selling point and probably get lots more money if your family ever moves and if they don't, they could sell tickets to show people!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sorry Mommy tried to erase your paw print!

brokenteepee said...

Well I guess you will always be part of the shower huh Harley

Sparkle said...

MOL Harley, you only put your paws in cement at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood!

jenianddean said...

Well sometimes we "over snoopervise" like putting our paw in the cement or getting our tail in paint. We mean well, and I'm sure that they will be able to make it OK.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hey, dat was not furry nice of yoor mommy. Yoor famus, yoo should haf yoor paw prints in der... said...

Looks like you are very busy Daisy. You are doing a great job.

Amber-Mae said...

I don't think a tile should be placed on top of that cement with your pawprint on it!

OKcats said...

Do you know what, Harley? We think you probably have the smartest Mommeh in the world, and we don't recall ever disagreeing with her. Until now. We don't understand at all why she would want to cover up your paw print. That just seems Wrong.

Unknown said...

Hmmm, paws in concrete! Me did that last summer and daddy did not notice until it was too late. He puts the tiles over it! Harley, Yous is a great Cat From Hell!

Mr Puddy said...

Harley, Your mom should be proud of you. Paws Print is AWESOME !!!
Let's the builder know how famous you are !

peppylady (Dora) said...

Gee you see our shower..hubby and I tried to redo our and it only made a mess.

Coffee is on.

Ann said...

being such a famous cat you should have your paw print in the cement. I'm sure your mom must have been upset about something else. :) Good job supervising

Clooney said...

We know you were just trying to help out, I mean you're taking the Snoopervisory job very serious and all...your paw must look pretty cool, huh?

Shaggy and Scout said...

You are brave snoopervisors and we are glad the work is going well.
Don't worry about the pawprint. When it gets covered up it will be a sweet little secret you & mommy have each time you look at the spot.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have worked very hard at your snoopervising Harley. You did the right thing by signing the concrete with a paw print. We don't know why your mum messed it up. We always leave a pawprint or twenty in new concrete.

Athena said...

You did a great job snoopervising, you are so brave! I don't know why your mama tried to wipe out your paw print, I think she should have left it there! It could be worth a lot of money since you are so famous.

Cara n Crew said...

Hee hee! We had to giggle about your pawprint, Harley. That would be cool to know that your print is there, under the shower tiles, for all time :). good job snoopervising!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and HOllie

Anonymous said...

we would love to have a cement paw print of you!

Marilia said...

The best supervisors ever!!! I need you to supervise my constrution here!!! Can you help me?

The Island Cats said...

Heehee! We wish we woulda done that when we were having our shower done!!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

I think it's awesome that you left your pawprint for all time!

Your Daily Cute said...

You know, I think I would like to have a paw print in my bathroom. Tell your Mommeh to just leave it.

Donna said...

Wow, that must be skerry! Don't be afraid to take a nap and relax until it is done. :)

one of Fae's humans said...

you're so brave, Harley, but that's quite the big "OPPS!!"

sometimes you gotta stay out of the way. :(

Anonymous said...

Aaawww...leaving your paw print would have been like a seal of approval; especially after you had inspected it so thoroughly.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh I wish your paw print was still there...but no concrete on your feets!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

At least the mistake will APPEAR ta be Mommy's!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Snerk giggle giggle ... Bwah ha ha ha ha ha!

Sorry ... we couldn't help but laugh. It sounds like something that would happen around here, too. The fosters are always doing something silly - Bart is whapping everything off any surface in the kitten room. Mom had to remove the lamp because he kept whapping it over onto the floor. He also chewed Vitaly's medical paperwork when Mom left it out by accident.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky

Theresa H Hall said...

Oh no! leave Harley's paw prints. Just like the movie stars make hand prints. Same thing ... well sort of.

Maureen said...

Ha! Yes, you must be famous; you should have written your name beside the pawprint too! ;)

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