Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Secret

I have a little secret to confess to you. I am an Overgroomer. When I am anxious or nervous, I tend to overgroom my furs and make bald spots. This is also called "barbering" even though barber shops are for boys. Can you see my bald spots here?
I will let you look closer. Most of the furs in this circle have been groomed off! I also have a little sore spot. Luckily this picture is from a long time ago.
Hmmm, what could have caused me to do this?
Got any ideas, HARLEY?!?
These pictures were taken quite a while ago. I am not stressed out about the Harley Quinn any more, and I do not have any bald patches now. Even though the Harley Quinn could make anycat tear their furs out!


56 Notes for Daisy:

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy I'm sorry you have had some stress issues! Scott says our Auntie Doris (whom we never had the privilege of meeting) used to do the same thing. I can understand how Harley could cause stress - boy cats can be so annoying at times. Ruby x

M Dawson said...

I'm glad you mentioned it. Sometimes people don't know that this happens and their cats might be doing it. Taking away stress is important then isn't it?



Ann said...

Oh Daisy, why is it that those silly males cause us so much stress and we do things like that. I'm glad to hear that you aren't having stress problems now. If Harley starts to stress you out again just give him a good whack.

Angel Simba said...

That was quite some bald patch that you made, Daisy. Your Momma must have been worried about it. I am so glad you don't overgroom yourself any more.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's because you're very sensitive, Daiy. We' glad you're taking the Harley in your stride now!

The Chans

Poppy Q said...

Miss D, we are glad that you are not as stressed by your brofur as when those pictures were taken. Lots of us cats like to groom, it comforts us and reminds us of our momcats looking after us.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our typist is having an off day. We did mean DAISY!

Mr Puddy said...

Daisy, It's so good to hear you can deal with your dangerous brother very well now, But you know what..He will get his karma in the future...He will get a bald patchy girl friend for SURE..heh..heh

Teddy Westlife said...

I know exactly how you feel, Daisy!

Lisa Kolosey said...

I am so glad HQ doesn't stress you out as much now. I guess now he is just annoying, huh?

Your furs are beautiful!

~Lisa Co9T

Karen and Gerard said...

My dad had Sweet Thing who did that too. The vet gave him something though and then he stopped and his furs grew back too. I don't remember what it was now that he got. Glad Harley does not stress you out so much anymore.

Marg said...

Gosh Daisy, we sure are glad you aren't doing that any more.We sure don't need a bald Daisy. You would have to wear some of your costumes all the time. Hope all of you have a fun week.

Link Bartholomew said...

Daisy, my Uncle Wendall has the same problem, but he bites his furs out in huge chunks and leaves them laying around the house. We sure do not like to hear about your stress. All kitties deserve to be stress-free.

Maria said...

Hey Daisy,
I'm sorry you are feeling a little stressed. I had a little Devon Rex who use to over groom. His issue was pretty severe, though. He would cause hair loss and sores all over his body, but especially on his belly. I worked with vets for years, but finally met with a homeopathic vet who (after a few different remedies), gave him the homeopathic remedy for rabies. The change was almost instant. He stopped over grooming and returned to his normal, bright eyed self. I don't remember the remedy, but I can find out if you are interested. (oh, and it wasn't that he was bitten by an animal with rabies. He actually reacted to his rabies vaccination.)

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Daisy, you is nervous like I am! - Miles

Forever Foster said...

We are glad that you are feeling happier with Harley, Daisy. Lishy overgrooms sometimes. He is very fastidious about cleaning himself after he has been touched. Mum teases him about trying to get the germs off.

Devon said...

OH! My cat used to do this! He had huge bald patches of fur from licking it all off. They blamed it on anxiousness and gave him steroid shots. He lived with 4 other kitties at the time, so no wonder he was anxious!

i beati said...

No wonder you are so gorgeous -- Harley too of course.

Maureen said...

Aw... so sorry to hear you get stressed Daisy! But hopefully that is a thing of the past! I didn't hear about this before; you are always teaching me new things!

Anonymous said...

New things can stress anyone out!

Clarissa said...

Oh sweet Daisy, I am an overgroomer too! About every 12 weeks I have to get a Depo shot. I keep my tummy bare and sometimes I will chew it raw. It hurts mom because we don't know why I do it. It started in July 2004, right before my grandpurr crossed the Bridge. Until then, I had a magnificent white, furry tummy.

I'm glad you don't do that any longer!

Clarissa Anne

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh Daisy,

Brighton barbers himself too...licks the furs on his belly and one front leg sometimes. Another of the Furrydance extended family does what you used to do to her furs, but she was allergic to storage (grain) mites and once they put her on all wet food, she got much better...but those mites are invisible and can live in any grains, even human cereals and rice and flour etc.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Daisy, I used to do the barbering too and I had feline acne as well. But I have quit barbering now that ly allergies are taken care of. You are beautiful no matter what and by the way, I can imagine how *I* would feel if *I* had a new brofur!!

Dma said...

i guess overgrooming is better than undergrooming. but still i hope that those days are mostly behind you...

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Glad that your not stressed about Harley anymoore !

Fuzzy Tales said...

Daisy, we're glad Harley doesn't stress you out like that anymore!

Janet said...

Oh, deer! Glad you and Harley are getting along better now, Daisy! Boys can make you a little bit crazy!

Raymond and Busby said...

Hai Daisy, I used to overgroom too and make boo boos, mostly on my legs. Like you, I don't really do it anymore. We don't know why I was stressed but it wasn't because of Busby because I can run way faster than him. xo, Raymond

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad you're not stressed about Harley anymore. Sniffie used to do that sometimes too.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh dear poor you I think there must be some stress bothering you or is it maybe a habit you have got into. I hope you dont make yourself realy sore. Take care. Hugs GJ xx

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Daisy, I am sorry that Harley was so stressful, but I do know that new boys are like that! I didn't overgroom, but I did try and not eat any more.

Winston Wilbur said...

Daisy that Harley!!!!! Shesh boys!

I am also an over groomer. I get totally stressed at the slightest issues. Mum takes really good care of me to make sure that everything in my life goes smoothly so I don't freak out! Sounds like your momma is the same way.

Like you commented on our post the other day...... we also never had a bath like Winston gets. Thank goodness for that. Nope never been in the tub in our 12 years of life. Us kittens don't need baths we are self cleaning and it looks like you are very self cleaning!

cheek kisses

meowmeowmans said...

We understand, Daisy. Moosey overgrooms when he is stressed, too! We are glad Harley doesn't make you anxious anymore.

Sparkle said...

Wow, Daisy, I am glad that Harley is no longer making you tear your fur out!!

brokenteepee said...

I am glad you are better Daisy. You should not go bald so young.
Harley is a bad boy for giving you stress. Thwap him

The Whiskeratti said...

We're so sorry that you do this. Toby went through that once. It was awful.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Daisy! It is ok - we understand about being an overgroomer. Barney is one too - though his seems to go more with the seasons then stress (he always does it in the spring now). He was doing it from stress too, when Floyd was sick and right after Floyd went to the bridge, but then he stopped and now has only done it in the spring (well, he is only 2, so that could change but so far just spring) and doesn't do it anywhere close to what you used to. We are so glad you are not overstressed by your brother now and aren't overgrooming - especially since you did it to the point you had sore spots - that makes it even better you are all calmer now.

Katnip Lounge said...

Daisy, we're glad you aren't stressed out about Harley anymore.

At our House, Rupert is the Barber. He nibbles off CC's eyebrows!

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, we're glad you're not stressed over your brofur any more but we can imagine he can be quite the pawful. We hope you enjoy his antics now!

Athena said...

Oh Daisy, my brofur Kit used to do that too! I don't know why he did it. Surely he couldn't have been stressed out about sweet little me? I'm glad you don't do it anymore!

LP said...

Maybe Harley Quinn thought he was a Harlequin Bug - a pest of cabbage and related plants,instead of a Harlequin - a comic character and he was "bugging" you , instead of making you laugh. I'm sure having a big sister like you to tell him what his role is meant to be, helped alot!! Esme is sensitive like you Daisy so we are glad things have fallen into place :)
the critters in The Cottage

Shaggy and Scout said...

Adjustments are always hard.
We are glad you don't do it so much now!

Lin said...

Oh, that is good that you don't do this anymore, Daisy. It is not a good look.

We used to have a kitty that would do that to her entire hind end! Her tail, belleh, and hind legs would be bare for months and she looked so silly! I don't know why she was stressed--we didn't have kids or another cat at the time.

Grace does that to her belleh now because of HER brother. It must be a brother thing!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

oh dear Daisy sister....I do that too...must be a Devon thing...
Miss Peach

Marilia said...

Oh sweetie!!! I hope you will never be stressed again!!!
Kisses dear

Lorenza said...

That sure "WAS" a secret!
Glad to know you feel now more relaxed and comfy with Harley!
Kisses and hugs

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, we're glad that you aren't so stressed about Harley anymore.

Catsparella said...

Oh no :( I'm glad you are all healed up now, Daisy! Don't let Harley stress you out too much! You should try kitty meditation!

Donna said...

I likes u bofe.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Your secret is safe with us! A lot of kitties do that!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Poor Daisy! I'm glad you're not as stressed about Harley anymore, but I know he can be a pain sometimes!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It still WAS probly Harley! BTW, we dint realize how much bigger than you he is...

Meghann said...

Poor Daisy, Arwen does that sometimes too, especially after she has had an allergy reaction and been itchy for a few days. I hope your furs grow back just as gorgeous as before :)

one of Fae's humans said...

sorry for this late reply!

just wanted to say that Fae has over-cleaning issues, too. i don't know the cause... maybe it's from boredom, but she has a spot on the back of one of her legs that is always bare and very pink. :(

i'm glad you've gotten better! hopefully Fae will too. :/

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Oh, we had no idea you overgroom when stressed out, but we don't blame you. We're just glad you don't do it anymore! :)

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy, we are sorry that you have been stressed to the point of over-grooming. Padre also over-grooms, and he has bald patches on his tummy and wrists.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky

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