Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Neko Fly Mania!

I FINALLY got a Neko Fly of my VERY OWN! HOORAY for me!

And I CAUGHT it on my very FIRST try. I have GOOD eye-paw coordination. And you can SEE that my L-O-N-G TAIL helps with BALANCE.
RATS! That sneaky FLY got AWAY from me.
This athletic pose shows off my MUSCLES! And the BULLS EYE on my LEG! It is not really an EYE, that is just a SAYING. Except I WISH that I could SEE stuff with my BULLS EYE. Things would look FUNNY from my LEG!
I am PRAYING the Neko Fly will not get AWAY this time!
Now I have that sneaky FLY right where I want him. My MOMMEH noticed on this picture that one of my FANGS is BROKEN on the end.
Now I will DRAG my PREY to my LAIR! Neko Fly, you are no MATCH for me!


50 Notes for Daisy:

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wow Harley! We are most impressed. You are a truly mighty hunter!!!

The Chans

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Harley, we love it when yoo get noo toys. No boy deserves noo toys more than yoo do! (Do yoo remember when yoo were in the rescue place and yoo only had one toy of yoor own? It broke our hearts to think yoo were so deprived then). So we LOVE yoo having noo toys now! Smoochies.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

YAY! We were 2nd (and 3rd!)

weaverpat said...

No wonder you have muscles, Harley! All that jumping and pouncing! Now my guys want a Neko fly.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and wishing Happy Birthday to Penny and Isabell.
The Neko fly would make a great birthday gift!

Donna said...

Wow, Harley wins! :)

Mr Puddy said...

MOL... I laugh and laugh with your strong muscle legs...Heh..heh... I bet all lady cats will be swoon here.

Marg said...

Goodness, Harley that looks like a toy we really need to have. You sure are great at catching that fly. That is a cool bulls eye on you hind leg. It would be nice if you could see out of that eye.

Spunky and Manny said...

Good job, Harley! You are very quick and STRONG!

one of Fae's humans said...

good job showing that thing who's boss! you're a master hunter! :)

HH and The Boys said...

Harley... I love that picture of you with the fly in your mouth. I think you should use that as you signature photo... You know. "The Great Hunter at Work." Good job, pal.

pawhugs, Max

The Island Cats said...

You showed that fly who's boss, Harley!! Good job!!

Forever Foster said...

Oh my gosh! That looks like the funnest toy ever!

Anonymous said...

Wow Harley..we are sold!

Dma said...

never has a boy had as much fun with a neko fly in the history of cathood.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh my goodness all that muscular splendour in front of our eyes - and we love your washboard tummy Harley. You must spend all day doing workouts to keep so fit.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow! We have got to get one of those!

Raymond and Busby said...

YAY! We love our Neko fly! We are on our 2nd one, we chewed the first one until it got deaded. You are a mighty hunter Harley!

A few Good Cats said...

Great hunting, Harley! That looks like a lot of fun.

Pandafur said...

Harley that looks like SO MUCH FUN! An you haz rilly strong muskulz!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you are furry athletic!!!

Lin said...

Oh WOW, Harley! You are a fabulous hunter!! And that fly looks like a ton of FUN!! We may need to get one of those here.

Anonymous said...

How did you ever break your tooth?

meowmeowmans said...

That sure is a great Neko Fly, Harley! It looks like a lot of fun. And you sure wasted no time at all showing it who is BOSS! :)

Katnip Lounge said...

Harley, you are a guy who knows how to treat a Neko Fly right! The girls her were admiring your handsome CatThighs...hubba hubba!

brokenteepee said...

You are a spectacular fly hunter.
do you have to go to the dentist?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think you have a good capture there on your Neko fly! I hope that your fang does not hurt or anything.

Devon said...

Wow, Harley.. I think you need to join forces with the Bionicles and help bring Bacon back. You have some fierce warrior skillz!

LP said...

Wow Harley...we would never want to get on your "bad side".Yikes! We don't know this Neko Fly but it sure brings out the Beast in you :P
the critters in The Cottage

Sparkle said...

Harley, you killed that Neko Fly good! I think I am too polite with mine because he never stays killed.

Unknown said...

Harley! Yous the Man!!! Me has to get me one of those!!!

BigSexyBob said...

oh boy, have to tell our mom about Neko Flys...we need some in Feline Family.
Hi, Harley, sorry, Bob here, forgot my manners in excitement about that fly. I'm part of a big family of kitties, Feline Family, at a new blog mom & dad made:

I'm in charge cuz I'm the biggest cat. I'm not the bossiest, Sadie, Addie & JoJo are. I want to eat and sleep...maybe chase that fly. I know the girls the ones i named already would love Nekp flys & then leave me alone.

It's nice to meet you and your fly...you chase good...come visit me and the rest of 'em sometime. Sadie's showing off in a post today, trying to pretend mom or dad wrote it...don't be fooled.

Nap time for Bob so I'm signing off, nice to meet you Harley

Family of many kitties!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Wow Harley !
Right now I´m sooo jelous = Me too want that toy !!!
Great pictures on your succesful hunt !

Admiral Hestorb said...

Harley, I don't know how I could possibly love you more but this did it!!

Your Daily Cute said...

Harley, your face when you have that Neko fly in your mouth is adorable! Fierce, but adorable.

jenianddean said...

Oh we must must must get one of those! You are such a good hunter!

CCL Wendy said...

Very imPURResive Harley! You have wonderful balance as well as terrific eye-hand coordination. And you are so athletically muscled, it must make all the ladycats swoon (well, except for Daisy).

I don't imagine just any kitty could play with a Neko Fly as well as you. It certainly seems tantalizing!

The Florida Furkids said...

You sure are a super hunter!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Harley you are a very good Neko Fly hunter. It looks like a lot of fun.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Harley, you sure ARE athletic! And such good balance too... We are sorry ta see the fang. Mebbe there was a piece of gravel in yer treats?

peppylady (Dora) said...

I never heard of a Neko fly. I know Rosie and Ziggy would enjoy them.

Coffee is on.

Athena said...

Wow, Harley! You are a mighty hunter! Your muscles are most impressive!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Oh boy, Harley, another thing to add on Mommies shopping list......whoo hoo=^Y^=

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That Neko Fly is no match for bulls eye Harley! We never heard of a Neko Fly before.

DameMeow said...

Harley is the best! Way to go...and now my cats want one too after seeing how happy Harley looks

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

The Neko line of toys are Cody's absolute favorites!! You MUST get the one with the furry mouse on the end. Cody knows what drawer I keep it in and will walk into the bedroom and stand on his hind legs waiting for me to open the drawer. I love the quality of that line of toys as well. Great stuff!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh Harley! You are the super fly catcher!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Harley, dude, yoo haf my sisfurs going crazy. How'd yoo bust off yoor toof?

Lorenza said...

You are sooo good Harley!
I love all the pictures of the action... but the last one is priceless!
Kisses and hugs

Maureen said...

Awesome Harley! You are very athletic; that fly didn't have a chance... what a great toy!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Harley, you are very talented indeed! We like how you dragged your Neko Fly off to your lair! Panda Bear does the same thing!! Maybe it's a Tuxie thing?

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky

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