A Tiny Red Cap
We are going to have a modeling face-off! Here is a tiny red cap. Let's find out who can model it the best. First it is Harley's turn. He is doing a good job balancing the cap, but he has wacky ears, so he gets points off for that. He does have a tiny smile.

48 Notes for Daisy:
Hmm, the winner will win some RUMBLESMOOCHIES!!! Therefore I declare the bootiful Miss Daisy the winner!!
(Harley, you can have moonsmoochies)
Harley does look the most at ease with it on....
Yoo all look so good we can't decide! If yoo put a little tassle on it, it would look like a fez!
Daisy, you wear it with the most poise and the most natural ears, and no Photoshop, so I think you are the clear winner!
Ah Daisy, you clearly pull off the Jackie O look with natural ease and such poise and clear but subtle vote grabbing. Chicago politicians may be calling you soon. Harley its just something about the ears, dude.
Harley, You know I'm your friend and I always love your style, Little bit smile killing ladycats heart dude : ) I bet they all swoon here
Yes, Ernie is out with the Photoshopping! I say Harley wins with the smile.
We think you are both excellent models. That little red hat wouldn't have been on our heads for more than 1/4 of a second. We hope you both got tons of treats for being good kitties. Take care. Have a fun day.
Uh, I think Mommeh wins for her photoshop abilities. I am envious of her skills!
Daisy looks so poise with it on her head! :D
I think I like the smile the best, sorry Daisy... I'll have to go with Harley this time.
pawhugs, Max
I love this idea, you all are very charming with this red cap!
Cute portraits!
purrs and love
You are both so good at modelling -we think it's a draw.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That is a VERY bright red cap! But isn't it a lot smaller on the rat?
you are all winners in my book although you kinda look like shriners.
For a moment, we thought Ernie was much more massive than we had imagined!
Gotta go with Harley - we LOVE the ears!!
You're a tough judge, Daisy. That hat looks like it came from the top of a spray paint can.
The smiling Harley is the best model today :)
Well you all look silly - Silly is good!
The cap looks super-cute on Ernie. Looks like a fez! LOL!
You are all sooo cute. You make me want to get a hamster so bad!
You both look great with the red hat!
Ernie looks totally precious! Squeek! Squeek!
Add a tassle to the little red bucket and you have a fez! We think you are all winners! Daisy 'cause you look smashin in everything you model! Harley 'cause you have a Mona Lisa smile. Ernie 'cause you demonstrate cleverness and creativity by using Photo Shop. We have Photo Shop but are too thick to figure it out!!
the critters in The Cottage
Harley needs ear holes poked in his hat!
I think Daisy is a bit more poised but Harley is such a clown that his photo suits his personality. We think that who is the better model depends upon the site that is selling the little red cap (although the Woman laughs because in mythology those critters are not very nice--Red Caps).
ah come on Daisy....... photoshoped or not.... we think Ernie should win on account he looks super Delicious errr.... I mean cute, in the red cap!
Awwww... Poor Ernie!
But I love that you all are such great models!
I rather like Ernie in his hat photoshopped or not
Looks like a tie to us!
Ernie may be photoshopped, but he is owning that picture lol
Hahaha! The tiny red cap is so cute!!!
It's close, but Miss Daisy takes the cake! :) Just started reading your blog - your cats are really cute!
You both are too stinking cute! No offense, but I actually like Harley's picture because of his smile and goofy ears. The little cap looks like a fez. Does that mean you get to drive little go-carts like the Shriners?
You all look great in the red cap, but we vote for Harley. Who could resist his cute and silly smile???
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Sorry Daisy but Harley beat you by a smile :)
Oh dear this is hard.
We just think RED goes so well with black and white.
Oh Daisy we say Harley.
I think you are all three winners! Though I do agree photoshopping should at least have points deducted.
all you need is a feather in your hat
Benny & Lily
Your all winners just because yoor so darned cute. Sadie sez Harley won just 'cuz he's handsome and a mancat and she's a big 'ol flirt!
add a tassel and ya got a fez!
Just when I think that you and Harley and Ernie can't be any more fashion forward, you come up with this. It will be a trend for fall. I can just see it happening.
your Mommy has waaaaaaaaay too much time on her hands!!! lmao!
Oh we think you all look great...even Ernie!!
Daisy you both put Professional Models to shame with your ability to balance the tiny red cap with ease.
Daisy, paws down!!!
HA HA Awesome contest. I declare a tie!!
And thank you for the visit. Yes, Daisy, Oscar is double-pawed! In fact, when my husband said he was triple-pawed, I counted his toes last night. We knew he had extras, but gee! He has 7 on each front foot, 6 on one hind foot and 5 on the other. So instead of a normal 18 toes, he has . . . uhhh . . .25 toes!
Oscar was still a clumsy kitty three weeks ago but now is learning how to use his extra powers. Unfortunately, he usually uses them for evil and not for good.
you all did a fine job...but where's daddy, too shy?!!
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