Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Granola!


49 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

Daisy, the second photo is pretty much how I feel about granola!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We want to be sure and thank you for leaving kind words upon Jack's passing over the Rainbow Bridge. Our cat and cat-loving friends are helping us immensely in recovering from the loss. Baby has deeply grieved, but is doing much better with right attention and love.

-Lisa Lisa and the Cat Jam

We love LUNA said...

Bonjour Daisy,
It's a perfect breakfast, isn't it?
You are adorable, thanks for this cool idea, I think I want a little bit of granola as well!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Too nutty Daisy??

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

You missed one!

Jacqueline said...

Love your photos, especially the second one=we've never had granola before, but we must say, you always look adorable no matter what you are doing !!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Mr Puddy said...

You made me and mom giggle, Miss Daisy : )
You got one left on your cute nose ( last photo )

HH and The Boys said...

I think the boys would probably like granola. They haven't had the opportunity. You make it look yummy.

pawhugs, Max

Lin said...

Yeah......granola. blech.

The Meezers or Billy said...

you got a little bit there on your nose! how cute!

ibcmeir said...

The Mameh takes the best pictures of you.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We've never had granola Daisy but we think that you like it!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! YUM n Delish!!! Happy WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

devon said...

Such a healthy cat! Daisy, granola is so good for you.. but it's even better with a little yogurt added to it! :)

Teddy Westlife said...

Daisy you are too funny!

Vanillabeanseed said...

nom nom nom

Dma said...


Anonymous said...

√ery awesome!

Visiting from Wordless Wednesday :)

Fuzzy Tales said...

We don't think granola could be tasty at all...We're probably make faces akin to the second photo. LOL.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You are such a cutie!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Wednesday!!!!!!

LP said...

Don't eat too much Daisy! It will make you toot, toot!
the critters in The Cottage

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You have just a little bit on your nose. Our person is allergic to stuff in granola so we do not get it.

The WriggleButts said...

Ha ha ha! We haven't tasted that stuff before. Is it good?

Hyssy and Virus

Athena said...

Wow, I've nefur had granola before, but it must be good if you like it!

catsynth said...

I don't think I've ever seen a cat eating granola before. Trying to figure out if the tongue indicates yumminess or the opposite reaction :)

Thanks for stopping by for our 5th Blogoversary yesterday, and for being such a regular visitor/contributor.

Team Tabby said...

Hi Daisy, mom says you tried granola and made a very funny face. I wouldn't like it either.

Thank your mom for the advice about recovering from brain injury, we are also hoping time will heal me.


Jemma Chihuahua said...

Now Tofu wants some granola. Your second pic made us smile.

BeadedTail said...

Granola? That's a treat we've never had. You guys get all the goodies!

By the way, we think your curly whiskers are so cute!

Audra Jones said...

Look at all of Daisy's fans!!! Love those eyes & tongue!

Liss said...

Love that face!

Marilia said...

Daisy!!! I love granola too!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is that a bleech look?

Marg said...

Is that good Daisy?? I don't think we would eat that but we have never tried. Love the pictures of all your facial expressions. Hope all of you have a super day.

Two French Bulldogs said...

YummE that granola stuff is good for you
Benny & Lily

CCL Wendy said...

Granola! Now if that don't beat all!

Kitties are only supposed to like meat, silly.

You sure do look cute eating it, though. Ah, to each their own.

Rose Clearfield said...

Too funny! Our Angel likes some odd foods, too.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well Daisycakes what's up with this?

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Great photos, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

I love granola! But Tobi does not. You are such a healthy kitty. The second picture of you might be my favorite ever, sooooo cute!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Daisy, you look adorable with that tiny piece of granola on your nosey!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Daidy, what vet appointment? You ok?

brokenteepee said...

Hmmm, Harry the Farm cat likes goat grain which is a bit like granola

Angel Prancer Pie said...

I luf granola! Pretty much all cereal is great, tho. Purrs, pretty Daisy.

The Daily Pip said...

Granola is always a great way to start the day.

Your pal, Pip

Your Daily Cute said...

Pimp and Moo have never had granola. Pimp has had cereal, but never his own plate.

Psst... You got a little 'nola on your nose.

The Island Cats said...

Did it go up your nose, Daisy??

Willow said...

Daisy you are so inventive to come up with a new way to savior them. A nose treat will be the newest fad.

Yogi said...

You eat granola? is it good for cats as well as for humans? maybe I am gonna try one too. you cute!!

Maureen said...

Ha! That second picture made me LOL!!!! Awesome Daisy!

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