If you remember,
I told you about how I made a few mistakes on my lab test at the vet's, and so I had to take a potty test. I went potty on the plastic pellets at home like a good girl.

Here is the potty I made on the plastic pellets. I climbed right into the tiny litterbox that had a small layer of these tiny pellets. First I played in them, then I went potty! My potty had to sit in the refrigerator because I decided to go at about 5:30 in the morning! Those black specks are some of the plastic pellets.

Since there was something not exactly right with my sample, the vet wanted a new, fresh sample. So I got dropped off there next week, and I had to STAY there in a tiny cage until I went potty! I stayed there all day long, but I refused to go because I was a little bit skerred. So they STOLE some potty using a long NEEDLE in my BELLEH! AAAIIIEEEEEE! If
you follow me on Facebook, you probably already saw this video.
But now I have some good news....

This potty passed the test! Hooray! I am an excellent student.

Thank you to everybuddy who thought of me during this time. I am certain that is why I did so well on my test!

I Passed My Test!
58 Notes for Daisy:
I'm so glad you passed the potty test, Daisy! Hopefully, no more jail for a long, long time!
I feel bad for your mommy who had to tote around your potty. And I also feel bad that you had to have the potty taken directly from you. No fun. :/
Oh sweetie,
That's such a good news!
Glad everything is fine!
You are so beautiful,
That's the best news! I am happy that you are such a good test taker!
Woof! Woof! Golden Happy to hear you passed the test. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
All that studying worked! Well done Daisy!
Excellent test results, Daisy. Sorry you had to go through so much trauma to find out, though.
So sorry you had to go through all that but at least now you know all is well. Cages separated from your family are very scary! You did good, Daisy!
Oh Daisy that is such good news. Glad you are all right. We have been wondering what the test results were. That sounds like a horrible thing to have happen to you. Glad that is over. Take care.
Daisy, you were so very brave....my Momma has to take me to the vet sometimes, and I'm not nearly as brave as you!
Your Cat Friend, Charity
A special thank you to the vet's office who took such good care of our super model while she was in jail.
Glad you are ok. Hugggggs!
Hooray !!! I know it ! I know it ! You will passed the potty test : )
Hugs to you Daisy, You have done well
Oh, we know the pain!! Grace went yesterday for that darn needle thingy--owie! But you both passed with flying colors--HOORAY! I hope you and Grace did not cheat off each other.
You have to see the funny FB photo of a bat that we found at the vet's office yesterday. While me and Emma were waiting for Grace, we were laughing at all the silly stuff the vet has up in the exam room. You have to make your own fun at the vet--it is NOT a very fun place to be.
Oh Daisy we are so glad!!!
Yay Daisy!!! So glad you passed your test. Have a great day and celebrate your victory.
pawhugs, Max
Great news! We know your Mom must b e relived!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We are so happy you passed the potty test.
Hurray, Daisy, we're glad you passed your test!
We've both had that needle and oh, it's NOT fun.
if i ever have to study for a potty test you'll be the first one i'll call. congrats on your results.
Daisy, you were a bit ticked at the Momeh (funny), but I am so very glad you passed your test
oh thank goodness Daisy!!!
We are glad you passed your potty test Daisy - it's never easy to go if someone's watching!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Daisy, that is wonderful news! But the needle.. shudders.
Yeah! YOu passed the potty test!
I'm so glad your tests came back OK, but it stinks that they had to poke you with a needle.
I told her that studying for that potty test would make all the difference.
Great news Daisy! We knew you would pass the test with flying colours 'cause you're purrrfect !
the critters in The Cottage
We are glad you passed your pee test. I never knew they had those.
YAY! xoxo
Good news Daisy!
Benny & Lily
Congratulations!!! But OUUUUCCCHHH! The needle part sounds super scary. You were very very brave. Mommy and I are very proud of you.
Yay! I am so glad you passed your test.
I would not have wanted a long needle in my belleh!
Daisy! Wes all knows you would pass yopur potty test!
Yous a winner!
Daisy, we are happy as clams at high tide...we KNEW you would do well on your test.
Too bad about the *shudders* needle thing, though, that's scary!
Yay, Daisy! I'm so glad you passed! Too bad you had to take it twice, especially since it wasn't YOUR fault the first one didn't work out.
We're so glad you passed your test Daisy! We bet it was skeery being in that cage all day long but it's over thankfully!
I'm sorry you had to stay at the vet all day! But, I'm really glad you passed your test :)
HOORAY! Great news, Daisy! We're so glad you passed your test. :)
Daisy we are so relieved and happy that all is well with you again!
Good job little girl!
YAY Daisyflower!
I knew you were a winner!
Huray for you Daisy and for that you passed the pottytest !!!
We knew it, Daisy! We are just so pleased for you!!!
YAY Daisy!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are happy you passed...like there was any doubt ;) heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Daisy, as a former vet assistant, I just wanted to tell you that your results are GREAT!!! Your specific gravity indicates you have great kidneys!!! They are as good as a healthy kittens!!! I think you are very brave and I am glad your test results were AWESOME!!!
I love you Daisy and me and mommy are so very extra glad you passed your test. xoxoxoxoxo
I'm so glad you passed your test! Sorry they hadded to take it wif a needle, though.
Good job Daisy! You are an excellent test taker!
YAY DAISY!!! We are sooooo happy for you!
Yeahhhhh Daisy!!!!
Congratulations to the really good results!!! I love this notice!!!
Yay! Your potty should be on the honor roll.
We're so glad you passed your test, Daisy!
We're so happy you passed this test Daisy!!
That's great news, Daisy! You must be really smart to have passed such a hard test. ...Harley would have probably cheated. Happy you're healthy.
I was on pins and needuls wating to see if you wood be okay. I was gonna male you sum of my sqwerts if you needed help passing yer test.
Yay!! You passed the potty test!! We are so glad you are A OKAY Daisy!!
Your TX furiends,
It's not nice when you have to resit a test Daisy, so we are extra happy that you passed this time.
AWESOME! :DD i'm really glad to hear the good news! you were such a good girl going potty in the special box, it sucks that they had to do what they did. :( you looked so mad in that video.
YAY for everything being ok. :D
Awesome, Daisy! Great news and I hope you are having the most marvelous weekend!
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