Monday Funnies!
ps: Guess what?!? I am on my friend Katie's blog as a fashion icon!!!! Go to her blog Glogirly, Tails of a Cat & Her Girl to see!

Monday Funnies!
Posted by Daisy at 9/12/2011 04:00:00 AM
Labels: malware, Monday comics, Monday funnies
43 Notes for Daisy:
Ohhh Miss Daisy... I can relate, my little brother is very silly too.
We really should run off to some tuna-filled island together...
Hahahahahaha!!!! Mall wear!!!!! That is too funny!! heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Oooh very Punny indeed Harley!!!!! No wonder Daisy rolls her eyes at you :-))))))
Mall Wear-good one Harley. Don't ever go into Walmart!
If you ever haf to go to prison, we know you'll still find the cutest outfits for it!
~Slash & Bronzy
Harley, honey, that's WAL-wear! srsly.
MOL you always get our Monday off to a good start!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Mall wear... scary, isn't it?
Yikes, what scary specimens of humanity! Great comic guys.
Goodness, you two really made our Mom laugh this morning. Good one We will come rescue you Daisy, if you land up in Jail. We will send you a file in some nice tuna. Take care.
Whew, we used to wish we could go to the Mall with Cat Daddy Junior. Now we think it's better we don't! Harley, our lady cats want you to know you sure make a handsome policemancat. They are ready to go if you come arresting them.
Ahahahahahahahahaha!!! We can't imagine you on the People of Walmart, sweets.
EEEEK! Heck, if that is what you are posting, I'm gonna press charges!
lol can't stop laughing my favorite always of the week Sandy
just remember harley that spywear is as bad as mall wear.
You two are hilarious. Daisy, we will never let are favorite little model got to prison for Mall Ware :) Besides, Harley would never let that happen, he would protect you.
As -d ma said..mall wear and mal -ware are pretty much the same. Awful.
Daisy, yoo are far too much of a glamorous fashionista to have mall wear!
Never Ever on you Daisy!!!!
Is this from that silly People Spotted at Walmart site?
Daisy and Harley you two are so funny!
Daisy, how many times has the publicist asked you not to make her laugh so hard when she is drinking her coffee. She splorted it all over the keyboard and monitor.
Good thing I had put down MY coffee when the goat publicist sent me the link to your mall wear problem...
Is there MALL-WEAR Annonymouse?
You kittehz crack us up! xoxo
You are too funny! WE hope you do not have any more mall wear!
Crimes against humanity AND felinity!
Daisy, I know YOU would NEVER wear mall wear!
That is some scary Mall Ware!!! We really hope you never have it on your blog!
Daisy, only you an Harley could turn something unfortunate into something ta make us all smile...
Harley you are the "style police" ! We don't think you'll ever be able to ticket Daisy cause she is the "style master"! :)
the critters in The Cottage
Oh Daisy! You could never look like that in a million years, even if you tried.
Besides you are a fashionista with exquisite taste.
Actually, there is such a thing as the Fashion Police. Maybe Harley should join one of their squads.
That can not be as bad as WALLmart wear. You always see those funny pictures on the internet of Walmart shoppers and think "no that cannot be so"
well, bonkbonk!! Mom says she goes to walmart about once a month or less, but every time she goes to the one in Sterling Virginia, that place is full of LOONS
bonks to you Daisyflower and MancatHarley
Oh Daisy, we know you would never dress in Mallwear. Our mum has had some of those Walmart people emails, and can't believe people would really go out looking like that!
LOL, Harley!! Mall Wear!! I know we never see you wear mall wear...but you are cute in any outfit :-)
Haha! That's a good one Daisy and Harley! It's true, you can see some, um, interesting outfits at the mall.
Daisy, we can't imagine you wearing what you consider to be 'mall wear', ha, ha. You are always very fashionable, in fact. Thanks for the laugh, though, nice play on words!
MOL! Harley, you are so funny!
Ohhhh!!!! We ADORE Glogirly!!!!
Daisy, I have no worries that you'd EVER dress like THAT!!! Not an icon like you. : )
Oh noes! Bad things in ur capooter? I hate when that happens. :)
Mall wear! Ha! Ha!
Harley is the master of "play on words"! We're off to check out your modelling session on your friend's site, Daisy. We're curious about what you'll be wearing!
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