The DANGEROUS part of traveling in my POD is that I might encounter ALIENS from OUTER SPACE! This is why I am ALWAYS alert for DANGER!

If you cannot see the movie, you can click here to see it full-sized on YouTube!

Posted by Daisy at 9/06/2011 04:00:00 AM
Labels: Daisy's movies, Hepper Pod
52 Notes for Daisy:
Oh! Hissing and swatting is not nice! Play nicey!
I think that "alien" thought that was HER pod, Harley! And I think she thought YOU were the alien!
hehehe I like a lot the video.I think that "Alien" wants only to play with you in the Pod!
purrs and love to you all,
Looks like my house every day.
Hey you two-play nice. I thought for sure with that Daisy stare it was gonna be Star Wars 5 or whatever number they are on. As soon as I heard that hiss I was sure fur was gonna fly.
Hmmph! I'm a sleeper, not a fighter.
MOL..Why you run away, Miss Daisy ?
That Alien doesn't look very dangerous to me, Harley. I think you should bring her on board with you. You could double the fun!
Watch your back, Harley - you never know where that Curly Haired Alien might be lurking.
Watching out for aliens is the only sensible thing to do.... Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
That looks just like what would happen in my house! Only Teddy would have jumped on me before I got to run away.
You two do go after each other. Harley, we can see that you have an alien but maybe because you pick on that alien all the time and it is payback time. Have yourselves a terrific week.
Uh oh. That alien does not come in peace! EEK!
Pod Wars is a good name for this post. Sometimes we swat and hiss too.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky (& fosters Jett, Panda, Domino, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, and Marta)
Harley ... yoo can NEBER be too careful where ALIENS are concerned.
Does yoor POD fly?
i think i heard you squeak.
I love how Daisy runs away. I've seen that here at our house so many times!
It is good that you were watching out for the curly haired alien Harley, it didn't look like she came in peace.
Did the alien get you to wake up - no sorry we got that wrong - we meant - did you send the alien back to her home planet.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We can't get over the fact that Harley fits so well in the POD! Tamir has never tried ours and we figured he was too big for it.
PODs are very special and we can see why you two would both want yours!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Maybe you were waving the welcome flag and the alien thought she was invited!
Alien invasion!!! But we think it is a friendly one.
~Slash & Bronzy
Oh-oh! Daisy hissed (and was that her that I heard growl?)
Yes Harley, I think that is what the alien thought...
Youza gotta become a 2-pod family! BunkPods
Daisy has the cutest hiss. Harley, you're sticking your paw right through the side of your pod? Impressive! We have the same pod. We usually take turns without much fighting.
Daisy, we think you were very thorough in letting Harley know how you feel about him being in your pod but do you think he will listen and not use it in the future? As your alien bro, you have to remember he does speak a different language ...Teehee.
the critters in The Cottage
Oh my! You two really do not get on, do you?
hehehe.. nice video..
It's always smart to be on guard
Benny & Lily
Seeing your long long arm coming out to swat was so fun! In this occasion, Daisy was spoiling YOUR good time. Turnabout. xxxoooxxx
Abandon ship!
OMC Harley have you meet a curly Alien ??!!
Fun post!!!!!!!!
Oh Wow! Mes at first thought that Daisy was like me and yous would be cowd and run away so that SHE could has the pod.
BUT yous won! Me had better NOT let that Kozmo see this video....
Oh my gosh your pod is amazing!!! Can your mum tell us where she bought it please?!
We have a Hepperpod just like yours but we never knew it 'grew' arms! And a tail as a rudder, too!
We got ours right from their website, but they are backordered right now, but Teri found this place that has them, on sale even!
"Daisy is clearly the offender in this case, your honor. Someone was mindin' his own business and someone else (who shall remain nameless and hairless) decided to eject him from his POD. Then she hissed and walked away. Shameful behavior. We are trying to have a civilization here Daisy."
She put her ears back and hissed at you!!!!
That had to be an alien wearing a Daisy suit. Daisy would never swat and hiss....or would she?
Well, Harley, if you travel in a pod, you must expect t meet some aliens. We think yours is pretty cute!
Your alien friend is quite quick on her feet. You'd better watch out!
Ha Daisy! We love Harley's space pod!
I see you made that alien run away! You are quite a brave asplorer!
That is one crabilated curly haired alien Harley!
Finally Daisy, you get to ruin Harley's good time :-)
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
It's the curly ones that you've got to watch out for!
Haha! Daisy does look kinda like an alien!!
my goodness Daisy! If looks could kill!
Oh Harley, you crack us up! I thinks you need to offer the "curly-haired alien" some Num-Nums the next time you encounter her...as a peace offering.
Great paw action - and the alien ran away! :O)
Mama said Daisy looked really p*ssed! Emma gets that way with Festus all the time...
Good thing you gots a back door on that thing, Harley! Wow, when Daisy gets all frowney, she frowns all over!
If pods came with that "alien", then we want a pod here, too!
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